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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

That may or may not be true, but try this:

Listen to a recent stump speech or victory rally where Hillary is speaking. Try listening for more than a minute (I know that's tough for AD Republicans). Even a determined Hillary hater would have to admit she's sharp-minded. She has convictions and can put legible sentences together. Something tells me you're not going to listen to anything Hillary actually says. It would interfere with Trump fans' fixation on hating everything about her, even though they know very little about her, except excerpts from the Republican Attack Machine. Mussolini would be grinning knowingly.

Hillary's qualities are sorely missing in Trump's stumps. Not only is Trump a confused, uninformed grandstander, ....he has trouble putting a legible sentence together. He has the sentence structure and vocabulary of a dim-witted 9 yr old bully.

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Most of the problems in the world today stem from the Bush interventions in the Middle East...doesn't lend you much credibility quoting from the author of these policies.

Christopher Hitchens also got Iraq wrong. But he wrote lots of brilliant sharp stuff. Kagan has a lot of things to answer for. But this article isn't one of them. He captures the craziness of the Trump support. The belief in a strong leader even when that leader makes proiposals that are mutually incompatible. I had one person today insist that Donald Trump is a good person. What has he done in his life that makes him some kind of moral exemplar?

If being a good person, or having others think you are, is the metric, then Hillary's way behind the power curve.

Plenty of accounts of her being a bitch on roller skates in real life and following her previous campaign meltdown, an ineffective leader and manager.

I had the opportunity to sit and talk on two occasions with a retired S/S agent who was on the Clinton detail and the stories he told me line up with what's out in the ether.

I'm not a Trump "guy" but I'm not buying the false front HRC puts up either.


I'm not a Trump "guy"

It seems I may have overlooked your posts criticising Donald Trump cause I don't remember any. All the same, I'm sure they exist. Well, I think they exist. Maybe. Perhaps. Somewhere.

So rather than scroll through your posts at your profile I'll look forward to seeing your continued posts criticising Donald Trump as well as your many posts of a negativity toward HRC.

Although I might have to face the likelihood of continuing to come up dry in this respect.

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Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

That may or may not be true, but try this:

Listen to a recent stump speech or victory rally where Hillary is speaking. Try listening for more than a minute (I know that's tough for AD Republicans). Even a determined Hillary hater would have to admit she's sharp-minded. She has convictions and can put legible sentences together. Something tells me you're not going to listen to anything Hillary actually says. It would interfere with Trump fans' fixation on hating everything about her, even though they know very little about her, except excerpts from the Republican Attack Machine. Mussolini would be grinning knowingly.

Hillary's qualities are sorely missing in Trump's stumps. Not only is Trump a confused, uninformed grandstander, ....he has trouble putting a legible sentence together. He has the sentence structure and vocabulary of a dim-witted 9 yr old bully.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Trump fan -- can't stand him. But I believe Hillary is dangerous, corrupt and compromised, whether or not she's mentally competent. It's a no-win situation for US citizens regarding politics (once again).

I'm a fan of seeing the status quo challenged, and Trump has awoken that spirit, but the guy is certainly the wrong person to be President.

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If being a good person, or having others think you are, is the metric, then Hillary's way behind the power curve.

Plenty of accounts of her being a bitch on roller skates in real life and following her previous campaign meltdown, an ineffective leader and manager.

I had the opportunity to sit and talk on two occasions with a retired S/S agent who was on the Clinton detail and the stories he told me line up with what's out in the ether.

I'm not a Trump "guy" but I'm not buying the false front HRC puts up either.


I'm not a Trump "guy"

It seems I may have overlooked your posts criticising Donald Trump cause I don't remember any. All the same, I'm sure they exist. Well, I think they exist. Maybe. Perhaps. Somewhere.

So rather than scroll through your posts at your profile I'll look forward to seeing your continued posts criticising Donald Trump as well as your many posts of a negativity toward HRC.

Although I might have to face the likelihood of continuing to come up dry in this respect.

Suit yourself.

