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US: Pro-gun activist is accidentally shot by 4-year-old son


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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

If more 4 year olds were driving cars and killing people you sure as hell would hear about restricting access.

You are really scraping the bottom of barrel here..... Lol

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...


No one is supporting gun violence in the US. What they are supporting is the right to have the means to protect themselves against the very bad people that want to hurt them.

No amount of gun laws will stop the bad people obtaining guns.

That is a ridiculous and utterly wrong statement!

This weekend marks the 20th anniversary of the "Dunblane Massacre" where a lone gunman opened up with a number of handguns in a Scottish primary school killing many. The outrage at this attack bought about the legislation that banned the ownership of all handguns (some small calibre rifles and sporting guns are permitted but under strict licence). These are amongst the most stringent gun laws in the world but they are very, very effective. Criminals found in possession of a working firearm face a possible life sentence.

As a result, crimes involving firearms are uncommon to the point where even the discharge of a gun in a public place gets a mention on national news.

The poor old USA has a long way to go before it learns this lesson.

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Before driving a car everyone has to go through a rather arduous process before possibly getting a driving license. One would think that at a minimum something similar should be applied to something that can be used to blow children's brains out.

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What a moron. Yet for us who keep are guns in a locked place with trigger locks as well......are banded as the same as this idiot........Im all for background searches and shutting down the travelling <deleted> shows that sell weapons without these. I have owned guns since I was a kid and have guns that have been in my family for well over 100 years. To date I have only shot one person........

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Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

If you read the article then you'd know she wasn't an idiot:

Authorities said the firearm was legally owned by Gilt, who maintained a Facebook page entitled "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense," where she regularly posted pro-gun positions. On her personal Facebook page, Gilt once bragged about her son: "Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22."

She advocated gun sense, so was clearly a sensible person.

So now sensible people are included in the group who is to blame. Anyone left? Maybe just the 'slighly loopy' should have guns.

I'm a Brit and slightly (could be more) loopy and you know our feelings on guns.

I'd sleep with a hand gun under my pillow if the law allowed.

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"Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense,"!!!!!!

Yet she leaves a loaded handgun in the back of her car where her 4 year old son can play with it.

How can any sane person think that is "gun sense?"

This poor child will have to live with the guilt of shooting his mum for the rest of his life; but it could have been much worse.

He not only could have killed her instead of just wounding her; he could just as easily have fired out of the window, wounding or even killing some innocent passersby.

If you Americans must have your guns, at least keep them well away from children.

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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

39 post for someone to call it the way it is. +1thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Strange I thought we had to have a permit to drive a car.

In some countries after a certain age tou have to past tests again, doctors can forbid you to drive.

When you drive a car you follow the rules, right? I mean i could drive at 200km/hour because i am super good, but because this man killed a baby now i have to follow the rules....

Now they make stricter rules because of alcohol, power engine, new evidences of dangerous roads... so you follow these rules right? So why not regulate more strictly the guns? Why the second hand market is not regulated in most of the countries? Why do they allow kids to learn how to shoot when they are 4, or 12, or 15? You won'think it is safe to let them drive, right?

Cars are designed to drive you from a point to another... the sole purpose of guns is to maim or kill

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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

From Jacksonville.com

“There was a booster seat in the back of the vehicle, but however the boy was not strapped in when the deputy got to them,” Wells (of Putnam County Sheriff’s Office) said.

He said investigators are trying to determine whether the child was fastened to the booster seat at the time of the shooting

From a different article on the same site

Wells said Gilt could face a first-degree misdemeanor charge if it’s determined she left the gun in a place where her son had easy access to it.

Other reports say that Child Services are also investigating.

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If you Americans must have your guns, at least keep them well away from children.

That is the law and she broke it.

As hardly a week goes by without yet another report from America of a child getting hold of a gun and either accidently shooting someone or going on a shooting spree to deliberately maim and kill innocent people; it seems that is a law very few Americans take any notice of!

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Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

If you read the article then you'd know she wasn't an idiot:

Authorities said the firearm was legally owned by Gilt, who maintained a Facebook page entitled "Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense," where she regularly posted pro-gun positions. On her personal Facebook page, Gilt once bragged about her son: "Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22."

She advocated gun sense, so was clearly a sensible person.

So now sensible people are included in the group who is to blame. Anyone left? Maybe just the 'slighly loopy' should have guns.

Nope... An idiot, I'm afraid.... And yes, I did read the accompanying link.

The four year old had a loaded .45 in the back seat...,and shot her!

