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Germany Gives $45m Grant for Development

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Khmer Times/Sum Manet

Germany has given a grant to Cambodia worth $45.7 million to promote economic and social development in three ways.

Three agreements were signed yesterday by Keat Chhon, first vice-chairman of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, and Joachim Baron von Marschall, the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The first agreement focuses on financial cooperation in 2015-2016, with $22.2 million going to support the implementation of projects to improve rural infrastructure and health, among others. The second will see $16 million used to support decentralization and administrative reform, a social health project, identification of poor households and regional economic development. The third agreement will see $5.26 million used for a project on multi-sectorial food and nutrition security.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22537/germany-gives--45m-grant-for-development/

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