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Rivals questioning whether they'd back Trump as nominee


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But has committed numerous crimes concerning national security and has not been prosecuted because of friends in high places.

The rich hiso elite class, with their networks, patronages and favors never ever get prosecuted.

She is a proven liar whose been obstructive whilst under investigation - yet she's running for the highest office in the land, which one would hope has ethics, honesty and integrity somewhere in the job spec.

Incredible. The thought of this woman as POTUS is simply disgusting, whatever the other choices.

Seems no one minds if you lie and cheat anymore. No longer a barrier to political success. Just make it up and re-write as you go along to suit yourself.

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

Right now, Rubio is slipping into 3rd place in the poll for the Fla Primary so he better get creative

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I agree. I think the Brits should formally ban Trump from the UK for life thumbsup.gif

Twaddle. Why not go the whole hog - ban anyone whose not PC and who doesn't spout the PC acceptable BS - if though most know it's untrue crap.

No reason to ban him. Other countries even bend the rules to let billionaire convicted criminals have visas when it suits.

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

What a pity the last republican President stopped the FBI from investigating when the National Security of the nation was violated on 9/11. If as much effort were put into that little incident by the FBI as they are putting into Clintons emails, the world would be an entirely different place today.

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

Right now, Rubio is slipping into 3rd place in the poll for the Fla Primary so he better get creative

Yeah, like think about opening a "Rubio's Cuban Restaurant" chain or something....

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I agree. I think the Brits should formally ban Trump from the UK for life thumbsup.gif

Twaddle. Why not go the whole hog - ban anyone whose not PC and who doesn't spout the PC acceptable BS - if though most know it's untrue crap.

No reason to ban him. Other countries even bend the rules to let billionaire convicted criminals have visas when it suits.

Thanks ! And I probably need to ladle on an extra helping of sarcasm in my next post

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I don't know what shenanigans the GOP might have as their last hail mary pass but, if they are unsuccessful, just wait until Trump actually gets the nomination. What we've seen so far this weekend will seem like a walk in the park.

Word is that Rubio and his company are already engaging in some ballot fixing attempts in Florida.

Right now, Rubio is slipping into 3rd place in the poll for the Fla Primary so he better get creative

Yeah, like think about opening a "Rubio's Cuban Restaurant" chain or something....

Trump hires a lot of Hispanics in his hotels

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The rich hiso elite class, with their networks, patronages and favors never ever get prosecuted.

She is a proven liar whose been obstructive whilst under investigation - yet she's running for the highest office in the land, which one would hope has ethics, honesty and integrity somewhere in the job spec.

Incredible. The thought of this woman as POTUS is simply disgusting, whatever the other choices.

Seems no one minds if you lie and cheat anymore. No longer a barrier to political success. Just make it up and re-write as you go along to suit yourself.

"The rich hiso elite class, with their networks, patronages and favors never ever get prosecuted" - I guess that is why George W Bush was never jailed then.

"She is a proven liar whose been obstructive whilst under investigation - yet she's running for the highest office in the land, which one would hope has ethics, honesty and integrity somewhere in the job spec." - replace 'she' and anything referring to feminine gender with George W Bush, Integrity and ethics was not a pre-requisite for presidency in 2001 was it?

"Incredible. The thought of this woman as POTUS is simply disgusting, whatever the other choices. " Good, now you know how 49.9% of the American people felt when Bush was elected.

"Seems no one minds if you lie and cheat anymore. No longer a barrier to political success. Just make it up and re-write as you go along to suit yourself." twas always the same.

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It’s actually kind of funny….

The Republican Party promises to fix everything, protect the country, save the world and all the other things associated with monumental greatness.

Yet…they can’t even manage their own party.

Maybe they should run someone being investigated by the FBI for violating national security.

You mean someone who has not been convicted of any wrongdoing?

Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI. Beyond whatever damage might have anyway been done, this won't do any further damage to Clinton because Obama will keep it on a slow walk until well after the election.

What a load of horse manure; "Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI"

So, you really believe just being investigated by the FBI disqualifies you to run as a candidate for political office?

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You mean someone who has not been convicted of any wrongdoing?

Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI. Beyond whatever damage might have anyway been done, this won't do any further damage to Clinton because Obama will keep it on a slow walk until well after the election.

What a load of horse manure; "Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI"

So, you really believe just being investigated by the FBI disqualifies you to run as a candidate for political office?

Technically, no it wouldn't. However, if what is known now were known 2-3 years ago, I believe the Democratic party would have aggressively sought out other candidates. What the Democrats are doing now is no different to what the Republican establishment has tried and failed to do. That is, cram a very divisive and corrupt candidate with a poor record of achievement, controlled by special interests, down the throats of the party's rank and file voters. Democrats as a party are more cohesive than are the Republicans but I think what the party is asking of the Democratic faithful this time will prove to be a "bridge too far".

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You mean someone who has not been convicted of any wrongdoing?

Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI. Beyond whatever damage might have anyway been done, this won't do any further damage to Clinton because Obama will keep it on a slow walk until well after the election.

What a load of horse manure; "Anyone else would have been dismissed as a candidate by now simply by virtue of being investigated by the FBI"

So, you really believe just being investigated by the FBI disqualifies you to run as a candidate for political office?

But first, You'll need to point out where I said that.

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