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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Name the one and greatest accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.

Her single greatest accomplishment was attaching herself to Bill as it is the sole reason anyone has ever heard of her. She would have never been named SoS unless Obama needed Bill's endorsement for the general election in 2008. Actually, that deal worked for both Obama and Bill since it kept Hillary flying around the world and out of Bill's sight for 4 years

May I suggest that her only real achievement after attaching herself to Bill (meaning it was her idea and done all by herself) was to not leave and divorce Bill - in return for future political favours from the Democratic Party (which she has been cashing in for years now). One can only hope that this conniving back-stabbing forked-tongue walking-eagle does not become POTUS.

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Name the one and greatest accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.

Her single greatest accomplishment was attaching herself to Bill as it is the sole reason anyone has ever heard of her. She would have never been named SoS unless Obama needed Bill's endorsement for the general election in 2008. Actually, that deal worked for both Obama and Bill since it kept Hillary flying around the world and out of Bill's sight for 4 years

May I suggest that her only real achievement after attaching herself to Bill (meaning it was her idea and done all by herself) was to not leave and divorce Bill - in return for future political favours from the Democratic Party (which she has been cashing in for years now). One can only hope that this conniving back-stabbing forked-tongue walking-eagle does not become POTUS.

Bill's probably real lucky she has this craving for personal power or she would have shot him a long time ago......probably back in the Arkansas days

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New York homeless vets group asked Donald Trump for a donation — he sent them a bumper sticker

"Prior to setting up his own personal debate, ostensibly to raise money for veterans groups, 2016 GOP presidential contender Donald Trump received a letter from a Queens,

New York veterans organization asking for a donation so they could help homeless vets. What they received instead was quite different, reports the New York Daily News:

A bumper sticker reading; “Trump – Make America Great Again.”

"According to Veterans-in-Command President Larry Robertson,

the group sent off a request to native son Trump over a year ago asking for a donation for the cash-strapped organization that deals with assisting homeless vets.

But they received nothing from the billionaire businessman until last week when the bumper sticker came in the mail with a handwritten note reading:

“Unfortunately we are unable to make donations from the campaign.The note continued, “Mr. Trump is very passionate about giving veterans the best life possible!”

and was signed “Team Trump.”

"According to Robertson, since that time they have received requests from the Trump campaign to support the candidate which the veteran finds puzzling."


The real Donald Trump:


Edited by iReason
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Donald Trump was a nightmare landlord in the 1980s

There's an episode in Donald Trump's past that shows just how far this billionaire businessman will go to get his way:

"It began in 1981. Trump bought a 14-story building on prime real estate facing New York City's Central Park.

His plan was to tear down the building and replace it with luxury condos. But first he needed a small band of rent-stabilized tenants out of there."

"To succeed, Trump played rough, according to lawsuits filed by the tenants. Renters said he cut heat and hot water, and he imposed tough building rules.

Trump even proposed sheltering homeless people in the building."

"Two months later, he applied for a demolition permit to blow it up. Trump fired the building manager and replaced him with Citadel Management.

In his book, The Art of the Deal, Trump himself said he chose a company that "specialized in relocating tenants."


Read on to see what a scumbag the Bloviator is. thumbsup.gif

Breaking news - a Landlord's building manager treats a few beligerant tenants badly because they are holding up an approved multi-million dollar development (now a great building).

Even more breaking news - beligerant tenants demand their 'human rights' and want to keep their cheap run-down accomodation and stop progress/development.

Even if you do not see it that way - to think that a billionaire businessman running a huge business empire was hands-on and did those things himself, shows how deluded some people are.

Perfect? No Trump is not. Mistake proof? - no Trump is not. Articulate Trained Communicator/Politician? - no Trump is not.

Skeletons in the Closet - yes Trump has some. Real - yes Trump is. Common Sense - yes Trump has heaps.

Trump is just like all other imperfect people - he has done some nad things, but mainly has done good - and he also has a lot of common sense and is willing to stick to his principles.

