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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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I'm quite enjoying the war between Trump and journos. Not many have had the guts to confront them in fear of bad publicity. Sort of a somnamnaa thingy, funny.

Because trump knows there is so much dirt on him. No choice but to attack the messenger. The revelations about trump university reveal yet again what a horrible sleazeball he really is. So trump wants people to focus on his bullying and barking rather than the revelations.
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While preaching: "you should of read in grammar school, or junior high school." laugh.png

And using: Should "of" and grammar in the same sentence. facepalm.gif

That's rich.


Dunning Kruger


yep....murica. saai.gif

y'all the grammer police...ain't ya?

whatsamatta for you? pickin on grammer like that and all? Like yer som kina perfersser.?

Edited by slipperylobster
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I'm wearing a tin foil hat?

Dude, trump is the CONSPIRACY THEORY candidate.

Remember how he started his political career? As a leader in the RACIST "birther" conspiracy theory movement saying Obama wasn't American. The pompous moron actually paid people to go to Hawaii to do research. Since then, he continues to spout garbage conspiracy theories. He's a psychopathic vindictive demagogue and most Americans are realizing that. The more you see him, the more his total INSANITY is revealed.

I will be honest. I have ZERO respect for my fellow Americans that support his fascist movement. I realize the feeling is often mutual for opposing him. Yes, Americans are very divided. trump is making that MUCH WORSE.

Not really.

Many would believe that you and just only two or three others

are foaming at the mouth, rehashing the same krap you hear from obscure tabloids.

Sort of like kids throwing their porridge, hoping some of it sticks to the wall.

None of it makes any sense.

Sounds like you guys lost your bet..and are just throwing tantrums.

Don't gamble on this election, dudes.

all four of you.

Tell everyone how Donald Trump supports, defends, protects, preserves, the Bill of Rights.

Never mind anyone else -- no deflective political rhetoric needs to be tried to avoid the questions, the issues, with the Bill of Rights in the Constitution first and foremost.

Advise us concerning what Trump has said, done, indicated, he supports Amendments 1 - 10 of the Constitution. We know about the Second Amendment, which is likely the only Amendment of the ten Trump is remotely aware of.

Never mind Trump's bucks. Tell us what Trump has said or done that support the Bill of Rights. The guy wants to be Potus. That starts with the Constitution. To include the Fourteenth Amendment that provides the equal protection of the laws to everyone residing in the United States. By the 14th Amendment, every person in the United States is a legal person -- no ifs ands or buts.

The Constitution.

You guys are really in left field about the bill of rights.

Are you certain you understand what they are?

Trump is not going to change anything on America's Bill of Rights.

Interpretation is a Judicial Power...not an Executive Power.

Then it takes the Legislative Branch to enact any Judicially approved interpretations.

There is years of lobbying, veto's and politics involved.

You see..it's not as easy as you believe. There is no fantasy scenario where Trump shuts down all 3 branches of the government.


What you don't understand, is that our Government is built on Checks and Balances.

It was something you should of read in grammar school, or junior high school.

There are no Dictators or Fascists or Communists or Monarchy's in our system.

You are deeply confused...as are your friends. You must have many sleepless nights imagining the Powers Trump will have..

when actually, he will be struggling hard just kicking Democrats in the Butt to to build the economy, better trade, and employment.

Your fears are unfounded...and way out of proportion. First you call Trump and idiot, and then you think he can change the whole American Government in 4 short years.


The post is a rambling of presumptuous lecturing and assinine scolding [sic].

Principally however it completely avoids responding to the question, which is Trump vs the Bill of Rights.

The extreme right cannot show where Trump defends or protects the Bill of Rights. In fact, the extreme right cannot show how or in what ways it respects or preserves the Bill of Rights.

Here's the WSJ conservative Daniel Hennenger....

Trump’s MAD

Donald Trump may be turning into a captive of his public persona.

