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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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"Bernie would chew up Trump in a debate and shoot him into the spitoon where Trump belongs."


And the Bloviator knows it.

So, like a coward, he cuts and runs. On the challenge he made. A punk.

No cojones. thumbsup.gif

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Trump does not see US allies as our allies.

Trump sees US allies as tributary states that pay for our protection.

Yes, there needs to be a better balance among US and allies in footing the cost. The successful and intelligent approach to it is to treat our allies as, well, our allies. Any relationship of blackmailer-victim as Trump wants it is a guaranteed loser which will hurt and damage the US without question, to include our allies.

Russia and China are drooling over the thought of Trump as Potus while they continue to shat their pants when they see and hear Hillary Clinton. Youse guyz are missing a lot in all of this. In fact youse are missing the whole of it, kit and kaboodle. Which is just no surprise given youse guyz history of backing losers and attacking winners.

All supposition.

You cannot know what 'Trump sees'

Your whole post is fantasy

Have a dose of reality while you're waaay out over there.....

Trump says allies must start paying for ‘American protection’


Trump Proclaims He Will Use Mafia Tactics to Force Key U.S. Allies to Pay off the National Debt


Bruiser Trump.

And his bubble heads.

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"RealClearPolitics (RCP), which takes an average of data from different nationwide polls, puts Trump at 43.4% while Clinton is on 43.2%."

"Of the five polls RCP looks at, Trump is ahead in three, with leads of five, three and two points over Clinton in Rasmussen Reports, Fox News and ABC News/Washington Post respectively. The two polls that put Clinton ahead of Trump show the Democrat hopeful three ahead in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll and six ahead in the CBS News/NY Times poll."

Is Trump going to win in November ?? :)

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re; a possible debate between Sanders and Trump: It was Trump who broached the idea

No, it was Bernie. Kimmel told Trump on his show that the show had been contacted by the Sanders campaign to see if Trump was amenable to the idea.

At first he said he was.

Then he said he was as long as it raised $10 million for "women's health" as if he gives a toss about that.

Then he bottled it.


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"RealClearPolitics (RCP), which takes an average of data from different nationwide polls, puts Trump at 43.4% while Clinton is on 43.2%."

"Of the five polls RCP looks at, Trump is ahead in three, with leads of five, three and two points over Clinton in Rasmussen Reports, Fox News and ABC News/Washington Post respectively. The two polls that put Clinton ahead of Trump show the Democrat hopeful three ahead in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll and six ahead in the CBS News/NY Times poll."

Is Trump going to win in November ?? smile.png



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Using his usual, despicable, fear pandering tactics, the ignorant, clueless, Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil Boot Licker Bloviator,

tells the 38.8 Million residents of California, there is no drought. Blaming it on a 3 inch fish.

Right. The authorities are putting the entire state of California at risk to achieve this.

Trump tells California 'there is no drought' blink.png

"Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told California voters Friday that he can solve their water crisis, declaring, "There is no drought."

California is, in fact, in midst of a drought. Last year capped the state's driest four-year period in its history, with record low rainfall and snow."

"Politically influential rural water districts and well-off corporate farmers in and around California's Central Valley have been pushing back,

against longstanding federal laws protecting endangered fish and other species,

saying federal efforts to make sure endangered native fish have enough water is short-changing farmers of the water they want and need for crops."

"Water authorities say they can't do it because of the water rights of those upstream of the farmers,

and because of the minimum-water allowances needed by endangered species in the bay and by wildlife in general."

What an incredibly uniformed simpleton.
Is he still getting his news from the National Enquirer?
A true embarrassment to America.




Edited by iReason
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"Back in January, Trump refused to participate in a Fox News debate after previously clashing with moderator Megyn Kelly and instead held a counterprogram he said raised $6 million for veterans groups. But a Washington Post investigation found that much of that money still hadn't been allocated, and Trump only donated the $1 million of his own money he promised after the Post pressed him on his claim."


Boomer's note: If Trump says anything truthful about anything, let me know.

