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Brit, Russian busted for multi-year overstays


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See post above regarding the criminal nature of visa criminals. Bad money drives out good. Low level high profile petty criminals are an easy mark and getting rid of them improves the quality of our lives Thai or foreigner.

Edited by The manic
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How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif

Police have stop and search powers in most countries, but hey lets make this a bash Thailand thread like 90% on this forum by the likes of yourself,... disaffected, unhappy, self loathing non achievers

Bit past your bed time now. coffee1.gif

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How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif

The police were just doing their job. When they do nothing, they get slagged off and when they do do their job, they get slagged off again.

What's the matter with you? Have you never ran into a random police stop?

It's happened to me twice in Germany and once in Thailand.

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How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif

The police were just doing their job. When they do nothing, they get slagged off and when they do do their job, they get slagged off again.

What's the matter with you? Have you never ran into a random police stop?

It's happened to me twice in Germany and once in Thailand.

Demanding to look at my passport, No.

sad days for Thailand i think.

Thailand has massive problems, over stayers, what a load of Bs.

its just Smoke and Mirrors. real crime keeps on rolling. wai2.gif

Stopped in Germany, how funny. giggle.gif

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How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif

they were breaking the law so they are criminals

they were not tourists

it is not difficult to ensure your documentation is up to date during your stay here; foreign borders and immigration offices are easily accessible.

if foreigners didnt break the law and stay here illegally the police wouldnt need to check documents.

You have a point there but...as I have said before and many agree:

You do not want to be applauding the police and or encouraging them to be arresting foreigners while there are far more serious issues to deal with.

Besides, we all know the police, in most instances, attempt to extort some money from the foreigners rather than simply doing their duty and processing them honesty and with integrity.

Overstay may be a violation of their immigration laws but if you are apprehended then the law enforcement process should not come with the amount of stigma and degree of criminalization that you imply and seemingly support.

Fortunately the Thai authorities have been very forgiving and merciful in the manner they have addressed the over stay issue for the last 40 years.

Lets hope they do not begin persecuting foreigners that could get caught up in any over zealous enthusiasm to arrest foreigners for violations of their immigration laws rather than focus on more important issues.


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Even following the rules 100%, there is never a guarantee when you live in the third world.

Thailand could change the rules any time on any number of rules, thus causing chaos for Thai-foreigner families.

No matter how long you have been in Thailand, if you do not have an exit strategy, you can never bet on the future.

If the US and China come to a head in the South China Sea, Thailand would probably side with China.

Thailand needs your money, not you. If the country ever gets to a point they do not need your money I would say watch out, the rules could change drastically

Just the fact that 2 people in the news get deported is news in itself as Thailand has never made a concerted effort in the deportation of overstay department.

You have to ask yourself why the change of thought after all these years that they would actually seek out over stayers?

One might suspect that budgetary shortfalls are forcing people to look for any possible source of revenues. Loads of overstayers suddenly forced to deal with their large fines would seem to be a pretty good revenue generator. Kind of like cashing in a cache of bonds that have been sitting in a drawer.

Edited by timendres
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How nice and friendly , stop and demand papers buy the police.

This is a win, win, win, for tourism in Thailand.

Go get the real criminals coffee1.gif

they were breaking the law so they are criminals

they were not tourists

it is not difficult to ensure your documentation is up to date during your stay here; foreign borders and immigration offices are easily accessible.

if foreigners didnt break the law and stay here illegally the police wouldnt need to check documents.

You have a point there but...as I have said before and many agree:

You do not want to be applauding the police and or encouraging them to be arresting foreigners while there are far more serious issues to deal with.

Besides, we all know the police, in most instances, attempt to extort some money from the foreigners rather than simply doing their duty and processing them honesty and with integrity.

Overstay may be a violation of their immigration laws but if you are apprehended then the law enforcement process should not come with the amount of stigma and degree of criminalization that you imply and seemingly support.

Fortunately the Thai authorities have been very forgiving and merciful in the manner they have addressed the over stay issue for the last 40 years.

