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Check my shocked face! laugh.png

More Polling Tricks=> New Reuters Poll EXTREMELY SKEWED – Reality Shows Trump Tied Up with Hillary

Since the Reuters poll sampled more Democrats than all the others combined, we can safely say that Trump appears to be in much better shape than the poll suggests and could likely be headed to a landslide victory in November.


Imagine that! smile.png

BoonMee is proof. Reading that right wing garbage rots the brain.

Scientific methods of polling which are in fact public opinion scientific survey research are well established, e.g., the nature and the structure of the question(s) posed, whether the questioning is done in person or by 'robo' means, i.e,. recorded phone call questions etc etc.

Reliable and reputable pollsters such as Reuters use the best scientific methods that are well established and confirmed as efficacious.

It is the sample and who is in the sample that is the challenge to pollsters. That is, to identify the Likely Voters and what the turnout of voters will be. Who will vote. And as what percentage of the total number of voters; in what proportion of all who will vote. It's not easy to do.

This fundamental aspect is where the Obama pollsters excelled in both 2008 and in 2012, and it is where Rasmussen and other hack pollsters like Rasmussen went south in the same years and continue in the present to be in the frozen south of polling.

Gallup data of registered voters in the US as of this month are:

Democrats 30%

Republicans 27%

Independents 47%

Literal independent voters are miniscule in number. Voting patterns of people who say they are "Independent" have long long long shown they vote consistently for one party or the other, election after election. Self-styled Independent voters rarely vote on the spot -- independent voters over time vote for one party much more than they ever vote for the other party. So all pollsters have "lean" among self-declared Independents, i.e., lean Republican or lean Democratic party.

Here's Gallup's data on voter preference by party once the declared Democrats and declared Republicans and the well established leaning independents are all tallied up:

Those who vote for the Democratic party 48%

Those who vote for the Republican party 41%

This is as of this month, June 2016. Gallup notes the 7-point difference has never been greater than in this quadrennial election year. It is historically around 46% D and 44% R.

Reuters does not conduct biased or politically partisan polls. To claim Reuters is biased or prejudiced and that it consciously conducts intentionally skewed polls is not credible, it is not believable, it is wrong and it is completely and entirely off base. To say Reuters is simply wrong places the burden of proof on the accuser/claimant -- heavily so.

Recall that in the 1964 wipeout of Sen Barry Goldwater whose extremists seized the Republican nomination, Goldwater was always behind in the polling and that he and his rightnoid troopers continuously claimed the pollsters were wrong. However, the pollsters in 1964 were accurate from the start to the finish of the Goldwater campaign which had maintained the only poll that counts is on election/voting day. On election day Goldwater got 38% of the popular vote, won six states and 52 Electoral College votes (270 needed to win).

Enter Donald Trump and the rightwingnoids. Exit stage right. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


Edited by Publicus to include link.

Actually, you don't need to go back to Goldwater to show how the right wing gets it consistently wrong about polling. Remember Dean Chambers and UnSkewedPolls.com in 2012? Consistently a huge portion of the right was claiming that the polls were skewed in favor of Obama They particularly focused their venom on Nate Silver, the founder of fivethirtyeight.com. He's a statistics geek who made a name for himself first in the sporting world and then the political world. Anyway, when the election over, Silver had called a mere 50 out of 50 states correctly. It wouldn't surprise me if Boon Mee was one of those who accused the polls of bias in 2012.

Anyway, it's Silver and the fivethirtyeight.com team who compiled their evaluations of virtually all the pollsters that I cited above.

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Heh...Democrats Worry Brexit Will Lead to Trump Victory

"The same elements of white resentment, fear of immigrants, anxiety over globalization, animosity towards cosmopolitan elites of every shape and kind and people’s wish “to take their country back in their hands,” as Trump said, could come together at just the right time to elect the GOP candidate as President as well ."


Indeed. Throw the bums out! smile.png

The Brexit vote was a referendum, not a vote to choose a Potus in the USA. It was about the soon-to-be former UK and the European Union. Immigration was a factor but no one can viably or credibly claim any one issue was a or the deciding factor in the outcome of the voting.