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"Back in January, Trump refused to participate in a Fox News debate after previously clashing with moderator Megyn Kelly and instead held a counterprogram he said raised $6 million for veterans groups. But a Washington Post investigation found that much of that money still hadn't been allocated, and Trump only donated the $1 million of his own money he promised after the Post pressed him on his claim."


Boomer's note: If Trump says anything truthful about anything, let me know.

I agree with most of that but Trump did say that the invasion of Iraq was based on a big fat lie and that Bush and Cheney knew they were lying so full marks to him for that given the present state of amnesia in the GOP with respect to that. Trump is probably very good at knowing when others are lying given his expertise on the subject.

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re; a possible debate between Sanders and Trump: It was Trump who broached the idea

No, it was Bernie. Kimmel told Trump on his show that the show had been contacted by the Sanders campaign to see if Trump was amenable to the idea.

At first he said he was. Then he said he was as long as it raised $10 million for "women's health" as if he gives a toss about that. Then he bottled it. #chickentrump

You're right, I stand corrected. It was Sanders who broached the idea.

However, after saying yes, then no, then yes, then no again, ....Trump says "I would love to debate "

(after Trump's yes, then no, then yes) .......about 30 minutes later, a statement from the Republican's campaign shot down that possibility, arguing that the networks wouldn't really give a significant amount to charity.

"Likewise, the networks want to make a killing on these events and are not proving to be too generous to charitable causes, in this case, women's health issues," Trump continued. "Therefore, as much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders — and it would be an easy payday — I will wait to debate the first-place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably Crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be."

source NPR

Message to The Divider: Wait a cottonpickenminute, You're DONALD TRUMP, THE DONALD. You should be able to do what you want to do! You tell everyone you're such a great deal maker, yet you can't arrange to meet with Sanders for 40 minutes on a stage somewhere? You're worth "many many billions of dollars" Mr. Deal Maker Supremo, you should be able to do what you want.

My dollar value is 1 millionth of Trump's, but if Sanders wanted to debate me, I'm sure we could arrange it. If Trump can't co-arrange a 40 minute debate, how is he going to be able to run a country?

Now, we've got another failing for The Divider, ....to add to so many other failings. He can't get things done. What if he were president, and he wanted to add funds to a pre-school meals program (ha ha ha, as if....), He could announce one day, "I want all pre-school children to have at least one nutritious meal per day." The next day, Trump can say, "Sorry folks, as much as I want to help little kids, I just can't see it through. Trust me on this folks, I just can't figure out how to find funding for the program. But don't worry, we're going to make America Great Again and we're going to build my 30 billion dollar wall, and you'll love me for it. Everything will be great, I promise you."

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For those who can't "get it", there's always Canada.


Why always Canada and never Mexico?

Probably because it's usually "progressives" threatening to leave the country if an election doesn't go their way. They cite Canada because they like the fact that it's mostly caucasian.

next question....

I knew the answer already... it just shows what a bunch of hypocrites they really are about "racism blah blah blah".

Yes, I was referring to the various people who say all sorts of things to get attention but sadly, if/when Trump is elected President, won't have the chops to follow through.

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I can understand that people don't like hrc, neighter do I, but I can not understand that people are so full off hate, that they only vote for whatever there party can bring forward.

These people don't vote for a better America, they only vote for there party.

We all understand why many people dont like HRC, but some people dont undersdtand why more people like Trump.

They/we like Trump for many reasons - some because he is the GOP Nominee, but most becasue of his 'policies' - he says it as it sees it and they/we agree (mostly).

They/we are NOT full of hate - that is the biased looney left Liberals. EG: Trump said he will deport illegals - the media says he is going to take away their human rights and that he hates them.

If you listen to both sides of the argument - then maybe you will alos understand why so many Americans like what Trump is saying.

Thank you for your reaction on my post.

But please tell me more about the part that "they/we" stand behind his policies?

I'm realy interested in the Trump policies.

As far that I know, by reading newspapers, watching his interviews, he has a lot of policies.

He keep comming back on his own words, not one time, but always!

So, this is somebody that you want to be potus?

