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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Is This What a Live Donald Trump Meltdown Looks Like?

Yes. See the desparate Bloviator babbling nonsense like an unhinged Mussolini in the link below. facepalm.gif

"The real money shot was in the last forty seconds when Trump got hyped, and said some variation of the word "win" fourteen different times."

"The crowd at the event seemed to enjoy it, but anyone watching it on their computers at home might have seen a raving lunatic rather than a serious politician."


The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says, he's the only chance to give the establishment a good kicking, and that is what pro Trumpers want. Give them a better choice of anti establishment candidate and they'll vote for them instead.

If Bernie is on the Dem ticket, many, including myself would view him as the better anti establishment candidate...

But will take a 'Christmas Miracle' for that to happen

Not impossible but highly unlikely

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... More people on the dole than working people so Trump won't win. Don't worry.

You can always tell a conservative entertainment industry watcher by the lies and half truths they spout.

This one is from Fox New's Varney & Company in 2012. Shown to be not even close to true.



Add 12 million government employees that are paid by people actually working and paying taxes. biggrin.png

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@Post 1104

"The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says" blink.pngIncredible. facepalm.gif

But, perhaps you are right.

Given the fact that he is a rascist, mob-connected, misogynistic, fascist, uniformed, ignorant, foul buffoon and his sheep still don't care.

The Bloviator has not proposed one vision other than divisive, bigoted, marginalizing, dangerous rhetoric.

Oh, and proliferating Nuclear Weapons. Not to mention his idea of using them in Europe and the Middle East.

"anti establishment candidate"? Paleezzzze.....


Ahh, but this is all parlour talk.

The Bloviator will never achieve his narcissistic goal. thumbsup.gif

Edited by iReason
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@Post 1104

"The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says" blink.pngIncredible. facepalm.gif

But, perhaps you are right.

Given the fact that he is a rascist, mob-connected, misogynistic, fascist, uniformed, ignorant, foul buffoon and his sheep still don't care.

The Bloviator has not proposed one vision other than divisive, bigoted, marginalizing, dangerous rhetoric.

Oh, and proliferating Nuclear Weapons. Not to mention his idea of using them in Europe and the Middle East.

"anti establishment candidate"? Paleezzzze.....


Ahh, but this is all parlour talk.

The Bloviator will never achieve his narcissistic goal. thumbsup.gif

Trump tax proposal.

Called the “1-5-10-15” income tax plan Tax proposals consist of the following:

* Those making up to $30,000 will pay 1 percent.

* Income from $30,000 to $100,000 results in a flat 5 percent.

* $100,000 to $1 million income will be taxed at 10 percent.

* On $1 million or above will be taxed 15 percent.

For information on other positions such as China trade, VA and health care see https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions
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Democrats don't stand a chance. Just take a look at the present debates. Hillary and Bernie screaming at each other (had to be reminded to settle down, by the moderation). The only thing these two clowns agreed on is to hand out more and more benefits and increase minimum wage. Not a thought about creating more jobs (which is the real problem). They plan to reinforce all the mistakes obama has already made. They also agreed to shoot down any proposal for improvements.

Screaming Hillary (as she is now referred to), is only leading by Bernie by 10 points. Bernie might snatch NY from the girl

Meanwhile, Don is way up in the 40's (almost doubling tiny ted).

This is going to be good.

Nice to see the democrats make big <deleted> out of themselves. llllllllllol

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One of Obama's duties, according to the Constitution, is to appoint a Supreme Court nominee if there's a vacancy. Republicans, including Mr. 'Delay Delay Delay' Trump are trying to stop him from doing one of his Constitutional duties.

Also, it's very common for a president, whether or not a lame-duck, to opine about candidates for political office, including presidential candidates. I doubt you can show one example of a president in the past 100 years who has been apolitical near the end of his term. Obama has been quite reserved thus far. I'm impressed.

Each Potus is ex officio leader of his/her political party. It hasn't ever been otherwise.

Potus George Washington was not the leader of a political party because he was not a member of any political party. Every other Potus has been a member of a political party and he has necessarily continued to be the leader of his party while being Potus.

This is simply how the American system works, it is always how it has functioned (since Washington, who anyway was a de facto federalist).

