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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Incredibly, there are many Americans who believe Trump is a political outsider. That's like saying Michael Jordan doesn't know much about basketball.

Here's an excerpt from a recent article:

Trump golfed and broke bread with nearly every major political power broker in the state. He used sweet talk, like he did with Kean, but he also deployed attack ads, like with former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. He spent millions on New Jersey lobbyists, lawyers, spokesmen and political operatives, many of whom then contributed money to important politicians. This is how he survived business failures in state — and how he caught a lot of breaks.

Trump built his brand off his New Jersey casinos, all of which went bankrupt. He bought a professional football team, the New Jersey Generals, which lasted just two years. And he opened three golf courses, which pay little in taxes. All along the way, Trump took a hands-on approach to politics. He had to.

"The others sort of went with the pack, but he was different. He did things differently," Kean said. "He would sort of come to see you separately. And it was evident to me from Day 1 that he was very, very smart. And very, very tactful."

Trump buttonholed legislators in Trenton to lobby for tax breaks for his casinos. He turned one senator's office into his temporary headquarters, so he could use the phone in between lobbying legislators. And the New Jersey attorney general — the person in charge of regulating his casinos — once let him use his helipad to fly into Trenton for a meeting. Trump and Attorney General David Samson then went to a local steakhouse to talk about changes Samson wanted at the casinos.

full analogy

The distinction is Trump has been pretty up front about his dealings with politicos, and why, so there's no great reveal here.

Clinton on the other hand....

Then you've got Bernie.

Makes a fella wanna move to a mosquito infested SE Asia sweat hole and try to forget about it.

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Njet my comrade but you do not seem to understand that almost everyone who titles themself as "citizen of the world" are either socialists or communists... hence my question.

I don't know what 1930's movie your head is stuck in, but here in the 21st century, 'citizen of the world' more likely relates to:

clean alternative energy, less prejudice, protecting natural habitat, coming together for solutions, .......all things Trump isn't.

I get to hang with a slew of backpackers, from more countries than you can find on a map, and without exception, they're all aghast at the idea of Trump being in the Oval Office. Some of the posters on here are hopelessly stuck in the quicksand of 1940's, 50's, 60's paranoia and fear of the rest of the world (including getting aneurisms when hearing the word 'Socialist'), ....but newer generations are endeavoring to enact improvements. Not just for people in their own countries, but for people worldwide, particularly the disadvantaged. Those, to me, define 'world citizens.'

Trump is worse than 'stuck in old ways of thinking + paranoia + hate'. He's a flip-flopping dangerous man and would be awful for America and other parts of the world. Even sage Republicans who really want to ally with him are saying that.

And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

Reason why so many under 25 are socialists/greens is because they haven't yet started to use their brain and think they have some kind of right to other peoples produce. On that note, how does it feel to be a bona fide fascist? Is it "sterling"?

"Rednecks"... (got any other racial slurs going?).

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And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

Reason why so many under 25 are socialists/greens is because they haven't yet started to use their brain and think they have some kind of right to other peoples produce. On that note, how does it feel to be a bona fide fascist? Is it "sterling"?

"Rednecks"... (got any other racial slurs going?).

One of Bernie's non-red neck kids.

Edited by 55Jay
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And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists to some some varying degree (mostly very much). You know, it's easy to have an opinion about other peoples money when you do not work and "pay" (robbed) taxes. On that point (work), have you watched any other "OJ Simpson trial" completely without missing anything?

Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

Reason why so many under 25 are socialists/greens is because they haven't yet started to use their brain and think they have some kind of right to other peoples produce. On that note, how does it feel to be a bona fide fascist? Is it "sterling"?

"Rednecks"... (got any other racial slurs going?).

One of Bernie's non-red neck kids.


And that my friends is what we call idealistic idiotic left-wing people when they are young - we all understand - not yet grown up and yet to face the real world.

But the problems is that they have absolutely no idea that they have absolutely no idea - a classic Liberal 'will be'.

And when they hold on to those idealistic idiotic left-wing ideas in middle-age and beyond, then we call them 'Liberals' 'Delusional' 'Democrats'.

I can hear her now describing Trump (one of the 1%) as the Bloviator, Nutcase, Egomaniac, Hitler, Divider, Hater, Fascist, Vile Monster etc etc - they all sound just like a silly girl who insults others.

