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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Seen the latest boys?

State Dept. Turned Off Security Features on Hillary’s Homebrew Server… Huma: ‘Don’t Email hrc Anything Sensitive

" ...according to previously disclosed emails, hackers attacked the server, forcing Clinton’s staff to shut it down. The next day, one of Clinton’s closest aides, Huma Abedin, wrote to other high ranking staff: “Don’t email hrc (Clinton) anything sensitive. I can explain more in person.”


Although the sensitive emails kept coming?

She is completely indefensible. thumbsup.gif

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HRC getting Pouty? Hillary showing her narcissistic mentality????

Hell yes: from when she first started her 'plotting' to nowadays - heaps !!!


Trump fires anyone who is incompetent or a liar smile.png

And how many journalist interviews has HRC held over the last 6-12 months?? 1 or 2??

She avoids them like the plague - because there will always be one of two who will ask difficult questions.

She has so much to hide she cannot afford to hold interviews with journalists that are not 'vetted and approved' by the Dems.

Example of things to hide (and there are many many more): Democrat Jerry Zeifman, a counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, supervised Hillary Clinton on the Watergate investigation. Zeifman’s 2006 book, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power,” states that she “… engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.” On his website, Zeifman said, “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a Senator or President — and if she were to become President, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”

Trump can be a little narcissistic - but what politician isnt - but he aint anything compared to Crooked Hillary.

Some people talk about a vile monster - but that term is far more real when used to describe HRC.

We of the right can see Trump's faults, but they pale into significance when compared against Crooked Hillary's

But the looney Liberals just cant/wont see her for what she really is - and always has been.


Jerry Zeifman is a proven liar. He claimed he was Hillary's boss and fired her. Here's one of the sources of that assertion: http://www.westernjournalism.com/hillary-clinton-fired-for-lies-unethical-behavior/

The only problem? Zeifman was lying and provably so. Here's a scan of an article from The Scripps Howard News Servicne in which Zeifman is quoted as saying he would have fired Hillary if he could have. http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/pdf/zeifman-20080404.pdf. It also gives the lie to his claim that he was her boss. If you want to go into exhaustive detail of the litany of Zeifman's lies here's a link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

He also wrote an earlier book in which he writes that after the Watergate committe finished its work, Hillary Clinton returned to Arkansas.

Try this one - gives a good summary of the issues/problems HRC is so desperate to hide and cover up.

Some real, and some exaggerated, and some doubtful - but where there is smoke there is usually a fire.


Jerry Zeifman is a proven liar. He claimed he was Hillary's boss and fired her. Here's one of the sources of that assertion: http://www.westernjo...hical-behavior/

The only problem? Zeifman was lying and provably so. Here's a scan of an article from The Scripps Howard News Servicne in which Zeifman is quoted as saying he would have fired Hillary if he could have. http://cloudfront.me...an-20080404.pdf. It also gives the lie to his claim that he was her boss. If you want to go into exhaustive detail of the litany of Zeifman's lies here's a link: http://www.snopes.co...ons/zeifman.asp

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Here is an engineers look at the reality of building the wall across the southern border.

Engineers have estimated a 20' wall would cost $25-$50 billion and an equal amount to maintain every 7 years.

Trumps wall will be 50' high, will cost around $75 - $125 billion.


The materials for the 50' wall are equal 6 Hoover Dams. 21,000 employees built that dam. The wall may need around 100,000 employees for ten years.

Pay them $100 per day/ 6 days per week = $36 billion in labor.


Around 15 million yards of concrete and 5 billion pounds of rebar.

500 concrete plants need to be setup along the border.

At least 3 steel mills running at capacity, with 15,000 employees just to make the rebar. Every truckload will still be transported up to 700 miles!


Engineer, plan and build 2,000 miles of road that can handle 52 million trips of heavy trucks. Terrain that prohibits construction like a floodplain, mountains, sand dunes. The costs skyrocket.

Condemning land.

The Government must first acquire the land. Thousands of private property owners will run up lawyer fees while Eminent Domain court cases last 7-10 years.

Hundreds of Judges and courts will be tied up for decades disputing the land appropriation.

13 Federal & State laws must be rewritten to permit the construction.

Business, landowners, towns & environment.

The Rio Grande is the USA 5th largest river. The natural border between Texas & Mexico goes right down the middle of the river and the river often changes course.

The wall must be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, private land owners, farmers, ranchers, municipalities and national parks and wildlife will be forced to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.

Environmental issues will slow down work to a grinding halt in some places that drag thru the courts for years.

Border towns will be split in two. Thousands of businesses & families on both sides destroyed.

The wall can't block the thousands of tributaries, wetlands or flood planes. Full time Border Guards will need to watch these areas.


