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Ex-DSI chief Tarit has amassed 346 million baht in ill-gotten wealth


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He didnt get that sort of wealth by himself...

Now they have to find all the rats that are probably scrambling in panic now

Just hope that this ill-gotten wealth is not linked to any top officials in the RTP or the RTA that will certainly result in a quick impasse and case closed or Tarit in some grave mortal danger.

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You know what this country needs? Accountants.

it needs peole in power that will go after these scum

i read many times "the General is going after the mafia and corrupt scumbags..." (that's 1/3rd of Thai population... lol).

But WHO is actually checking him ??? coffee1.gif

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Funny story. They state that he has ill gotten gain of another 200 and some million baht but they do not know where it is. I looked at his picture above and his facial expression seems to say "catch me if you can" or I did it because "I can" take your choice. The usual ending is he does no jail time just another display in the museum of corruption. I am curious when your on display in the museum of corruption is there a bronze plaque there stating how many years in jail you received if not not it becomes a hall of corruption glorification.

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I'd like to pose a question.... Is there any part of Thailand's





Etc...that is not riddled with corruption from ars***hole to breakfast?

I've yet to hear of one... !

Thai culture isn't going to change...ever

No one will accept any consequences for their actions...

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How much he paid pribe that they could not trace 260 Mill THB ??


LOS !!

In 1 year we will read;

The same story about the 7 man committee of NACC

They got unusual reach,

but no trace was found where the money went,

so nothing could be confiscated !!

When the money went to this relatives and company,

confiscate everything from than,

and you will get the trace " free of charge ""

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Thai editorial: Strong bureaucracy IMPORTANT TO POLITICS

By editor on 2015-04-27

Tarit is a sad reflection of what has gone wrong in the bureaucracy. He pulled no punches against the red shirts when the Democrats were in power, spearheading the crackdown on “terrorists”. Videos of him denouncing the red shirts’ activities went viral after he made a dramatic u-turn when the Pheu Thai Party came to power. From a man who hunted down red-shirted “terrorists”, he became the man leading the hunt for the “hunters” of the red shirts​.

It seems he is a chameleon.

I prefer snake.

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We can say multi million of scandals happens in Thailand, and few millions found back. tongue.pngtongue.png

But still showing corrption index is low in Thailand. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

55,that's because this is the tip of the iceberg.Remember Swampy,it was reported that every contract to do with that job had the cream taken of the top.

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You know what this country needs? Accountants.

Accountants, you mean figure fiddlers, the greatest rogues ever to draw breath.

No, he meant accountants, which was quite funny as originally intended. Truth, when well presented, often is. Canuck aptly pointed out the oft overlooked fact that in government, as in business, accountants are the de facto "Canaries in the Coal Mine." Now, any one of the links in the chain in reportage that follow the canaries could prove detrimental to a given situation's rectification, I'll give you that. And as you indirectly pointed out, Artisi, it paradoxically requires little to silence a significant percentage of canaries, especially here. And to silence my critics, I am aware that the portrayal of canaries singing, rather than dying in warning constitutes an egregious violation of analogical usage, as well as a misrepresentation of the fate that generally awaits them in the murky depths of actual coal mines. As a concession, I refrained from harming any canaries in any way during the manufacture of this response.

Edited by Songlaw
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Thai editorial: Strong bureaucracy IMPORTANT TO POLITICS

By editor on 2015-04-27

Tarit is a sad reflection of what has gone wrong in the bureaucracy. He pulled no punches against the red shirts when the Democrats were in power, spearheading the crackdown on “terrorists”. Videos of him denouncing the red shirts’ activities went viral after he made a dramatic u-turn when the Pheu Thai Party came to power. From a man who hunted down red-shirted “terrorists”, he became the man leading the hunt for the “hunters” of the red shirts​.

It seems he is a chameleon.

don't you mean comedian?

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Thai editorial: Strong bureaucracy IMPORTANT TO POLITICS

By editor on 2015-04-27

Tarit is a sad reflection of what has gone wrong in the bureaucracy. He pulled no punches against the red shirts when the Democrats were in power, spearheading the crackdown on “terrorists”. Videos of him denouncing the red shirts’ activities went viral after he made a dramatic u-turn when the Pheu Thai Party came to power. From a man who hunted down red-shirted “terrorists”, he became the man leading the hunt for the “hunters” of the red shirts​.

It seems he is a chameleon.

More a turncoat I would say.

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Thai editorial: Strong bureaucracy IMPORTANT TO POLITICS

By editor on 2015-04-27

Tarit is a sad reflection of what has gone wrong in the bureaucracy. He pulled no punches against the red shirts when the Democrats were in power, spearheading the crackdown on terrorists. Videos of him denouncing the red shirts activities went viral after he made a dramatic u-turn when the Pheu Thai Party came to power. From a man who hunted down red-shirted terrorists, he became the man leading the hunt for the hunters of the red shirts​.

It seems he is a chameleon.

More a turncoat I would say.

More your typical corrupt civil servant like so many others that are not caught because they on the right side.

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It's the way of life in Thailand and everyone accepts it.

The Thai attitude is 'Wish it was me'.

A black economy cripples a nation's legal economy and puts workers at risk as well as reducing the standard of living of the working population.

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This guy changes colour more than a chameleon. His loyalties lie with whoever is in power.

I remember he cut red shirt political cases from 281 cases to just 4 in 3 years under Abhisit. Then when the opposition came to power he chose to drop yinglucks asset concealment case.