He is not a trained articulate show-pony groomed from a young age to become the first black POTUS (nor the second/third in a family dynasty) - he is REAL - and he wont repeat their mistakes.

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"he is REAL" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

He is a Silver Spooner who has never rubbed shoulders with the "common folk". It appears, it's you who is greatly deluded.

Have you ever done any research on this despicable character?


Just a rhetorical question to 'murica...

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Donald Trump was a nightmare landlord in the 1980s

There's an episode in Donald Trump's past that shows just how far this billionaire businessman will go to get his way:

"It began in 1981. Trump bought a 14-story building on prime real estate facing New York City's Central Park.

His plan was to tear down the building and replace it with luxury condos. But first he needed a small band of rent-stabilized tenants out of there."

"To succeed, Trump played rough, according to lawsuits filed by the tenants. Renters said he cut heat and hot water, and he imposed tough building rules.

Trump even proposed sheltering homeless people in the building."

"Two months later, he applied for a demolition permit to blow it up. Trump fired the building manager and replaced him with Citadel Management.

In his book, The Art of the Deal, Trump himself said he chose a company that "specialized in relocating tenants."


Read on to see what a scumbag the Bloviator is. thumbsup.gif

Breaking news - a Landlord's building manager treats a few beligerant tenants badly because they are holding up an approved multi-million dollar development (now a great building).

Even more breaking news - beligerant tenants demand their 'human rights' and want to keep their cheap run-down accomodation and stop progress/development.

Even if you do not see it that way - to think that a billionaire businessman running a huge business empire was hands-on and did those things himself, shows how deluded some people are.

Perfect? No Trump is not. Mistake proof? - no Trump is not. Articulate Trained Communicator/Politician? - no Trump is not.

Skeletons in the Closet - yes Trump has some. Real - yes Trump is. Common Sense - yes Trump has heaps.

Trump is just like all other imperfect people - he has done some nad things, but mainly has done good - and he also has a lot of common sense and is willing to stick to his principles.

He is not a trained articulate show-pony groomed from a young age to become the first black POTUS (nor the second/third in a family dynasty) - he is REAL - and he wont repeat their mistakes.

NOT convincing!bah.gif


The dangerous nihilism of Trump voters


The pro-Trump segment of the American electorate has thus abdicated a basic duty of a democratic citizenry: to hold a candidate accountable for his or her ideas. Worse, many seem to regard his crude simplifications as a feature, not a bug — a badge of uninvolvement in the corrupt Washington system, especially the part of it controlled by the Republican Party, which, according to a majority of exit-polled Indiana voters, has “betrayed” the rank and file.


To the contrary, the voter nihilism that Trump both reflects and stimulates is a symptom of political decay. “He’s not perfect, but anyone would be better than this corrupt bunch,” is the sort of thing many Italians said, once upon a time, about Silvio Berlusconi, or Russians about Vladi­mir Putin, or Venezuelans about Hugo Chávez.

Yes, this is the apocalypse election. Trump must be stopped at all costs. Patriots -- get ready for the most consequential (and dirtiest) American political contest EVER.

Edited by Jingthing
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And I guess Trump didn't grow up in the upper .01 percent. Remember when he said that when he started out his father loaned him" only "1 million dollars.

Not sure what the original question has to do with Trump. If he was able to take $1M and build a $$$multi-billion real estate empire, then my hats off to him.

Back to the original question. Aside from being elected Senator because NYer's were still in love with her husband and becoming SoS because Obama owed her husband a favor, what would you say Hillary's single biggest accomplishment is?

The 1 million was his daddy bailing him out of imminent bankruptcy with his casino in Atlantic City. Before that, Trump got a cool $2.5 million from his daddy, when he got out of High School. Trump says he earned that money working a part-time summer job for his dad. Yea sure. His dad also signed for loans for his big boy. At least one of those loans was for $30 million. It's been shown, that if Trump took the money he got from his dad and simply put it in a bank account, he'd be as rich as he is today, just on the accrued %.

