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Here's a wonderfully off-topic factoid.

According to the religion of Islam, tobacco is a sin (or whatever those dune-coons call it). Therefore, in order to fix it up, they mix it with hash or weed so that they won't go to heck (or whatever those ... call it).

The call the mixture that they smoke, Kief.

Ain't that a hoot!

PS: You can buy weed just about anywhere in Thailand (just don't buy from a white guy); but the cheap shit that kills you is always more available with gaunt, beady eyed sellers/takers/doers ubiquitious.


What makes it safer to buy it from a Thai?

I am confused...why would anyone come to Thailand to look for drugs when they are plentyful in your own back yard?

That was my whole point in posting, not debate the use of druugs, just that its a really silly reason to come here, why not go to amsterdam where you can enjoy all drugs without the fear of a life in jail?? (although they didnt seem to have much fear)

Point is it was their sole reason for coming here, as i said worst ever reason to come here


Right on the back of the arrival card it says that possesion of narcotics is punishable with death. This was a pretty clear warning for me when I first arrived in Thailand. I am still amazed when I see people in newspapers busted in places like Singapore and Malaysia for drugs. You may as well put a single bullet in a pistol, spin the chamber, pull the trigger and hope for the best.


Wow-what a pair of <deleted>! Well so be it if they want to end up being sad muppets in a Thai jail w/extremely long sentence than who are we to question them? :o

Got chatting to a couple of guys from the U.K, last night, to find it was their first time to Thailand asking them if they we're here for the girls or the temples, or both, got a reply that shocked me, they tell me their here not for the girls one said, "i wouldnt dream of going with a hooker" or for the sights, but their here to buy and smoke ganja, plus look for this "yaba" drug they heard about on T.V, obviously i tried to warn them of the dangers and penalties of being caught with either drug, and just got laughed off as they wouldnt beleive it was a big deal, i soon left them to their fate, this is by far the worst reason i have heard for coming to Thailand, and to any one reading this who is planing to come here, Dont get involved with dope, it is a big deal this is not europe

I read a book a few years back, " The Damage Done" written by a young Auzzie(forgot his name) that did some high flying for several years with the drug dealing/smuggling and finally got busted here in the LOS, his mate who was arrested and incarcerated in the Bangkok Hilton with him finally wound up committing suicide after they were released and went back downunder. A good read. Recommended

Send these guys to the library.

Right on the back of the arrival card it says that possesion of narcotics is punishable with death. This was a pretty clear warning for me when I first arrived in Thailand.

What did you do with your stuff then?

Wasn't that a bit too late to know?

Right on the back of the arrival card it says that possesion of narcotics is punishable with death. This was a pretty clear warning for me when I first arrived in Thailand.

What did you do with your stuff then?

Wasn't that a bit too late to know?

Let's not be a smart ass now.

Hey come on people lighten up.

Who are you guys to say what people can and cannot do, if thats there thing then let them get on with it, does'nt hurt you.

I strongly disagree, it hurts all farangs indirectly.

when arrogant farangs come here with their bad manners and their attitude that they can do anything it hurts us all.

when they get arrested for drugs, it's another black mark against the rest of us that respect and obey the laws while we are guests in LOS.

if they choose to do drugs,( and that's their right) and get arrested i hope we don't have to listen to the bleeding hearts whining about how unfair their sentance is.

most of us know what the penalties are for drugs in Thailand and that makes it easier to refrain from using.

unfortunatly, idiots will still keep coming here and making it harder for the rest of us.

doesn't hurt us? indeed it does.


When you are a guest in another country you should just follow the rules they have and respect the government, the culture and traditions anyway you can or have to.

If you are invited to somebody's home you will also behave nicely and be thankfull for the hospitality and care you get? Even if they are old friends.

Lots of times the story's of drugusers and drugdealers come in the pappers in europe, and often people write about it as if something terrible is happening to these foreigners in jail. And I bet it's trully terrible, but they never got educated to learn by listening so they will have to learn by feeling.

The laws and policies elsewhere are no joke to laugh about. They are there to be obeyed.

The bad behaving foreigners are the ones who take care that the countries they go to get a bad reputation in west europe and are at the same time the ones who take care that foreigners are looked at in a bad way in the guestcountries.

I don't care if someone goes to jail for his deserved punishment, but may times their families at home go thru ###### and get punished as well, and that's a pitty.

Right on the back of the arrival card it says that possesion of narcotics is punishable with death. This was a pretty clear warning for me when I first arrived in Thailand.

What did you do with your stuff then?

Wasn't that a bit too late to know?

Flushed down the toilet on the plane. :o


I agree that people have the right to make their own mistakes. The two bozo's looking to get high while in Thailand are just heading for the brick wall (aka school of very hard knocks). It is good to warn them of their foolishness, but ultimately they have to make the decision.

Yes, in an ideal world everyone visiting as a touist would be on supernice conduct and obey all the rules. But since they don't do it at home, it is unlikely they will do it while on vacation. If all the nice tourists did that, many bar girls would soon be the poorer for it.



I call this "Tourist Euphoria" - those that come and seem to believe that nothing can happen to them. For some reason they forget all about the laws in their home country and when they get here, they don't consider any laws. Tourist Hawaii syndrom - 'I'm in paradise.... I'm free to enjoy at last'

Sure thing Mr/Ms Tourist. We'll see you in the newspapers!


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