There is a commonality among the voters in UK and the Trump fans in the USA, however, the contest in the USA is between two people and which shall lead the government of the United States to include being commander in chief of its armed forces. There were no such factors in the UK vote, the largest implications being instead the survival of the UK itself as an entity of state and of governance.


A reader writes in the Financial Times:

“A quick note on the first three tragedies. Firstly, it was the working classes who voted for us to leave because they were economically disregarded, and it is they who will suffer the most in the short term. They have merely swapped one distant and unreachable elite for another. Secondly, the younger generation has lost the right to live and work in 27 other countries. We will never know the full extent of the lost opportunities, friendships, marriages and experiences we will be denied. Freedom of movement was taken away by our parents, uncles, and grandparents in a parting blow to a generation that was already drowning in the debts of our predecessors. Thirdly and perhaps most significantly, we now live in a post-factual democracy. When the facts met the myths they were as useless as bullets bouncing off the bodies of aliens in a HG Wells novel.

When Michael Gove said, ‘The British people are sick of experts,’ he was right. But can anybody tell me the last time a prevailing culture of anti-intellectualism has led to anything other than bigotry?”

The issues and consequences are not parallel to the United States.

Moreover, ordinary Americans begin at an early age to internalise the Constitution of the US and they come reasonably and quickly to live by it and to expect their leaders to do the same.

The USA Constitution is a written document that its citizens can see, read, get the sense of and the feeling of from our Founders. The US Constitution exists as a concrete entity which is flexible in that it can be amended and has been amended more than two dozen times....only once lightly and in folly (18th amendment of prohibition which was quickly repealed by the 21st amendment).

This is where Donald Trump and his rightwingnoid fans fail and they fail miserably because they are the Americans who failed from the outset to gain any respect of the Constitution as a living and breathing document that institutionalises balance, compromise, middle ground, the separation of powers and the limiting of powers. Consequently, the unprecedented strongman Trump and his fierce fans on the fringes of society seek to radically nullify all of this and more.

We have seen the enemy and it is bigotry.

Edited by Publicus
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Says it all. Y;all are reaching peak flop sweat time shortly! biggrin.png

"Britain’s stunning vote to leave the European Union suggests that we’ve been seriously underestimating Donald Trump’s ability to win the presidential election."

You'll no doubt note that's the WaPo - the far left fish wrap that's noticing which way the winds blows now, eh?

Not exactly, BM.

It's more like we've got to take the possibility that vile monster could win seriously, and pull out all stops to prevent that. There is a danger of being overconfident and overestimating the intelligence of American voters.

Brexit does show voters can get things horribly wrong.

The Brits in supposedly voting for racism, xenophobia, nationalism have in effect broken up the United Kingdom. Sad and so stupid.

I think it best you stick to commenting on the topic of this thread because drawing comparisons with what's happening in the UK and what Donald plans to do shows how far off the mark you are.

You wouldn't know about nationalism until your country is swallowed up by some North/South American group with smarmy, uncaring, unelected foreign bureaucrats making all sorts of decisions on your behalf, for better or worse. Brexit, for most people, was as much about simply taking back control as it was to stifle the free movement of huge numbers of people, leading to saturation of public services etc. Britain never agreed to those policies, it was always only about the single market. It is not about being xenophobic or preventing people coming in full stop. Certain immigrants have made the UK a better place, but enough is enough, there's no more room. If it leads to the breakup of the UK, so be it. Having been constantly heckled and berated by a neighbour all your life - Scotland - it would be kind of a relief when they finally move out and who wouldn't want to see the potential reunification of Ireland?

But I think Americans should be careful of patronising the other side and in their disdain towards Trump. Those in favour of staying in the EU had a similar condescending attitude towards the Leavers, including the government! It can come with consequences, often leading people to want to put two fingers up to the status quo.

What happened in UK is directly relevant to the US and the world.

The people are going back to 'the right' - it was a natural consequence of being forcibly dragged too far 'left' by the looney left Liberals and vested interests.

It had to happen in UK and it will happen all across the EU - and it is the right thing to happen.

Because - the alternative would be like Nazi Germany when the people had a gutfull and they went too far right too quickly.

The people of UK and Europe are learning (yet again) that the politicians cannot solve the problems they created.

Germany was a problem from 1930 and the politicians of Europe did nothing for nearly 10 years - and then it was too late.

