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How long could survive on three million baht?

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at my current rate of spending it would give me 12 months or 1.00 years.

Which means you spend (or waste) BHT250K a month, That's a lot!!! My wife and I lead a very pleasant and comfortable life for about BHT100k monthly, including running a car and visiting restaurants from time to time. We do own our own house.

we spend slightly more than THB 250k a month in Thailand (no rent) and a partof this amount is might considered wasted by outsiders. but whatever, i know that there are people who spend a multiple, but i wouldn't dare to blame any of them using the expression "waste".

anybody who asks me why i spend that much will get the simple answer "because i can!"

Too tune the E-Type...........giggle.gif ..............laugh.png

wish you lived nearby Trans because the "E" needs indeed a tuning (spluttering and stuttering between 1200-1600 RPM when accelerating). waiting since weeks for an expert who is too busy to come to my home sad.png

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i would imagine - just a guess but - that spending thb 8219.17808 a day would keep you too busy to post replies on this forum.

but perhaps you have some really expensive 'hobbies'? smile.png

An accountant your not are you ?....lets say the poster is spending 80k month on accomdation, say another 20 or 30 month on a car, private schooling for the kids etc..all adds up...

spending approx USD 85k a year wouldnt be that hard to do....so one suspects your remarks, plus the other poster are tinged with the green envy monster

Bobotie, I suspect Thaiduncakk and Manfredtillman are replying literally to the thread title without comprehending the content of the OP's post.

But to add some clarity to my reply to the OP.

I work here an on an expat salary (albeit a low one in thr grand scheme of expat salaries but one none the less), I have my basic salary + car allowance + house allowance + Full private medical insurance + paid flight home which totals (with the annual bonus) about 3 million baht.

Now the OP asked "if your job finished tomorrow" then obviously the above salary package would vapourise.

But we still have to pay for the current lifestyle which is;

House rent.

House content insurance.



Car repayments(x2).

Car Insurance(x2).

Car maintenance(x2).

Car annual road tax(x2).

Scooter stuff ( not all that much but it still is an outgoing)(x2).

Fuel for the above vehicles.

Tires for the above vehicles.




Health insurance.

Dog visits to the vet(x4 dogs).




The above does not account for 3 million baht though and is only my Thailand outgoings.

Now we add my outgoings in my home country;

House repayments.

House insurance.

House maintenance.

And suddenly we realise that a big chunk of that 3 million baht salary that just vapourised has been consumed with relative ease.

Perhaps you should mention or start with after tax.

Perhaps you should learn to qoute.

But to humour your.

Bt.220,000 hits my bank account every month....

220k that's 2.6m, close to 3m. Something not right, taxes too low or that's gross exclude bonuses. Just my guess.


Why does this come up so much. Doesn't anyone on this board have social security or insurance. What's the deal. If I as the OP writes "lost my job" I would have no need to live on savings as my company would have to pay a years salary as per the contract, Then I would get 80% of my salary for a year from insurance, then if I still didn't find a new job I could go on unemployment benefits for a year. It amazes me what crappy contracts alot of foreigners here are on.


now that I'm older (69) drink moderately, do not chase girls, eat at home most of the time, occasional massage, nice townhouse (6,000 baht a month) simple life style, less than 500 usd (20,000 baht a month). I eat try to eat healthy and exercise to avoid expensive healthcare! In the USA this is not possible!


Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

That is true!!!You can live pretty good on that budget!!!

Rent nice small air con studio in Sukhumvit(Udomsuk,Bang Chak,Punawity,On Nut) for 4000-4500 baht

Food-Thai ,about 6000-7000 per month and you can live for les than 20K easy


The Title say survining and not have a good life....

For survining I need a home and food... (Insurance hmmmm is this surviving or already living?)

So for surviving I need about: 15K, with about 50K I would have a living, which I would say is nice, and with about 90K I would have a great living which is good enough to enjoy a lot.

- 15K (200 Months, > 16 Years)

- 50K (60 Months, 5 years)

- 90K (33 Months, > 2.5 Years)

And this still calculated without interest rates...


Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

You guys really do need to learn how to look for decent rentals. Currently staying in nice apt in Ramkamhaeng, 43 sq meters, aircon, pool, etc. Very clean, quiet street. All for 6000 a month, which ain't all that much more than suicidal 5k. Further you get from stupid farangs, better the pricings, the cleanliness, the demeanor of the people.


If you invested it, and was lucky enough to buy a 10% yield, then a frugal person could live out the rest of their days on 3 M baht.