You would need a guard post every 2,000' or so. About 5,230 guard posts, each post would need at least 2 on duty with 3 shift a day. About 43,000 full time guards.

A security headquarters every 25 miles, each overseeing 50 guard posts. About 2,000 staff there.

A fleet of INS choppers will need 15-20 airfields, pilots, fuel stations and hangers.

Every 100 miles you need a government office building with 75 people doing paperwork. That's 1,500 paper shufflers.

Each state will need a main headquarters too.

A large building in DC with 2,000 staff is a good estimate. About $4 billion per year for the bureaucratic staff.


How much to keep the wall maintained?

Maintenance centers every 50 miles. Around 40 facilities with lots of trucks and heavy equipment, warehouses etc. Probably 4,000 staff.

About another $50-$100 billion every 7 years is the maintenance estimate.

Realistically, will a wall stop them?

There already is a wall in the hotspots.

The undocumented workers pay the “coyotes” border smugglers $500- $1,000 and are driven thru to Los Angeles. $40,000 a truckload. They have been driving thru like this for decades with assistance from Mexican authorities.

The wall certainly won't stop the criminals or terrorists.

The rest of the Border.

The Gulf of Mexico border is 1,680 miles.

The Canada Border is 3,987 miles.

The General coastline including Hawaii & Alaska is 12,479 miles. The NOAA Coastal Zones Management includes Bays and Coves puts the US coastline at 88,612 miles.


The wall fail it's primary purpose.

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A comprehensive study on the logistics of deporting the 11million undocumented workers.

AAF examined the personnel and infrastructure implications of removing all 11.3 million illegal aliens in a two-year time frame. In order to remove all illegals, each each one would have to be apprehended, detained, legally processed, and transported to their country of origin.

In order to remove all illegals in two years, the U.S. government would have to expand each of those stages of the removal process. $400 - $600 Billion.

The current annual budget for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, $13.5 billion will need to be increased to $550,000 billion.

This does not include the costs of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies dealing with apprehending, detaining and processing illegals on a daily basis.

  • Federal immigration apprehension personnel to increase from 4,844 positions to 90,582 positions;
  • The number of immigration detention beds to increase from 34,000 to 348,831;
  • The number of immigration courts to increase from 58 to 1,316;
  • The number of federal attorneys legally processing undocumented immigrants to increase from 1,430 to 32,445; and
  • A minimum of 17,296 chartered flights and 30,701 chartered bus trips each year.
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So, Trumps southern border plan will cost around $600 billion and tax on an imported Ford Truck will be over $9,000.

Food prices nationwide will increase 20%.

The food service and construction industry will be similarly increasing prices too.

...around 5 million landlords will lose their tenants and the agricultural towns will fall into a depression (ie Detroit)

Edited by Buzzz
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If you want to go into exhaustive detail of the litany of Zeifman's lies here's a link: http://www.snopes.co...ons/zeifman.asp

Snopes is a disproven far left bias site.


Try again! smile.png

I hear the the Bilderburg Group (the ones seeking world domination )funds Snopes. It's all misinformation.

Don't believe anything Snopes says.

Check with FOX or Drudge or Rush Limbaugh if you want the unbiased truth.

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If you want to go into exhaustive detail of the litany of Zeifman's lies here's a link: http://www.snopes.co...ons/zeifman.asp

Snopes is a disproven far left bias site.


Try again! smile.png

I'm going to try and be nice to you because it's clear you suffer from dyslexia. The URL you linked to is a very convincing and detailed defense of snopes.com l Let me repeat that. The URL you linked to is a very convincing and detailed defense of snopes.comk And one more time to make sure it gets through: The URL you linked to is a very convincing and detailed defense of snopes.com

Or maybe you suffer from some sort of link dyslexia? I'm saying this because snopes.com linked to an image of a newspaper article in which Zeifman is quoted as saying that he would have fired Hillary if he could have. Do you understand that it's an image of the newspaper article? Maybe you expect the actual newspaper to pop out of your screen and into your hands?

Anyway, I do want to thank you for sharing that link. Next time I need to quell some foolishly biased person's complaints about snopes.com I will use that link.

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Snopes started out as a accurate site to determine impartiality but it soon veered far left.

Use this site as a rebuttal to your defense of their objectivity! smile.png


You don't even have the intellectual integrity to acknowledge your error. And no matter what this new link might say, I pointed out to you that there is an image of a newspaper article that clearly shows Zeifman is lying. You're hopeless.

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Read it and weep, Bud! smile.png


The only one who was lying (and continues to this day) is Crooked Hillary...

“Well, let me put it this way: I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — were no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not — recommend her for any further positions.”