It isn’t just Mr. Trump’s compulsive urge to attack Republicans Jeb Bush, Nikki Haley, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and the rest of them. It’s what comes after. Politics is about large networks. When Donald Trump attacks one of these individuals so publicly, the aftershocks radiate outward across connected webs of loyalists and fundraisers.

Susana Martinez is chairwoman of the Republican Governors Association. Its members include GOP governors in at least seven important battleground states. Mr. Trump needs their states’ political machinery. Holding a Susana Martinez up to public ridicule is fun for him but increasingly dangerous. In politics, payback can come from innumerable places, and in ways you will never see.

Against this, Donald Trump seems to be betting that he’s the first truly realized media-age candidate. He’ll win the presidency because his public persona is more powerful than anyone’s normal politics. “I won’t change,” he says.

Maybe not, but five months from November’s election I think Donald Trump may be turning himself into a captive inside the cage of his own very familiar persona.


Trump is going to remain the crackpot ignoramus he's always been. It served him well in the Republican party primaries and caucuses where his hard core turned out for him. Now comes the general election and its 130 million Americans who will vote in it.

Trump's been publicly pining to get to drive his Rolls Royce again, something he's not allowed by Secret Service to do while he's under their protection. So Trump should go ahead to have the baby ready for him day after the election in November. Cause The Ignoramus is going to remain himself for the rest of his unnatural life.

Cults of the strongman leader and their cultist followers don't cut in a general election. Never have, never will.

Edited by Publicus
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The Delusional, loose cannon Lunatic does his Mussolini:

Trump: The Military Would Not Refuse My Orders Even If They Consider Them Illegal

"At tonight’s Fox News debate, Bret Baier confronted Donald Trumpover former NSA/CIA Director Michael Hayden‘s recent remarks that the military would flat-out refuse

to follow illegal orders of his.Specifically troubling for Hayden was Trump saying he would want to do “worse” than torture and would want soldiers to kill terrorists’ families."

"Baier told Trump the latter is explicitly illegal, but Trump insisted, “They won’t refuse. They’re not gonna refuse me. Believe me.”

Baier said, “But they’re illegal.” Trump brushed it off. Donald insisted, “I’m a leader, I’ve always been a leader. I’ve never had any problem leading people.

If I say do it, they’re going to do it.”

They won't refuse. They're not going to refuse me.
If I say do it, they are going to do it.
Presidents can do that? The Bloviator thinks so.

And the clueless Lemmings cheer...

Dunning Kruger

Edited by iReason
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Some people would prefer to give a terrorist milk and cookies.

Trump talks tough....but probably won't get much support on the waterboarding.

As for other measures......there are times when urgency dictates harsh measures, in order to save lives.

Battlefield Commanders know this. If your unit is in danger, and you have the means to prevent casualties...you do what you have to.

Sometimes the consequences are great. Remember how one of our soldiers found out a Police Chief was sexually assaulting a child?

What did he do? He beat the living daylights out of him, and was severely punished for doing so.

As for families of terrorists who shelter them, and have knowledge of an imminent attack.....guilty.

Those people don't appreciate kindness. I do hope Trump has his day.


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y'all the grammer police...ain't ya?

whatsamatta for you? pickin on grammer like that and all? Like yer som kina perfersser.?

Seriously, I just skim straight past iReason's posts now. Same old posts in different order every time. Leave him to argue with himself.

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Seriously, I just skim straight past iReason's posts now. Same old posts in different order every time. Leave him to argue with himself.

Oh, give him some credit. While it's 90% c&p as you can see by selecting a part of the post and plugging it to google, at least he manages to put an original punch line in the front. That takes some dedication.

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Seriously, I just skim straight past iReason's posts now. Same old posts in different order every time. Leave him to argue with himself.

Oh, give him some credit. While it's 90% c&p as you can see by selecting a part of the post and plugging it to google, at least he manages to put an original punch line in the front. That takes some dedication.

Good point and then we have JT 5555555 it's actually quite comical reading how worked up these liberals get.

