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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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And the best for last :


ANd despite all this, Trump is falling further behind in the polls. So if she is as bad a candidate as you believe, what does that say about Trump?

Two replies to my posts for you tonight (typing slowly so you can read them) :

1. The article about Latino voters saying no one really knows - was done to show that the certainty of the posters before claiming that Trump will not any Latino vote is unfounded, and the other posts were to show that some Latinos do like Trump. And of course my claim is that Trump will get more Latino votes than claimed by the posters.

2. The polls all said that Brexit was not going to win - for over a year. A couple in the last few days claimed it was too close to call (maybe 1-2 said Brexit just in front/maybe). The end result was 52/48 - a clear percentage of +1.3 million voters (despite 62% of Scotland saying no). It would be wise to wait til November before claiming anything positive in the Polls for Crooked Hillary - her past will catch up with her eventually :)

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I read somewhere that every year, 1 million (legal) hispanics in the USA turn 18 years and are eligible to vote.

Last election, 28% of the vote was minorities. Next election, 38% turnout will be minorities.

If you wanted to run your political party into the ground for a generation or two, you would act exactly like Trump acts.

If these new hispanic voters are for open borders, amnesty, or have more allegiance to Mexico or some other country than America, Trump wouldn't have gotten their vote anyways. Pandering to racial blocks while undermining conservative core values is not the path to success. It's a sell out. Might as well be a liberal at that point.

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I read somewhere that every year, 1 million (legal) hispanics in the USA turn 18 years and are eligible to vote.

Last election, 28% of the vote was minorities. Next election, 38% turnout will be minorities.

If you wanted to run your political party into the ground for a generation or two, you would act exactly like Trump acts.

If these new hispanic voters are for open borders, amnesty, or have more allegiance to Mexico or some other country than America, Trump wouldn't have gotten their vote anyways. Pandering to racial blocks while undermining conservative core values is not the path to success. It's a sell out. Might as well be a liberal at that point.

Dear Trump supporter,

Mexicans are a Nationality...not a race.

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Dangerous Donald says, Hillary was “soundly asleep in her bed” during the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

The attack actually occurred at about 3:30 p.m. EST on a Tuesday, meaning Clinton, who was then secretary of state, was at her Washington office.

Why do they conservatives have to fabricate so many scandals?

Edited by Buzzz
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Dangerous Donald says, Hillary was “soundly asleep in her bed” during the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

The attack actually occurred at about 3:30 p.m. EST on a Tuesday, meaning Clinton, who was then secretary of state, was at her Washington office.

Why do they conservatives have to fabricate so many scandals?

The fake scandals are fabricated by the fake news of course.

Political nonsense, packaged as news.

Some people don't realize that and repeat the garbage they hear on FOX and the right wing echo chambers.

Fact is, the full Senate approved Hillary 94-2 as Secretary of State.

The Republicans Senators would not go on the Congressional Record repeating "the nonsense" and had to approve her.

Now you know.

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Yes, it's definitely too late to stop the Donald Trump Machine especially with new, revealing information coming out every day about his opponent - Crooked Hillary:

Secret Service Expert Confirms Exclusive Report of Raging Clinton Details from Byrne’s Upcoming ‘Crisis of Character’

"Author and former investigative reporter for The Washington Post and Boston Herald Ron Kessler is backing up assertions first reported by Breitbart News regarding Hillary Clinton from former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character"


Buh Bye, Crooked Hillary! smile.png

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Yes, it's definitely too late to stop the Donald Trump Machine especially with new, revealing information coming out every day about his opponent - Crooked Hillary:

Secret Service Expert Confirms Exclusive Report of Raging Clinton Details from Byrne’s Upcoming ‘Crisis of Character’

"Author and former investigative reporter for The Washington Post and Boston Herald Ron Kessler is backing up assertions first reported by Breitbart News regarding Hillary Clinton from former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character"


Buh Bye, Crooked Hillary! smile.png

Right Mr. Conspiracy. Cocaine orgies in the White House. I bet they were underage too!