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Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

That may or may not be true, but try this:

Listen to a recent stump speech or victory rally where Hillary is speaking. Try listening for more than a minute (I know that's tough for AD Republicans). Even a determined Hillary hater would have to admit she's sharp-minded. She has convictions and can put legible sentences together. Something tells me you're not going to listen to anything Hillary actually says. It would interfere with Trump fans' fixation on hating everything about her, even though they know very little about her, except excerpts from the Republican Attack Machine. Mussolini would be grinning knowingly.

Hillary's qualities are sorely missing in Trump's stumps. Not only is Trump a confused, uninformed grandstander, ....he has trouble putting a legible sentence together. He has the sentence structure and vocabulary of a dim-witted 9 yr old bully.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Trump fan -- can't stand him. But I believe Hillary is dangerous, corrupt and compromised, whether or not she's mentally competent. It's a no-win situation for US citizens regarding politics (once again).

I'm a fan of seeing the status quo challenged, and Trump has awoken that spirit, but the guy is certainly the wrong person to be President.

That's a fair statement.

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USA arr going down whoever will be the next president.

if it was so easy, they would have fix problems years ago.

I think we have been too far with these trades and there is no way to step back.

we are doomed since 9/11. debt will go up. nobody knows what will happen.

Edited by returnofthailand
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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...

Well at least with Trump the US foreign policy will amount to more than spreading international confusion about which bathroom to use. whistling.gif

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Trump Finally Reveals the Foreign Policy Advisor He’s Consulting: ‘I’m Speaking With Myself’ laugh.png

Brzezinski asked yet again, “Who are you talking to consistently since we have some dire foreign policy issues percolating around the world right now?”

“I’m speaking with myself,” said the real estate mogul. blink.png

He continued, saying the following phrase verbatim: "Because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things" cheesy.gif

“So, I know what I’m doing… my primary consultant is myself — at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who those people are,” he told Brzezinski.

After the interview, Joe Scarborough at least cheerfully offered, “That’s the fourth time you tried!”
Trump doing what he does best: Bloviate
Edited by iReason
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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...

Well at least with Trump the US foreign policy will amount to more than spreading international confusion about which bathroom to use. whistling.gif

So Donald Trump has a coherent foreign policy? Can you share with us some details of what that might be? I think you are confusing attitude with policy.

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...

Well at least with Trump the US foreign policy will amount to more than spreading international confusion about which bathroom to use. whistling.gif

So Donald Trump has a coherent foreign policy? Can you share with us some details of what that might be? I think you are confusing attitude with policy.

Simple. Build a wall and build trade barriers with our biggest trading partners and new ones; alienate most of our long-time trusted allies; create divisions based on religion; and, oh, yeah, become best buddies forever with Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Clear enough?

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...

Well at least with Trump the US foreign policy will amount to more than spreading international confusion about which bathroom to use. whistling.gif

You may not agree with Obama about bathroom usage. But how important is 'which bathroom to use', compared to a nutcase being in charge of the world's most powerful military? 77 nukes. That's a lot of firepower at one person's fingertips. Granted, if Trump were president, he probably couldn't fire nukes all on his own, but he would have more say in the matter than any other person.

Trump fans like the idea of someone with zero experience with legislation, a person who's never been elected to anything, who is quick-to-anger, very easily offended and quick-to-retribution, changes his principles daily, who doesn't get along with most foreign leaders he interacts with, who is rash, and has dangerous people as his top advisers.

Maybe when he starts an unnecessary N war due to a temper tantrum from being offended, he can blame it on John Miller.

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Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

That may or may not be true, but try this:

Listen to a recent stump speech or victory rally where Hillary is speaking. Try listening for more than a minute (I know that's tough for AD Republicans). Even a determined Hillary hater would have to admit she's sharp-minded. She has convictions and can put legible sentences together. Something tells me you're not going to listen to anything Hillary actually says. It would interfere with Trump fans' fixation on hating everything about her, even though they know very little about her, except excerpts from the Republican Attack Machine. Mussolini would be grinning knowingly.