Lets hope they do not begin persecuting foreigners that could get caught up in any over zealous enthusiasm to arrest foreigners for violations of their immigration laws rather than focus on more important issues.


The criminal milieu of which the illegal immigrants,are part of is also where the the terror plots are hatched under the radar. The illegal over stayers should have seen which way the wind was blowing and addressed their problem foe all our sakes. These guys are cowards who would not deal with their problems or much more problematic criminals avoid contact with the law. The police are obviously taking action now to remind people - THEY DO HAVE THE CHOICE TO SUBMIT TO THE AUTHORITIES AND AVOID BEING BANNED FROM THAILAND. So man up guys and do the right thing!

Edited by The manic
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I find the Manic depress[ing]...

I find criminal lowlifes depressing. I find them dull, joyless and mediocre. If anybody can explain to me why I should have any sympathy for over stayers who have been breaking the laws for years without thought then I would be happy to listen but I believe their position and that of their supporters is untenable. I consider this matter closed but hope a big sweep will massively reduce crime and anti social behaviour in Pattaya.

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There is available, lots of free easy to access information about keeping it legal in Thailand. There are also people who post videos on YouTube of how and where to do the Visa run. I have no sympathy for these people, it would seem they believe they are above the law in Thailand. Think again boys think again.

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Mandatory 60days in jail prior to deported. Deadbeats!!

We're guests in Thailand so should respect the laws in their current form and not suggest additional punishments, it's not our place to tell our host country what to do.

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Deportation is better than spending any time in a Thai jail or prison. Of course they may hate going home an awful lot and will miss Thailand. Now, how about in the future if they want to go to Cambodia? Can they still fly into BKK and then catch a flight to Cambodia? i.e. can they transfer through the Thai airports?

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The next 2 - 3 months we will wake up to news like this every week , I actually love every minute of it, if we can remove most of the over-stayers I'm pretty sure the criminal activity among foreigners in Pattaya will start dropping down fast.

Balo, what do you think are the crimes that these 2 visa over staying guys are involved with in Pattaya? What do you think makes daily lives of these two guys different in any Way from your day in Pattaya, or my day?

Just speculate, throw some guesses, will you!

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The criminal milieu of which the illegal immigrants,are part of is also where the the terror plots are hatched under the radar.

What you're saying isn't just unreasonable, it's hysterical hyperbol.

Terorism? lol, 2 guys who over stayed their stamp were arrested, that's all, if anything it shows us that authorities are now conducting random passport checks on the streets, something that's done in totalitarian regimes like Kenya, Somalia, and North Korea.

So while you celebrate arrests and deportation of two foreigners, maybe we should think what our adopted home land is becoming.

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Deportation is better than spending any time in a Thai jail or prison. Of course they may hate going home an awful lot and will miss Thailand. Now, how about in the future if they want to go to Cambodia? Can they still fly into BKK and then catch a flight to Cambodia? i.e. can they transfer through the Thai airports?

If you check on things you will find that you stay in IDC until you can show that you or a friend or someone had paid for your ticket. Thai Immigration doesn't hand you the flight costs, if it takes a few days/weeks to get a ticket you stay banged up for that time, What doesn't help is that you are not allowed a phone so you would have to have someone visit you and help to get the flight arranged.

You can try it and let me know how you enjoyed your free flight. smile.png

If the Immigration dept paid for the flights everyone who wanted a free flight home could overstay and get caught.

Not sure about the transit through Thailand though, that would have to be checked more by someone for the correct answer.

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The criminal milieu of which the illegal immigrants,are part of is also where the the terror plots are hatched under the radar.

What you're saying isn't just unreasonable, it's hysterical hyperbol.

Terorism? lol, 2 guys who over stayed their stamp were arrested, that's all, if anything it shows us that authorities are now conducting random passport checks on the streets, something that's done in totalitarian regimes like Kenya, Somalia, and North Korea.

So while you celebrate arrests and deportation of two foreigners, maybe we should think what our adopted home land is becoming.