Whereas we only need one word to describe HRC - 'crooked'. Although 'incompetent' is also a good one too.

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I've just read some very disturbing news on this thread.
Apparently, rednecks have now become a "race". shock1.gif
That must mean there are a lot of them. ( Shocking in and of itself )
Or, this could be a grandly illustrated example that some followers of the Bloviator, truly don't even know the definition of the word: racism. Or the term "racial slur".
Alarming indeed.
I suppose it would explain some of their blind allegiance though...
Dunning Kruger.
P.S. And luckily for the Americans amoung them, they won't be branded as "socialists" given that they must have turned down Social Security and Medicare,
in order to reject Democratic Socialism.
I do respect one who has sound, steadfast convictions. thumbsup.gif
Edited by iReason
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I've just read some very disturbing news on this thread.
Apparently, rednecks have now become a "race". shock1.gif
That must mean there are a lot of them. ( Shocking in and of itself )
Or, this could be a grandly illustrated example that some followers of the Bloviator, truly don't even know the definition of the word: racism. Or the term "racial slur".
Alarming indeed.
I suppose it would explain some of their blind allegiance though...
Dunning Kruger.
P.S. And luckily for the Americans amoung them, they won't be branded as "socialists" given that they must have turned down Social Security and Medicare,
in order to reject Democratic Socialism.
I do respect one who has sound, steadfast convictions. thumbsup.gif

Lol loving this! Hey what about the NumbNuts?

'NumbNuts' are a race too!

Does that mean there's a lot of us? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt...

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Well, your credentials as a bona fide right-winger are sterling. It's actually rather humorous to see someone write, in 2016, such a silly sentence as, "And almost all backpackers i have met have been socialists/greens/communists......" I hope you're not actively involved with youngsters. Wouldn't want them to have a depressing influence.

Actually, that's a big reason why Republicans have so little support from anyone under 25, except rednecks. "My country, right or wrong" types. "If you don't like it, get ready for a knuckle sandwich" sort of folks. Thank Bob they comprise less than 20% of the electorate, ....and that's about the % Trump will get on Nov. 8.

Reason why so many under 25 are socialists/greens is because they haven't yet started to use their brain and think they have some kind of right to other peoples produce. On that note, how does it feel to be a bona fide fascist? Is it "sterling"? "Rednecks"... (got any other racial slurs going?).

So, let me see if I comprehend your views: .....according to Trump's fans, people don't start using their brains until they get older. ?!?

Elders like Nixon who lied every minute of his waking hours and used to hide away in a little room in the White House, drinking liquor. ?

Or elders like Reagan who lied to Congress about a dirty little war he was orchestrating, .....and who instigated a 1 trillion $$ Star Wars program which didn't benefit anyone except the weapons' contractors who were laughing all the way to their banks.

Or elders like Nancy Reagan (plus Anslinger, Nixon, Bushes I and II, and her husband) who perpetuated the failing War on Drugs which makes drug lords very rich.

Here are some others who started using their brains when the got older, according to right wingers who distrust younger generations: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Milosovic, Trump, Bokassa, Gadhafi, Thaksin, Saddam Hussein...... the list is long and ugly.

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I've just read some very disturbing news on this thread.
Apparently, rednecks have now become a "race". shock1.gif
That must mean there are a lot of them. ( Shocking in and of itself )
Or, this could be a grandly illustrated example that some followers of the Bloviator, truly don't even know the definition of the word: racism. Or the term "racial slur".
Alarming indeed.
I suppose it would explain some of their blind allegiance though...
Dunning Kruger.
P.S. And luckily for the Americans amoung them, they won't be branded as "socialists" given that they must have turned down Social Security and Medicare,
in order to reject Democratic Socialism.
I do respect one who has sound, steadfast convictions. thumbsup.gif

Lol loving this! Hey what about the NumbNuts?

'NumbNuts' are a race too!

Does that mean there's a lot of us? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt...

Thanks for 'liking' my post iReason... I feel 'validated'.

The NumbNuts, United, Will Never Be DEFEATED!!!