Hillary's qualities are sorely missing in Trump's stumps. Not only is Trump a confused, uninformed grandstander, ....he has trouble putting a legible sentence together. He has the sentence structure and vocabulary of a dim-witted 9 yr old bully.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Trump fan -- can't stand him. But I believe Hillary is dangerous, corrupt and compromised, whether or not she's mentally competent. It's a no-win situation for US citizens regarding politics (once again).

I'm a fan of seeing the status quo challenged, and Trump has awoken that spirit, but the guy is certainly the wrong person to be President.

It's pretty much unmistakable who is opposed to Trump and who is not. It's like night and day.

It is also clear who is opposed to HRC but not opposed to Trump. It's sort of a darkness at noon. At least these folk don't claim to be independent any more. We hear a lot of anti-Clinton from 'em but nary a post criticising the ignoramus Trump.

They suit themselves.

Carry on.

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Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

That may or may not be true, but try this:

Listen to a recent stump speech or victory rally where Hillary is speaking. Try listening for more than a minute (I know that's tough for AD Republicans). Even a determined Hillary hater would have to admit she's sharp-minded. She has convictions and can put legible sentences together. Something tells me you're not going to listen to anything Hillary actually says. It would interfere with Trump fans' fixation on hating everything about her, even though they know very little about her, except excerpts from the Republican Attack Machine. Mussolini would be grinning knowingly.

Hillary's qualities are sorely missing in Trump's stumps. Not only is Trump a confused, uninformed grandstander, ....he has trouble putting a legible sentence together. He has the sentence structure and vocabulary of a dim-witted 9 yr old bully.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Trump fan -- can't stand him. But I believe Hillary is dangerous, corrupt and compromised, whether or not she's mentally competent. It's a no-win situation for US citizens regarding politics (once again).

I'm a fan of seeing the status quo challenged, and Trump has awoken that spirit, but the guy is certainly the wrong person to be President.

That's a fair statement.

Trump fans don't like this kind of incisive talk....

Matt Taibbi: “If this isn’t the end for the Republican Party, it’ll be a shame. They dominated American political life for 50 years and were never anything but monsters. They bred in their voters the incredible attitude that Republicans were the only people within our borders who raised children, loved their country, died in battle or paid taxes. They even sullied the word ‘American’ by insisting they were the only real ones. They preferred Lubbock to Paris, and their idea of an intellectual was Newt Gingrich.

“A century ago, the small-town American was Gary Cooper: tough, silent, upright and confident. The modern Republican Party changed that person into a haranguing neurotic who couldn’t make it through a dinner without pressing you about your politics. They destroyed the American character. No hell is hot enough for them. And when Trump came along, they rolled over like the weaklings they’ve always been, bowing more or less instantly to his parodic show of strength.”

A fair statement indeed.

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

And what do you infer from Henry Kissinger stating Hilary ran the best State Department he's seen in several administrations? Ramblings of a senile old man?

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

In all due respect, Kissinger is a little past his prime and really should not be viewed as an "insider" to Clinton's State Dept.

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Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

That may or may not be true, but try this:

Listen to a recent stump speech or victory rally where Hillary is speaking. Try listening for more than a minute (I know that's tough for AD Republicans). Even a determined Hillary hater would have to admit she's sharp-minded. She has convictions and can put legible sentences together. Something tells me you're not going to listen to anything Hillary actually says. It would interfere with Trump fans' fixation on hating everything about her, even though they know very little about her, except excerpts from the Republican Attack Machine. Mussolini would be grinning knowingly.

Hillary's qualities are sorely missing in Trump's stumps. Not only is Trump a confused, uninformed grandstander, ....he has trouble putting a legible sentence together. He has the sentence structure and vocabulary of a dim-witted 9 yr old bully.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm not a Trump fan -- can't stand him. But I believe Hillary is dangerous, corrupt and compromised, whether or not she's mentally competent. It's a no-win situation for US citizens regarding politics (once again).