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Forgotten History: How American Presidents from Washington to Lincoln Agree with Trump on Trade

"The idea that America’s economic tradition has been economic liberty, laissez faire, and wide-open cowboy capitalism — which would naturally include free trade… is simply not real history. The reality is that all four presidents on Mount Rushmore were protectionists. (Even Jefferson came around after the War of 1812). Protectionism is, in fact, the real American way."


Read the whole thing you Nattering Nabobs of Negativitism! smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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Forgotten History: How American Presidents from Washington to Lincoln Agree with Trump on Trade

"The idea that America’s economic tradition has been economic liberty, laissez faire, and wide-open cowboy capitalism — which would naturally include free trade… is simply not real history. The reality is that all four presidents on Mount Rushmore were protectionists. (Even Jefferson came around after the War of 1812). Protectionism is, in fact, the real American way."


Read the whole thing you Nattering Nabobs of Negativitism! smile.png

The Economists at Harvard Business School will tell you protectionism doesn't pay.

Fundamental truths, logic and empirical evidence expose the shaky arguments for protection.

But hey, Trump & his uneducated merry band of redneck followers know better. Right?

Edited by Buzzz
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I read somewhere that every year, 1 million (legal) hispanics in the USA turn 18 years and are eligible to vote.

Last election, 28% of the vote was minorities. Next election, 38% turnout will be minorities.

If you wanted to run your political party into the ground for a generation or two, you would act exactly like Trump acts.

If these new hispanic voters are for open borders, amnesty, or have more allegiance to Mexico or some other country than America, Trump wouldn't have gotten their vote anyways. Pandering to racial blocks while undermining conservative core values is not the path to success. It's a sell out. Might as well be a liberal at that point.

Dear Trump supporter,

Mexicans are a Nationality...not a race.

Which has nothing to do with what I posted. I said hispanics, not Mexicans. Read first before posting hate filled things please.

Edited by Crowes
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Yes, it's definitely too late to stop the Donald Trump Machine especially with new, revealing information coming out every day about his opponent - Crooked Hillary:

Secret Service Expert Confirms Exclusive Report of Raging Clinton Details from Byrne’s Upcoming ‘Crisis of Character’

"Author and former investigative reporter for The Washington Post and Boston Herald Ron Kessler is backing up assertions first reported by Breitbart News regarding Hillary Clinton from former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character"


Buh Bye, Crooked Hillary! smile.png

Right Mr. Conspiracy. Cocaine orgies in the White House. I bet they were underage too!

Probably - recall that convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstien and his Lolita Express jets to faraway islands with Bubba Clinton a Frequent Flyer?

Alligations of underage chicks aboard.


Clinton White House Was Den Of Coke, Mistresses, According To Ex-Secret Service Officer


Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life, and risked it, to serve his country — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.

And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.

As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do"


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Yes, it's definitely too late to stop the Donald Trump Machine especially with new, revealing information coming out every day about his opponent - Crooked Hillary:

Secret Service Expert Confirms Exclusive Report of Raging Clinton Details from Byrne’s Upcoming ‘Crisis of Character’

"Author and former investigative reporter for The Washington Post and Boston Herald Ron Kessler is backing up assertions first reported by Breitbart News regarding Hillary Clinton from former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne’s forthcoming book Crisis of Character"


Buh Bye, Crooked Hillary! smile.png

Right Mr. Conspiracy. Cocaine orgies in the White House. I bet they were underage too!

Probably - recall that convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstien and his Lolita Express jets to faraway islands with Bubba Clinton a Frequent Flyer?

Alligations of underage chicks aboard.


Clinton White House Was Den Of Coke, Mistresses, According To Ex-Secret Service Officer


Gary J. Byrne has devoted his life, and risked it, to serve his country — as a member of the US Air Force, a uniformed White House Secret Service officer, and a federal air marshal.

And he believes it is his patriotic duty to do anything he can to prevent Hillary Clinton from becoming president of the United States.