Edited by Boon Mee
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Oh my the huge number of pedantic arguments defending the indefensible notion that Hillary Clinton is not a CROOK.. OooooH - all the silly long winded diatribes that spew from the Leftist-Liberals-Progressives and Socialist here that somehow a billionaire businessman Donald Trump is not qualified to be President of the U.S. while defending the fact that a man with no real track record except being a community organizer is ...

And that silly Hillary is somehow virtuous .... and that all her documented lies and failures do not exist and that running an email server in her home - transmitting and receiving classified and sensitive documents does not disqualify her. And all the while General Petraeus was caught doing a similar thing on a minuscule scale of just allowing his mistress to see some classified documents. Then General Petraeus reaped the whirlwind of punishment but Hillary gets to be adored and worshiped by low information voters, leftist zealots and the totally compliant American news media stooges .

But it is obvious if you are running for president on a failed career while being under a criminal investigation - then you are exempt from scrutiny because one is a leftist - socialist female Democrat. This doesn't even fit the scale of Double Standards - it is a total excuse for horrible behavior by her adoring and worshiping syncopates. Please mindless Hillary minions show us how you bow and curtsy to her Crooked Thighness.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Snopes started out as a accurate site to determine impartiality but it soon veered far left.

Use this site as a rebuttal to your defense of their objectivity! smile.png


factcheck.org researched the allegations in this link and found them to be completely and utterly false.


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Worth an hour of your time, especially if you are a Sanders supporter who got burned by the DNC.

Finally he wised up and is using a speechwriter & Teleprompter so he doesn't sound so idiotic.

They certainly don't want him saying what he thinks.


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Read it and weep, Bud! smile.png


The only one who was lying (and continues to this day) is Crooked Hillary...

“Well, let me put it this way: I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — were no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not — recommend her for any further positions.”

It seems Trump supporters are much like their demagogue, in as much as they will just lie when it suits them.

I'm afraid you've been exposed as a charlatan, and repeating unsupportable trash in an attempt to clear your name is pointless.

Wave goodbye to any credibility that you think you had.

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Worth an hour of your time, especially if you are a Sanders supporter who got burned by the DNC.

Finally he wised up and is using a speechwriter & Teleprompter so he doesn't sound so idiotic.

They certainly don't want him saying what he thinks.

Here's what FactCheck.org reckons about Trump's (teleprompted) speech.

"Donald Trump’s once delayed, and much anticipated, speech on Hillary Clinton’s character, included numerous false and misleading statements"


Read and weep Trumkins. Lyin' Ted? I give you Lyin' Don.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions, but I would like to think that facts are sacrosanct... even for your average Trumkin.

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Amazing isn't it - how the leftist Liberals throw absolute rubbish at Trump and claim it is 100% true, and yet anything negative about Crooked Hillary is 100% false.

Find me one successful businessman/woman that doesn't have accusations/allegations made against them.

The reality is that the higher the profile the more the allegations - same for Trump and same for Crooked Hillary.

But Trump is not perfect (how many times have I/we got to say that) - and he doesn't pretend to be, and doesn't need to be, and doesn't want to be.

When you look into the mentality of a Liberal (but dont get too close) you realise they have the 'OJ Disease'.

They actually think that OJ/HRC is innocent - because the fact is that he was found not-guilty (and they like him/her).

But what they fail to understand is what they always failt to understand - REALITY.

OJ was found to be not guilty - he was not found to be innocent.

And before any idiot Liberal says it ......... It is not the same thing.

OJ did not prove he was innocent - the Prosecution failed to prove (beyond doubt) that he was guilty.

Guilty or Not-Guilty - that is what a Court determines (not innocence).

But anyone with half a brain knows he did it (and oscar pistorius, casey anthony, robert blake etc etc etc).

Lack of evidence (or inadmissability), incompetent police investigation, inexperienced prosecutors, and a biased jury, does not mean OJ was innocent.

Crooked Hillary is guilty of far more and far worse things than a New York businessman with a few failed business deals and some enemies (he has fired quite a few).

Crooked Hillary has a lot in common with OJ - and just like all people with no moral values, she will eventually get her payback (they cant stop).

Eventually Crooked Hillary will be forced to back away in disgrace from public life - eventually the 'facts' will catch up with her.

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Amazing isn't it - how the leftist Liberals throw absolute rubbish at Trump and claim it is 100% true, and yet anything negative about Crooked Hillary is 100% false.

No, not anything negative about Clinton is 100% false.

Just about 95% of it. And most of it is repeated, for example the fictional "stand down" order that Clinton was supposed to have given in the middle of the Benghazi incident.

Whereas with Trump, he has been fact checked time and time again and proven to be lying.

How hard is it to understand?

Let's deal in facts, not allegations.