I'm a fan of seeing the status quo challenged, and Trump has awoken that spirit, but the guy is certainly the wrong person to be President.

Hillary is considerably more dangerous as she would already have almost half a Congress whom are little more than partisan, mindless, drones that would enable every tragic course that she decides to set out upon. All it would take is a midterm election or two and Clinton would have carte blanche. I'm not convinced Trump would have such a blind following.

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Hillary is considerably more dangerous as she would already have almost half a Congress whom are little more than partisan, mindless, drones that would enable every tragic course that she decides to set out upon. All it would take is a midterm election or two and Clinton would have carte blanche. I'm not convinced Trump would have such a blind following.

How do you see HRC as dangerous? She may have priorities different than yours (she wants a fair and comprehensive health plan that is accessible to all Americans, for example), but how are her policy recommendations 'dangerous'? She talks about compelling Big Pharma to bring down its prices for drugs, is that dangerous? She agrees with most people that there is too much fossil-fuel burning and how alternative power can take up the slack. Is that dangerous?

To me, 'dangerous' is better defined by a person who is quick to anger, has very immature ways of retribution (name calling, defamation suits), changes his mind and breaks promises often, has scant idea how to get things done inside the beltway (maybe he can learn on the job?), is thin-skinned, easily offended, makes enemies every day, is quick-to-blame, is negative about America. Those, to me, are ugly character traits.

Don says he likes to be unpredictable and he likes people who don't know what they're doing ("I love the uneducated"). Do you want someone unpredictable controlling the world's most powerful military, surrounded by advisers who are themselves clueless, quick-to-anger, yes-men? Nixon shut off the world by hiding behind two thugs: Halderman and Erlechman, and look how much good they did for him. Trump is a lot like Nixon, though Nixon could speak in legible sentences and was a gentleman and didn't call people immature names (not in public, anyway). They both cuss often, are paranoid, hide away when challenged (the other day, Trump hung up on a reporter when the name John Miller was broached. When the reporter called back 15 seconds later, a woman answered and said Trump was not available) That's the definition of hiding away / hiding from tough questions. That's not the sort of person America needs at its helm.

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To paraphrase some republican I forget the name Hillary may be bad but she's bad within normal parameters but trump's badness on the other hand ...

Really I can't begin to understand how any rational American can't see that trump is incredibly dangerous.

I can understand however his appeal to nihilists.

Edited by Jingthing
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USA arr going down whoever will be the next president.

if it was so easy, they would have fix problems years ago.

I think we have been too far with these trades and there is no way to step back.

we are doomed since 9/11. debt will go up. nobody knows what will happen.

Cheer up cause while the situation of the USA is hopeless it's not a serious one. gigglem.gif

Edited by Publicus
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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

There is nothing to speculate about Donald Trump. He is an ignoramus and he's the uniquely American 21st century Mussolini. This is plain and clear.

HRC is the tough survivor who knows the ropes. That is the choice we have, i.e., it's either the 21st century home grown American fascist or the bulwark against extremism HRC.

Bob Gates makes clear that while he had some disagreements with President Obama, Gates considers Trump wholly unqualified to be Potus. The former SecDef is focused on exposing Donald Trump because he sees the peril and danger of a Trump presidency. So those who try misrepresent Bob Gates share in Trump's M.O. and in the extremist's objective to gain state power. Those who try to minimise Trump share his radical agenda. Trump is their once in a lifetime windfall.

Trump and his hunger games fan base.

OMG you are SO 2008... You hope against hope ... that what you post is relevant and you will have another leftist in the WH... but this isn't 2008 ... it is 2016 and Her Thighness is SO Unappealing to voters ... OH what is a Leftist - Socialist to do ... ooooooooh .

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To paraphrase some republican I forget the name Hillary may be bad but she's bad within normal parameters but trump's badness on the other hand ...

Really I can't begin to understand how any rational American can't see that trump is incredibly dangerous.

I can understand however his appeal to nihilists.