A Potus does however make conscious efforts to limit his political statements while Potus. A Potus does nonetheless actively campaign for his/her party's candidates for political office, he does attend fundraisers for party candidates and for the party organisations etc. When Barack Obama speaks at the Democratic National Convention in July the hall will elevate to a rapture. (The Big Question is whether Bill Clinton will also speak to the convention.)

The number one job of every former Potus is however to keep his political mouth shut. GW Bush has for instance never done a better job than this one he's had the past 7 years. Bill Clinton did a remarkable job at respecting the former Potus code of silence during GW's eight years. Jimmy Carter likewise with only rare exception (over decades).

We needn't have any concerns about Donald Trump in these respects because he is neither the leader of his political party nor will he ever be Potus.

Short memory or...........................?

GW did indeed come out against the Donald, but it didn't help Jeb much 5555555555555555555555555555. Whoever thought the worst president in living memory speaking on anything would be a good move needs a good kick up the backside ( where their brain resides ).

USA has one Potus in the White House.

Former Potus people are acutely aware of the fact. This is because it must be clear to everyone abroad there is only one Potus. Hence it is a long standing ethic and tradition that a former Potus not argue in public against the incumbent Potus. To argue publicly is not only bad form, it can pose a new risk to national security abroad or to domestic stability. USA has one Potus at a time, period.

GW Bush got involved earlier this year in the South Carolina Republican party primary preference vote only. He endorsed his bro John Ellis Bush for the R party nomination to run for Potus. GW made no statements about Potus Barack Obama or any US policies advocated or pursued by either Potus or the Congress, to include silence in respect of Scotus.

GW got involved in SC only to promoted his bro in the state whose Republican voters had sent daddy Bush on his way in 1988 and that had turned the race for GW in 2000. Take note that when Jeb lost in SC he that very night withdrew from the Republican contest and nobody's heard from either of 'em since.

No memory problems over here. No awareness deficit either.

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@Post 1115

That's all babble to sell another of the Bloviator's ghost written books from five years ago: “Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again"

“Time To Get Tough,” (originally subtitled “Making America #1 Again,” but now subtitled, “Make America Great Again!” to match his campaign slogan)

which does not name a co-author, but does include an acknowledgement to Meredith McIver, who co-wrote several of his books." whistling.gif

"The publisher’s announcement did not give a title for the book, nor did it name a co-author, or ghostwriter,

though almost all of Trump’s books listed on the Trump Organization’s web site are either compilations of other people’s words or include a co-author." laugh.png


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Trump lost all of the delegates in Colorado because he and his staff were unqualified for the task of winning the delegates in that state. Yes, the Colorado rules are somewhat arcane, but if you and your team can't figure out how to get the delegates, you're not qualified for the job.

And let's remember that Trump "has a great mind. One of the greatest". And that he was going to have "the best people working for him".

Trump just lost all the delegates selected yesterday in Indiana (all 32 for Cruz) and he's on track to see most of Pennsylvania's R party delegates go to the convention "unbound" as they say nowadayze.

As noted in the post Trump's already lost out completely in Colorado. He'd already come out of Louisiana very short on delegates and he has lost delegates in South Carolina which he had won in the popular vote by a runaway. The delegate slate in Georgia had also gone against him weeks ago as an early test of delegate assignments so the Genius Himself shoudda seen this coming.

Trump himself has to have a better message between now and the convention than they're screwing me.

Which goes to the issue you note of competency and of being the best and of being surrounded by the best. Neither is the case with Trump, his candidacy, his campaign.

We're presently seeing instead the best at this racket screw Trump going at his own racket because the best of the best are with the Republican National Committee. And with the state R party committees in state after state. Professionals at what they do, which is to run the party apparatus.

Trump's collection of campaign crew has always been the people who had no other candidate among the 17 of 'em the party started with. The recent pickups of political operators by Trump are either those who were still idle or those who were political refugees displaced from the 14 other failed campaigns.

The more Trump howls and the more he wails the more we know he's getting pantsed by the good ole bois regular Republicans who run the show. If Trump doesn't quickly get his backside pressed against the closest wall we'll hear him really howl.