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He's a psychopathic vindictive demagogue and most Americans are realizing that.

May be I'm missing something here, but what I'm seeing is Trump gaining ground every day that passes. You know, he's taken the GOP nomination and is now neck and neck with Hillbilly in the polls.

Have you conducted your own straw poll that unequivocally proves your point? I thought not.

I don't think Trump polls well among the non hetero crowd in Pattaya. I was at a bar in Boys town a few nights ago and saw many more Hillary tee shirts than Trump tee shirts although that may not be an accurate way to count.

So what were the customers wearing biggrin.png

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Tell everyone how Donald Trump supports, defends, protects, preserves, the Bill of Rights.

Never mind anyone else -- no deflective political rhetoric needs to be tried to avoid the questions, the issues, with the Bill of Rights in the Constitution first and foremost.

Advise us concerning what Trump has said, done, indicated, he supports Amendments 1 - 10 of the Constitution. We know about the Second Amendment, which is likely the only Amendment of the ten Trump is remotely aware of.

Never mind Trump's bucks. Tell us what Trump has said or done that support the Bill of Rights. The guy wants to be Potus. That starts with the Constitution. To include the Fourteenth Amendment that provides the equal protection of the laws to everyone residing in the United States. By the 14th Amendment, every person in the United States is a legal person -- no ifs ands or buts.

The Constitution.

You guys are really in left field about the bill of rights.

Are you certain you understand what they are?

Trump is not going to change anything on America's Bill of Rights.

Interpretation is a Judicial Power...not an Executive Power.

Then it takes the Legislative Branch to enact any Judicially approved interpretations.

There is years of lobbying, veto's and politics involved.

You see..it's not as easy as you believe. There is no fantasy scenario where Trump shuts down all 3 branches of the government.


What you don't understand, is that our Government is built on Checks and Balances.

It was something you should of read in grammar school, or junior high school.

There are no Dictators or Fascists or Communists or Monarchy's in our system.

You are deeply confused...as are your friends. You must have many sleepless nights imagining the Powers Trump will have..

when actually, he will be struggling hard just kicking Democrats in the Butt to to build the economy, better trade, and employment.

Your fears are unfounded...and way out of proportion. First you call Trump an idiot, and then you think he can change the whole American Government in 4 short years.


There seem to be a few posters in these threads who think the President can, on their own, change the Constitution, launch nuclear strikes..........just anything they want

And youse guyz love him for it.

The Strongman.

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There seem to be a few posters in these threads who think the President can, on their own, change the Constitution, launch nuclear strikes..........just anything they want

That's because Fox News have been telling them for 7 years that this is what Obama's doing.


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Some people would prefer to give a terrorist milk and cookies.

Trump talks tough....but probably won't get much support on the waterboarding.

As for other measures......there are times when urgency dictates harsh measures, in order to save lives.

Battlefield Commanders know this. If your unit is in danger, and you have the means to prevent casualties...you do what you have to.

Sometimes the consequences are great. Remember how one of our soldiers found out a Police Chief was sexually assaulting a child?

What did he do? He beat the living daylights out of him, and was severely punished for doing so.

As for families of terrorists who shelter them, and have knowledge of an imminent attack.....guilty.

Those people don't appreciate kindness. I do hope Trump has his day.


He'll have his day at The Hague if he supported by his fanboyz out on the fringe continued to believe the US military are his personal palace guard.

Here is the oath of office all officers of the Armed Forces of the United States take on being commissioned...

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

It differs from the oath enlisted personnel of the US Armed Forces take when they become members....

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend theConstitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

While enlisted personnel are subject to all laws of war, such as the well known Geneva Convention, it is incumbent on the commissioned officers grades Lieutenant/Ensign through the four-star Generals/Admirals to obey or to issue to their subordinates lawful orders only. Potus is not specifically mentioned in the oath taken by officers of all of the armed forces. The oath refers only to the Constitution (which does establish Potus as CnC). The Constitution.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice and regulations require that members of the US military obey lawful orders only, under the Constitution.

