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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump invests in the same companies he bashes

"Maybe Donald Trump never learned the phrase “put your money where your mouth is.” Upon review of his Personal Financial Disclosure,

it turns out that presumed Republican nominee has invested and profited from multiple companies he’s slammed on the trail:"

Mondelez International, Ford, General Electric, Disney, Apple, United Technologies Corporation


Perhaps he's in the process of divesting in these companies he has bashed. laugh.png

Heck, maybe even discontinuing to produce his apparel line in the sweat shops of Bangladesh, China and Mexico. whistling.gif

Hypocrisy. One shallow human...

Nobody cares about sweat shops in Bangi, China, or Mexi...only how cheap their Nikes and Levi's are. If they did, they'd all be walking around nude! tongue.png

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And all those Middle Eastern Muslim theocracies, monarchies, and dictatorships are such staunch supporters of women's, LGBT, and other human rights...things so important to Hillary and her supporters. And her supporters say Trump is some unprincipled money-grubbing misogynist laugh.png

There is so much garbage in the Hillary trash-bin the Democrats seem intent on committing electoral suicide by nominating her gigglem.gif

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Fact is, there's just not nearly enough uneducated, angry white men to make a stand. laugh.png

And once the Independants get motivated, it will be a thrashing of the GOP. thumbsup.gif

Decimated. Along with The Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Mafia Associated, Sweat Shop Purveyor, Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lackey: DJ Trump.

And ladies, I would be remiss not to include the 70% of you who cannot stomach the thought of a misogynist buffoon in the White House.

An added bonus:

A perfect storm raining down on the Bloviator from the 84% of non-white Americans who detest him and see "the Real Donald Trump" for what he is.






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Fact is, there's just not nearly enough uneducated, angry white men to make a stand. laugh.png

And once the Independants get motivated, it will be a thrashing of the GOP. thumbsup.gif

Decimated. Along with The Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Mafia Associated, Sweat Shop Purveyor, Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lackey: DJ Trump.

And ladies, I would be remiss not to include the 70% of you who cannot stomach the thought of a misogynist buffoon in the White House.

You talking about Trump...the description sounds like the Clintons more than anyone else.

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Trump invests in the same companies he bashes

"Maybe Donald Trump never learned the phrase “put your money where your mouth is.” Upon review of his Personal Financial Disclosure,

it turns out that presumed Republican nominee has invested and profited from multiple companies he’s slammed on the trail:"

Mondelez International, Ford, General Electric, Disney, Apple, United Technologies Corporation


Perhaps he's in the process of divesting in these companies he has bashed. laugh.png

Heck, maybe even discontinuing to produce his apparel line in the sweat shops of Bangladesh, China and Mexico. whistling.gif

Hypocrisy. One shallow human...

It is a model of the left to assert that one must boycott or divest in order to have a valid critique. Also, if a person has billions invariably money will be scattered throughout the economy. So, maybe Trump does not put his real money where his mouth is. It cannot be overlooked that only those without money seem to have an issue with his investments.

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Trump foe: Enough dirt to 'knock Trump Tower down' He's coming at Donald Trump like a wrecking ball.

"A top backer of Hillary Clinton's Democratic presidential campaign reportedly has said that he has dug up enough dirt on the Republican front-runner to "knock Trump Tower down to the sub-basement."

"David Brock told a group of major liberal donors in California on Monday night that New York real estate mogul Trump hasn't been "properly vetted by his rivals — or the press

But Brock, who was a conservative journalist and critic of President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, said his American Bridge research group has picked up the slack. Starting all the way back to last summer, Brock said, American Bridge began assembling opposition research on Trump."

"Brock, in his prepared remarks, told the Democracy Alliance donor club that his group had "sat on" the material it has collected on Trump to avoid helping other GOP candidates "who might have been stronger general election candidates. American Bridge is building a database of all the regular people, from unpaid vendors to harassed tenants to defrauded students at Trump University, who got screwed over for one reason only, They took Trump at his word." biggrin.png

"Brock asserted that, if Trump does win the GOP nomination 'a bare-knuckles campaign is necessary' to brand him as a greedy, misogynistic racist, and "a danger to the Constitution, a menace to democracy, and a threat to the nation as a whole.” clap2.gif


Now, now, now,

Hold on Lemmings, before you get your panties in a twist, whatever you’re about to regurgitate, it has all been repeated. ad nauseam.