This is the worst example of how frustrated people can over-react to their lives being oppressed unfairly,

and how incompetent politicians (guided/manipulated by their vested interests) ruin real people's lives.

There are now systems in place in all Democracies that allow the people to more easily change things that are wrong.

What started in UK will spread across the western world - yet again the UK will be the impetus for the re-civilisation of the world.

The notion that being 'nationalistic' is somehow wrong - was created by the looney left Liberals who want "no borders" and who "love refugees".

And the vested interests of the ruling elite have been able to put economic success in this khrapp 'global market' above the success of the people.

Who cares if a power drill made in China only costs $10 if you aint got a job ??!!

The US will be next to take back their country and Trump is the Boris Johnson of US politics.

They all rubbished his comments as racist and divisive, and personally ridiculed him (his hair too)

But the people saw though all that media lies and distortions, and saw the truth.

The polls again and again said the bexiters would lose - the betting odds were way against the brexiters - they were all wrong.

The people of the US will be just the same - more and more they are seeing the substance behind what Trump is saying.

They want to take their country back too - they dont want unfetted immigration - they dont want the ruling elite getting rich off cheap products made overseas.

They are sick of the destruction of their jobs and the loss of working/middle class - all in the name of success in a 'global economy'.

Take the odds on offer and make some money like many did on the Brexit vote biggrin.png Trump is gonna win.

I am happy to update all on the latest (positive) news media statements from and about Trump: but I will also post links as per the rules thumbsup.gif

"The polls again and again said the bexiters would lose - the betting odds were way against the brexiters - they were all wrong."

The polls did not say again and again only that the Brexiters would lose. Towards the end they showed Brexiters winning. Some polls showed it by a lot. The final 2 polls showed it to be very close. The results were within the margin of error of these polls.
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Just like it was THE issue for the UK Brexit vote, this will be THE big issue for many Amercians.

Obama tried to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal by decree - the US Supreme Court over-ruled that attempt.


A vote for Crooked Hillary will be a vote to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal, and will lead to a massive increase in illegal immigration.

A vote for Trump will be a vote to deport the illegal immigrants and to close the borders - and to carefully 'select' who wants to enter and stay/work in US.

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We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place.

We only want to admit those who love our people and support our values.

I have never liked the media term 'mass deportation' -- but we must enforce the laws of the land!

Obama has blocked ICE officers and BP from doing their jobs. That ends when I am President!

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Just like it was THE issue for the UK Brexit vote, this will be THE big issue for many Amercians.

Obama tried to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal by decree - the US Supreme Court over-ruled that attempt.


A vote for Crooked Hillary will be a vote to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal, and will lead to a massive increase in illegal immigration.

A vote for Trump will be a vote to deport the illegal immigrants and to close the borders - and to carefully 'select' who wants to enter and stay/work in US.

A vote for Trump will also mean no raise in the Federal minimum wage.

A vote for Trump will mean turning the banks loose again to make risky investments and plunge the USA back into another financial crisis

A vote for Trump will mean a vote for right wing justices who consistently rule against labor and in favor of big business

A vote for trump will mean a disproportionately huge tax break for the super wealthy.


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Just like it was THE issue for the UK Brexit vote, this will be THE big issue for many Amercians.

Obama tried to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal by decree - the US Supreme Court over-ruled that attempt.


A vote for Crooked Hillary will be a vote to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal, and will lead to a massive increase in illegal immigration.

A vote for Trump will be a vote to deport the illegal immigrants and to close the borders - and to carefully 'select' who wants to enter and stay/work in US.

Demographic math says Trump can't win.

Women, blacks, mexicans, muslims, handicapped, jews and educated people won't vote for the guy.

Are there enough uneducated, poorly informed, low wage, redneck, retired, white males to prove me wrong?

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Just like it was THE issue for the UK Brexit vote, this will be THE big issue for many Amercians.

Obama tried to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal by decree - the US Supreme Court over-ruled that attempt.


A vote for Crooked Hillary will be a vote to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal, and will lead to a massive increase in illegal immigration.

A vote for Trump will be a vote to deport the illegal immigrants and to close the borders - and to carefully 'select' who wants to enter and stay/work in US.

the US Supreme Court over-ruled that attempt.

