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True router on the blink, how to exchange it?

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My true billion router seems to lose connection on my phones, laptops and desktop very often

How could i get them to exchange it for another one without any downtime? (I need the wifi daily so I can't pack it up and ship it back if they suggest that)

Ps:would like another brand if possible (I'm willing to pay whatever it costs)


What has worked for me when I had a problem, was calling tech support. They would send somebody out to try to fix it and then determine the router needs to be replaced ( assuming the problem is with the hardware ). They will replace it with one they have as back up. If they are out of stock they will get you a new router within a week. Usually just about an hour downtime total.

However, I do not know if they offer any other brands except Cisco brands.

Also, I am wondering if they already hand out / have the router with the ac feature.


I don't have much faith in the cheap routers they provide, I'd rather buy a d-link or a linksys and use that but I suppose they prefer you use their one so they can know the serial numbers

Il give them a call and see what the procedure is but it's not worth a weeks downtime if they can't exchange or upgrade it on the spot or at a true shop


You think a Cisco is a cheap brand? Is it Cisco?

Just for giggles, have you tried turning off all of your nodes such as computers, networked printers, etc. and then unplugging that router for at least ten minutes? Then you would plug the router back in and let it completely reboot after which you would restart your computer? It's called "rebooting from the wall out".

Also, how sure are you that it's the router? Do other known-good nodes such as smartphones, computers, etc. also fail to connect? Have you tried your computer elsewhere such as an internet cafe and proven that it's working properly?



Cisco a cheap router! Doubt if any geek would call it such. More likely your have a Billion or similar brand X.

yes,true give out those billion routers as standard with all budget packages .....i dont think theyre great quality either

best ive used for reliability was a previous netgear ......


The only decent routers are the ones provided for Fibre Optic networks. The rest are all just about the same. Bottom line, they should provide adequate service for years. If they fail.. just have it replaced.. no sense in buying your own as it on't l perform any better than the provided one..


Have you tried a hard reset? You will find a small pinhole on the rear of the router - It should be marked "Reset" Get a paper clip and with the router powered ON push in the clip and hold it for about 10 seconds then release. This will set your router back to default.

(You will need to have your login details and password to re enter after the reboot)

I have used Billion for a few years and whilst they are nowhere near the capability of my Linksys, they are perfectly adequate for general home use.


I felt I had an issue with the Ethernet connections on my Cisco router supplied by True which was at least a couple of years old. Rang the help line (1686) and arranged for a tech to call. This took a while to resolve but eventually he came, ran some checks and replaced with a newer Cisco router.

Should not be an issue to get it changed as long as they can see there is a problem and even if not if you push them they will still probably change it.


You think a Cisco is a cheap brand? Is it Cisco?

Cisco a cheap router! Doubt if any geek would call it such. More likely your have a Billion or similar brand X.

I guess that you guys don't have TRUE internet.

Whilst I agree that Cisco commercial / datacenter hardware is among the best, their "domestic" product is crap.

When I signed up for TRUE DOCSIS cable internet, they brought me a Cisco cable modem / router. Oooh Ahhh.

I had huge problems with the installation, losing connection all the time. I was on the phone to the tech support many times over many weeks until I begged them to bring me another modem router of a different brand. Problem solved.

Especially infuriating because I was at their mercy. Could not walk into Fortune and buy my own modem router as I could do with ADSL.


Recently had lots of trouble with my TRUE ADSL connection. Service tech said it was the billion router. He gave me a note and said go to local office, hand in old one and receive new one (DLINK). Did that. Was up and running 45 minutes later.

But note that on receipt of a new free router you are committing to another 12 month contract.


router's appear not to last that long....... in 12 years now on my 4th..

1st and 2nd one FREE from True, when this stopped working well, True only had a single port + WiFi one, no good as have been using IPTV for years both downstairs and upstairs so need 4 ports. bought a Linksys, cost something like 2,600 baht... about 6 months ago having no end of problems again, so now have the FREE True Billion 4 port + WiFi. so far fine.

Yes call True, they check the line and for me even living out in the sticks, someone came within a few hours. check and if the router is the problem, then get a new one from there Pickup and fit that.

​Edit: the old router tried to use the WiFi upstairs was not good, this new 'Ultra' Hi-speed True Billion appears fine and can use.... so maybe good to have a new router every couple of years ? no idea are newer one better.


Sorted-called the helpline yesterday morning and after 20 min of excuses they said to monitor the speed and call us back because many of the customers have the same issue......

Went into a true shop to complain in person and the girl was very nice, she said sounds like a router problem, bring your old one in and we'll give you a new one

The one they replaced it with is an older generation refurbished model I guess because it's

Got scratches and signs of Wear on it.... But it works great... Hadn't dropped the connection as of yet so it's already miles better then the other one....

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