On the other hand, the general public has not been exposed to the Bloviator’s scurulous life.

It's just beginning.

I’ve said it before:

The Bloviator is a babe in the woods when it comes to the Big Leagues.

They haven’t even started on the loud mouthed, supposed, billionaire. laugh.png

It's gonna be great! It's gonna beYuge!

When the Bloviator finally crawls away with his tail between his legs, all credibility that he may have had, will have evaporated.


And well deserved.

Edited by iReason
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No doubt that Clinton's surrogates will dig up dirt. Even if they couldn't find any, they will fabricate dig some up. They know their media will never vet anything they claim so they can throw anything on the wall

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Yeah, we already know those who have drunk the orange koolaid don't care what is revealed about trump. They're true believers like any followers of any strong leader fascist movements in history. But there is plenty of real stuff coming that has great potential to have an impact on the silent majority of relatively sane Americans. Of course the majority have already taken a side and won't move. It's about those who could go either way.

Edited by Jingthing
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Sort of boring now, digging some scraps from last millennium. So when does the real mudfight begin?


That's all they've got...pathetic laugh.png

So let's see, what do Hillary haters have? .....trying to dig up that dead cat of an issue about Bill getting sassy for 5 minutes with an intern, from the prior century. Not much to base a campaign strategy on, is it boys? Trump can't talk publicly about issues, because each time he does, he falls flat on his spray-tanned face.

No doubt that Clinton's surrogates will dig up dirt. Even if they couldn't find any, they will fabricate dig some up. They know their media will never vet anything they claim so they can throw anything on the wall

No need for Trump's opponents to fabricate any dirt on him. He does it grandly for himself. Throughout all the mudslinging, there will be a core group of Trump's rednecks / brownshirts who will continue to support him no matter what is revealed. That's ok, because they comprise less than 20% of the electorate. It's been shown that no matter how many times Trump changes positions, contradicts himself, acts childish, or lies, he will retain their allegiance. By the same token, Trump won't gain any fans between now and the election. His fan base is already set in concrete.

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Lost it x 2 ?

Sounds like you're going all defensive now...no need to worry, The Pansuit's gonna win in a landside right? ???

Lost it x 2 ?

Sounds like you're going all defensive now...no need to worry, The Pantsuit's gonna win in a landside right...isnt that what all the snarky and full of themselves "commentators" been telling everyone for months? ???

If you're flummoxed and/or don't have anything to add to the discussion, it's ok to just not post.

Agreed - you have added nothing to the discussion for a long time - just more of the same immature personal attacks and insults (and pro-Dem internet cut and pastes).

Therefore, in your own words, you should only post something that will add to the discussion. I wonder - will that occur??

Reminds me of 2nd grade when one kid would call another kid a name, and the second kid would shoot back, "I know you are, but what am I." Come on guys, you can do better than that as a retort, can't you?

Note: I and ireason (I and I, if we were Rastafarian) have been placing a lot of posts herein with specifics, links, facts, quotes. You may not like what we're revealing, but you can't say it's 'nothing added', .....or maybe you can say that, if it's info you don't want revealed.

In contrast, Thwump supporters have been mostly posting vacuous statements like, "Trump's gonna win. Hands Down. It's a done deal. Deal with it." along with variations of smiley faces.

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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Wait a minute, so you're attacking the source because you think it's a leftist rag? Since you insist:







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Yeah, we already know those who have drunk the orange koolaid don't care what is revealed about trump. They're true believers like any followers of any strong leader fascist movements in history. But there is plenty of real stuff coming that has great potential to have an impact on the silent majority of relatively sane Americans. Of course the majority have already taken a side and won't move. It's about those who could go either way.