Treaties entered into by the United States mandate disobeying unlawful orders and the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Constitution require it anyway.

The statements made in the post, if made by an actively serving member of the US military, would subject the member to a great risk of a serious consequence, to include a courts martial and dismissal from military service. This is because the issue is not the hostile enemy being engaged in foreign combat, but, rather, the Constitution at home that precludes the US becoming the domestic equivalent (or worse) of the foreign enemies of the United States (and its allies and partner nations/peoples).

Donald Trump is not fit to be commander in chief of anything or anyone except the political extremist Mussolini right.

(It is significant the oath taken by commissioned officers of the Armed Forces is the identical oath as taken by Members of the US House and the US Senate. The oath of enlistment is not the same or similar.)

Edited by Publicus
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I'm wearing a tin foil hat?

Dude, trump is the CONSPIRACY THEORY candidate.

Remember how he started his political career? As a leader in the RACIST "birther" conspiracy theory movement saying Obama wasn't American. The pompous moron actually paid people to go to Hawaii to do research. Since then, he continues to spout garbage conspiracy theories. He's a psychopathic vindictive demagogue and most Americans are realizing that. The more you see him, the more his total INSANITY is revealed.

I will be honest. I have ZERO respect for my fellow Americans that support his fascist movement. I realize the feeling is often mutual for opposing him. Yes, Americans are very divided. trump is making that MUCH WORSE.


Pompous Moron

psycopathic vindictive demagogue



The representatives from the far left are on form today.

And now - "zero respect" for people that hold a different political view.

Really? No debate? Nothing? Just total shutdown of half the country because they have a different opinion to your own.

And you call Trump divisive?

Seems to me that Trump supporters are quite happy to chat with the opposition. The opposition are just foaming at the mouth.

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Surely there must be a handful of sensible voters backing The Donald? Oh, I forgot, they're all wingnuts, every last single one of them.

Haven't read any lately although there may be a few of 'em around doing only reading. Every one of the wingnuts supports Trump in one way or another cause he's their natural. Their wet dream of a lifetime come true.

Haven't seen 'sensible' trumpeteers interviewed on television starting with Trump's own campaign people.

If there are any 'sensible' people supporting The Ignoramus they hopefully will come to their senses as the campaign develops. Trump is attacking a judge because the federal judge is in Trump's own word "Mexican" so maybe that means the judge must be from the Mexico part of Indiana. The judge btw believes in the rule of law over men...strongmen especially and in particular. As in the Bill of Rights to the Constitution.

Trump wants to hand out nuclear bombs to Japan, South Korea, Germany while Kim Jong TheStupid is smooching up to Trump maybe hoping to get some real ones himself (Trump's buddy Putin already has a bunch of 'em). Some recently sensible people who are recovering suckers born every minute are suing Trump for Trump U and its fraudulent swindles -- a billionaire ripping off ordinary schmucks at $30K a pop by talking them into maxing out their credit cards.

One concomitantly 'sensible' thing to expect if Trump wins in November is that he'd arrest his defeated opponent for opposing him. Conversely, 'sensible' people I know support the Bill of Rights while nonsensical people do not, led by Trump The Ignoramus. Trump has more than one sensible title y'know, i.e., Trump the uniquely American Mussolini.

You see what you want to see.

Your rants do nothing more than reveal the fact you know you are backing a losing horse.

And perhaps, that you have too much time on your hand.

She many words used. So little said.

You're slurring your posts.

Take a twee bweak for a while.

My fingers are too thick for my iPhone.

But while we are on the topic - you do realize your posts are so long that nobody is actually reading them, right?

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Calm down, dear [Publicus].

You need to talk to your hero Trump not moi.

And to the rest of the Trumpfanboyz.

Trump is the ranter and the rager supported by the perpetual whingers.