Bill's probably real lucky she has this craving for personal power or she would have shot him a long time ago......probably back in the Arkansas days

That's another factor, among many, that HRC outshines the Trumpster. She made a vow, when marrying Bill, to stick with him "thick or thin, rich or poor, through good times and rough times." ....and she has.

In contrast, Trump dumps wives with careless abandon. Whenever a ten years younger chick struts by, Trump is ready for it. He dumped the mother of his kids because, after he gave her a management position at a hotel, he didn't like having to listen to her talk about her day. Trump's response (and it's in the record. Look it up) "I've got my own things going on. I can't listen to someone else's stuff." Boomer's comment: Trump proves again what a cold-hearted crude and selfish person he is. When Johnson was prez, at least he listened to M.L.King and invited him into the Oval Office. Trump would say something like, "Hey, I got my own stuff to deal with. Who is this King guy? Tell him to become a billionaire and then maybe I'll grant him 5 minutes of my precious time."

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Donald Trump Wanted Vets Kicked Off Fifth Avenue

Instead of debating his presidential rivals Thursday, the GOP frontrunner is hosting an event ‘to raise money’ for veterans.
That’s rich, say the disabled veterans he tried to eject from the street outside Trump Tower:
"Never mind that for more than a decade Trump sought to deprive veterans in need of their meager livelihood, because he found them unsightly nuisances who should not be allowed anywhere near his gleaming headquarters on Fifth Avenue."

"The Trump who now extols veterans spent years clamoring for New York City’s politicians to take action and ban even those street vendors with special disabled veteran’s licenses from the environs of Trump Tower.As was reported in the New York Daily News, Trump wrote in a letter to the New York State Assembly back in 1991:

“While disabled veterans should be given every opportunity to earn a living, is it fair to do so to the detriment of the city as a whole or its tax paying citizens and businesses?" blink.png

He went on, “Do we allow Fifth Avenue, one of the world’s finest and most luxurious shopping districts, to be turned into an outdoor flea market, clogging and seriously downgrading the area?”

"He was still at it in 2004, when he wrote a letter to Mayor Mike Bloomberg:

Whether they are veterans or not, they [the vendors] should not be allowed to sell on this most important and prestigious shopping street,” Trump declared.


Yep. A man of the people.

Get rid of dem bums. Discraceful.

Why anyone would give one iota of attention to this selfish 1 per center pig is truly remarkable.

But hell, there's a sucker born every minute. And in this instance, they believe this huckster is looking out for them. cheesy.gif



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Bill's probably real lucky she has this craving for personal power or she would have shot him a long time ago......probably back in the Arkansas days

That's another factor, among many, that HRC outshines the Trumpster. She made a vow, when marrying Bill, to stick with him "thick or thin, rich or poor, through good times and rough times." ....and she has.


Wow....Move over Mother Theresa.

She did so because he had the skill, intelligence, talent and charisma she lacks and was her only vehicle to ascend to the prominence she dreamed about. In short, she did it for selfish reasons.

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Trump wins by landslides in last 6 states, Lyin' Ted drops out, That pig Kasich quits, former Mexican President Vicente Fox apologized to Trump and invited him to Mexico.

Have you had enough of Trump winning yet?

So next the UK will get in the queue to apologize for trying to ban him from their country....lol

I very much doubt that will happen and Trump, I believe, is not someone who will be looking for an apology from those who know how to spell "apologise" smile.png

Uh...BOTH spellings are acceptable. Before you assume the role of forum spelling inspector in the future, you might want to check it out on the internet. Quite a bit of good information on the internet.

Checking beforehand saves you from having to apologize to those you called up on spelling errors that aren't really spelling errors.


