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I don't and never have.

All my significant others have and do, since the inception of the cell phone. It creates nothing but problems, especially considering that I'm not dumb enough to call my mia noi and giks using my cell phone. (Just kidding, no mia nois or giks. More trouble than they are worth, because they would feel a need to check my phone too.)

Jealousy is a bitch. I don't feed that dog. ermm.gif

That's a good point.

Problems can be created by imagining them

if someone starts off jealous things might not change much in future...jealousy is a destructive emotion

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Are you really suggesting wives--and not just bar girl wives--are as unfaithful as husbands?

Absolutely, it's a national pastime for both sexes.

Thai specific you think?


TRUST that is important in any relationship.

No trust no future. I never check my wifes phone/ e-mails look in her bag.

Nor does she with my things. Because we have trust.

My last marriage, yes i checked she could not be trusted, that is why we divorced.

Would u have checked in the dating stage?

LMAO.... You rat bustard!

After five pages of this, you try and add a new dimension... ???


TRUST that is important in any relationship.

No trust no future. I never check my wifes phone/ e-mails look in her bag.

Nor does she with my things. Because we have trust.

My last marriage, yes i checked she could not be trusted, that is why we divorced.

Would u have checked in the dating stage?

LMAO.... You rat bustard!

After five pages of this, you try and add a new dimension...

dimension was always there just not explored

It is what it is, accept it and get on with it, As John Lennon said "What ever gets you through the night..."

Did he come up with that line after going through Yoko's Phone.........................coffee1.gif

A somewhat absurd question, all things of 1980 considered, duh!.........coffee1.gif


My answer is No,No,No,No and No! Unless you're just a bona_fide member of "The Richard Forbrain Society", if you can't trust her, then why are you sleeping together with her, to begin with, eh?


RigPig said, “So you think it is not an even playing field? Who do you think the cheating men are cheating with and why they don't get caught? You have heard of "Mia Noi" no doubt, have you heard of "Por Noi"? same same but in reverse. Why do you think they(Thai men" blow them away? Ask a Thai girl what her Thai BF would have done if it had happened.... MANY of us have stories of things we have seen, done, experienced here, but it isn't just Thailand, it's just more open and to a degree tolerated and expected here. It's humn nature. Look up the peculiarities of male dung beetles and the reasons why. Same for humans IMO. My world isn't sad just realistic, and I can handle it. In the words of Tina Turner "What's love got to do, got to do with it?" It's an illusion that is sold by Hollywood and marketing companies, no more.”

You seem to be having trouble defending your arguments.

You're even using my examples. I said, " . . . If it's just women, with whom would a wife or gf cheat, or are they all lesbians"? Now you turn it around and say, " . . . Who do you think the cheating men are cheating with . . ."

Certainly, the mia noi is an acceptable cultural norm in Thailand--especially for a wealthy man. However, not all cheating men in Thailand are wealthy or have mia nois, many are cheating with prostitutes--many men may be serviced by a few ladies of negotiable virtue.

Men are often caught, especially if the man cheats with a bargirl and his gf/wife was a bargirl--the bar bamboo telegraph works well. Men with mia nois are also caught; however, the wife often simply accepts the relationship as a cultural norm, especially if all her bills are paid.

Certainly women have "brothers" or farang friends, but only the best of the lover boys service several ladies. Are you really suggesting wives--and not just bar girl wives--are as unfaithful as husbands?

You must realize that many bargirls who get married do not see it as a traditional marriage. To many of them see their husbands as no more than a long-time customer--me love you long time. It is particularly prevalent when the “husband” works rotation. The husband is gone for extended periods of time and what is a poor lonely bargirl to do—especially after being used to having many men with whom to play?

Your analogy to dung beetles fairly explains to me why you don't believe in love. The pitiful part may be you have never found a woman who could love you.

There is an old bar girl expression, "Business is Business and Love is Bulls**t." It appears you have bought into that hooker line and bar fine.

Try cutting off the money supply and tell her she has to work for her keep and see how far that gets you!!


TRUST that is important in any relationship.

No trust no future. I never check my wifes phone/ e-mails look in her bag.

Nor does she with my things. Because we have trust.

My last marriage, yes i checked she could not be trusted, that is why we divorced.

If they are ugly .. I am guessing there is no reason to check..

Sent from my c64


TRUST that is important in any relationship.

No trust no future. I never check my wifes phone/ e-mails look in her bag.

Nor does she with my things. Because we have trust.

My last marriage, yes i checked she could not be trusted, that is why we divorced.

If they are ugly .. I am guessing there is no reason to check..

Sent from my c64

Do you check your GFs?


my gf has over 11 phones

and 76 names

some are just "M" or "A" for certain farangs

Only 35.6% of her texts are in English


TRUST that is important in any relationship.

No trust no future. I never check my wifes phone/ e-mails look in her bag.

Nor does she with my things. Because we have trust.

My last marriage, yes i checked she could not be trusted, that is why we divorced.

If they are ugly .. I am guessing there is no reason to check..

Sent from my c64

Do you check your GFs?

You are not just handsum but smart also...

As i have already said but you cant read ;)... Yes i check all of my girlfirends phone and my 2 wifes phones.

Sent from my c64


my gf has over 11 phones

and 76 names

some are just "M" or "A" for certain farangs

Only 35.6% of her texts are in English

So.... I'm guessing that's a most definite "yes", then?


my gf has over 11 phones

and 76 names

some are just "M" or "A" for certain farangs

Only 35.6% of her texts are in English

So.... I'm guessing that's a most definite "yes", then?

Could be running a business with that many contacts


My answer is No,No,No,No and No! Unless you're just a bona_fide member of "The Richard Forbrain Society", if you can't trust her, then why are you sleeping together with her, to begin with, eh?