They've always checked passports. Why else would they have that rule about carrying it when you're in public? Just for fun?

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I could eventually understand that someone overstays a week or 2... maybe 3... but years!

No compassion with such people.

i once had an overstay of 18 months.

It was precipitated by an error by the canadian embassy in issuing me a new passport. there was something wrong with my photo, passport was sent back to bangkok and nobody alerted me.

i went to pick up my passport only to find it had not been processed.

i rectified the issue and it was sent off again for processing. by the time it returned i was 4 week overstay.

once i had reached the 20k ceiling it didnt seem urgent, i had some business issues and a kid in school, it just kept getting delayed.

i finally sorted it when i cold not replace a lost atm card.

stuff happens, i dont judge.

it became a limitation, and i dealt with it.

people overstay for various issues and at the time it was acceptable, now that climate has changed and i wouldn't be in that position again.

Edited by HooHaa
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Yeah myself and some other Brits had the same issue, back when the UK had their 'passport crisis', was all over the news for a while. Renewals took months and months, they had a huge backlog.

We got caught up in that and by the time our renewal were processed, it was at the 20k point.

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Good. Throw them out. They are so stupid. Getting a visa is so easy and not expensive.

Not that easy if your under 50 and single

The Elite visa option is easily available to single people under 50, but it certainly isnt cheap when compared to the 1900B I pay each year for my retirement extension.

If Thailand offered a rolling monthly visa at a cheap price in the way that Cambodia does (around 800B/month last time I looked) then there would be far fewer excuses for overstaying. But I get the impression that Thailand simply does not want younger single people with no obvious means of support staying here for a long time.

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The criminal milieu of which the illegal immigrants,are part of is also where the the terror plots are hatched under the radar.

What you're saying isn't just unreasonable, it's hysterical hyperbol.

Terorism? lol, 2 guys who over stayed their stamp were arrested, that's all, if anything it shows us that authorities are now conducting random passport checks on the streets, something that's done in totalitarian regimes like Kenya, Somalia, and North Korea.

So while you celebrate arrests and deportation of two foreigners, maybe we should think what our adopted home land is becoming.


They've always checked passports. Why else would they have that rule about carrying it when you're in public? Just for fun?

Pay attention: there is no law requiring you to carry your passport in public.

Now, write it 100 times, until it sinks into that smooth brain, and creates a tiny wrinkle.

You are required to present your passport within a reasonable time. The coppers MAY accompany you to its place of safekeeping, or ask you to show up at their station/cardroom with it, but, as per usual, they can also bend the rules. But you cannot be charged with failing to carry your passport.


Who said you would be charged for it?

Your desire for pedantry aside, the point here is that your passport should be available for them to check. Because they check passports.

Try to stick with the points people are actually making, rather than steam in when you think you've spotted an opportunity for some patronising forum one-upmanship.

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We need to start doing the same in the states! Hopefully, we'll close the borders and start picking up the illegals one by one.

No need for mass deportation just prevent them from working. That will get many to leave voluntarily!

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The next 2 - 3 months we will wake up to news like this every week , I actually love every minute of it, if we can remove most of the over-stayers I'm pretty sure the criminal activity among foreigners in Pattaya will start dropping down fast.

Balo, what do you think are the crimes that these 2 visa over staying guys are involved with in Pattaya? What do you think makes daily lives of these two guys different in any Way from your day in Pattaya, or my day?

Just speculate, throw some guesses, will you!

Same as 2+2 = 4 and not 5.

Yes , I am sure some of the over-stayers are honest , hard working people , and maybe just forgot to renew their visa even if it expired more than a year ago , but the big majority is not in that category. It's not so hard to understand is it?

Edited by balo
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No excuses really , bad luck guys but you ruin it for everyone

What is ruined? And for everyone? How does this affect in any way at all?

Not a thing has changed for me. I'm curious what got ruined for you, please tell!

The sense of trust got ruined. The respect got ruined. The affection got ruined. Repeated bad behaviour and criminal behaviour has let to a worse situation for us all.

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