I really don't think that shows a lot of gun sense.... And I would expect the police will charge her for a gun related crime, too.

Also of note... Her posts have been taken down..., so maybe she's not to stupid to be embarrassed about it all.

If not for such a serious injury, it would be funny.... And if the kid missed, would we know about it?

Extrapolate that... And how often does this type of thing happen?

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...


No one is supporting gun violence in the US. What they are supporting is the right to have the means to protect themselves against the very bad people that want to hurt them.

No amount of gun laws will stop the bad people obtaining guns.

Denying and decrying gun violence, whilst using it as the very argument to preserve their rights to own firearms, would perhaps be a more accurate statement.... No?

But as I have said before... American internal problems are theirs to sort out, not ours.

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Yep. Make sure your revolver is loaded, cocked and accessible by your children of all ages. Now you are perfectly safe from intruders, and even your 4 year old can shoot them dead. Yep.

Not knowing... How much force is required to cock a .45?

Curiosity aroused by your assertion about the gun being pre cocked.

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Just because that you might have a license to carry a gun in The US does not mean that you have the smarts to know about gun safety.

You do not need a license to carry firearms in a good number of states.

While you do need a permit for concealed carry in Florida, they are laughably easy to obtain.

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Yep. Make sure your revolver is loaded, cocked and accessible by your children of all ages. Now you are perfectly safe from intruders, and even your 4 year old can shoot them dead. Yep.

Not knowing... How much force is required to cock a .45?

Curiosity aroused by your assertion about the gun being pre cocked.

I am not a firearms expert but no modern handgun that I am aware of needs to be cocked. You just need to pull the trigger.

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This old chestnut again

"The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them."

Idiots indeed so why would you give them access to guns in the first place?

Those who are pro guns will always make excuses for the overwhelming amount of gun violence in the US. We can all come up with examples for whatever argument we are trying to promote. The reality is the USA will continue it's gun obsession no matter how many young and innocent people are killed.

Idiots? You decide...


No one is supporting gun violence in the US. What they are supporting is the right to have the means to protect themselves against the very bad people that want to hurt them.

No amount of gun laws will stop the bad people obtaining guns.

Denying and decrying gun violence, whilst using it as the very argument to preserve their rights to own firearms, would perhaps be a more accurate statement.... No?

But as I have said before... American internal problems are theirs to sort out, not ours.

You know, it is very possible to believe in the right to firearm ownership, yet also believe in gun control and laws regulating the sale, transfer, and possession of these weapons. This is is not an all or nothing thing. I can see why you might think such, but the vast majority of Americans would like to see tighter gun laws. This however does not extend to prohibiting gun ownership (nor should it).

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Okay, besides all the argument, others already threw at you (driving license, driving tests, strict laws on driving etc.)

I will give you another and very simple reason, why your argument is total BS:

Car = main objective: driving around from A to B, maybe transporting stuff, people...

Gun= main objective: shoot or kill someone

It's not that hard, really!

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The guys a prize idiot for leaving a loaded gun where a 4 year old could access it, Guns are not to blame only the idiots with them.

Exactly. That's why access to them have to be strictly controlled.

Cars kill far more people than guns, and NO ONE ( that I've heard of ) is advocating that access to cars be strictly controlled.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than guns, but it's not strictly controlled.

Okay, besides all the argument, others already threw at you (driving license, driving tests, strict laws on driving etc.)

I will give you another and very simple reason, why your argument is total BS:

Car = main objective: driving around from A to B, maybe transporting stuff, people...

Gun= main objective: shoot or kill someone

It's not that hard, really!

While I am not defending anything the poster you are replying to stated (and while I don't disagree with what you said)...... The legal reality is more complicated.

The right to own firearms is written into our Constitution. While there are obviously limits to any constitutional amendment, it is a political nightmare trying to decide exactly what those limits should be. And for many Americans, there is a deeply help belief that access to cars should indeed be more restrictive than firearms (which is deeply embarrassing).

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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

I was wondering this. I assume she will be charged with a fairly serious offence? The fact that she was the one shot should be irrelevant. What if it hit someone else?

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In many places, she would be charged with child neglect or child endangerment. At a minimum, the child should be removed from her custody pending a very thorough investigation about her parenting skills.

I wonder if the child was in a child restraint seat?

I was wondering this. I assume she will be charged with a fairly serious offence? The fact that she was the one shot should be irrelevant. What if it hit someone else?

nay. a pro gun supporter judge might release her with minor offences.

Edited by Galactus
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