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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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For all those Nattering Nabaobs of Negativism who have not recognized there's only one individual worth considering for POTUS in November, read this and you will understand what a mess the Democrats have wrought.


Grab it at your favorite bookstore or here:smile.png

Is it a pop up or a colouring book?

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Growing fear inside GOP about Trump

"Top Republican officials and donors are increasingly worried over the threat Donald Trump's attack on a judge's Mexican heritage could pose to their party's chances in November,

and about the GOP's ability to win Latino votes for many elections to come."

"House and Senate GOP leaders have condemned Trump's remarks about Curiel, while donors have openly worried that losing Latino voters could doom them in key down-ballot races.

Other important party figures, including former Speaker Newt Gingrich, are urging Trump to change his combative, confrontational style before it's too late."

"The GOP's deepest fear: A Barry Goldwater effect that could last far longer than Trump's political aspirations." ( You nailed that one Publicus ) thumbsup.gif

It's already too late. The Bloviator is what he is; an ignorant buffoon.

Trump vows not to change — which means everyone else in politics has to

"There are reasons to be skeptical that the wall on the border would ever be built. Putting a ban on Muslims entering the country seems neither practical nor constitutional."

"But Donald Trump has finally made one three-word campaign promise that voters may be able to count on."

“I’m not changing,” he declared this week.


Which is entirely untrue of course. The Bloviator has changed all of his positions/"suggestions" that he has promised the Lemmings.


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For all those Nattering Nabaobs of Negativism who have not recognized there's only one individual worth considering for POTUS in November, read this and you will understand what a mess the Democrats have wrought.


Grab it at your favorite bookstore or here:smile.png

Is it a pop up or a colouring book?

It contains words with more than two syllables so it might be a tough read for the MSM supplicants to fathom. smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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It contains words with more than two syllables so it might be a tough read for the MSM supplicants to fathom. smile.png

So we know Trump didn't write it then.

Then again he hasn't written any of his books has he?

I wrote the Art of the Deal. Donald Trump read it.

— tonyschwartz (@tonyschwartz) September 17, 2015

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

For all those Nattering Nabaobs of Negativism who have not recognized there's only one individual worth considering for POTUS in November, read this and you will understand what a mess the Democrats have wrought.


Grab it at your favorite bookstore or here:smile.png

Is it a pop up or a colouring book?

Is it about how to be funny when ridiculing crippled people?

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Actual unedited quotes from The Divider..........
"I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me."
"More countries should have nuclear weapons, including Saudi Arabia."
MSNBC: "who are you consulting with, consistently, so that you're ready on day one?"
"I'm speaking with myself, number one. Because I have a very good brain, and I've said a lot of things."
Boomer's note: Someone is asking me to read a book by Trump, .....the man responsible for saying such things as I've noted above ?!
I'd rather read obituaries in a 10 year old newspaper - at least there are some interesting tidbits there.
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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

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Trump’s ‘my African-American’ admits ‘I am not a Trump supporter’

"California congressional candidate Gregory Cheadle might be an anti-government Tea Party member, but don’t call him a Trump supporter.

In a weekend interview with NPR, Cheadle admitted that he was holding the “Veterans for Trump” sign,

not as support, but rather, to block the bright sun at the outdoor rally." clap2.gif

“I am not a Trump supporter,” he continued. biggrin.png

Alas, the one that got away...


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Trump supporters leaving a Trump Rally in San Jose were attacked and beaten by a mostly Illegal Alien violent mob.

Yes and they are helping trump.

And you support the violence with your comments like "vile monster" etc.

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

I thought you were the comedian on this thread Ash. Then again, on second thought, maybe you're right. Because I'm not reading your threads for information...

I'm reading them for the laughs


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This is what Trump's border wall could cost US

A roughly 2,000-mile fence on the Mexican border would cost tens of billions.

"The actual cost for the rest of the border wall (roughly 1,300 miles) could be as high as $16 million per mile, with a total price tag of $15 billion to $25 billion.

Rosenblum said the $15 billion low-end estimate is "probably an underestimate," because the parts that have yet to be fenced are the most difficult — the most dense and arid."

"At $16 million per mile and with 1,300 miles to secure, the estimated cost would be $12 billion, and

the price of private land acquisitions and maintenance of fencing could push that total cost higher."

"The U.S. government would have to pay to maintain the wall, which could cost as much as $750 million a year.

And then if it wanted to man it with personnel, that would be an additional cost — border patrol has an operating budget of $1.4 billion for 21,000 agents."

In the Bloviator's mind, after the Mexicans pay for the "Wall", are they going to pay to maintain it as well? cheesy.gifcheesy.gif cheesy.gif
What a complete simpleton the Bloviator is. facepalm.gif
Not to worry.
The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lap Dog, Big Oil/ Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Blatant Bigot Bloviator,
is getting nowhere near the White House. thumbsup.gif


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Trump supporters leaving a Trump Rally in San Jose were attacked and beaten by a mostly Illegal Alien violent mob.

Yes and they are helping trump.

And you support the violence with your comments like "vile monster" etc.

No-one is "supporting the violence", but they aren't getting riled by people describing Trump on here, are they?