...."a political fundraising committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi received a $25,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation just days after her office had announced it was looking into joining a multi-state lawsuit against Trump University. Her office later dropped the inquiry, citing a lack of evidence".

Would you care to disprove this?

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Amazing isn't it - how the leftist Liberals throw absolute rubbish at Trump and claim it is 100% true, and yet anything negative about Crooked Hillary is 100% false.

No, not anything negative about Clinton is 100% false.

...."a political fundraising committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi received a $25,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation just days after her office had announced it was looking into joining a multi-state lawsuit against Trump University. Her office later dropped the inquiry, citing a lack of evidence".

Would you care to disprove this?

1. Thanks for agreeing - just common sense really.

2. At best coincidental and at worst it looks like a good business investment to me. And let me ask you - at the time was Trump a Governor, Member of Congress, Senate, Secretary of State or hold any public office.

By the way - Did Pam Bondi get investigated and charged? Did Trump? Your mate Crooked Hillary is being investigated right now by no less than the FBI (and she has been investigated many times in the past too). There is a big difference between being in public life and abusing that position, and being a businessman and making political donations. And you do know that political donations are being made all the time - dont you - and sometimes it is just coincidence (and sometimes not). I heard Crooked Hillary accepted donations from countries that kill/persecute LGBTs - and yet she claims to be a supporter of their cause. Hmmmmmmm.

It goes both ways.

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Amazing isn't it - how the leftist Liberals throw absolute rubbish at Trump and claim it is 100% true, and yet anything negative about Crooked Hillary is 100% false.

Find me one successful businessman/woman that doesn't have accusations/allegations made against them.

The reality is that the higher the profile the more the allegations - same for Trump and same for Crooked Hillary.

But Trump is not perfect (how many times have I/we got to say that) - and he doesn't pretend to be, and doesn't need to be, and doesn't want to be.

When you look into the mentality of a Liberal (but dont get too close) you realise they have the 'OJ Disease'.

They actually think that OJ/HRC is innocent - because the fact is that he was found not-guilty (and they like him/her).

But what they fail to understand is what they always failt to understand - REALITY.

OJ was found to be not guilty - he was not found to be innocent.

And before any idiot Liberal says it ......... It is not the same thing.

OJ did not prove he was innocent - the Prosecution failed to prove (beyond doubt) that he was guilty.

Guilty or Not-Guilty - that is what a Court determines (not innocence).

But anyone with half a brain knows he did it (and oscar pistorius, casey anthony, robert blake etc etc etc).

Lack of evidence (or inadmissability), incompetent police investigation, inexperienced prosecutors, and a biased jury, does not mean OJ was innocent.

Crooked Hillary is guilty of far more and far worse things than a New York businessman with a few failed business deals and some enemies (he has fired quite a few).

Crooked Hillary has a lot in common with OJ - and just like all people with no moral values, she will eventually get her payback (they cant stop).

Eventually Crooked Hillary will be forced to back away in disgrace from public life - eventually the 'facts' will catch up with her.

Thank you for this post. Now I understand how the trump supporters think.

Hrc is the same as oj?

Man, please keep posting because I'm always in for a good laugh!

Btw, if youwant to post stuff like this, there is a thread going with the name, worse joke ever, why don't you start posting there.

Maby you get some likes, because you are real funny.

Edited by dutchisaan
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Donald Trump took aim at Hillary Clinton's campaign slogan during a scathing speech delivered in Manhattan on Wednesday.

"Her campaign slogan is, 'I'm with her.'

You know what my response to that is? I'm with you" Trump said.

"She thinks it's all about her," he continued. "I know it's all about you. I know it's all about making America great again for all Americans."

Trump added, "Our country lost its way when we stopped putting the American people first."

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Donald Trump took aim at Hillary Clinton's campaign slogan during a scathing speech delivered in Manhattan on Wednesday.
"Her campaign slogan is, 'I'm with her.'
You know what my response to that is? I'm with you" Trump said.
"She thinks it's all about her," he continued. "I know it's all about you. I know it's all about making America great again for all Americans."
Trump added, "Our country lost its way when we stopped putting the American people first."

Trump, I'm with you,..... unless you are a woman, black, mexican, POW, gay, handicapped, chinese, doofus, loser, dummies, clowns, journalists, US Trade representative, Scientist, the associated press, US leaders, hollywood type, jews, muslims, other republican candidates, democrats, neil young, macys, ford, carrier, nabisco, apple..or anybody that pisses him off.

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Trump long list of insults to his fellow candidates.

Jeb Bush


Lincoln Chafee


Chris Christie


Hillary Clinton


Ted Cruz


John Kasich


Martin O'Malley


Marco Rubio


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