If this was a soap, I would be laughing, however this is about the president of the USA!

If you want to vote for a clown as potus, than go ahead, but don't come back crying later!

You sound like yet another Liberal with viewpoint (pre-determined) - but not an actual opinion based on judgemental reasoning.

Do you really want to know Trumps policies - then go and do the research here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

But what's the bet you and most/all of your fellow Liberals have never been there and never will - you just believe whatever negative things the media says about Trump.

I've been around long enough to remember that the media said the same basic things about Reagan - because he too was not a smooth media-trained diplomatic politician who will smile at you while stabbing you in the back and taking money from your pocket. Reagan was an ex-actor and the Liberals were all over him with ridicule and abuse. And just like Trump, he ignored them and kept saying what the 'real' people wanted to hear - and they liked it more and more.

And you are right - this is a very serious matter. The people of the USA are about to decide if they are going to be stuck forever in a world of deceitful self-interested politicians and bureacrats, or they are going to reject that 'system' and clean them all out and take a new path - which is actually their old path and what got them where they were.

By the way - I have another valid theory on why Liberals dont actually read Trump's website ............................... they fail the 'I am not a robot' test cheesy.gif

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The White House is only a first step...The Donald has galactic ambitions...


Who knew?

Almost 4 million views. I don't like Trump, that that was an excellent funny video.

I do like Trump . But that was well done and funny. Some Liberals definitely have talent - if not a lot of sense :)

Have you seen the 'Hitler' Trump one? Absolutely hilarious (ditto above re talented LIbs).


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I can understand that people don't like hrc, neighter do I, but I can not understand that people are so full off hate, that they only vote for whatever there party can bring forward.

These people don't vote for a better America, they only vote for there party.

We all understand why many people dont like HRC, but some people dont undersdtand why more people like Trump.

They/we like Trump for many reasons - some because he is the GOP Nominee, but most becasue of his 'policies' - he says it as it sees it and they/we agree (mostly).

They/we are NOT full of hate - that is the biased looney left Liberals. EG: Trump said he will deport illegals - the media says he is going to take away their human rights and that he hates them.

If you listen to both sides of the argument - then maybe you will alos understand why so many Americans like what Trump is saying.

Thank you for your reaction on my post.

But please tell me more about the part that "they/we" stand behind his policies?

I'm realy interested in the Trump policies.

As far that I know, by reading newspapers, watching his interviews, he has a lot of policies.

He keep comming back on his own words, not one time, but always!

So, this is somebody that you want to be potus?

If this was a soap, I would be laughing, however this is about the president of the USA!

If you want to vote for a clown as potus, than go ahead, but don't come back crying later!

You sound like yet another Liberal with viewpoint (pre-determined) - but not an actual opinion based on judgemental reasoning.

Do you really want to know Trumps policies - then go and do the research here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

But what's the bet you and most/all of your fellow Liberals have never been there and never will - you just believe whatever negative things the media says about Trump.

I've been around long enough to remember that the media said the same basic things about Reagan - because he too was not a smooth media-trained diplomatic politician who will smile at you while stabbing you in the back and taking money from your pocket. Reagan was an ex-actor and the Liberals were all over him with ridicule and abuse. And just like Trump, he ignored them and kept saying what the 'real' people wanted to hear - and they liked it more and more.

And you are right - this is a very serious matter. The people of the USA are about to decide if they are going to be stuck forever in a world of deceitful self-interested politicians and bureacrats, or they are going to reject that 'system' and clean them all out and take a new path - which is actually their old path and what got them where they were.

By the way - I have another valid theory on why Liberals dont actually read Trump's website ............................... they fail the 'I am not a robot' test cheesy.gif

You should be thankfull to Trump, by having such a easy , I'm not a robot, test.

Normaly on websides that I use and have a robot question, you have to put in some input.

But than he wants the support from people who don't think that much and just believe everything he says.

Even when he turns around 180 degrees on his promisses.

But than, I'm just a liberal.

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As an outsider with no dog in the race it would seem to me that Mr Trump enjoys popular support from those who are tired of the old style American politician.

