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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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It's futile. laugh.png

Even Fox Views has abandoned the Bloviator since February.

Some can't seem to wake up and smell the coffee. Maybe they're drinking instant. biggrin.png

And now that 10's of 1000's (at last count) of immigrants are becoming citizens, they will be lining up to vote.

The Bloviator's only legacy: Prompting more people to vote. clap2.gif


Rasmussen's Website claims:

"The most Comprehensive Public Opinion Anywhere" (Very Bloviatorlike with bogus claims)

Yup. So every other poll is wrong. cheesy.gif


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Scott Rasmussen had to quit the fiasco polling company he formed because his polling wuz so astoundingly biased in favor of Republicans. His polls were consistently outliers that missed the final result by as much as 5 percent and more...in one case in Hawaii by more than 30 points.

Rasmussen came under scrutiny in the 2012 election for its polling, which turned out to be the fourth-least accurate of 28 firms measured. The company's polls frequently had results more favorable to Mitt Romney and other Republican candidates, in what Rasmussen later told Business Insider was a mis-identification of the electorate.


Misidentification of the electorate indeed as Rasmussen continues today to find more Republicans than there are, every time and in every instance. Waaay more Republicans than there are. Rasmussen on election day in 2012 told Mitt Romney he'd won laugh.png

Every time the right cites a Rasmussen poll it is because Rasmussen is the only one that finds Republicans winning anywhere. It shows how the far out right is in the grip of desperation already and the conventions haven't yet been held. D's will get the customary convention bounce in the mainstream and reliable polls while the same convention polls will en masse show the R's go under and disappear into the deep. clap2.gif

God bless 'em. coffee1.gif

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And by the way, Secretary Clinton has received more votes this primary season than Trump.

She should since she was running against only one other candidate - an old socialist at that - while the Republicans a good half dozen candidates getting votes.

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Completely irrelevant and meaningless.

The Bloviator is down almost 2.5 million votes. Period.

Get it? Naa, apparently not.


You will soon... laugh.png


Please review (at your convenience) posts #1479, 1480 and 1481. thumbsup.gif


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And by the way, Secretary Clinton has received more votes this primary season than Trump.

She should since she was running against only one other candidate - an old socialist at that - while the Republicans a good half dozen candidates getting votes.

Exactly. Hillary has received more than Trump, but the GOP has more votes.

Republicans 20,375,925

Democrats 15,070,178


And there is a new poll out. Trump now leads Clinton. He hasn't even started on her yet!


Edited by mesquite
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And by the way, Secretary Clinton has received more votes this primary season than Trump.

She should since she was running against only one other candidate - an old socialist at that - while the Republicans a good half dozen candidates getting votes.

Exactly. Hillary has received more than Trump, but the GOP has more votes.

Republicans 20,375,925

Democrats 15,070,178


And there is a new poll out. Trump now leads Clinton. He hasn't even started on her yet!


A Rasmussen poll?? lol! they havent called one right in decades!!

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watch all the numbers change....give it 24 more hours.


Trump is a phenomenon.... Hillary is finished. Those middle ground people, and Hillary haters (democrats that just can't stand her), and Sanders supporters....are going straight to Trump.

the only poll that counts is more than 24 hours away and with luck i'll still be here to watch you whine

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And by the way, Secretary Clinton has received more votes this primary season than Trump.

She should since she was running against only one other candidate - an old socialist at that - while the Republicans a good half dozen candidates getting votes.

Exactly. Hillary has received more than Trump, but the GOP has more votes.

Republicans 20,375,925

Democrats 15,070,178


And there is a new poll out. Trump now leads Clinton. He hasn't even started on her yet!


you mean that this is going to get better?

lol...can't wait. I been watching Trump all morning, at his latest assembly.

It was grrrrrrreat!

All silly hilly can do is scream at the teleprompters.... hahahaha.

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And by the way, Secretary Clinton has received more votes this primary season than Trump.

She should since she was running against only one other candidate - an old socialist at that - while the Republicans a good half dozen candidates getting votes.