Wrong. Scotus did no such thing.

The vote among the eight justices concerning the US Government petition against an appeals court decision was 4-4. Scotus made no ruling and Scotus made no statement of law or of anything.

(The decision of the circuit court of appeals stands and is applicable only to the several states in the particular judicial circuit. Scotus thus reserves the right to someday in some way rule on the issue, so there is nothing on it from Scotus at the present time until maybe some later time perhaps.)

No one can viably say any one single issue decided the outcome of the Brexit vote. It was a multiplicity of issues and matters. The same is true with the ongoing rejection of Trump by the vast majority of American voters. Immigration is but one (important) issue presented by Trump the ignoramus. If there is a single overriding issue concerning the candidacy of Donald Trump it is whether the Constitution will survive if the ignoramus were to be elected.

The US right wrongly and wrongfully claim President Obama is destroying the Constitution. The one thing that can be said about Barack Obama is that he knows the Constitution exists and he is exceptionally knowledgeable of its contents and provisions. The one single thing that can be said in this respect about Trump the ignoramus is that the ignoramus has no awareness of the Constitution much less of its nature, contents, provisions.

Trump continues to march toward the nomination of the Republican party but it is by no means assured.

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Just like it was THE issue for the UK Brexit vote, this will be THE big issue for many Amercians.

Obama tried to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal by decree - the US Supreme Court over-ruled that attempt.


A vote for Crooked Hillary will be a vote to make over 4 million illegal immigrants legal, and will lead to a massive increase in illegal immigration.

A vote for Trump will be a vote to deport the illegal immigrants and to close the borders - and to carefully 'select' who wants to enter and stay/work in US.

Demographic math says Trump can't win.

Women, blacks, mexicans, muslims, handicapped, jews and educated people won't vote for the guy.

Are there enough uneducated, poorly informed, low wage, redneck, retired, white males to prove me wrong?

Just out of curiosity which of the above demographics do you belong to?

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Check my shocked face! laugh.png

More Polling Tricks=> New Reuters Poll EXTREMELY SKEWED – Reality Shows Trump Tied Up with Hillary

Since the Reuters poll sampled more Democrats than all the others combined, we can safely say that Trump appears to be in much better shape than the poll suggests and could likely be headed to a landslide victory in November.


Imagine that! smile.png

BoonMee is proof. Reading that right wing garbage rots the brain.

Scientific methods of polling which are in fact public opinion scientific survey research are well established, e.g., the nature and the structure of the question(s) posed, whether the questioning is done in person or by 'robo' means, i.e,. recorded phone call questions etc etc.

Reliable and reputable pollsters such as Reuters use the best scientific methods that are well established and confirmed as efficacious.

It is the sample and who is in the sample that is the challenge to pollsters. That is, to identify the Likely Voters and what the turnout of voters will be. Who will vote. And as what percentage of the total number of voters; in what proportion of all who will vote. It's not easy to do.

This fundamental aspect is where the Obama pollsters excelled in both 2008 and in 2012, and it is where Rasmussen and other hack pollsters like Rasmussen went south in the same years and continue in the present to be in the frozen south of polling.

Gallup data of registered voters in the US as of this month are:

Democrats 30%

Republicans 27%

Independents 47%

Literal independent voters are miniscule in number. Voting patterns of people who say they are "Independent" have long long long shown they vote consistently for one party or the other, election after election. Self-styled Independent voters rarely vote on the spot -- independent voters over time vote for one party much more than they ever vote for the other party. So all pollsters have "lean" among self-declared Independents, i.e., lean Republican or lean Democratic party.

Here's Gallup's data on voter preference by party once the declared Democrats and declared Republicans and the well established leaning independents are all tallied up:

Those who vote for the Democratic party 48%

Those who vote for the Republican party 41%

This is as of this month, June 2016. Gallup notes the 7-point difference has never been greater than in this quadrennial election year. It is historically around 46% D and 44% R.

Reuters does not conduct biased or politically partisan polls. To claim Reuters is biased or prejudiced and that it consciously conducts intentionally skewed polls is not credible, it is not believable, it is wrong and it is completely and entirely off base. To say Reuters is simply wrong places the burden of proof on the accuser/claimant -- heavily so.

