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Would you check the Phone of your GF,BF or Partner?


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These days smart phones are ubiquitous and the array of apps that you can choose to message with friends or strangers is huge. LINE, Whatsapp, Wechat, Tinder, Viber, Facebook, snapchat and the list goes on

Would you check the phone of a romantic interest?

Do you see it as an issue of trust?

Is it an issue of trust built up over time?

Is it prudent to verify?

Are there circumstances where you would?

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Nuh, I'd never check.

If its got to that stage then the relationship is doomed anyway.

My missus knows that if I even have the remotest suspicion that she is being emotionally (or otherwise) unfaithful, she's out on her ear with the clothes she's wearing and FA else.

Call me old fashioned, but on my planet, it's my way or the highway. coffee1.gif

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Yes I would and you are all liars.

Or cant use a phone.

Sent from my c64

Yes, i would, if i have doubts about a relationship, i will check everything i can, why lose time with the wrong person ?

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Well. as soon as i realised that women are somehow smarter than men, i will do my best to keep up to date.

At a certain age, or you get used to eat s##t, or you decide you won't eat s##t anymore.... Pardon my French :P

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Nuh, I'd never check.

If its got to that stage then the relationship is doomed anyway.

My missus knows that if I even have the remotest suspicion that she is being emotionally (or otherwise) unfaithful, she's out on her ear with the clothes she's wearing and FA else.

Call me old fashioned, but on my planet, it's my way or the highway. coffee1.gif

spoken like it should be , a real man, many of you need to read this and act on it. one thing I would add and I've seen it many times lots of men, I have herd say things like this but when they find the girl is playing around they look the other way and do sweet F A about it and ignored the fact she is messing him around. many men walk the walk but cant talk the talk.

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A relationship is based on mutual trust.

If you don't trust her then leave her.

It's better than always asking yourself where she is, what she does and who is with her. And if you check her phone or her handbag, it's sure that the storm will start in your brain.

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No. Just because I have married someone does not mean that either one of us gave up a right to personal privacy...

It also would serve no purpose other than erosion. Having no need to violate someone's privacy strengthens a relationship - distrust erodes it.

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Why check?

If you feel a need to it it means you already lost the trust.

And there are so many other ways if people really want to do things you mention.

So you are shadowong too when the partenr is going to do shopping or go to the toilet. That is where this ends up

If start checking and spying is equal to start the end of trust and realation.

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