The only fascists in this campaign are voting Democrat. You an see them violently disrupting opposition political rallies as was popular in Germany 80-90 years ago.

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Lost it x 2 ?

Sounds like you're going all defensive now...no need to worry, The Pansuit's gonna win in a landside right? ???

Lost it x 2 ?

Sounds like you're going all defensive now...no need to worry, The Pantsuit's gonna win in a landside right...isnt that what all the snarky and full of themselves "commentators" been telling everyone for months? ???

If you're flummoxed and/or don't have anything to add to the discussion, it's ok to just not post.

Agreed - you have added nothing to the discussion for a long time - just more of the same immature personal attacks and insults (and pro-Dem internet cut and pastes).

Therefore, in your own words, you should only post something that will add to the discussion. I wonder - will that occur??

Reminds me of 2nd grade when one kid would call another kid a name, and the second kid would shoot back, "I know you are, but what am I." Come on guys, you can do better than that as a retort, can't you?

Note: I and ireason (I and I, if we were Rastafarian) have been placing a lot of posts herein with specifics, links, facts, quotes. You may not like what we're revealing, but you can't say it's 'nothing added', .....or maybe you can say that, if it's info you don't want revealed.

In contrast, Thwump supporters have been mostly posting vacuous statements like, "Trump's gonna win. Hands Down. It's a done deal. Deal with it." along with variations of smiley faces.

Lost it big time. But understandable after all - like most socialistic liberals, you are stuck in second grade and see others the same way. As I said, if you add something intelligent to the debate then I will be very surprised. Bet you can't.

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Again, I don't blame supporters of the vile monster gloating now that the polls showing the race tighter than the pundits expected (wrong, yet again) but get real, polls aren't going to mean anything until after both conventions (comparing bumps and V.P. pick impacts) and then of course as the tactics get solidified on both sides, debates, etc. In other words, it's way too early for polls to mean anything.

For example, the polls showing Sanders stronger than Clinton vs. the vile monster ... I've never believed that would actually hold up if Sanders was actually nominated, but alas, we'll never know because he won't be.

hahaha.... The Democratic establishment selected Hillary and never once paid attention to Bernie. I will love it when Bernie runs as a third party, perhaps Green Party, and takes the election. Both Clinton and Trump are only in it for themselves and don't care about America or it's people. I can see Hillary receiving 30%, Trump 30%, and Bernie 40% of the vote and the House of Representatives giving it to Bernie. Feel the Bern !!!
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I am not a Trump supporter but I do support breaking the stranglehold on American politics that the Democrat and Republican establishments have in the country. A Hillary presidency sure wouldn't do that.

I thought it was going to take another civil war. Instead Trump and Bernie come along and prove that Americans are tired of the same old crap from our political class. If nothing else, at least it is a step in the right direction.

We have had 8 years of Republican Bush followed by 8 years of Democrat Obama. We have had Congress controlled by Democrats and Congress controlled by Republicans.

Over the past 16 years about $13,500,000,000,000 has been added to the National Debt since then and what do we have to show for it?

Throw the bums out.

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Yeah, we already know those who have drunk the orange koolaid don't care what is revealed about trump. They're true believers like any followers of any strong leader fascist movements in history. But there is plenty of real stuff coming that has great potential to have an impact on the silent majority of relatively sane Americans. Of course the majority have already taken a side and won't move. It's about those who could go either way.

The only fascists in this campaign are voting Democrat. You an see them violently disrupting opposition political rallies as was popular in Germany 80-90 years ago.

Really? I know you are but what am I?


The GOP is perfectly fine with having an unstable, dangerous demagogue running the country. He thinks he can become president with rallies, phone interviews on cable news and pithy Twitter insults. clap2.gif

Farewell to the Trump owned Republican party.

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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Is this source right-wing enough for you? http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/trump-fundraiser-vets-not-raised-6-million/2016/05/22/id/730079/

Then there's this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-said-he-raised-6-million-for-vets-now-his-campaign-says-it-was-less/2016/05/20/871127a8-1d1f-11e6-b6e0-c53b7ef63b45_story.html

And there's lot's more where those came from. I suppose ignorance is forgivable. Willful ignorance not so much.