Recall that in the 1964 wipeout of Sen Barry Goldwater whose extremists seized the Republican nomination, Goldwater was always behind in the polling and that he and his rightnoid troopers continuously claimed the pollsters were wrong. However, the pollsters in 1964 were accurate from the start to the finish of the Goldwater campaign which had maintained the only poll that counts is on election/voting day. On election day Goldwater got 38% of the popular vote, won six states and 52 Electoral College votes (270 needed to win).

Enter Donald Trump and the rightwingnoids. Exit stage right. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


Edited by Publicus to include link.

Actually, you don't need to go back to Goldwater to show how the right wing gets it consistently wrong about polling. Remember Dean Chambers and UnSkewedPolls.com in 2012? Consistently a huge portion of the right was claiming that the polls were skewed in favor of Obama They particularly focused their venom on Nate Silver, the founder of fivethirtyeight.com. He's a statistics geek who made a name for himself first in the sporting world and then the political world. Anyway, when the election over, Silver had called a mere 50 out of 50 states correctly. It wouldn't surprise me if Boon Mee was one of those who accused the polls of bias in 2012.

Anyway, it's Silver and the fivethirtyeight.com team who compiled their evaluations of virtually all the pollsters that I cited above.

The points are well taken but the Goldwater reference is directly linear to the Goldwater candidacy. While Regan was directly but conversely related to the Goldwater candidacy -- Reagan won big while Goldwater lost big -- Trump is even more directly relevant and material to the Goldwater candidacy in that Trump is also losing big time and from the outset of becoming presumptive nominee of the Republican party. Same same as Goldwater.

And while Nate Silver called 2012 precisely he and his organisation FiveThirtyEight have had a great deal of difficulty in this election cycle because of Silver's reliance on past stats and data. Past stats and data leave one looking inept in the current political atmosphere and in its specific developments, i.e., the emergence of Trump (and to a certain extent Bernie Sanders).

Silver is lately getting a better handle on this campaign but I left Nate behind months ago in this one cause he had been so far off base while constantly backtracking to explain explain explain how he missed this and blew that.

Flesh and blood analysists of many moons have been more effective in figuring things out as events develop and begin to trend so I stick with them, such as Larry Sabato, Charlie Cook, and the long time centrist Republican Stu Rothenberg, among a few others. When the R balancer Stu Rothenberg for instance says a Republican senator is in reelection trouble, it means the R senator is in reelection trouble -- for real and for sure. If Stu says the guy is likely to loose, it means the guy is a goner. Stu and the other two have a solid track record over many moons of elections. Each of 'em is on well onto this one by now.

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May 1961, President John F Kennedy "We will put men on the moon."

May 2016, President Barack Obama "We will put men in women's restrooms."

When the illegals are protesting your candidate, you got the right guy.

100% correct !!! clap2.gif

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Bill Maher Warns Audience: Brexit is ‘Harbinger’ of President Trump


One of the first things Maher has gotten right in his life. smile.png

I usually agree with Maher. He may have said what you claimed, but it was probably in the context of what Maher often conveys:

He doesn't want liberals to assume it's a sure thing that Trump will lose. If they do, then they might not come out to vote on November 8th. Therefore, Maher often preaches against complacency.

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When the illegals are protesting your candidate, you got the right guy.

100% correct !!! clap2.gif

Yea. Those illegals are going to vote for Hillary. Oh, wait a minute. They don't vote. Never-mind.

Believe it or not, not all Latinos living in the USA are undocumented immigrants. In fact, most are citizens. And by virtually all accounts, the vast majority of them will be voting for Hillary Clinton. And the number of them registering to vote is surging. It's even putting Georgia into play.


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When the illegals are protesting your candidate, you got the right guy.

100% correct !!! clap2.gif

Yea. Those illegals are going to vote for Hillary. Oh, wait a minute. They don't vote. Never-mind.

Believe it or not, not all Latinos living in the USA are undocumented immigrants. In fact, most are citizens. And by virtually all accounts, the vast majority of them will be voting for Hillary Clinton. And the number of them registering to vote is surging. It's even putting Georgia into play.


I read somewhere that every year, 1 million (legal) hispanics in the USA turn 18 years and are eligible to vote.