As someone who guarded the Oval Office during the Clinton presidency, Byrne, in an exclusive interview with The Post, tells how he witnessed “the Clinton machine leaving a wake of destruction in just about everything they do"


Right, Mr. Conspiracy. We get it...Bill Clinton is a pedophile, Obama is a muslim terrorist and Hillary is going to jail.

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Donald " I have the best brain" Trump tweeted:

"Just arrived in Scotland. Place is going wild over the vote. They took their country back, just like we will take America back."

Uh, excuse me Mr Big Brain..... Scotland was against it!

What a moron.

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In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead

Donald Trump returns to the campaign trail from Scotland this week contending with sweeping unease about his candidacy as a large majority of Americans register their disapproval and see the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee as discriminatory and unqualified, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Following a month of self-inflicted controversies, the survey shows that support for Trump is plunging, including among fellow Republicans, propelling Democrat Hillary Clinton to a double-digit lead nationally.


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Donald Trump’s bad month just got worse, because Sanders backers just rallied to Clinton

Last month, 20 percent of Sanders supporters said they would back Trump over Clinton in the general election. This month, that figure is down to 8 percent.


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I just hope Trump makes it thru the republican convention. (I have my doubts)

The slow motion train wreck is fun to watch.

I'm enjoying every minute. I'll like even more when the Dems take control of all three branches, excepting only the House.

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Prominent Republicans know they are on a suicide mission and are bailing left and right.

Conservative commentator and columnist George Will says he is "leaving the Republican Party because of Donald Trump" -- and he's advocating that others do the same.

Is this a desperate strategy to dump Trump at the convention?

George Will has been WRONG about Trump's rise - time and again... Please keep up ... George Will predicted Trumps demise dozens of times. And it did not happen... No surprise George Will is bailing -- he has lost all his influence as a pundit... And Pundit is all George Will has ever been.

The point of Buzzz's post is not whether Will has a workable crystal ball. It's that he's so turned off by Trump, he's leaving the Rep. Party.

George Will has been one of the, if not THE VOICE of the Republican Party and Conservatives for decades - since before most Americans living today were born.

When Republicans have an articulated thought about some policy, it's usually Will's voice they hear in their head. He's the Head Guru of Conservatives, for Krysaches. Now he's so turned off by the Divider, he's walking away from the constituency that's been his bread and butter since JFK, and only stopping

(on his way out) to puke in the waste basket.

It's funny that Trump fans are dissing each and every one of their former heroes (Bushes, Romney, Ryan, McCain, former GOP heads, etc.) as each, in turn, turns off to Trump. You guys have no stickwithitness. It's like if you got a new lover, and your whole family is turned off to that person (including uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews) ....so you simply trash your whole family in order to pledge allegiance to the new lover. Ever hear of 'true blue'? Trump lovers are like the little male bird that waits for the other male birds to go looking for worms, so it can rush over and boom-boom all the female birds left behind.

The only prominent Republicans that Trump fans still give credence to are Palin, Christie and Carson, because they back Trump. Not an impressive crowd. What happens when one of all of that trio dumps Trump? Will Trump fans hate them also?

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Forgotten History: How American Presidents from Washington to Lincoln Agree with Trump on Trade

"The idea that America’s economic tradition has been economic liberty, laissez faire, and wide-open cowboy capitalism — which would naturally include free trade… is simply not real history. The reality is that all four presidents on Mount Rushmore were protectionists. (Even Jefferson came around after the War of 1812). Protectionism is, in fact, the real American way."


Read the whole thing you Nattering Nabobs of Negativitism! smile.png

Oh right, now Trump handlers are digging up dead presidents to say they support Trump. Beyond ridiculous. What's next? "Jesus supports Trump" ooops, almost forgot, the Bushes already used that line for themselves. Who's left? Muhammad supports Trump. Moses Supports Trump. Florence Nightingale, Nelson Mandela, Isaac Newton, JFK, ......the list is long of people who Trump can claim would support him. One slight problem, none of those people can speak up to say what they really think.