Wise money should be placed on Trump to be the next POTUS.

Might be wiser to hang on to the wallet there to keep it closed.

Las Vegas odds as of last night, to be elected Potus...

HRC has odds of 1-2 which convert to the percentage probability of 66.6%

Trump has odds of 7-4 which convert to 36.3% probability

On the other hand, I can hold that wallet for you if you'd like. biggrin.png

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As an outsider with no dog in the race it would seem to me that Mr Trump enjoys popular support from those who are tired of the old style American politician.

Wise money should be placed on Trump to be the next POTUS.

Might be wiser to hang on to the wallet there to keep it closed.

Las Vegas odds as of last night, to be elected Potus...

HRC has odds of 1-2 which convert to the percentage probability of 66.6%

Trump has odds of 7-4 which convert to 36.3% probability

On the other hand, I can hold that wallet for you if you'd like. biggrin.png

I have to agree with you. I dislike Trump but really dislike Hillary. Even though Thailand has many political problems it will be a darn site better than the USA under Hillary. So I'm staying here. I first left on the chance that Al Gore would be elected and that was a good move. My suggestion for any "normal" people would be to leave as soon as possible, trannys excepted of course. biggrin.png

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As an outsider with no dog in the race it would seem to me that Mr Trump enjoys popular support from those who are tired of the old style American politician.

Wise money should be placed on Trump to be the next POTUS.

Might be wiser to hang on to the wallet there to keep it closed.

Las Vegas odds as of last night, to be elected Potus...

HRC has odds of 1-2 which convert to the percentage probability of 66.6%

Trump has odds of 7-4 which convert to 36.3% probability

On the other hand, I can hold that wallet for you if you'd like. biggrin.png

I have to agree with you. I dislike Trump but really dislike Hillary. Even though Thailand has many political problems it will be a darn site better than the USA under Hillary. So I'm staying here. I first left on the chance that Al Gore would be elected and that was a good move. My suggestion for any "normal" people would be to leave as soon as possible, trannys excepted of course. biggrin.png

I think many, if not most of us on this forum are expats who have made a good life outside the states. Hilary is indeed bad, but Trump is an abomination of nature whose time has come - at least until November hopefully.

Either way, my life is not much affected, but I do feel bad for people I care about in the US. I will feel worse for them if Trump is elected, and mostly just pity Americans if that happens.

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As an outsider with no dog in the race it would seem to me that Mr Trump enjoys popular support from those who are tired of the old style American politician.

Wise money should be placed on Trump to be the next POTUS.

Might be wiser to hang on to the wallet there to keep it closed.

Las Vegas odds as of last night, to be elected Potus...

HRC has odds of 1-2 which convert to the percentage probability of 66.6%

Trump has odds of 7-4 which convert to 36.3% probability

On the other hand, I can hold that wallet for you if you'd like. biggrin.png

I have to agree with you. I dislike Trump but really dislike Hillary. Even though Thailand has many political problems it will be a darn site better than the USA under Hillary. So I'm staying here. I first left on the chance that Al Gore would be elected and that was a good move. My suggestion for any "normal" people would be to leave as soon as possible, trannys excepted of course. biggrin.png

I think many, if not most of us on this forum are expats who have made a good life outside the states. Hilary is indeed bad, but Trump is an abomination of nature whose time has come - at least until November hopefully.

Either way, my life is not much affected, but I do feel bad for people I care about in the US. I will feel worse for them if Trump is elected, and mostly just pity Americans if that happens.

You have to look on the bright side. If your a Mexican without housing, health care or education you'll be able to move to America. Germany and the rest of Europe will breath a sigh of relief because all the Muslim immigrants will be able to come to the USA and China I'm sure will be dancing in the streets at being able to continue the lopsided balance of payments and can start building houses on those islands it keeps making in the ocean.

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I think the realization that the vile monster really could win is healthy and necessary. That will be a huge motivation to the sane contingent of voters to go deep to stop the psychopathic demagogue from another hostile takeover.

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Remember this guy?