Apologise vs. apologize
Apologize is the preferred spelling in American and Canadian English, and apologise is preferred in varieties of English from outside North America. This is the case despite the fact that apologize is the original form and was once standard even in British English (and is still used by some British publishers).
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^^^ All of these silly personal attacks don't win elections. Is it too late to stop Trump?

Dang right it is. He'll be the next President of The United States. End of.

neither do these endless silly predictions

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I was certain Trump would win the nomination and now nicely placed for it. POTUS is where the fun begins with the additional vested interest in Trump becoming President. It started months ago at a time when there was value in it.

The Trump Cruise Missile is about to land on HRC's head.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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^^^ All of these silly personal attacks don't win elections. Is it too late to stop Trump?

Dang right it is. He'll be the next President of The United States. End of.

neither do these endless silly predictions

I could go back and look at your predictions, AYJAYDEE, though not in the mood to embarrass you tonight.

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^^^ All of these silly personal attacks don't win elections. Is it too late to stop Trump?

Dang right it is. He'll be the next President of The United States. End of.

neither do these endless silly predictions

I could go back and look at your predictions, AYJAYDEE, though not in the mood to embarrass you tonight.

they come true

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June 2015: "He's not serious. He won't last a month."

July 2015: "He won't last until the Fall."

Fall, 2015: "OMG he's serious, but he won't last until the first of the year".

January, 2016: "He won't last until March."

March 2016: "He'll never get the nomination."

May 2016: "He can't beat Hillary".

November 2016: "How the hell did he do that?"

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Donald Trump was a nightmare landlord in the 1980s

There's an episode in Donald Trump's past that shows just how far this billionaire businessman will go to get his way:

"It began in 1981. Trump bought a 14-story building on prime real estate facing New York City's Central Park.

His plan was to tear down the building and replace it with luxury condos. But first he needed a small band of rent-stabilized tenants out of there."

"To succeed, Trump played rough, according to lawsuits filed by the tenants. Renters said he cut heat and hot water, and he imposed tough building rules.

Trump even proposed sheltering homeless people in the building."

"Two months later, he applied for a demolition permit to blow it up. Trump fired the building manager and replaced him with Citadel Management.

In his book, The Art of the Deal, Trump himself said he chose a company that "specialized in relocating tenants."


Read on to see what a scumbag the Bloviator is. thumbsup.gif

Breaking news - a Landlord's building manager treats a few beligerant tenants badly because they are holding up an approved multi-million dollar development (now a great building).

Even more breaking news - beligerant tenants demand their 'human rights' and want to keep their cheap run-down accomodation and stop progress/development.

Even if you do not see it that way - to think that a billionaire businessman running a huge business empire was hands-on and did those things himself, shows how deluded some people are.

Perfect? No Trump is not. Mistake proof? - no Trump is not. Articulate Trained Communicator/Politician? - no Trump is not.

Skeletons in the Closet - yes Trump has some. Real - yes Trump is. Common Sense - yes Trump has heaps.

Trump is just like all other imperfect people - he has done some nad things, but mainly has done good - and he also has a lot of common sense and is willing to stick to his principles.

He is not a trained articulate show-pony groomed from a young age to become the first black POTUS (nor the second/third in a family dynasty) - he is REAL - and he wont repeat their mistakes.

NOT convincing!bah.gif


The dangerous nihilism of Trump voters


The pro-Trump segment of the American electorate has thus abdicated a basic duty of a democratic citizenry: to hold a candidate accountable for his or her ideas. Worse, many seem to regard his crude simplifications as a feature, not a bug — a badge of uninvolvement in the corrupt Washington system, especially the part of it controlled by the Republican Party, which, according to a majority of exit-polled Indiana voters, has “betrayed” the rank and file.


To the contrary, the voter nihilism that Trump both reflects and stimulates is a symptom of political decay. “He’s not perfect, but anyone would be better than this corrupt bunch,” is the sort of thing many Italians said, once upon a time, about Silvio Berlusconi, or Russians about Vladi­mir Putin, or Venezuelans about Hugo Chávez.