Exactly. Hillary has received more than Trump, but the GOP has more votes.

Republicans 20,375,925

Democrats 15,070,178


And there is a new poll out. Trump now leads Clinton. He hasn't even started on her yet!


you mean that this is going to get better?

lol...can't wait. I been watching Trump all morning, at his latest assembly.

It was grrrrrrreat!

All silly hilly can do is scream at the teleprompters.... hahahaha.

and win

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BREAKING General Election National Poll:
Trump 41% (+3 since last week)
Clinton 39%
Other Candidate (?) 15%

I am not a betting man, but if i was, the more and more confident you are in a particular outcome, the more and more sure i would be in the complete opposite happening.

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watch all the numbers change....give it 24 more hours.


Trump is a phenomenon.... Hillary is finished. Those middle ground people, and Hillary haters (democrats that just can't stand her), and Sanders supporters....are going straight to Trump.

the only poll that counts is more than 24 hours away and with luck i'll still be here to watch you whine

don't know why that would matter....

people are going to start picking sides in 24 hours or so.

The big one is on. Lets see how this works out for ya.

First the big Indiana win, then the endorsements, then all the media reports...

nobody will even need a poll to figure out the momentum this is going to bring.

don't cry in your lucky charms, dear boy.

it's over... silly hilly cliton is going to get a good licking, in her popularity contest.

Edited by slipperylobster
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watch all the numbers change....give it 24 more hours.


Trump is a phenomenon.... Hillary is finished. Those middle ground people, and Hillary haters (democrats that just can't stand her), and Sanders supporters....are going straight to Trump.

the only poll that counts is more than 24 hours away and with luck i'll still be here to watch you whine

don't know why that would matter....

people are going to start picking sides in 24 hours or so.

The big one is one. Lets see how this works out for ya.

First the big Indiana win, then the endorsements, then all the media reports...

nobody will even need a poll to figure out the momentum this is going to bring.

don't cry in your lucky charms, dear boy.

it's over... 24 hours.....then silly hilly cliton is going to get licked.

dont worry , I'm prayin for a trump nomination. Clinton will whack that weakling so bad the republican party will be destroyed and , you "dear boy" will be reduced to a trembling bowl of jello

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watch all the numbers change....give it 24 more hours.


Trump is a phenomenon.... Hillary is finished. Those middle ground people, and Hillary haters (democrats that just can't stand her), and Sanders supporters....are going straight to Trump.

the only poll that counts is more than 24 hours away and with luck i'll still be here to watch you whine

don't know why that would matter....

people are going to start picking sides in 24 hours or so.

The big one is one. Lets see how this works out for ya.

First the big Indiana win, then the endorsements, then all the media reports...

nobody will even need a poll to figure out the momentum this is going to bring.

don't cry in your lucky charms, dear boy.

it's over... 24 hours.....then silly hilly cliton is going to get licked.

dont worry , I'm prayin for a trump nomination. Clinton will whack that weakling so bad the republican party will be destroyed and , you "dear boy" will be reduced to a trembling bowl of jello

...this is great ! I want to get back with you on this. lol.

Nothing like a bowl of orange jello quivering with laughter when hillary takes the "dive"

In fact... her numbers are going to go down quicker than Monica's dive under Bill's desk.

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...this is great ! I want to get back with you on this. lol.

Nothing like a bowl of orange jello quivering with laughter when hillary takes the "dive"

In fact...it's her numbers are going to go down quicker than Monica's dive under Bill's desk.

I doubt you'll stick around.

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...this is great ! I want to get back with you on this. lol.

Nothing like a bowl of orange jello quivering with laughter when hillary takes the "dive"

In fact...it's her numbers are going to go down quicker than Monica's dive under Bill's desk.

I doubt you'll stick around.

doubt ole slippery? lol.

time will tell..eh?


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...this is great ! I want to get back with you on this. lol.

Nothing like a bowl of orange jello quivering with laughter when hillary takes the "dive"

In fact...it's her numbers are going to go down quicker than Monica's dive under Bill's desk.