Edited by Publicus
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@Post 1115

That's all babble to sell another of the Bloviator's ghost written books from five years ago: “Time to Get Tough: Making America #1 Again"

“Time To Get Tough,” (originally subtitled “Making America #1 Again,” but now subtitled, “Make America Great Again!” to match his campaign slogan)

which does not name a co-author, but does include an acknowledgement to Meredith McIver, who co-wrote several of his books." whistling.gif

"The publisher’s announcement did not give a title for the book, nor did it name a co-author, or ghostwriter,

though almost all of Trump’s books listed on the Trump Organization’s web site are either compilations of other people’s words or include a co-author." laugh.png


Your question was about his positions which I answered. If you use the quote function it will be easier to converse as numbers will change depending on how many of your name calling posts are deleted for trolling.

It makes no difference if there was a co author or not. A position is not dependent on originality. A position may be agreeing with someone's opinion. A successful executive gathers information from many and makes an informed decision.

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... More people on the dole than working people so Trump won't win. Don't worry.

You can always tell a conservative entertainment industry watcher by the lies and half truths they spout.

This one is from Fox New's Varney & Company in 2012. Shown to be not even close to true.



Add 12 million government employees that are paid by people actually working and paying taxes. biggrin.png

Government employees pay taxes too. Is this admission of repeating a conservative entertainment industry lie?


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Watch this Bernie Supporting Idiot try to rile up the peaceful Trump supporters.

We been feed krap ...about Trump violence.

Shoe is on the other foot...and we see the low grade trouble makers and how they operate.

Pay attention to the last 3 minutes..especially.

Goes to show what the media did, do lowbrow Trump....and proves who the real troublemakers were..and still are.


had to play this for you.... just saw too many posters claim that Trump was such a violent man.


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... More people on the dole than working people so Trump won't win. Don't worry.

You can always tell a conservative entertainment industry watcher by the lies and half truths they spout.

This one is from Fox New's Varney & Company in 2012. Shown to be not even close to true.



Add 12 million government employees that are paid by people actually working and paying taxes. biggrin.png

Government employees pay taxes too. Is this admission of repeating a conservative entertainment industry lie?


Government employees are paid 100% from taxes and pay a small percent back. Government employees are government employees and it does take many to do the job of one person in private enterprise be they Republicans or Democrats. The best and brightest don't work for the state they work for private enterprise.

Conservatives know this as do liberals it is non partisan laziness and inefficiency.

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Donald Trump's disrespect for the military is appalling - and unprecedented

"The disrespect that the Republican frontrunner for the presidential nomination has consistently shown towards veterans and service members is unprecedented,

especially for a member of the party that, at least nominally, prides itself on being more supportive of the troops."

"Trump’s disrespect of veterans began long before the current election cycle. On the Howard Stern show back in 1997,

sandwiched in between a bunch of embarrassing comments about women, Trump compared his sex life in the 1980s to a war experience."

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there – it’s scary, like Vietnam.

Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier” facepalm.gif


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Trump is out of his league. So is his campaign. If he gets the nomination he'll stumble into it.

By the fall/autumn the question was whether Trump would get votes once the Republican caucuses and primaries began in February. He does get votes, yes indeed. Whether it is among 17 Republicans or three, Trump gets a plurality. Rarely a majority. Trump's Republican vote base is now defined and it is pretty much fixed within a limited range of a plurality.

Now the question is whether Trump can figure out the rules of delegate selection and to learn the roles of the delegates, the party and its processes, its convention. So far so bad.

Trump has demonstrated he can be chosen the lord of his group of the Republican voters. Now that the hunger games have begun however Trump is shoeless and already down to his loincloth. Trump has to regroup post haste and crank it up big time or he's going to lose a lot of weight.

There never was any gravitas there to begin with.

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German minister calls Trump a threat, Merkel lauds Clinton

"German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has branded leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,

a threat to peace and prosperity while Chancellor Angela Merkel said it had always been a pleasure to work with Democrat Hillary Clinton."

"Whether Donald Trump, Marine le Pen or Geert Wilders -

all these right-wing populists are not only a threat to peace and social cohesion, but also to economic development"

"Gabriel said that Trump and French National Front leader Le Pen were promising voters "a way back into a fairytale world" laugh.png

in which economic activity only happened within national borders but that history had shown such isolated economies had no prospect." thumbsup.gif


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The Trump haters can rest assumed that he won't get into the Oval Office.