They are riled by him calling them all rapists, etc. and threatening to dock the money they send to their families.

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if you haven't seen this about Trump's wall, you gotta check it out:
Spoiler alert for Trump fans: it's not flattering to Trump (so you'll want to avert your eyes and ears), but quite witty and on the mark.

Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

I thought you were the comedian on this thread Ash. Then again, on second thought, maybe you're right. Because I'm not reading your threads for information...

I'm reading them for the laughs


Simple minds are easy to amuse clap2.gif

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Trump supporters leaving a Trump Rally in San Jose were attacked and beaten by a mostly Illegal Alien violent mob.

Yes and they are helping trump.

And you support the violence with your comments like "vile monster" etc.

No-one is "supporting the violence", but they aren't getting riled by people describing Trump on here, are they?

They are riled by him calling them all rapists, etc. and threatening to dock the money they send to their families.

So words someone doesn't like justify violence then?

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The Heart of Donald Trump's Immigration Plan would Cost a Lot of Money

"One report, released in 2010 by the left-leaning Center for American Progress, estimated that it would cost $200 billion to "to enforce a federal dragnet that would snare"

immigrants unauthorized to live in the United States. According to the right-leaning American Action Forum,

it would take between $400 billion and $600 billion to deport 11 million people without proper documentation over 20 years."

"That estimate doesn't take into account the cost of enforcement to prevent return, which could reach upward of $300 billion.

Such mass deportation would take 6.4% of US workers out of the country, according to the AAF report.

With them would depart approximately $1.6 trillion in wages, spending, and other economic activity, more than the GDP of Texas.

The agricultural industry would be disproportionately affected by the move — half of the US' farm workers in the past 15 years have been undocumented."

"These estimates don't take into account the approximately $15 billion that undocumented immigrants contribute to Social Security, according to Stephen Goss,

chief actuary for the Social Security Administration."


Seriously, Lemmings, snap out of it. facepalm.gif

And try to embrace the realm of reality.

Hundreds of Billions of Dollars? Hell, let's just round it off to 1 Trillion. ( Or More )

You have been played by this Huckster.

This simplistic, myopic, ignorant Bloviator.

And none of what he says is going to happen.

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Funny stuff...and mostly true. So what will Trump supporters do knowing that Trump could not possibly keep his number one campaign promise? (numbers 2, 3, 4....10 aren't looking too promising either). Ah, it doesn't matter. Just getting a fellow racist into the White House is good enough.

It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

I thought you were the comedian on this thread Ash. Then again, on second thought, maybe you're right. Because I'm not reading your threads for information...

I'm reading them for the laughs


Simple minds are easy to amuse clap2.gif

Says the Trump fanboy. Now that is funny! gigglem.gif

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It's becoming ever more clear why you are like you are when you rely on second rate comedians for information.

I thought you were the comedian on this thread Ash. Then again, on second thought, maybe you're right. Because I'm not reading your threads for information...

I'm reading them for the laughs


Simple minds are easy to amuse clap2.gif

Says the Trump fanboy. Now that is funny! gigglem.gif

See, simple minds say someone is a "Trump fanboy" without even knowing the facts.

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I thought you were the comedian on this thread Ash. Then again, on second thought, maybe you're right. Because I'm not reading your threads for information...

I'm reading them for the laughs


Simple minds are easy to amuse clap2.gif

Says the Trump fanboy. Now that is funny! gigglem.gif

See, simple minds say someone is a "Trump fanboy" without even knowing the facts.

Guilty as charged Ash, you got me. And here I was thinking you were a card-carrying Trumpmeister. I stand corrected! So are you 'Feeling the Bern' or something Ash?

Welcome over from the dark side Ash! clap2.gif

There's hope for you yet mate.

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No. Not really.

Occasionally, it gets diluted by those who have no defense of the ignorant Bloviator, at all, so they deflect and prefer to spend their time attacking posters.

Expelling pointless one-liners.

While completely ignoring plenty of "gas". thumbsup.gif

There is quite a sufficient amount of information on why the Bloviator will be stopped and never set foot in the White House.

Some just fail to consider it.

Head in the sand or futile gamesmanship. Take your pick.

Dunning Kruger.

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Trump’s ‘my African-American’ admits ‘I am not a Trump supporter’

"California congressional candidate Gregory Cheadle might be an anti-government Tea Party member, but don’t call him a Trump supporter.

In a weekend interview with NPR, Cheadle admitted that he was holding the “Veterans for Trump” sign,

not as support, but rather, to block the bright sun at the outdoor rally." clap2.gif

“I am not a Trump supporter,” he continued. biggrin.png

Alas, the one that got away...

Don't be surprised if those 'names' who jumped on the Trump wagon in recent months, will be just as quick to jump off. Trump's recent bump in popularity is becoming just that, a bump. He's crested. It's a long slow slide downhill for the Trumpster, from now until early November. After that, he can go back to what he's good at: buying distressed properties with bank loans. Kicking out long-term residents. Influencing NJ governors and judges with his mafia-like tactics. Telling everyone that his losing businesses are actually winners, .....and everyone in his circle of cronies believes him.

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