I doubt you'll stick around.

doubt ole slippery? lol.

time will tell..eh?


The higher you go the farther you'll fall, and what a gnashing of teeth and tearing out hair there will be when the republicans as a party are finished off

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Even if Trump were wise on decisions (which he's not)

Even if Trump were apprised of issues (he's made a plethora of factual mistakes, while often caught flummoxed)

I would still consider him ill-suited for Commander in Chief because of his flawed character, to wit..........:

quick-to-anger / easily-offended

always exaggerating / trying to be funny by putting others down

(note, the above character flaws describe my mother who was, to put it nicely, not a good parent)

boasting, over-amping his abilities and his wealth / quick-to-slap-lawsuits

drug dealer (alcoholic drinks are not only drugs, they're the most dangerous drugs)

liar, flip-flopper, attacks questioners who ask tough questions

If he gets a majority of votes in November, then America is in for a tobagon road to hell. Ask any American who voted for Bush Jr what he thinks of Bush now ("he was awful" is what you'd mostly hear), ......but that won't be as bad as what Trump fans will say about Trump after he's destroyed America. Mussolini had many ardent fans initially. Look at how he wound up later, when his former fans saw who he really was. Same for Ceausescu from Romania, and Iraq's Hussein. It's often happened, in recent history, where a man shoots to power with mass fan appeal, ......later to be shot down (figuratively or literally) when the same fans see him as he really is.

Currently, a significant segment of Americans (19%?) are in the early stages of fan frenzy. Let's hope, for the well-being of America as a whole, that it doesn't get to the latter stages.

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...this is great ! I want to get back with you on this. lol.

Nothing like a bowl of orange jello quivering with laughter when hillary takes the "dive"

In fact...it's her numbers are going to go down quicker than Monica's dive under Bill's desk.

I doubt you'll stick around.

doubt ole slippery? lol.

time will tell..eh?


The higher you go the farther you'll fall, and what a gnashing of teeth and tearing out hair there will be when the republicans as a party are finished off


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The higher you go the farther you'll fall, and what a gnashing of teeth and tearing out hair there will be when the republicans as a party are finished off


aah, still whistling past the graveyard I see

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Here's a link to a brief discussion of Rasmussen's polling methods. It dates from 2012, so maybe they've reformed themselves by now. But I think they've found a nice marketing niche for themselves so why change?. Apparently, conservatives are eager for good news whether it's offered in good faith or not. http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2012/Info/rasmussen.html

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Even if Trump were wise on decisions (which he's not)

Even if Trump were apprised of issues (he's made a plethora of factual mistakes, while often caught flummoxed)

I would still consider him ill-suited for Commander in Chief because of his flawed character, to wit..........:

quick-to-anger / easily-offended

always exaggerating / trying to be funny by putting others down

(note, the above character flaws describe my mother who was, to put it nicely, not a good parent)

boasting, over-amping his abilities and his wealth / quick-to-slap-lawsuits

drug dealer (alcoholic drinks are not only drugs, they're the most dangerous drugs)

liar, flip-flopper, attacks questioners who ask tough questions

If he gets a majority of votes in November, then America is in for a tobagon road to hell. Ask any American who voted for Bush Jr what he thinks of Bush now ("he was awful" is what you'd mostly hear), ......but that won't be as bad as what Trump fans will say about Trump after he's destroyed America. Mussolini had many ardent fans initially. Look at how he wound up later, when his former fans saw who he really was. Same for Ceausescu from Romania, and Iraq's Hussein. It's often happened, in recent history, where a man shoots to power with mass fan appeal, ......later to be shot down (figuratively or literally) when the same fans see him as he really is.

Currently, a significant segment of Americans (19%?) are in the early stages of fan frenzy. Let's hope, for the well-being of America as a whole, that it doesn't get to the latter stages.

I don't think the system really cares much what you think. You're trying to apply your personal opinions to what a nation will do.

Trump now leads in California 54 - 20 !!! and leads in Indiana for tomorrow's primary. Every new poll he keeps getting stronger.

He now leads Hillary in the general election for the first time. First time.

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