At an oil and natural gas conference in North Dakota on Thursday,

Trump gave a speech on energy policy that was largely shaped by advice from Kevin Cramer,

a US representative from the state.

While reading his speech "that was largely shaped by advice from Kevin Cramer" from Teleprompters,

the Bloviator went on to lick the boots of the Big Oil/Fracking Industry by stating:

“I will give you everything,” he promised them, adding: “I am the only one who will deliver.”

Trump Taps Climate Change Skeptic Kevin Cramer as Key Energy Advisor

"Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has turned to one of America's most ardent drilling advocates and climate change skeptics to help him draft his energy policy.

The New York billionaire has asked U.S. Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer of North Dakota - a major oil drilling state - to write a white paper on energy policy"

"Cramer and some other Trump energy advisers also recently met with lawmakers from western energy states, who hope Trump will open more federal land for drilling."


As his Energy Policy, the Bloviator has decided that increasing the practice of fracturing the earth's upper crust and pumping toxic chemicals into your water tables,

while requiring 1 million gallons of water per well, is the way of the future.

Although hundreds more of other chemicals are often used, below is the list of the primary ingredients of the cocktail injected into your earth to extract fossil fuels:

Chemical Name:

Hydrochloric Acid, Glutaraldehyde, Quaternary Ammonium Chloride, Quaternary Ammonium Chloride, Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl-Phosphonium Sulfate, Ammonium Persulfate,

Sodium Chloride, Magnesium Peroxide, Magnesium Oxide, Calcium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Tetramethyl ammonium chloride, Sodium Chloride, Isopropanol, Methanol,
Formic Acid, Acetaldehyde, Petroleum Distillate, Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate, Potassium Metaborate, Triethanolamine Zirconate, Sodium Tetraborate,
Boric Acid, Zirconium Complex, Borate Salts, Ethylene Glycol, Methanol, Polyacrylamide, Petroleum Distillate, Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate, Methanol,
Ethylene Glycol, Guar Gum, Petroleum Distillate, Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillate, Methanol, Polysaccharide Blend, Ethylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Acetic Acid,
Thioglycolic Acid, Sodium Erythorbate, Lauryl Sulfate, Isopropanol, Ethylene Glycol, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Acetic Acid, Sodium Carbonate,
Potassium Carbonate, Copolymer of Acrylamide and Sodium Acrylate, Sodium Polycarboxylate, Phosphonic Acid Salt, Lauryl Sulfate, Ethanol, Naphthalene, Methanol,
Isopropyl Alcohol, 2-Butoxyethanol
This, the clueless Bloviator has decided, is the way to go because, he believes Solar Power is "Too Expensive" and Wind Turbines "Kill Eagles".
Dunning Kruger
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I heard an interview and one of the commentators (from NY Times) made an interesting point: He opined that a big reason why so many elder white men are rooting for Trump is because that segment of voters DOESN'T WANT TO BE REPLACED. We already knew the white men were being led by their fears, but the articulation cleared up what much of that fear is about.

When he said, 'replaced' he meant: because there are many changes taking place in the US'; there are more than 2-genders, there are women training for combat, there are Indians and all sorts of 'ferners' taking jobs. 96% of politicians were white men. Even that's changing. Most mayors in California and Texas have Hispanic surnames.

That's why Trump gets so much resonance when he shouts, "Let's make America Great Again." Whenever the elder white men hear that, they think back to when the US was whiter, when there were 2 genders, when gays were in the closet (except for Liberace), and women mostly did their wifely chores around the home each day. So much is changing, and white men are feeling incidental. They don't want to be marginalized. But they can't join in the fiesta, because they're, ......well, they're white men, so they're mostly sitting home on the sofa with their beer bellies, their beer, beer nuts, watching golf re-runs. They love Trump because he gives them something to believe in: getting back to the America of their youth; sock hops, 17 cent gas, black folks knew their place (most of the time). Simpler times for simpler minds.