I posted the following in another thread, but I think it's more appropriate here:

Donald Trump will get screwed at a "brokered" Rep convention. The Republican establishment has been quietly changing the rules to cheat Trump out of the candidacy despite his greater popular vote. The American people will not get what they want need because the whole 2-party system is a sham. This year's plot was written long ago and will end with Hillary Clinton as the next President as she's the one who has been groomed, corrupted, compromised and rewarded over the years, getting ready to take her spot as the next elite-selected puppet leader -- one after the other.

I'm not a Trump fan and when I say "he's" what the US 'want needs', I really mean someone to break the status quo of the elite running the show and exploiting the situation by continually installing their chosen representatives.

Trump is the elite-wannage, and is always trying to further burnish his image. He showed up at the Iowa State fair in a helicopter. He has his own jet with a gold toilet. All his mansions and apartments are plastered with gold everywhere. Trump's opulence would make Louis XIV blush. It so happens that those with an elite upbringing can see through his charade as easily as seeing the wrapper on Trump Steaks showing 'Bush Brothers Steaks.' Even most of the general public can see through Trump's self-blovated image. They can see it when he denigrates anyone who has a different opinion. ....when he uses 3rd grade potty mouth name-calling, when he blames Bush Jr. for 9-11, when he says Kerry made an awful deal re; Iran (when no Republican even had an idea of what to do about Iran). He's like a fish bowl -easy to see through.

Could this be thy symtoms of DT?

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude.
  • http://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-symptoms/

All of these things could have been said and worse was said about Abraham Lincoln by his opponents (also that his wife was a spy and crazy). The fact remains they are a personal attack and have nothing to do with the topic of this thread and even though they are anti Trump are completely off topic unless anything anti Trump is always on topic in any thread where his name is mentioned.

Not at all off-topic. If Americans have a narcissist (NPD) trouble maker as one of the two candidates in the general election, they should know what they're voting for.

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German minister calls Trump a threat, Merkel lauds Clinton

"German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has branded leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,

a threat to peace and prosperity while Chancellor Angela Merkel said it had always been a pleasure to work with Democrat Hillary Clinton."

"Whether Donald Trump, Marine le Pen or Geert Wilders -

all these right-wing populists are not only a threat to peace and social cohesion, but also to economic development"

"Gabriel said that Trump and French National Front leader Le Pen were promising voters "a way back into a fairytale world" laugh.png

in which economic activity only happened within national borders but that history had shown such isolated economies had no prospect." thumbsup.gif


I think most Americans would consider that a plus for Trump. Did you think outside of Thai Visa that Americans like or pay any attention at all to Europe or Europeans except to complain about how much it costs to defend them or pay for their bills at the UN? Don't forget how popular Piers Morgan was.

Saudi Arabia (where the 9/11 bombers came from) gave between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Is it a wonder that the Trump machine keeps on rolling along.

Edited by Scotwight
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Is This What a Live Donald Trump Meltdown Looks Like?

Yes. See the desparate Bloviator babbling nonsense like an unhinged Mussolini in the link below. facepalm.gif

"The real money shot was in the last forty seconds when Trump got hyped, and said some variation of the word "win" fourteen different times."

"The crowd at the event seemed to enjoy it, but anyone watching it on their computers at home might have seen a raving lunatic rather than a serious politician."


The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says, he's the only chance to give the establishment a good kicking, and that is what pro Trumpers want. Give them a better choice of anti establishment candidate and they'll vote for them instead.

Are you kidding? Donald IS THE ESTABLISHMENT - in dozens of ways. Shall I make another list? It won't be short.

Democrats don't stand a chance. Just take a look at the present debates. Hillary and Bernie screaming at each other (had to be reminded to settle down, by the moderation). The only thing these two clowns agreed on is to hand out more and more benefits and increase minimum wage. Not a thought about creating more jobs (which is the real problem). They plan to reinforce all the mistakes obama has already made. They also agreed to shoot down any proposal for improvements.

Screaming Hillary (as she is now referred to), is only leading by Bernie by 10 points. Bernie might snatch NY from the girl

Meanwhile, Don is way up in the 40's (almost doubling tiny ted).