(if that's okay with you Mr Trump)

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I've just read some very disturbing news on this thread.
Apparently, rednecks have now become a "race". shock1.gif
That must mean there are a lot of them. ( Shocking in and of itself )
Or, this could be a grandly illustrated example that some followers of the Bloviator, truly don't even know the definition of the word: racism. Or the term "racial slur".
Alarming indeed.
I suppose it would explain some of their blind allegiance though...
Dunning Kruger.
P.S. And luckily for the Americans amoung them, they won't be branded as "socialists" given that they must have turned down Social Security and Medicare,
in order to reject Democratic Socialism.
I do respect one who has sound, steadfast convictions. thumbsup.gif

Maybe Google[1] more stuff than your fascist pictures a la 1930's...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redneck

P.S. Soon Urban dictionary will for sure have some kind of update for "Dunning Kruger" and iReason being meantioned as the person not knowing what it is thumbsup.gif D.S.

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You proved it.

Rednecks are a race. blink.png

NOT. cheesy.gif

I'll help you along here with assistance from your dictionary of choice, (Urban):

"They typically work industrial or manual labor jobs. The majority do not have anything beyond a high school education.

They are extremely weary of those who do possess the desire to act educated -- these people are perceived as sell-outs.

Overall, rednecks are extremely friendly people but, they are very reluctant to accept those different from them so it is hard for others to mingle with them or understand them."

"They are very stubborn about their conservative beliefs. They believe that all liberals have lesser moral values.

Finally, most rednecks are closet racists. They will vehemently deny this but racist remarks are often made among white groups." laugh.png


Sound familiar?

Right up the Bloviator's alley. thumbsup.gif

Cognitive Dissonance.

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Trump on black supporter: 'Look at my African-American over here'

"Donald Trump sought to tout his support among African-Americans on Friday by pointing out a black man in the crowd and calling him "my African-American."

"Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him," Trump said. "Are you the greatest?" facepalm.gif
"Trump's remark came as he recalled an incident in March when a black supporter of his assaulted a protester at a rally in Arizona as he was being escorted out of the building by police.
The comment didn't generate a noticeable response from Trump's audience." laugh.png


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But many people realised that Trump was tricked

And many people fortunately realise that that is not a difficult thing to do.

Thanks for clarifying.


LOL! Touche wai.gif

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Trump: Muslim judge might not be fair to me either

"Donald Trump expanded his argument against a Mexican judge on Sunday,

suggesting that a Muslim judge may not be able to rule impartially in a Trump lawsuit either because of his call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration."

"It’s the extension of an argument that has rattled even many Republicans who have called the argument racist for suggesting a judge couldn’t rule fairly based on his ethnicity.

But Trump, showing no signs of backing off the suggestion, indicated that he’d include other groups as well."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Brazen Bigot Bloviator, continues his divisive rhetoric.


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Twitter State of the Nation :

Crooked Hillary - 6.55million followers

Limpus Obama - 8.08million followers

POTUS Trump (in waiting) - 8.68million followers

Trump is coming for HRC soon enough - hope she is getting ready (if she makes it)

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People are now starting to figure what had always been unclear, i.e., the shelf life date of the Trump Campaign for the office of Potus.

Jonathan Chait: “Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States would pose an unprecedented threat to the health of American democracy and possibly world stability. There is, however, an upside: Trump’s campaign is an absolute garbage fire. By all accounts it is the most organizationally and strategically inept campaign for a successful major-party nominee in recorded history.”

“To the extent that running a competent campaign matters, it will hurt Trump very badly. Yes, he won the Republican primary by relying on a massive imbalance of media coverage and exploiting a divided, extremely large field that failed to coalesce against him. Yes, he tapped into deep strains of anger in the conservative base that fellow Republicans ignored. But he’s not a political savant, and he hasn’t abolished the rules of politics.”

New York Times: Trump’s Campaign Stumbles As It Tries to Go Big

November 8th might be too generous a date.

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Twitter State of the Nation :

Crooked Hillary - 6.55million followers

Limpus Obama - 8.08million followers

POTUS Trump (in waiting) - 8.68million followers

Trump is coming for HRC soon enough - hope she is getting ready (if she makes it)

It's looking more doubtful by the day with new revlations of sleaze and corruption.