Yes, this is the apocalypse election. Trump must be stopped at all costs. Patriots -- get ready for the most consequential (and dirtiest) American political contest EVER.

oh lordy lordy....the tin foil hat boys think the sky is falling........duhhhhhhhhh

crazy.gif get ready for the "apocalypse" heehhheee

Edited by slipperylobster
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Bill's probably real lucky she has this craving for personal power or she would have shot him a long time ago......probably back in the Arkansas days

That's another factor, among many, that HRC outshines the Trumpster. She made a vow, when marrying Bill, to stick with him "thick or thin, rich or poor, through good times and rough times." ....and she has.


Wow....Move over Mother Theresa.

She did so because he had the skill, intelligence, talent and charisma she lacks and was her only vehicle to ascend to the prominence she dreamed about. In short, she did it for selfish reasons.

You're so wrong, it's almost funny. Bill and Hillary met while students at Georgetown U, the hippest section of Washington D.C. They were young, carefree and in love. You got a problem with that? I was a musician playing in Georgetown bars at that time. The closing months of the hippie movement. Coke hadn't yet come along to fry peoples' brains (Bush Jr. can probably tell you some stories about coke). I wouldn't doubt Bill and Hillary heard me singing - serenading lovers of all ages.

^^^ All of these silly personal attacks don't win elections. Is it too late to stop Trump?

Dang right it is. He'll be the next President of The United States. End of.

You're like a Chatty Kathy doll - you remember, the type your sister had as a child. You pull the string on the doll's back and a poor fidelity recording comes forth. Except your Chatty Kathy has just one line, "Trump will be the next President."

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Name the one and greatest accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.

Check above, that nonsense has already been dealt with.

I got a better one, name ANY accomplishment since the Republicans have controlled Congress.

And trying to eliminate health insurance for 20,000,000 Americans 50 times can't be counted as an accomplishment.

It must give every Republican the vapors knowing their party is going up flames and Hillary Clinton has a lock on the Presidency. Som nom na

"Madame President" Get use to it. smile.png

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

It'z bizarre and it's not just about Trump. I posted something here about NAFTA and the person who corrected a mistake of mine, and clearly was more familiar with it than I am. knows that a Republican President negotiated it, and that it was only because an overwhelming majority of Republican senators approved it that it passed. (to be fair Bill Clinton signed it into law) But even he blamed the Democrats for shipping jobs overseas. There's some kind of short-circuit operating in their brains.

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Well allow me to retort: IMO part of the greenie/leftie (liberal) mental problems means they don't understand how to 'play with others'. By that I mean they play 'the man' and not 'the ball' - they just cannot see the forest for the trees. I guess it would be sad to live one's life with a brain that works that way, but the reality is that most of them don't ever realise how screwed up they are until they get old. In the end they usually fade away from life with a bitter and twisted attitude. Sad. Such a waste of a life. Not all - but many - probably this one too.

The above was in answer to the question: Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman?

Do you remember when they booed as Maggie Thatcher's coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

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Well allow me to retort: IMO part of the greenie/leftie (liberal) mental problems means they don't understand how to 'play with others'. By that I mean they play 'the man' and not 'the ball' - they just cannot see the forest for the trees. I guess it would be sad to live one's life with a brain that works that way, but the reality is that most of them don't ever realise how screwed up they are until they get old. In the end they usually fade away from life with a bitter and twisted attitude. Sad. Such a waste of a life. Not all - but many - probably this one too.

The above was in answer to the question: Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman?

Do you remember when they booed as Maggie Thatcher's coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

This is a retort to what? It certainly doesn't address the issue of trump supporters doublethink or mental blocks. And while demonstrating at a funeral is certainly in poor taste, is that your sole criterion for inhumanity? And I'm guessing that the 2 posts of yours that followed were meant to be humor. It's a good thing you appended an emoji. Otherwise how would we know that they were meant to be funny and not just irrelevant insults?

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