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how to make an electrolyte drink for exercise


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If you feel the need buy some re-hydration sachets from the local pharmacy - mix with water according to the instruction and drink !

All pre-measured balanced and containing all the electrolytes needed.

Those are the ones i was talking about, before I bought them at the Makro pharmacy in bulk. (now I dont use them anymore)

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+1 - all the 7 elevens have them...though at Macro will cost less as yo ucan get them in bulk.

Coconut water is indeed an excellent fluid/electrolyte replacer but not as convenient to buy, carry home and store. The sachets are easy to carry with you too if going to a gym. Then just mix in a water bottle.

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Put coconut water from coconuts in jar and let sit for a few days and it becomes coconut kiefer that is and amazing electrolyte and the fermenting turns the sugar into powerful probiotic so there is no sugar . To make it even more potent when you put the water in a jar add a little probiotic started powder . After a few days sitting then put in fridge and you have a simply brilliant after workout drink . Klong Toey sells large fresh coconuts with 10 in a bag for 190 baht . I go through about 20 a week and use the meat scooped out and frozen as and ingredient for green smoothie so whole coconut gets used .

Secrets for Making The Perfect Batch of Young Coconut


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  • 2 weeks later...

You really don't need starter powder . Just putting coconut water in jar for a couple of days it ferments with the sugar in the water and then you have powerful drink without the sugar since is been converted . After the water sits 2-3 days in jar refrigerate . I get 20 coconuts drain the water and put in big jar 3 days and then refrigerate . This way after I run I have a tall glass ( 3 fermented bubbly coconuts worth of water with 2 scoops of protien powder in it daily .

You can buy starter powder at drug store or put a couple of probiotic tablets in water when you make it but just coconut water in a jar left in room for 2-3 days does the trick . At Klong Toey market bag of 10 fresh large coconuts is 190 Bhat this week . After you drain coconuts of water cut shells in half and scoop meat out and freeze as and ingredient in smoothies if you have blender . Don't blend coconut water you ferment though as the speed of blender creates fiction and heat and this kills the good bacteria your fermenting makes .



Edited by Lumbini
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