How 'bout those coughing fits? whistling.gif

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People are now starting to figure what had always been unclear, i.e., the shelf life date of the Trump Campaign for the office of Potus.

Jonathan Chait: “Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States would pose an unprecedented threat to the health of American democracy and possibly world stability. There is, however, an upside: Trump’s campaign is an absolute garbage fire. By all accounts it is the most organizationally and strategically inept campaign for a successful major-party nominee in recorded history.”

“To the extent that running a competent campaign matters, it will hurt Trump very badly. Yes, he won the Republican primary by relying on a massive imbalance of media coverage and exploiting a divided, extremely large field that failed to coalesce against him. Yes, he tapped into deep strains of anger in the conservative base that fellow Republicans ignored. But he’s not a political savant, and he hasn’t abolished the rules of politics.”

New York Times: Trump’s Campaign Stumbles As It Tries to Go Big

November 8th might be too generous a date.

I don't agree with your assessment, as he accomplishes victories with ten times less the assets, as crooked Hillary. Trump is everywhere, at every time...and is always accessible to the media, unlike Hillary. Hillary is so scared to answer questions that she limits her time and availability. Crooked as they come...

Regardless of your opinions, Trump hardly needs a campaign, anyways. Hillary has a history of incompetence while serving in a top Office position, under Obama. Together, they wreaked havoc on the Planet, at large. Hillary lied to federal officers, to the media...and to her own supporters. She is now involved in the biggest cover up in recent times. Thousands and thousands of emails disappearing. State secrets laid open to foreign governments by her ignorance, incompetence, and cavalier attitude towards her responsibilities. She thought she was important enough to disregard the safeguarding of our Nations sensitive material.

Hillary has a proven history of incompetence. Especially in the middle East (Libya for example). Trump has only his words (which are not actions), Hillary has an actual history of doing things wrong...then lying about it.

Give us Trump any day...over this witch.

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Trump on black supporter: 'Look at my African-American over here'

"Donald Trump sought to tout his support among African-Americans on Friday by pointing out a black man in the crowd and calling him "my African-American."

"Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him," Trump said. "Are you the greatest?" facepalm.gif
"Trump's remark came as he recalled an incident in March when a black supporter of his assaulted a protester at a rally in Arizona as he was being escorted out of the building by police.
The comment didn't generate a noticeable response from Trump's audience." laugh.png

Well, to his credit, at least he didn't call the pretty black woman, "my nigress."

For that, we can call Trump 'presidential.' (though Thomas Jefferson might fail that test).

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Trump: Muslim judge might not be fair to me either

"Donald Trump expanded his argument against a Mexican judge on Sunday,

suggesting that a Muslim judge may not be able to rule impartially in a Trump lawsuit either because of his call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration."

"It’s the extension of an argument that has rattled even many Republicans who have called the argument racist for suggesting a judge couldn’t rule fairly based on his ethnicity.

But Trump, showing no signs of backing off the suggestion, indicated that he’d include other groups as well."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Brazen Bigot Bloviator, continues his divisive rhetoric.


You are hysterically funny.

Do you ever generate any of your own thoughts or posts?

You are 90 percent a "cut and paste" phenomenon.


Honestly...it is like reading a back alley newspaper. All your Upper Case, Bold, Underlined, copying are worse than billboards on the Highways.

How about writing something you created? Do you have any talent?

Edited by slipperylobster
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Trump: Muslim judge might not be fair to me either

"Donald Trump expanded his argument against a Mexican judge on Sunday,

suggesting that a Muslim judge may not be able to rule impartially in a Trump lawsuit either because of his call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration."

"It’s the extension of an argument that has rattled even many Republicans who have called the argument racist for suggesting a judge couldn’t rule fairly based on his ethnicity.

But Trump, showing no signs of backing off the suggestion, indicated that he’d include other groups as well."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Brazen Bigot Bloviator, continues his divisive rhetoric.


You are hysterically funny.

Do you ever generate any of your own thoughts or posts?

You are 90 percent a "cut and paste" phenomenon.


Honestly...it is like reading a back alley newspaper. All your Upper Case, Bold, Underlined, copying are worse than billboards on the Highways.