This is going to be good.

Nice to see the democrats make big <deleted> out of themselves. llllllllllol

Some might see a roadkill raccoon and think, "Oh the innocent animal got killed, what a pity." Others might see the same and think, "Great, free dinner!"

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US election: Could Trump really cut the US $19tn debt in eight years?

"Trump campaign spokesman Barry Bennett said the debt could be wiped by selling government assets, including government buildings, land and energy resources.

He claims this could bring in $16tn." blink.png

"According to the US Government Accountability Office, though, the federal government only owns $3.1tn in assets.

This does not include natural resources or stewardship assets."

"To get close to Mr Bennett's figure, Americans would have to give up all their national parks, and sell the natural resources on public land including timber and minerals.

The country would also have to sell energy reserves like offshore oil and hope the price of that oil - which has fallen over 70% since June 2014 - starts rising."


Grand plan Donnie... clap2.giffacepalm.gif

What's your backup plan? Bankruptcy? cheesy.gif

Edited by iReason
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German minister calls Trump a threat, Merkel lauds Clinton

"German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has branded leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,

a threat to peace and prosperity while Chancellor Angela Merkel said it had always been a pleasure to work with Democrat Hillary Clinton."

"Whether Donald Trump, Marine le Pen or Geert Wilders -

all these right-wing populists are not only a threat to peace and social cohesion, but also to economic development"

"Gabriel said that Trump and French National Front leader Le Pen were promising voters "a way back into a fairytale world" laugh.png

in which economic activity only happened within national borders but that history had shown such isolated economies had no prospect." thumbsup.gif


I think most Americans would consider that a plus for Trump. Did you think outside of Thai Visa that Americans like or pay any attention at all to Europe or Europeans except to complain about how much it costs to defend them or pay for their bills at the UN? Don't forget how popular Piers Morgan was.

Saudi Arabia (where the 9/11 bombers came from) gave between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Is it a wonder that the Trump machine keeps on rolling along.

Yeah. Those UN bills are really hard on the average US citizen. You know that from the top contributing countries in absolute terms, the cost ranges from USD 1.85 to USD 3.45 per person per year. Guess how much is the US contribution per person?

I'll answer for you; it's the USD 1.85 amount. From the top10 contributors in absolute terms, the US pays the least per person. Bunch of cheapskates!

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US election: Could Trump really cut the US $19tn debt in eight years?

"Trump campaign spokesman Barry Bennett said the debt could be wiped by selling government assets, including government buildings, land and energy resources.

He claims this could bring in $16tn." blink.png

"According to the US Government Accountability Office, though, the federal government only owns $3.1tn in assets.

This does not include natural resources or stewardship assets."

"To get close to Mr Bennett's figure, Americans would have to give up all their national parks, and sell the natural resources on public land including timber and minerals.

The country would also have to sell energy reserves like offshore oil and hope the price of that oil - which has fallen over 70% since June 2014 - starts rising."


Grand plan Donnie... clap2.giffacepalm.gif

What's your backup plan? Bankruptcy? cheesy.gif

They could start by selling the UN.

  1. United States (28.38%)
  2. Japan (10.83%)
  3. France (7.22%)
  4. Germany (7.14%)
  5. United Kingdom (6.68%)
  6. China (6.64%)
  7. Italy (4.45%)
  8. Russian Federation (3.15%)
  9. Canada (2.98%)
  10. Spain (2.97%)
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German minister calls Trump a threat, Merkel lauds Clinton

"German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel has branded leading U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump,

a threat to peace and prosperity while Chancellor Angela Merkel said it had always been a pleasure to work with Democrat Hillary Clinton."

"Whether Donald Trump, Marine le Pen or Geert Wilders -

all these right-wing populists are not only a threat to peace and social cohesion, but also to economic development"

"Gabriel said that Trump and French National Front leader Le Pen were promising voters "a way back into a fairytale world" laugh.png

in which economic activity only happened within national borders but that history had shown such isolated economies had no prospect." thumbsup.gif


I think most Americans would consider that a plus for Trump. Did you think outside of Thai Visa that Americans like or pay any attention at all to Europe or Europeans except to complain about how much it costs to defend them or pay for their bills at the UN? Don't forget how popular Piers Morgan was.