You seem to have read my post and not the post of the other guy.

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‘The military is not his palace guards,’ retired three-star general says of Donald Trump

They won’t refuse,” Trump said “They’re not going to refuse me, believe me. If I say do it, they’re going to do it. That’s what leadership is all about.

"Hertling forcefully disagreed, calling the Republican front-runner’s management style “toxic leadership.”

“Somebody needs to remind Mr. Trump that the military is not his palace guards,” Hertling said.

“They take an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic."

"They also abide by the rules, not only of the uniform code of military justice, but they also abide by the U.N. mandate against torture,

and the Geneva Convention protocols against torture. We do not do this,” he added. “It is not within our purview.”

"Hertling retired in 2012 as a three-star general and commander of all U.S. Army forces in Europe."


A True American slaps down the Draft Dodging, Mussolini wannabe.

Edited by iReason
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Calm down, dear [Publicus].

You need to talk to your hero Trump not moi.

And to the rest of the Trumpfanboyz.

Trump is the ranter and the rager supported by the perpetual whingers.

You seem to have read my post and not the post of the other guy.

Trump is the ranter? Blimey. You'll give yourself a coronary by November at this rate.

Calm down, dear.

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He's a psychopathic vindictive demagogue and most Americans are realizing that.

May be I'm missing something here, but what I'm seeing is Trump gaining ground every day that passes. You know, he's taken the GOP nomination and is now neck and neck with Hillbilly in the polls.

Have you conducted your own straw poll that unequivocally proves your point? I thought not.

I don't think Trump polls well among the non hetero crowd in Pattaya. I was at a bar in Boys town a few nights ago and saw many more Hillary tee shirts than Trump tee shirts although that may not be an accurate way to count.

So what were the customers wearing biggrin.png

This was big.


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Some people would prefer to give a terrorist milk and cookies.

Trump talks tough....but probably won't get much support on the waterboarding.

As for other measures......there are times when urgency dictates harsh measures, in order to save lives.

Battlefield Commanders know this. If your unit is in danger, and you have the means to prevent casualties...you do what you have to.

Sometimes the consequences are great. Remember how one of our soldiers found out a Police Chief was sexually assaulting a child?

What did he do? He beat the living daylights out of him, and was severely punished for doing so.

As for families of terrorists who shelter them, and have knowledge of an imminent attack.....guilty.

Those people don't appreciate kindness. I do hope Trump has his day.


The standard expression of moral outrage and indignation from the politicians around the world is for the consumption of their bovine masses. They all use enhanced interrogation as they see fit. In the rare event they get caught, they just say it was a one off occurrence by a single rogue interrogator and then rinse & repeat the original party line.

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Donald Trump Is a 2-Year Old. It’s Time for the Press to Treat Him Like One.

"Yesterday during a nationally televised news conference, the Republican presidential nominee experienced a towering meltdown.

Reporters asked Donald Trump to account for the millions he claimed to have raised for veterans several months ago. Waving his hands in fury and just a few blinks away from tears,

Trump angrily called ABC News reporter Tom Llamas “a sleaze” and other members of the press corps “losers” and “unbelievably dishonest.”

"The performance was vintage Trump and echoed a basic set of behaviors he has exhibited all campaign long...

but this is the first time we’ve seen a candidate assume the psychological and reactive profile of a small child. clap2.gif

Trump seethed like an irritable 2-year-old instead of exhibiting the kind of restraint and comity we usually associate with a finalist in the presidential sweepstakes."

"As the emotional equivalent of a toddler, Trump can’t articulate the rage he feels, and the interrogations at news conferences seem to make him only angrier."


It's just beginning.

The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

has many more meltdowns coming in the future. thumbsup.gif

Hey Donnie!

Where's all that dough you said you raised for the Veterans 4 months ago? Uh, er, it's been dispersed. Uh, er, it hasn't. Uh, er, we're vetting.