It's the people who daily bash HRC while simultaneously giving Trump a free pass, all the while saying they're not for Trump. Or they're not for HRC but can't make up their mind yet whether they're for Trump. laugh.png

It's a formula that is easily identified because it is both obvious and a repeated pattern.

Bash Hillary morning noon and night, pump out the blue smoke and mirrors to say you don't like Trump while always giving Trump the ignoramus his daily freebe. His endless run of daily exemptions and free rides.

The March of the Trumpeteers.

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

There is nothing to speculate about Donald Trump. He is an ignoramus and he's the uniquely American 21st century Mussolini. This is plain and clear.

HRC is the tough survivor who knows the ropes. That is the choice we have, i.e., it's either the 21st century home grown American fascist or the bulwark against extremism HRC.

Bob Gates makes clear that while he had some disagreements with President Obama, Gates considers Trump wholly unqualified to be Potus. The former SecDef is focused on exposing Donald Trump because he sees the peril and danger of a Trump presidency. So those who try misrepresent Bob Gates share in Trump's M.O. and in the extremist's objective to gain state power. Those who try to minimise Trump share his radical agenda. Trump is their once in a lifetime windfall.

Trump and his hunger games fan base.

OMG you are SO 2008... You hope against hope ... that what you post is relevant and you will have another leftist in the WH... but this isn't 2008 ... it is 2016 and Her Thighness is SO Unappealing to voters ... OH what is a Leftist - Socialist to do ... ooooooooh .

Gates is a long time political insider and I would expect him to have said exactly what he said. Having said that and putting aside ones own emotional opinion, Gates, like the rest of us, can only speculate on what a Trump term would actually look like.

Hillary is completely ill-equipped to handle the job so she better have her hubby on speed dial because I doubt he will actually be residing at 1600 Penn Ave

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Top Experts Confounded by Advisers to Donald Trump

"When Donald J. Trump finally began to reveal the names of his foreign policy advisers during a swing through Washington this week,

the Republican foreign policy establishment looked at them and had a pretty universal reaction: Who?"

"Mr. Trump has promised to hire the world’s brightest minds to make up for his lack of political experience,
but his new foreign policy team left some of the country’s leading experts in the field scratching their heads as they tried to identify his choices."
“Many of us who have held senior positions in previous Republican administrations have been asking each other if we have ever heard of them,
and pretty much everybody is turning to Google to see what they can find,” said Mike Green, a foreign policy expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
who served on President George W. Bush’s National Security Council.
But in many cases, even Google offered little but outdated biographies of Mr. Trump’s new cast of experts, and on Tuesday, most of them proved elusive when sought for interviews." laugh.png
The best of the best... Oh, wait, these must be the C and D list guys.
Whatta clown.
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To paraphrase some republican I forget the name Hillary may be bad but she's bad within normal parameters but trump's badness on the other hand ...

Really I can't begin to understand how any rational American can't see that trump is incredibly dangerous.

I can understand however his appeal to nihilists.

Look on the bright side. At least you don't have to be like a shallow, Hollywood nimrod and threaten to leave the country if he is elected......plus you can always tell people you are from Canada thumbsup.gif

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

There is nothing to speculate about Donald Trump. He is an ignoramus and he's the uniquely American 21st century Mussolini. This is plain and clear.

HRC is the tough survivor who knows the ropes. That is the choice we have, i.e., it's either the 21st century home grown American fascist or the bulwark against extremism HRC.

Bob Gates makes clear that while he had some disagreements with President Obama, Gates considers Trump wholly unqualified to be Potus. The former SecDef is focused on exposing Donald Trump because he sees the peril and danger of a Trump presidency. So those who try misrepresent Bob Gates share in Trump's M.O. and in the extremist's objective to gain state power. Those who try to minimise Trump share his radical agenda. Trump is their once in a lifetime windfall.

Trump and his hunger games fan base.

OMG you are SO 2008... You hope against hope ... that what you post is relevant and you will have another leftist in the WH... but this isn't 2008 ... it is 2016 and Her Thighness is SO Unappealing to voters ... OH what is a Leftist - Socialist to do ... ooooooooh .