Of course those with the chip on their back will label this as the poor old "other side" being picked on again because it suits their agenda. Never mind the facts that he was Ahbisits right hand man as well.

Glad to see he is being held accountable.

Edited by djjamie
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what a joke, they found even not 100 Million,

this are the actually police chiefs in thailand and they are 5 times more richer than the former DSI chief

Assistant national police chief Jakthip Chaijinda has B97.4 million in assets and his wife has B870.9 million in assets.

With B6.3 million worth of debts, the list showed the couple have a net worth of B962 million.

National police chief Somyot Pumpunmuang and his wife have assets totalling B246.4 million and B128.2 million respectively. Their net worth after debts of B18.8 million is B355.8 million.

- See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/pm-prayuth-can-justify-personal-wealth-49445.php#sthash.GlE3jALh.dpuf

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Thing is Tarit has good connections knows how to play his cards right, that is why he was able to keep his position under the DEM and PT administrations. He is not really align to any party in particular, its more like what he can do for them due to his connection and influence.

People like him are like the untouchables until someone with bigger authority such as the army stepping in to curb corruption. 200 million is probably just a small portion of what he really owns. Many of the influential politicians like Barnharn, Thaksin have shell accounts overseas, so it won't be suprising if they do find a shell account for Tarit.

The patronage system is very much alive and well in Thailand and Tarit's appointment under the DP clearly indicates that he had powerful support that was not coming from Thaksin. There has been a big shake up in that system since the coup with allegiances being realigned hence some big names being hung out to dry, quite literally in at least one case.

Correct, and the fact that after Yingluck took office, Tarit still held his position due to his good relations with the Shinawatra family too shows how good of a connection he had right after serving under the DEMs

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You cant knock someone for being a good saver or helping out his nephew with a few baht probably to get a new motorbike but NACC being unable to trace 256million Baht I take that with a pinch of salt I lost 700 pounds in my bank account one time and my bank found the money in a few days without any problems, surely large sums of money 256m Baht are even easier to trace in the banking system have they had a look in Mr Tarits dining room in some bin liners possibly, but as he is a member of the Thai elite he will have no concerns regarding a prison term as he will have plenty money to pay his way out of that, In the UK the banks have to inform HMRC if a deposit is made above 10k pounds this would help over here if large amounts going into any individuals bank account started to ring alarm bells for Thai Tax man to investigate and hold his honest hand out for his share.

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Wow, who would have thought? whistling.gif

How about IMMEDIATELY freezing all his assets pending further investigation? Follow the money trail!

Or would a warning of further action just allow him to transfer vast amounts of wealth to other countries?

Anyone want to guess what course of action may now ensue? Not a tough question! coffee1.gif

Okay Mr Police General - here is one of the top "mafia" for you and what are you going to do? "Gum" him to death along with all other mafia? History will tell us.

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I posted several years ago......check his bank accounts, it was written all over this vile man who was bought and paid for. A pillar of ................................ oh and who appointed him DSI chief I wonder, rotten to the core, I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very long time along with his cohorts

With a further 256 million floating around, i doubt he will do a day in jail.

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I posted several years ago......check his bank accounts, it was written all over this vile man who was bought and paid for. A pillar of ................................ oh and who appointed him DSI chief I wonder, rotten to the core, I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very long time along with his cohorts

Hopefully sharing that cell with his partner in crime, probably in so many ways,, Chalerm.

Love to see Suthep in the same cell................what mates they would make .

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I posted several years ago......check his bank accounts, it was written all over this vile man who was bought and paid for. A pillar of ................................ oh and who appointed him DSI chief I wonder, rotten to the core, I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very long time along with his cohorts

Hopefully sharing that cell with his partner in crime, probably in so many ways,, Chalerm.

Love to see Suthep in the same cell................what mates they would make .

It seems everybody here has lost every hope to see Thaksin doing time...

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Did anyone ever investigate how Prayut managed to amass 600 million THB in wealth by the time he retired from his 1.5M THB a year military gig ? Must have been an awesome investor whistling.gif

It's only corruption if the wrong people are doing it.


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I posted several years ago......check his bank accounts, it was written all over this vile man who was bought and paid for. A pillar of ................................ oh and who appointed him DSI chief I wonder, rotten to the core, I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very long time along with his cohorts

That wont happen, The missing 256 million baht will take care of that,, !!

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You'd think our outspoken democracy advocates would be harshest in their criticism of the man who allowed one of the independent powers to be suborned, thus weakening Thai democracy, such as it was. Instead they claim political motivation, even though his abuse of office was blatant, and try to divert the subject. OTOH they do seem to accept this criminal as one of their own, probably more to do with his criminality rather than political affiliation.

It would seem they passed Democracy 101 - Elections with flying colours, and never bothered with the other 20 units in the course.

Dear Halloween.

I have urged you before to pay attention and I feel I need to repeat that request as you seem to be easily distracted. None of the many posters on TVF who defend democracy have any sympathy for this character. We are merely pointing out for those posters who are easily mislead (like your good self) that this doesn't mean they are really serious about rooting out corruption. As long as they're refusing anyone to take a closer look at their own finances the whole thing is just so much window dressing.

I didn't ask for sympathy for him, I was seeking a little serious condemnation for helping the previous government pervert Thai democracy. That seems to be of little interest to you, instead every post this thread has attempted to change the subject.

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