How about writing something you created? Do you have any talent?

iReason does add comments. But one of his talents it finding pertinent articles about The Divider, and putting them in this blog. For most of us, that's appreciated. It's particularly interesting for any of us who will be voting in the US general election. I will. US voters should be apprised of their candidates and what they stand for. Actually, everyone worldwide should be sitting up taking notice, because if a person like Trump is in charge of the world's #1 power, it could adversely affect many folks (and the environment!) around the globe.

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For all those Nattering Nabaobs of Negativism who have not recognized there's only one individual worth considering for POTUS in November, read this and you will understand what a mess the Democrats have wrought.


Grab it at your favorite bookstore or here:smile.png

Edited by cdnvic
remove commercial link
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Trump: Muslim judge might not be fair to me either

"Donald Trump expanded his argument against a Mexican judge on Sunday,

suggesting that a Muslim judge may not be able to rule impartially in a Trump lawsuit either because of his call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration."

"It’s the extension of an argument that has rattled even many Republicans who have called the argument racist for suggesting a judge couldn’t rule fairly based on his ethnicity.

But Trump, showing no signs of backing off the suggestion, indicated that he’d include other groups as well."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Brazen Bigot Bloviator, continues his divisive rhetoric.


You are hysterically funny.

Do you ever generate any of your own thoughts or posts?

You are 90 percent a "cut and paste" phenomenon.


Honestly...it is like reading a back alley newspaper. All your Upper Case, Bold, Underlined, copying are worse than billboards on the Highways.

How about writing something you created? Do you have any talent?

Actually, many of us appreciate iReason for sharing what the mainstream media is writing about Trump. It's much more legit than the made-up nonsense that Trump supporters spout. But I have to admit that it may not be as imaginative and creative (read fictional) as what Trump-supporters come up with. Don't you guys ever get tired of having to explain what "he really meant" when Trump goes off with one of his crazy lines? Like "my African-American," or the "Mexican judge," and now the mythical "Muslim judge?" And this was only in the last couple of days.

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It's no wonder the Bloviator chickened out on the debate with Sen. Sanders.

Massively Crushed comes to mind. thumbsup.gif

Where is your attributing Link to your data? ... I missed it ... serious question

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Trump: Muslim judge might not be fair to me either

"Donald Trump expanded his argument against a Mexican judge on Sunday,

suggesting that a Muslim judge may not be able to rule impartially in a Trump lawsuit either because of his call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration."

"It’s the extension of an argument that has rattled even many Republicans who have called the argument racist for suggesting a judge couldn’t rule fairly based on his ethnicity.

But Trump, showing no signs of backing off the suggestion, indicated that he’d include other groups as well."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Brazen Bigot Bloviator, continues his divisive rhetoric.


You are hysterically funny.

Do you ever generate any of your own thoughts or posts?

You are 90 percent a "cut and paste" phenomenon.


Honestly...it is like reading a back alley newspaper. All your Upper Case, Bold, Underlined, copying are worse than billboards on the Highways.

How about writing something you created? Do you have any talent?

Actually, many of us appreciate iReason for sharing what the mainstream media is writing about Trump. It's much more legit than the made-up nonsense that Trump supporters spout. But I have to admit that it may not be as imaginative and creative (read fictional) as what Trump-supporters come up with. Don't you guys ever get tired of having to explain what "he really meant" when Trump goes off with one of his crazy lines? Like "my African-American," or the "Mexican judge," and now the mythical "Muslim judge?" And this was only in the last couple of days.

I understand that you folks don't take much time to read the news yourself, and must rely on IReason to cut and paste old articles on Trump, so you can catch up.

The annoying part for me is his underlined, colored, highlighted, bold...print.

I thought that was a bit over the top...and frankly, against the rules.


enjoy reading his second hand news then ......saw it all myself, yesterday. facepalm.gif

Edited by slipperylobster
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Trump on black supporter: 'Look at my African-American over here'

"Donald Trump sought to tout his support among African-Americans on Friday by pointing out a black man in the crowd and calling him "my African-American."

"Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him," Trump said. "Are you the greatest?" facepalm.gif
"Trump's remark came as he recalled an incident in March when a black supporter of his assaulted a protester at a rally in Arizona as he was being escorted out of the building by police.
The comment didn't generate a noticeable response from Trump's audience." laugh.png

Good grief has he got Bernard Manning's joke writer working for him now?


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