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Anger as Iran tests two more ballistic missiles 'capable of hitting Israel'


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Anger as Iran tests two more ballistic missiles 'capable of hitting Israel'
By Seamus Kearney


"I want to reiterate what I know people still doubt here: if in fact they break the deal, we will act"

PARIS: -- Just two months after signing an historic nuclear deal with the West, Iran has tested a further two ballistic missiles it says are designed to be able to hit Israel.

Similar tests on Tuesday triggered warnings of new sanctions from the US, whose Vice President is currently visiting Israel.

An Iranian Army Brigadier is quoted by Iranian news agencies as saying the missiles were designed to have a striking range of 2,000 kilometres to be able to hit what he called “the Zionist regime” from a safe distance.

Joe Biden, the US Vice President, told a news conference in Jerusalem: “We are united in the belief that a nuclear armed Iran is absolutely an unacceptable threat to Israel to the region and to the United States.

“And I want to reiterate what I know people still doubt here: if in fact they break the deal, we will act.”

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps maintains its short and medium-range missiles are for defence reasons only and carry conventional, non-nuclear warheads.

Iranian agencies report the missiles tested were stamped with the phrase “Israel should be wiped from the pages of history”.

The Israeli Defence Minister says it confirms that some in the West have been misled by what he calls the “honeyed” words of part of the Iranian leadership.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-10
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Iran.... the next N. Korea... anger? why? was it even for one moment that anyone in the world thought that Iran

will behave itself and stick to the agreement? yes, only fools and horses...

Iran will do what Iran want to do seeing the piss weak US administration and it's Arab loving president being

hapless and impotent at being what the US should be.....

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Not mentioned (of course) is that Iran wrote on the missiles "Israel Must Be Wiped Out". LINK

The Muslim terrorist bastards. Obama's buddies. The people he made this "deal" with. The ones the liberal progressives apologize for.

No wonder American's are pissed off.

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It;s almost as if a higher power is punishing the loony left's 8 year shake hands and smile at your enemy and he will start to respect you. Look at NK and Iran, did smiling, singing Kumbaya and holding hands achieve anything? Yes, it made NK and Iran nuclear superpowers ready to blackmail the world. Nice! This plays into Donalds capable hands. Time for change.

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The Iran agreement...from the outset...defied reason...

I can not believe that Obama and Kerry were either that naive or that stupid...

So, I must conclude they went forward with the lifting of sanctions for some as yet undiscovered sinister motive...

The world is being run by corrupt evil demagogues...

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Not mentioned (of course) is that Iran wrote on the missiles "Israel Must Be Wiped Out". LINK

The Muslim terrorist bastards. Obama's buddies. The people he made this "deal" with. The ones the liberal progressives apologize for.

No wonder American's are pissed off.

Can you provide a clear picture with the threat to Israel text on those middle range ballistic missiles ?

Looks like a new media hoax to me as it's been reported through Twitter and Facebook lookalikes...

Cheers !

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Why shouldn't Iran have nukes?

If they do have them they can retaliate if Israel make use of their nukes, that's just following the same principles of checks and balance that's between US and Russia, India and Pakistan and so on. If someone say that Iran should not have nukes because they have religious, extreme leaders then the same goes for Israel and US (especially if Trump become president!

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Not mentioned (of course) is that Iran wrote on the missiles "Israel Must Be Wiped Out". LINK

The Muslim terrorist bastards. Obama's buddies. The people he made this "deal" with. The ones the liberal progressives apologize for.

No wonder American's are pissed off.

Can you provide a clear picture with the threat to Israel text on those middle range ballistic missiles ?

Looks like a new media hoax to me as it's been reported through Twitter and Facebook lookalikes...

Cheers !

Here's a clear picture. You have to squint to see the words in Farsi.thumbsup.gif


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What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

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What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

Well just look at how many countries Iran invaded in the last few decades compared to USA/Europe.

How many extra judicial killings/operation by their secret services outside of their borders?

How many land stealing by Iran?

How many drone bombings Israel and USA has done compared to Iran?

How many american bases around Iran ?


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What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

I'm starting to believe the reason Hillary is not already in jail is to distract the American public for calling for Obama's impeachment and arrest for treason.

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What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

Yes the whole premise that Iran could be reasoned with was utterly preposterous. This makes fertile ground for conspiracy theories. It is obvious to all that whatever Iran does Obama will pretend it didn't matter. I'm therefore suspecting the whole farcical deal was designed to give Israel and Saudi Arabia a Cassus belli to deal with Iran themselves. Once the dust settles in Syria and Yemen Iran will be next.
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Why shouldn't Iran have nukes?

If they do have them they can retaliate if Israel make use of their nukes, that's just following the same principles of checks and balance that's between US and Russia, India and Pakistan and so on. If someone say that Iran should not have nukes because they have religious, extreme leaders then the same goes for Israel and US (especially if Trump become president!