Protectionism. Yea, worked real well for the Japanese for awhile, at least until Commodore Perry sallied into Tokyo harbor. A short while later, the Japanese realized they were hundreds of years behind the west technologically and in nearly every other way. They made good steel swords though, but no match for the 8" barrels facing out from Perry's ship.

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Imagine that! Unable to dig up any more dirt on Donald Trump our overlords -- the Lamestream Media and the Dems are recycling old disproven allegations:

In the USA Today rag, It’s titled Trump's company tricked investors. Here's how.

First, there is no NEWs in this “story,” it is simply a rerun of a story from 2002 about a questionable earnings release in 2000 by Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts that the SEC claimed was misleading. There was no attempt to explain the phenomena of pro forma earnings releases that swept the country in the late 90’s. There was no explanation that in the world of accounting “pro-forma” is practically a synonym for “misleading.”


Heh...lots of luck with that smile.png

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Trump's protectionist stance is not entirely without merit either. Economist widely agree that free trade produces benefits and that those benefits could be shared in a way to compensate the losers from free trade. But that last step never happens. So, the past thirty years has been a story of exposing the workers in the manufacturing sector of the US economy to ruthless competition with lower paid workers in China and other developing countries. In the meantime doctors and lawyers have largely protected themselves from similar foreign competition by barriers to trade in services such as licensing. Imagine what the visit to a doctor's office would cost if any foreign-trained doctor who could pass tests to US standards were provided with an H-1 visa and a path to permanent residency. But US doctors, who compose 40% of the top 1% by income, have more than enough political clout to prevent even a discusion of free trade in medical services.

Of course, Trump himself probably understands none of this and, in any case, believes in nothing. He's quite capable of reversing a position mid-sentence.

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National polling shows Hillary Clinton has opened up a 6-point lead in the RealClearPolitics average of the polls, after the two were tied at the end of May.

Here's the latest break-down of electoral votes. . . . . (D = Democratic, R = Republican)

Safe D (164): California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine* (3), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New York (29), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington, D.C. (3), Washington state (12)

Likely D (37): Maine (1), Minnesota (10), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), Oregon (7)

Lean D (78): Florida (29), Michigan (16), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10)

Pure Tossup (68): Colorado (9), Iowa (6), North Carolina (15), Ohio (18), Pennsylvania (20)

Lean R (28): Arizona (11), Georgia (16), Nebraska* (1),

Likely R (27): Indiana (11), Missouri (10), Utah (6)

Safe R (136): Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arkansas (8), Idaho (4), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Montana (3), Nebraska (5), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (38), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3)

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Imagine that! Unable to dig up any more dirt on Donald Trump our overlords -- the Lamestream Media and the Dems are recycling old disproven allegations: In the USA Today rag, It’s titled Trump's company tricked investors. Here's how.

First, there is no NEWs in this “story,” it is simply a rerun of a story from 2002 about a questionable earnings release in 2000 by Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts that the SEC claimed was misleading. There was no attempt to explain the phenomena of pro forma earnings releases that swept the country in the late 90’s. There was no explanation that in the world of accounting “pro-forma” is practically a synonym for “misleading.”

http://www.michellesmirror.com/ Heh...lots of luck with that smile.png

Far from being 'unable' to dig more dirt on Trump, it's easy as dirt pie. Just listen to or get a transcript of any Trump speech, and there's a wealth of material - where Trump hobbles/contradicts himself.

Trump has tricked and cheated investors for decades. He's also not paid workers for work they successfully completed - and he's done that many times. ....as he would say, "bigly." One of his modus operandi: Wait until workers are done with their jobs. Don't pay them. They'll sue (no big deal to Trump). They'll run out of money trying to pay lawyers, particularly because Trump is so adept at getting many 'continuances' (postponing trial dates). Workers are often forced to give up their lawsuits (often going bankrupt), and VOILA! Trump can go on cheating, a mile a minute. He's a winner, ha ha ha. All you workers who don't get paid, Trump says "YOU'RE LOSERS!" ha ha ha

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