Saudi Arabia (where the 9/11 bombers came from) gave between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Is it a wonder that the Trump machine keeps on rolling along.

Yeah. Those UN bills are really hard on the average US citizen. You know that from the top contributing countries in absolute terms, the cost ranges from USD 1.85 to USD 3.45 per person per year. Guess how much is the US contribution per person?

I'll answer for you; it's the USD 1.85 amount. From the top10 contributors in absolute terms, the US pays the least per person. Bunch of cheapskates!

If you divide it by the average US taxpayer it is about 10 times that amount. 28% is too much for the USA to pay for an organization like the UN.

My point was the US does not care what Europeans think about Trump. Not even a little bit. wai2.gif

It's like of like Thailand in that respect. They really don't care what anyone thinks.

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Are you kidding? Donald IS THE ESTABLISHMENT - in dozens of ways. Shall I make another list? It won't be short.

Are you kidding? The Republican establishment is going tutti fruity nuts trying to get rid of him.

That's why I mentioned road kill. Two people can look at the same thing and draw 2 different conclusions. The Donald is to the establishment what greedy billionaires are to greedy billionaires.

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Mexican President: Donald Trump damaging US-Mexico relations

"Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto condemned Republican front-runner Donald Trump's rhetoric on Mexico and said,

that the billionaire has damaged the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico."

"Whoever insults or speaks badly of Mexico doesn't know the country," Peña Nieto told El Universal. "Whoever speaks badly of Mexicans doesn't know Mexicans."
"Former Mexican President Vicente Fox slammed Trump's proposal to build a wall and told Jorge Ramos "I'm not going to pay for that f---ing wall," in a Fusion interview last month."
Viva Mexico! Stand up to the Bloviator. He is just an ignorant fool who lives in a ivory tower. Gracias!


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Democracy is a joke, says China - just look at Donald Trump

"When there is upheaval within China’s own borders – riots, protests, vicious political power struggles –

hardly a sniff of it will be found in the pages of the country’s heavily-controlled press."

"When it happens elsewhere – and particularly when it underscores the perils and pitfalls of democracy – it becomes front-page news."

"Such is the case of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, who, for China’s authoritarian rulers,

has become the latest example of how allowing the masses a say in choosing their leaders is a bad idea. It added, darkly:

“Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, a heavy lesson for western democracy.”


Great job Donnie in giving oppressed nations hope.

Please slime your way back to your gold plated toilets and let the real world work it out. Punk.


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@Post 1104

"The anti Donalds still don't get it. It doesn't matter what he says" blink.pngIncredible. facepalm.gif

But, perhaps you are right.

Given the fact that he is a rascist, mob-connected, misogynistic, fascist, uniformed, ignorant, foul buffoon and his sheep still don't care.

The Bloviator has not proposed one vision other than divisive, bigoted, marginalizing, dangerous rhetoric.

Oh, and proliferating Nuclear Weapons. Not to mention his idea of using them in Europe and the Middle East.

"anti establishment candidate"? Paleezzzze.....


Ahh, but this is all parlour talk.

The Bloviator will never achieve his narcissistic goal. thumbsup.gif

Trump tax proposal.

Called the “1-5-10-15” income tax plan Tax proposals consist of the following:

* Those making up to $30,000 will pay 1 percent.

* Income from $30,000 to $100,000 results in a flat 5 percent.

* $100,000 to $1 million income will be taxed at 10 percent.

* On $1 million or above will be taxed 15 percent.

For information on other positions such as China trade, VA and health care see https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions

So he's announced a plan. Bully for him. Neither he, nor that propaganda rag that you link to, or you in fact, can say whether this plan will result in sufficient revenues to fund the government. If you are going to reply with a bunch of generalisations about not paying NATO, UN, getting rid of the DEP (the Department of Environment - something starting with a P that Trump couldn't remember) and all that nonsense, it will be clear that you still have no idea.

I think it is pretty apt question - what is the impact of the plan as announced on the fiscal balance of the US?

We won't even get to the silliness of paying down $19tn in debt in 4 years. How? Get Canada to pay for it?

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