Sounds like someone's passing wind. giggle.gif

When I wuz a kid I wore a coonskin cap cause it was like Davey Crockett.

But Donald Trump is an old guy with a girth who wears a squerril. He's Ralph Cramden redux going off to his lodge meeting no Muslims allowed. Forrest Gump standing there beaming cause he's got a Mexican in his net.

You got the wrong guy btw to try to pin as a socialist so take off the blindfold. Then you might see that Donald Trump is the uniquely American incarnation of Benito Mussolini and that Trump is an ignoramus. A man of ill temperament. Grotesque.

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To paraphrase some republican I forget the name Hillary may be bad but she's bad within normal parameters but trump's badness on the other hand ...

Really I can't begin to understand how any rational American can't see that trump is incredibly dangerous.

I can understand however his appeal to nihilists.

Look on the bright side. At least you don't have to be like a shallow, Hollywood nimrod and threaten to leave the country if he is elected......plus you can always tell people you are from Canada thumbsup.gif

Isn't it "funneeeeh" that those threatening to leave USA if Trump is elected are always leaving for Canada and not Mexico... you know the country south of USA that the same "i'm leaving for Canada!" morons think should have open borders to USA?

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Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

There is nothing to speculate about Donald Trump. He is an ignoramus and he's the uniquely American 21st century Mussolini. This is plain and clear.

HRC is the tough survivor who knows the ropes. That is the choice we have, i.e., it's either the 21st century home grown American fascist or the bulwark against extremism HRC.

Bob Gates makes clear that while he had some disagreements with President Obama, Gates considers Trump wholly unqualified to be Potus. The former SecDef is focused on exposing Donald Trump because he sees the peril and danger of a Trump presidency. So those who try misrepresent Bob Gates share in Trump's M.O. and in the extremist's objective to gain state power. Those who try to minimise Trump share his radical agenda. Trump is their once in a lifetime windfall.

Trump and his hunger games fan base.

OMG you are SO 2008... You hope against hope ... that what you post is relevant and you will have another leftist in the WH... but this isn't 2008 ... it is 2016 and Her Thighness is SO Unappealing to voters ... OH what is a Leftist - Socialist to do ... ooooooooh .

Sounds like someone's passing wind. giggle.gif

When I wuz a kid I wore a coonskin cap cause it was like Davey Crockett.

But Donald Trump is an old guy with a girth who wears a squerril. He's Ralph Cramden redux going off to his lodge meeting no Muslims allowed. Forrest Gump standing there beaming cause he's got a Mexican in his net.

You got the wrong guy btw to try to pin as a socialist so take off the blindfold. Then you might see that Donald Trump is the uniquely American incarnation of Benito Mussolini and that Trump is an ignoramus. A man of ill temperament. Grotesque.

Once again "funneeeh" that the person saying Trump has an ill temperament is also the same person constantly going on and on and on and on with his ad hominems against Trump.

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Donald Trump to meet with Henry Kissinger, GOP’s foreign-policy eminence

"Donald Trump is scheduled to meet here Wednesday with former secretary of state Henry Kissinger as the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee,

looks to develop his foreign-policy expertise, according to three people close to Trump."

"Meeting with Kissinger has become a rite of passage for many ambitious Republicans, especially those who land on the party’s presidential ticket.

Sarah Palin had a high-profile meeting with him in 2008 when she became the GOP vice-presidential nominee, seeking his counsel and association with his credentials."

"Trump’s conferring with Kissinger underscores not only how he is building relationships with Republican elders but how he leans toward a more realist view of international affairs,

which has long been the bailiwick of Kissinger’s work."


The Bloviator grovels at the feet of the treacherous dark side of the GOP Establishment.
In this case, the War Criminal Kissinger, who along with the disgraced, run out of office, Dick Head Nixon, illegally carpet bombed and napalmed Laos and Cambodia into oblivion.
A true scumbag. The Wall Street Funded Bloviator should be in agreeable company...


Edited by iReason
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