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Overstay 1,5 years

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Good to see the riff raff creeping out of the woodwork all of a sudden.

Immigration seem to be doing something right at last.

Oh yes, you so high and mighty so n so A guy staying to take care of his sick child is most definitely riff raff. He should be lumped in with the sex tourists and others here, publicly flogged and deported!

I was in a similar circumstance 2 1/2 years ago when my son was born and immediately transferred to ICU. It wasn't by choice that I overstayed, it was simply that my love for my son (as appears to be the case above) far outweighed the need to adhere to the laws. After my son was released and had made a full recovery and received a final clearance from the treating doctors (9 months later), I went through immigration showing them the documentation of my son's illness. They were more concerned about him than my overstay. Paid the fine came back 3 days later.

I highly recommend the guy above do the same, as although immigration are strict, they too are human and have compassion.... unlike many of the so called "civilized" westerners who post their vitriolic "anti-everyone except them and their hangers-on and the p!ss-poor countries they come from is DA-best" crud here!

Pity the high and mighty self righteous wouldn't crawl INTO the woodwork...right before it is burnt to ashes

Okay, rant over. Apologies to those who don't fit the category

with all due respect what you claim is nonsense. It was your choice to overstay. You had the option of paying to extend your stay legally. The reason behind your decision to break the law is irrelevant.

Irrelevant to you perhaps.. as I replied elsewhere

"Yes, hindsight is a great thing. but once I had made the decision to overstay to be with my boy, I'll admit I was scared to bite the bullet and maybe not be allowed back in to be with him while he recovered from all the procedures he underwent. I don't deny anywhere that it was anyone's but my own choice and fault. I made the decision and paid for it. I pray no-one else has to be in the same situation but will say, if I could go back in time, I would do exactly the same thing under those circumstances."

Some people never learn.rolleyes.gif

Edited by Eclipse
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Guys thanks so much for your help and advises. I gonna book ticket and go back. So finally I know that all gonna be ok. Thanks

Lilly good to see you are doing clever thing. Could you possibly post your experience with immigration after you have cleared. Hopefully very easy process and may encourage others to sort out overstay. Good luck.

It's an easy process now!! Everyone on a long overstay - should beat feet and fly out immediately!!!! Getting any type of visa to return is not a problem either...

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