And the 1 million you said you donated 4 months ago? Uh, er, I'll send it out today. (May 24) The check's in the mail. cheesy.gif

Whatta clown. Caught out and meltdown. cheesy.gif

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The standard expression of moral outrage and indignation from the politicians around the world is for the consumption of their bovine masses. They all use enhanced interrogation as they see fit. In the rare event they get caught, they just say it was a one off occurrence by a single rogue interrogator and then rinse & repeat the original party line.

Who cares? If you behead and bomb our citizens then we are well within our rights to do as we please with enemy combatants. Torture is okay in my book.

Trump is spot on. No mercy.

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I don't think Trump polls well among the non hetero crowd in Pattaya. I was at a bar in Boys town a few nights ago and saw many more Hillary tee shirts than Trump tee shirts although that may not be an accurate way to count.

So what were the customers wearing biggrin.png

This was big.

No doubt.

Sort of...

Cause I dunno. Charming someone invited home who's of any of the several sexes/gender and who's wearing a Trump t-shirt could present an anti-fascist the possibility of ambiguous feelings or sensibilities. If you might know what I could mean.

Think of the shoe on the other foot or of whatever wherever to the insignificant other wearing a Hillary t-shirt. Especially if the Hillary t-shirt guest insists on the same t-shirt language as in the link.

The voters are going to do it to him anyway in November so maybe it's just as well regardless. Hillary comes out on top no matter. The Toys Boys Town crowd (and elsewhere) have got it off to an early start, that's all. And that should be fine.

All ambiguity aside and behind.

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Love this post - been away too long.

As far as I am aware Trump has said he would be OK with torture of a known/proven terrorist to save lives from a probable/imminent attack or bombing. That makes a lot of common sense to me.

Who should make the call on yes/no? I am happy to leave it to the guys in the field, with the final approval from their local Commander. After all they understand the reality of the situation far better than some liberal judge or politiician back in USA. And of course - they are the ones who are putting their lives on the line - day after day - unlike these liberal bleeding-hearts safe back home on the internet making sanctimonious judgements about our real heros.

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Take it up with 3 Star General, Mark Hertling who commandeered of all U.S. Army forces in Europe.

And, who consider's the Bloviator's rhetoric as “toxic leadership.”

And the 121 National Security Leaders who see the ignorant Bloviator as "wildly inconsistant, unmoored in principle and an economic disaster in a globally connected world."

"Furthermore, his expansive view of how presidential power should be wielded against his detractors poses a distinct threat to civil liberty in the United States."

Dunning Kruger. Major.
Edited by iReason
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I'm quite enjoying the war between Trump and journos. Not many have had the guts to confront them in fear of bad publicity. Sort of a somnamnaa thingy, funny.

Because trump knows there is so much dirt on him. No choice but to attack the messenger. The revelations about trump university reveal yet again what a horrible sleazeball he really is. So trump wants people to focus on his bullying and barking rather than the revelations.

I love it, the only defense you guys can come up with for Hillary, is that you think Trump is a bigger liar!

Meanwhile, the guy that set up the server for Hillary, is pleading the fifth for a hearing in Congress, and another court hearing. I guess she's simply having him follow the Obama playbook, Lois Lerner, Holder, etc.

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I'm quite enjoying the war between Trump and journos. Not many have had the guts to confront them in fear of bad publicity. Sort of a somnamnaa thingy, funny.

Because trump knows there is so much dirt on him. No choice but to attack the messenger. The revelations about trump university reveal yet again what a horrible sleazeball he really is. So trump wants people to focus on his bullying and barking rather than the revelations.

I love it, the only defense you guys can come up with for Hillary, is that you think Trump is a bigger liar!

Meanwhile, the guy that set up the server for Hillary, is pleading the fifth for a hearing in Congress, and another court hearing. I guess she's simply having him follow the Obama playbook, Lois Lerner, Holder, etc.