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I heard an interview and one of the commentators (from NY Times) made an interesting point: He opined that a big reason why so many elder white men are rooting for Trump is because that segment of voters DOESN'T WANT TO BE REPLACED. We already knew the white men were being led by their fears, but the articulation cleared up what much of that fear is about.

When he said, 'replaced' he meant: because there are many changes taking place in the US'; there are more than 2-genders, there are women training for combat, there are Indians and all sorts of 'ferners' taking jobs. 96% of politicians were white men. Even that's changing. Most mayors in California and Texas have Hispanic surnames.

That's why Trump gets so much resonance when he shouts, "Let's make America Great Again." Whenever the elder white men hear that, they think back to when the US was whiter, when there were 2 genders, when gays were in the closet (except for Liberace), and women mostly did their wifely chores around the home each day. So much is changing, and white men are feeling incidental. They don't want to be marginalized. But they can't join in the fiesta, because they're, ......well, they're white men, so they're mostly sitting home on the sofa with their beer bellies, their beer, beer nuts, watching golf re-runs. They love Trump because he gives them something to believe in: getting back to the America of their youth; sock hops, 17 cent gas, black folks knew their place (most of the time). Simpler times for simpler minds.

"Simpler times for simpler minds."

You would have fit right in.

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Trump promotes fossil fuels and assails pollution rules in energy plan

"Donald Trump vowed Thursday to bring energy independence to America by getting rid of regulations aimed at curbing pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases,

“I think the federal government should get out of the way,” Trump said in what was billed as a major energy address.

Trump also repeated claims that he would be able to revive the coal industry and bring back coal-mining jobs by abolishing environmental and climate regulations."

"Trump claimed that the United States has 1.5 times as much oil as the combined proven resources of all OPEC countries.

Yet according to the federal Energy Information Administration, the United States had proven oil reserves of 39.9 billion barrels as of Dec. 31, 2014.

Saudi Arabia alone has proven reserves of about 268 billion barrels, and four other OPEC members have greater reserves than the United States."

"Trump also said that the United States has more natural gas than Russia, Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia combined.

In fact, according to the EIA, the United States ranks fifth in the world, and its natural gas reserves come to less than a 10th of those countries combined."


The Clueless, Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Bloviator lies. Continually. Again. biggrin.png

The archaic dinosaur "thinking", (read: sucking up to the Establishment) of the Bloviator is a blight on the American landscape.

And a loyal tool to his Masters.

The "Great Outsider", "The Chairman of the Board", who is looking for a experienced V.P. to do the jobs "he doesn't want to do" because he is incapable of being the COO.cheesy.gif

Whatta doof. facepalm.gifclap2.gif

Dunning Kruger


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"Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?" The answer is YES !

The "Trump Train" is a confirmed POTUS candidate and the opposition appears to be wallowing in all manner of scandal !

The Trump Train is now unstoppable ! smile.png

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The Bloviator, once again, Flip-Flops:

RNC official: A Trump-Sanders debate would be 'phenomenal'

"If a proposed debate between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were to take place, it would be “phenomenal,”

Republican National Committee chief strategist and communications director Sean Spicer said Thursday.

I think it would be a phenomenal debate if it happened,” Spicer told CNN.

"The Vermont senator and Republican presidential nominee, by The Associated Press’ official delegate count, apparently agreed in principle by early Thursday to debate.

Trump told late-night host Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday evening that he would be willing to debate Sanders if he agrees to allow proceeds from the event to go to charity."

“Game on,” Sanders tweeted minutes later. “I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.”


What a surprise, The Bloviator gets called out on it and chicken's out:

Donald Trump backs out of debate with Bernie Sanders

"Donald Trump will not participate in a debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee said Friday."

“There is a reason why in virtually every national and statewide poll I am defeating Donald Trump,

sometimes by very large margins and almost always by far larger margins than Secretary Clinton."

There is a reason for that reality and the American people should be able to see it up front in a good debate and a clash of ideas.” thumbsup.gif


No cojones. cheesy.gif

The Bloviator chokes:

A debate with Bernie is an unnecessary risk.

Whoever advised him to back out did the right thing.

Seems he can listen to advice after all

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