The reason has less to do with sleeping than with co habiting the bed for short periods of time


Nuh, I'd never check.

If its got to that stage then the relationship is doomed anyway.

My missus knows that if I even have the remotest suspicion that she is being emotionally (or otherwise) unfaithful, she's out on her ear with the clothes she's wearing and FA else.

Call me old fashioned, but on my planet, it's my way or the highway. coffee1.gif

spoken like it should be , a real man, many of you need to read this and act on it. one thing I would add and I've seen it many times lots of men, I have herd say things like this but when they find the girl is playing around they look the other way and do sweet F A about it and ignored the fact she is messing him around. many men walk the walk but cant talk the talk.

Haven't you gotten that trite and often quoted, "talk and walk" thing a little backward?



Yes, I would check now. I had a cheating Asian wife (not Thai) that for 8 years was doing her boyfriend when she went back home twice a year for holidays. It took her 8 years to set him up in a business and build a house on my money and then she left me for him.

After she left (I threw her out after she came home with a Baby bump that was not my doing), I found 2 mobile phones hidden away and hundreds of text messages and bank transfers from a unknown account she had set up for him.

I never checked her phones and she used this to her advantage.


For Schmitts and giggles, I just spent twenty minutes tallying the result of bookmans question, and the general consensus seems to be a very definite.... NO

The numbers, as best I could determine, are;




Discussions on others opinion...72

couldnt decide what to make of a post.... 8


For Schmitts and giggles, I just spent twenty minutes tallying the result of bookmans question, and the general consensus seems to be a very definite.... NO

The numbers, as best I could determine, are;




Discussions on others opinion...72

couldnt decide what to make of a post.... 8

Thanks for the tally

I tried to make a poll out of it when I posted the topic...but I failed


For Schmitts and giggles, I just spent twenty minutes tallying the result of bookmans question, and the general consensus seems to be a very definite.... NO

The numbers, as best I could determine, are;




Discussions on others opinion...72

couldnt decide what to make of a post.... 8

Thanks for the tally

I tried to make a poll out of it when I posted the topic...but I failed

Just goes to show that.... There's bugger all on the idiot box to watch.

Lol... Truthfully, it was an interesting thread, which gave me a few laughs, and so I was interested enough to sort out the statistics.

  • 2 months later...
I got myself a Thai lady just to snoop on her phone.

Boys see and grow up, everyone has the right to private life. you do not own chick if you are just bf / gf.

if you do not trust your lady simply throw her out


It is mostly an irrelevant point with us as we use the same password for our phones and all emails are compiled in the same place. We never pry but we also don't feel the need for privacy. It is a nonissue for us.

Same here with my late wife. We had the same or simular passwords, we'd know the passwords to eachothers phone, mail,bank account and various other accounts. There was complete trust. No digging into eachothers activites but no hiding either. Sometimes we'd use eachothers computer or phone, or (accidently) be logged in to eachothers mail, FB or what not. Might have read a few messages that you'd stumble upon but nothing out of distrust. No silly questions from me to her or her to me ("who's this that you have been talking to?" sort of questions).

In a good relationship you neither go out to hide things, nor require privacy. You live together, you share together, you are happy together.


Too late for an edit.

Having access to all of eachothers accounts and such made it a lot easier to stop various things she was subscribed to and it was easy to contact her friends and relatives when she unexpectly passed away. I shared some of her most close contacts (male and female) but by far not all of them. As I befriends some of her friends, I'd sometimes would use her computer or phone and couldn't be bothered to logout under her FB/Line/... account and I'd chat with her friends under her name. I'd ofcourse tell them that it was me talking to them. My wife did the same when using "my stuff".

If there were any questions on who a person was, it was general curiousity. I'd tell her about any male or female contacts and she'd tell me about hers. If there was anythig to hide, or any cheating there certainly would have been ways to do so in secret. So "checking on eachother" would be pretty damn useless, but there was no need to keep anything hidden either. Ofcourse we also chatted about previous lovers or dates. And she told me when one day an ex bf from uni (Thai) showed up at her parents house inquiring about her. Long before me she told me about this (and other ex) boyfriend. He was a fine man (handsome, kind, good sex, lots of fun etc.) from what she told me about her relationship, but she broke up when he started smoking. Warning me that she'd to the same if I'd start smoking. I asked her if she didn't want to atleast have a short chat or exchange any message via say mail or line. She had no interest in such a thing. Don't know why she even bothered to telll me about him showing up at her parents house, I suppose simply for not wishing to keep anything secret.

Need for privacy? I think they say a woman's handbag is secret. My wife didn't care. Would occasionally ask me to help her empty it and organize it again, or to look in it for something that she lost. Can't think about anything that I or she kept private... thinking hard here but I really can't think of anything. I or her didn't mind of the other walked in while taking a crap or piss. Why might sometimes try to keep the bathroomdoor closed if it smelled bad enough, trying to stop the other from escaping the fumes. 555 We simply had lots of fun, and shared everything. Oh do I miss her my sweet darling, a true angel. :(


I don't read Thai so I'd have to ask her what I was sneaking a look at. I trust her and have enough issues in my head to keep me busy without adding insecurity and looking through her things when she's given me no reason to distrust her. She's welcome to look at anything of mine if she feels so inclined. I've got no secrets to be kept from her.

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if you do not trust gf / bf....Here is the solution
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Sounds like you just need to accept the reality that your Thai girlfriend is <deleted> other guys.


The guys who are saying no.. They don't want to check their partners phones its because they dont want their ladies/partners to check their own phones. giggle.gif If you have nothing to hide you should both have full access to personal messages. Absolutely. That's how you keep strong trust bonds. Not hiding anything.

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