Hillary is clearly a bigger liar. You survive in politics by lying. I doubt Trump would have built his empire into a multi billion operation in the private sector if he became known as a serial liar like HRC

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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

Oh come on. Quit the inflammatory rhetoric. Fascist? What we have now is corporate Fascism I don't see the connection between Trump who is free enterprise and less government fits fascism. Fascism is an easy derogatory term to throw around like nazi etc and most people who use it are really lowering themselves. I thought you were intellectually above such rhetoric?

Watch his rallies. Compare to Mussolini rallies. Enough said.

You better believe it, dude.

A significant percentage of Americans and many people all across the world correctly consider the trump American fascist movement as extremely dangerous.

Yes, there will be a battle royale to stop him.

Losworld, he doesn't even know what fascism is even if it hit him in the face.

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I'm wearing a tin foil hat?

Dude, trump is the CONSPIRACY THEORY candidate.

Remember how he started his political career? As a leader in the RACIST "birther" conspiracy theory movement saying Obama wasn't American. The pompous moron actually paid people to go to Hawaii to do research. Since then, he continues to spout garbage conspiracy theories. He's a psychopathic vindictive demagogue and most Americans are realizing that. The more you see him, the more his total INSANITY is revealed.

I will be honest. I have ZERO respect for my fellow Americans that support his fascist movement. I realize the feeling is often mutual for opposing him. Yes, Americans are very divided. trump is making that MUCH WORSE.

Not really.

Many would believe that you and just only two or three others

are foaming at the mouth, rehashing the same krap you hear from obscure tabloids.

Sort of like kids throwing their porridge, hoping some of it sticks to the wall.

None of it makes any sense.

Sounds like you guys lost your bet..and are just throwing tantrums.

Don't gamble on this election, dudes.

all four of you.

Tell everyone how Donald Trump supports, defends, protects, preserves, the Bill of Rights.

Never mind anyone else -- no deflective political rhetoric needs to be tried to avoid the questions, the issues, with the Bill of Rights in the Constitution first and foremost.

Advise us concerning what Trump has said, done, indicated, he supports Amendments 1 - 10 of the Constitution. We know about the Second Amendment, which is likely the only Amendment of the ten Trump is remotely aware of.

Never mind Trump's bucks. Tell us what Trump has said or done that support the Bill of Rights. The guy wants to be Potus. That starts with the Constitution. To include the Fourteenth Amendment that provides the equal protection of the laws to everyone residing in the United States. By the 14th Amendment, every person in the United States is a legal person -- no ifs ands or buts.

The Constitution.

You guys are really in left field about the bill of rights.

Are you certain you understand what they are?

Trump is not going to change anything on America's Bill of Rights.

Interpretation is a Judicial Power...not an Executive Power.

Then it takes the Legislative Branch to enact any Judicially approved interpretations.

There is years of lobbying, veto's and politics involved.

You see..it's not as easy as you believe. There is no fantasy scenario where Trump shuts down all 3 branches of the government.


What you don't understand, is that our Government is built on Checks and Balances.

It was something you should of read in grammar school, or junior high school.

There are no Dictators or Fascists or Communists or Monarchy's in our system.

You are deeply confused...as are your friends. You must have many sleepless nights imagining the Powers Trump will have..

when actually, he will be struggling hard just kicking Democrats in the Butt to to build the economy, better trade, and employment.

Your fears are unfounded...and way out of proportion. First you call Trump an idiot, and then you think he can change the whole American Government in 4 short years.

*** as much as I want Hillary to lose, I would be more worried about who Trump picks as Vice President. With all these weirdos around, who knows what measures they will take to get him out of office....impeached, or perhaps worse. I fear for the man....

If something should happen to him, the VP would be sworn in. A very strong possibility of that.

considering all the malcontents on the Democratic/Liberal side...who will probably start some kind of trouble.

The three or four trigglypuffs[1] in this thread are just copying whatever crap they learned in college where they exclusively studied something like "socialistic post modern feministic non-binary dance".


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