(3M*10% = B25,000 monthly income)

Such as ?

such as the chap with the 10% yielding investment in the Startrek episode "Beam Me Up Scotty" followed by the sequel "My 10% Wet Dream".

joke aside, investments yielding 10% do exist. of course with risks attached.

Isn't that guy in Pattaya offering a 10% return if you buy one of his ghetto shoebox apartments?

You know the ones - Jimmy Choo prices but JJ Market quality.


I could easily SURVIVE (that is the word used by the OP) on B15,000 per month. For that I would have everything I needed, live somewhere really nice (for me) and eat what I like. This means my B3,000,000 could last me 15 years, all other things being equal.

The OP didn't mention other people or animals or schooling or buying cars in his scenario, none of which you need, to SURVIVE alone.


The OP didn't mention other people or animals or schooling or buying cars in his scenario, none of which you need, to SURVIVE alone.

No but the OP did mention IF YOUR JOB FINISHED TOMORROW, The outgoings of today will still be there tomorrow (this little fact goes over the head of many posters in this thread).

Sure, I could rid myself of all cost centres (house/cars/wife/dogs/imported food/private medical etc etc) and move into a 3000b per month fan room and eat nothing but cart food and that 3 million would last many years.

But that makes no sense to me, why stay here "surviving" when I can pack up, go home and resume where I left off.


at my current rate of spending it would give me 100 months or 8.33 years.

that accounts for EVERYTHING i need in life!

don't sound like much of a life


Wow people living in "really nice" 4k rooms and surviving on mama noodles and cart food are happy? I think the majority of posts here belong in the biggest lies foreigners tell themselves thread.


At the Current rate of spending about 2.5 years.

But obviously if that's all I had I could make it last a lot longer - maybe 5years.

Not long in NANA PLAZA


About 3.5 years, at my current monthly expenditure, although it really depends on individual circumstances and location. I consider I'm living well, others may not.


Since you ask about SURVIVE 10.000baht a month is very realistic.

That is 25 years, but no visa costs, because you overstay since it is surviving and keep your head down.

With inflation and minor sickies, say 20 years


About 3.5 years, at my current monthly expenditure, although it really depends on individual circumstances and location. I consider I'm living well, others may not.

Suppose it depends on your lady or guy you have in tow..........

Think mine's a keeper.........


I have no overheads apart from a trip to Savannakhet every year and the wife!

No rent and live in the sticks 'outside Phanat Nikhom'.

Car almost paid, still enjoy the odd trip to foodland.

Im thinking around 50K per month. No rent.

Im still currently working but with the current price of oil who knows how long for! ☺


I replied to this subject because of the word SURVIVE in the title. My earlier remarks relate to what I would or could do or have done rather than what I actually do now.

When it comes to living on B15,000 a month, you will be very much mistaken if you believe I live in a 4k a month "room" and eat cart food every day. I eat my own cooking which is very varied and includes everything I want to eat, including fruit, vegetables fish and meat, western type bread, not to mention fresh orange juice and milk.

I have lived in a detached house in the countryside with all mod cons and two gardens B4000 per month. I have lived in a country house with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, living room AND 4 rai of land B5000 per month. I have lived in cottage with two rai of land with all facilities and plenty of room for B2500 per month. And for a year I lived in a row of three houses, three gardens, three bathrooms, all with hot showers, three kitchens, three living rooms, B5000 per month for the lot!! Yes, I love my space!


I replied to this subject because of the word SURVIVE in the title. My earlier remarks relate to what I would or could do or have done rather than what I actually do now.

When it comes to living on B15,000 a month, you will be very much mistaken if you believe I live in a 4k a month "room" and eat cart food every day. I eat my own cooking which is very varied and includes everything I want to eat, including fruit, vegetables fish and meat, western type bread, not to mention fresh orange juice and milk.

I have lived in a detached house in the countryside with all mod cons and two gardens B4000 per month. I have lived in a country house with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, living room AND 4 rai of land B5000 per month. I have lived in cottage with two rai of land with all facilities and plenty of room for B2500 per month. And for a year I lived in a row of three houses, three gardens, three bathrooms, all with hot showers, three kitchens, three living rooms, B5000 per month for the lot!! Yes, I love my space!

Am in wrong to think OP isn't referring to places in Thailand that are similar to Siberia or Alaska? Keep driving through the jungle to the borders and probably there will be a Hut for 1k.. Back to suicidal

I would be back on track within 7 days or so with a proper running business and frequent stream of income. I am a selfmade man since '91 and never have been an employer ever since. Being an employee and living on a stash of cash without doing something is for losers. Full stop!

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