Israel having nukes is a non-issue.

I have never heard of Iran saying "Israel has them so we want them! We need checks and balances!!".

I have never heard of any of Israel's neighbors afraid of being nuked by Israel.

I HAVE read where Saudi Arabia gave Israel flyover rights if and when they needed to bomb any Iranian nuclear facilities.

If any one country on the planet should have nukes, it should be Israel. Never in the history of the world have so few (8 million) on a tiny, tiny piece of land been surrounded by so many (400 million) across a massive region who want them all dead.

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How many thousands of Israeli missiles are capable of hitting Iran... just wondering.

Spot on.


How many times have Israeli leaders said they wanted to wipe Tehran off the map?

NONE. At worst they have said they want to destroy IRAN'S ILLEGAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.

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What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

Well just look at how many countries Iran invaded in the last few decades compared to USA/Europe.

How many extra judicial killings/operation by their secret services outside of their borders?

How many land stealing by Iran?

How many drone bombings Israel and USA has done compared to Iran?

How many american bases around Iran ?


I'm going to add you to my 'ignore' list. That means I will no longer respond to any of your baiting, poorly written and worded posts.

Just one last word of advice. Before you post ridiculous maps you should also find out what the DOD considers to be a military post.

Good luck holding France together. The US can manage very well without you.

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What I still have trouble wrapping my head around is why anybody thought they could believe Iran in the first place.

Sure, Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran and obviously still holds strong ties to her nation of birth but why did Kerry fall for it, hook, line and sinker? Old Val controls Obama so that part is understandable.

But, never mind. The "treaty that isn't a treaty" has never even been signed by Iran.

There is no agreement but the sanctions are gone, never to be replaced or enforced. Iran has their $150 Billion and Hamas and Hezbollah are funded again.

The toothless tiger in the White House strikes again as Iran continues forward with their nuke campaign.

Well just look at how many countries Iran invaded in the last few decades compared to USA/Europe.

How many extra judicial killings/operation by their secret services outside of their borders?

How many land stealing by Iran?

How many drone bombings Israel and USA has done compared to Iran?

How many american bases around Iran ?


I'm going to add you to my 'ignore' list. That means I will no longer respond to any of your baiting, poorly written and worded posts.

Just one last word of advice. Before you post ridiculous maps you should also find out what the DOD considers to be a military post.

Good luck holding France together. The US can manage very well without you.

Good, You re the one taking "the french way" with me...perfect...

And my map is quite disturbing for your crap...and is accurate, like it or not.

About my wording : at least i can speak foreign language.

As you said in another topic :

if you say crap, why can't we?

Apparently usa can do well without you,living in thailand as the american dream probably was not for you...

Let see how USA handle the next Trump...I am sure you will come back crying...

I will think of it next time i enjoy free health care...

I will not put you on my ignore list : i enjoy your poor answers

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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How many thousands of Israeli missiles are capable of hitting Iran... just wondering.

Spot on.


How many times have Israeli leaders said they wanted to wipe Tehran off the map?

NONE. At worst they have said they want to destroy IRAN'S ILLEGAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM.

Yeah we all know Israel is quite on the spot about nuclear program....

And the one in Iran has never been proven right...

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How many times have Israeli leaders said they wanted to wipe Tehran off the map?


Coincidentally, "none" is also the number of times that iranian leaders said they wanted to wipe Israel off the map.

The full quote translated directly to English:

“The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”.

Word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

Here is the full transcript of the speech in farsi, archived on Ahmadinejad’s web site



Do yourselves a favor and use legitimate translations and not those provided by the IDF. thumbsup.gif

It makes you look even more foolish than usual.

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No need to fret, the Iranians are soon going to be under new management. I enclose the following link solely to show the number of Iranian generals and Hezbollah commanders who have met untimely deaths recently.


This was written in October last year. Since then Soleimani, the head of the IRGC has also been killed, but the Iranians are trying to do their own version of Weekend at Bernies to disguise the fact. No prizes for guessing who was responsible for their deaths and why their deaths occurred. The only answer that makes any sense is regime change in Iran.

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Not mentioned (of course) is that Iran wrote on the missiles "Israel Must Be Wiped Out". LINK

The Muslim terrorist bastards. Obama's buddies. The people he made this "deal" with. The ones the liberal progressives apologize for.

No wonder American's are pissed off.

So you did not read the OP.

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Why shouldn't Iran have nukes?

Because Iran is a rogue country run by Islamic terrorists who sponsor terror against innocents all over the world.

Same can be said for Israel too. A rogue state acts against UN. Killing people, stealinf land, using weapons banned by UN etc etc.

If israel has the right to have long range missles to hit iran, then iran has the right to have the same. Why this is so strange I dont know. iran did not attack any other country or kill people for decades but israel?

They have to ban all long range missles in middle east and all nukes around the world.

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