Last election, 28% of the vote was minorities. Next election, 38% turnout will be minorities.

If you wanted to run your political party into the ground for a generation or two, you would act exactly like Trump acts.

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May 1961, President John F Kennedy "We will put men on the moon."

May 2016, President Barack Obama "We will put men in women's restrooms."

When the illegals are protesting your candidate, you got the right guy.

100% correct !!! clap2.gif

Yet another example of what right wing republicans always do. Promote and exploit homophobia to motivate their bigoted base voters. Disgusting. Happily, the majority of Americans are not with these haters anymore.

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It's worthwhile pointing out that Trumps while male voters without a college degree are right in feeling that they have been screwed. They have. Only it wasn't the Mexican immigrants who screwed them and, in the unlikely event that the scammer Trump were to come to power, he would only continue to screw them as he screwed the suckers of Trump "University." Over the last thirty years the 1% got all of the financial benefits of productivity increases while the median wage went down 7% in real terms. But when these people look around for someone to blame they pick brown-skinned immigrants who speak Spanish instead of the billionaire class who have set the agenda for the Republican party for decades. Neither guns nor Jesus nor Trump will help them a bit.

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May 1961, President John F Kennedy "We will put men on the moon."

May 2016, President Barack Obama "We will put men in women's restrooms."

When the illegals are protesting your candidate, you got the right guy.

100% correct !!! clap2.gif

You forgot a few points;

2016 Trump is the most hated candidate for potus off all time.

2016 Trump back in court again for his so called "university"

2016 Trump thinks that Belgium is a city.

2016 Trump congratulate the Scots with leaving the EU, while they voteted in.

2016 Trump has the best memory of anyone.

November 2016. Trump lost the race for potus by the biggest landslide ever recorded in the history of the USA.

100% correct.

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Believe it or not, not all Latinos living in the USA are undocumented immigrants. In fact, most are citizens. And by virtually all accounts, the vast majority of them will be voting for Hillary Clinton. And the number of them registering to vote is surging. It's even putting Georgia into play.

Even an always-red state like Nevada is looking tenuous for Republicans. Jeezo, HRC may even take states like Texas and Mississippi, ......that would be interesting.

It's worthwhile pointing out that Trumps while male voters without a college degree are right in feeling that they have been screwed. They have. Only it wasn't the Mexican immigrants who screwed them and, in the unlikely event that the scammer Trump were to come to power, he would only continue to screw them as he screwed the suckers of Trump "University." Over the last thirty years the 1% got all of the financial benefits of productivity increases while the median wage went down 7% in real terms. But when these people look around for someone to blame they pick brown-skinned immigrants who speak Spanish instead of the billionaire class who have set the agenda for the Republican party for decades. Neither guns nor Jesus nor Trump will help them a bit.

Here's another connection: middle aged white males in the US have nearly the highest rate of suicides. The only group with a slightly higher rate are comprised of middle-aged white women.

People who study these trends come up with some reasons: Those groups often feel disenfranchised. They feel they don't matter any more. They pine for the 'good old days' when being white in America was something special.

Many of those folks are Trump supporters. That's why his stump speeches resonate for them: He tells them, "Let's Make America Great Again" and middle aged white folks think back to their youth, when things were simpler, more joyful, life was easier, and people cared about them.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Automation is taking a majority of the unskilled jobs away the last 10 years.

The undereducated, low wage earning, Trump supporters are losing their coveted, menial jobs to robots.

Maybe Trump will build a wall around the robot factories next? LOL

What we need are educated, skilled technicians, engineers & scientists to drive the future economy.

Modern Auto Assembly:


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Believe it or not, not all Latinos living in the USA are undocumented immigrants. In fact, most are citizens. And by virtually all accounts, the vast majority of them will be voting for Hillary Clinton. And the number of them registering to vote is surging. It's even putting Georgia into play.

Even an always-red state like Nevada is looking tenuous for Republicans. Jeezo, HRC may even take states like Texas and Mississippi, ......that would be interesting.