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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Wait a minute, so you're attacking the source because you think it's a leftist rag? Since you insist:







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"Why don't stories like this get out about Trump?

How do you reconcile your statement quoted above from an earlier post with the six links that did "get out"?

Either your links are imaginary or your statements are.

No doubt in my mind which ones are imaginary.

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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Wait a minute, so you're attacking the source because you think it's a leftist rag? Since you insist:







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"Why don't stories like this get out about Trump?

How do you reconcile your statement quoted above from an earlier post with the six links that did "get out"?

Either your links are imaginary or your statements are.

No doubt in my mind which ones are imaginary.

He's completely lost it...I've basically started ignoring his posts. Posting links to major websites on stories that "don't get out" is classic. I guess by that he means people read them and ignore them or don't care so in his mind they didn't "get out." ?
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Why don't stories like this get out about Trump? He claims to love vets, yet cheats them....


"It's about values. It's about using veterans as a prop for his campaign, lying about how much money he raised for them, and then not fixing his lie once he was caught. It would have been easy."

Complains about Trump stories that "don't...get out" and then posts a link to a story from a well know publication about such a "story"...there's just no pleasing The Pantsuit Brigade. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course I'd be rather suspicious of this particular publication too, which has been shown to just fabricate and make up "facts" and whole stories when it fits their politically correct regressive left agenda.

Wait a minute, so you're attacking the source because you think it's a leftist rag? Since you insist:







Need more?

"Why don't stories like this get out about Trump?

How do you reconcile your statement quoted above from an earlier post with the six links that did "get out"?

Either your links are imaginary or your statements are.

No doubt in my mind which ones are imaginary.

I was waiting for one of you Trump guys to latch onto that. And of course, no comment about how Trump dishonors the vets.

Truth is, I hadn't seen this story until I read it in Rolling Stones. It wasn't in any of the mainstream media that I typically read, at least not in the headlines. But when the OMG guy blasted it for being left wing propaganda, I decided to Google it and the stories were all there. Understand?

Now how about discussing the main issue, which is that Trump weaseled out on the vets????

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The links that I checked, which did actually "get out", indicated some displeasure that 3 of the 22 organizations had not received any funds.

That means 19 of the 22 did receive funds.

You liberals are down to grasping at straws.

Got anything you want to say about Hillary's $21 Million speech payments? How much of that went to veteran's organizations?

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As expected this election is about a battle royale between hatred and fear of the vile beast vs. hatred and fear of the honorable Hillary Clinton. I guess we do deserve this.

Edited by Jingthing
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If you're flummoxed and/or don't have anything to add to the discussion, it's ok to just not post.

Agreed - you have added nothing to the discussion for a long time - just more of the same immature personal attacks and insults (and pro-Dem internet cut and pastes).

Therefore, in your own words, you should only post something that will add to the discussion. I wonder - will that occur??

Reminds me of 2nd grade when one kid would call another kid a name, and the second kid would shoot back, "I know you are, but what am I." Come on guys, you can do better than that as a retort, can't you?

Note: I and ireason (I and I, if we were Rastafarian) have been placing a lot of posts herein with specifics, links, facts, quotes. You may not like what we're revealing, but you can't say it's 'nothing added', .....or maybe you can say that, if it's info you don't want revealed.

In contrast, Thwump supporters have been mostly posting vacuous statements like, "Trump's gonna win. Hands Down. It's a done deal. Deal with it." along with variations of smiley faces.

Lost it big time. But understandable after all - like most socialistic liberals, you are stuck in second grade and see others the same way. As I said, if you add something intelligent to the debate then I will be very surprised. Bet you can't.

There you go again. You can't think of anything original to say, so you just take my words and toss them back at me. 2nd grade playground taunting personified. Here's a suggestion: try an original thought. Too much of a strain?

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