It's worthwhile pointing out that Trumps while male voters without a college degree are right in feeling that they have been screwed. They have. Only it wasn't the Mexican immigrants who screwed them and, in the unlikely event that the scammer Trump were to come to power, he would only continue to screw them as he screwed the suckers of Trump "University." Over the last thirty years the 1% got all of the financial benefits of productivity increases while the median wage went down 7% in real terms. But when these people look around for someone to blame they pick brown-skinned immigrants who speak Spanish instead of the billionaire class who have set the agenda for the Republican party for decades. Neither guns nor Jesus nor Trump will help them a bit.

Here's another connection: middle aged white males in the US have nearly the highest rate of suicides. The only group with a slightly higher rate are comprised of middle-aged white women.

People who study these trends come up with some reasons: Those groups often feel disenfranchised. They feel they don't matter any more. They pine for the 'good old days' when being white in America was something special.

Many of those folks are Trump supporters. That's why his stump speeches resonate for them: He tells them, "Let's Make America Great Again" and middle aged white folks think back to their youth, when things were simpler, more joyful, life was easier, and people cared about them.

The suicide rate in that demographic are high, partly because they are the undereducated, low wage earners facing retirement, flat broke, and can't pay their bills.

Right wing News tell them it's all Obamas fault. Everything wrong is Obamas fault if you tune in.

Vote for Republicans and everything will be fine.....just like when GW Bush was president.

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Trump's Latino support is growing - will never be 50-50 - but will be better than now in November afetr the media lies and rgetoric wear off.

No One Knows How Latinos Will Vote in 2016


Donald Trump's Latinos: Voters Talk About Why They're Supporting His Presidential Bid




Why Donald Trump resonates with some Latinos


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May 1961, President John F Kennedy "We will put men on the moon."

May 2016, President Barack Obama "We will put men in women's restrooms."

When the illegals are protesting your candidate, you got the right guy.

100% correct !!! clap2.gif

You forgot a few points;

2016 Trump is the most hated candidate for potus off all time.

2016 Trump back in court again for his so called "university"

2016 Trump thinks that Belgium is a city.

2016 Trump congratulate the Scots with leaving the EU, while they voteted in.

2016 Trump has the best memory of anyone.

November 2016. Trump lost the race for potus by the biggest landslide ever recorded in the history of the USA.

100% correct.

2016 Trump is the most hated candidate for potus off all time. BY LEFT-WING LIBERALS AND FANATICS AND ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS

2016 Trump back in court again for his so called "university" THE COURT CASE HAS BEEN 'CLOSED' UNTIL END NOVEMBER

2016 Trump thinks that Belgium is a city. SO DOES 90% OF AMERICANS

2016 Trump congratulate the Scots with leaving the EU, while they voteted in. SCOTLAND IS LEAVING THE EU - AS IS ENGLAND, WALES, NTH IRELAND

2016 Trump has the best memory of anyone. <deleted>??

November 2016. Trump lost the race for potus by the biggest landslide ever recorded in the history of the USA. IT IS STILL JUNE 2016 ??!!

100% STUPID.

Bb, please watch your blood presure, it looks like it is hitting the roof by posting in all bold text.

But thank you for your funny reaction, on my reaction of your bs post.

I realy like your come back on my remark about trumps memory, what happend here? You didn't find some text on the trump website you could copy and paste?

Edited by dutchisaan
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Trump's Latino support is growing - will never be 50-50 - but will be better than now in November afetr the media lies and rgetoric wear off.

No One Knows How Latinos Will Vote in 2016


Donald Trump's Latinos: Voters Talk About Why They're Supporting His Presidential Bid




Why Donald Trump resonates with some Latinos


If you had actually read the first New Yorker article you'd find that the polls were predictively unpredictive. Latinos turned out in far greater numbers for HRC than was predicted. As for the other two articles, there is absolutely nothing in them that supports your contention that Trump will be doing better.

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Prominent Republicans know they are on a suicide mission and are bailing left and right.

Conservative commentator and columnist George Will says he is "leaving the Republican Party because of Donald Trump" -- and he's advocating that others do the same.

Is this a desperate strategy to dump Trump at the convention?

George Will has been WRONG about Trump's rise - time and again... Please keep up ... George Will predicted Trumps demise dozens of times. And it did not happen... No surprise George Will is bailing -- he has lost all his influence as a pundit... And Pundit is all George Will has ever been.

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