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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Well allow me to retort: IMO part of the greenie/leftie (liberal) mental problems means they don't understand how to 'play with others'. By that I mean they play 'the man' and not 'the ball' - they just cannot see the forest for the trees. I guess it would be sad to live one's life with a brain that works that way, but the reality is that most of them don't ever realise how screwed up they are until they get old. In the end they usually fade away from life with a bitter and twisted attitude. Sad. Such a waste of a life. Not all - but many - probably this one too.

The above was in answer to the question: Why is it that the ignorant people from the looney left are so .................. inhuman?

Do you remember when they booed as Maggie Thatcher's coffin went past? Have you ever heard any right wing supporters being so inhumane - never.

This is a retort to what? It certainly doesn't address the issue of trump supporters doublethink or mental blocks. And while demonstrating at a funeral is certainly in poor taste, is that your sole criterion for inhumanity? And I'm guessing that the 2 posts of yours that followed were meant to be humor. It's a good thing you appended an emoji. Otherwise how would we know that they were meant to be funny and not just irrelevant insults?

This is fun ............... I LOVE IT. Its like showing a climate change scientist that although their conclusions are valid, the algorithym their climate model is based upon is not evidence based, but is actually more based on their own prejudicial opinions. They automatically become indignant and deny being judgemental :) Chicken Little's always just want to prove that the world will soon end :)

OK - my retort was to the post immediately before mine: which included comment: "There's some kind of short-circuit operating in their brains". Take it slowly .... yep - there it is.

OH - you mean what does retort mean? OK - Retort: "to say something in answer to a remark, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner."

And why is it when one example is provided in an argument, the Liberals automatically assume that is the only example/issue and deny it.

Example: "a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule."

Humour: One man's meat etc. Actually, I was being very deliberately obtuse and 'playing the man' (being Liberal).

Just like your last comments - actually, like most of them from what I see. There I go again :)

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There are similarities on both sides, but one big difference is: Divisiveness. For example, when HRC ran against Obama for the Dem nomination in 2008, there was spirited talk about issues, for the most part.

Compare that to 2016, when Trump enters the stage (railing against everyone, right and left). From the get-go he's preaching polarity, divisiveness. Everything, in his view, is either wonderful or horrible, there is no middle ground. He would "be the best president ever." Obama is, and HRC would be "the worst presidents ever." Mexicans are rapists. Mexicans are wonderful people. 'Lying Ted' one minute, then "they're a wonderful family" the next. Trump breathes divisiveness. It's the hemoglobin in his blood. To Trump, anything that isn't polarizing or contentious is boring. He was threatening riots in Cleveland. He encourages his redneck fans to beat people up. People who like Trump, like divisiveness. They want to see the US polarized between different groups hating each other. 'Make America Hate Again' is a more realistic Trump motto.

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

And let's note, once again, that a right winger has completely blanked out on the fact that Trump just did 2 huge flipflops. Thanks for providing another instance of non-acknowledgment.

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

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Well, Trump has flip flopped again. Big time. Oh, excuse me, when Trump reverses himself right wingers say it's not flip flopping it's...Actually they don't say anything. They don't even acknowledge it.

Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

Spot on!

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There are similarities on both sides, but one big difference is: Divisiveness. For example, when HRC ran against Obama for the Dem nomination in 2008, there was spirited talk about issues, for the most part.

Compare that to 2016, when Trump enters the stage (railing against everyone, right and left). From the get-go he's preaching polarity, divisiveness. Everything, in his view, is either wonderful or horrible, there is no middle ground. He would "be the best president ever." Obama is, and HRC would be "the worst presidents ever." Mexicans are rapists. Mexicans are wonderful people. 'Lying Ted' one minute, then "they're a wonderful family" the next. Trump breathes divisiveness. It's the hemoglobin in his blood. To Trump, anything that isn't polarizing or contentious is boring. He was threatening riots in Cleveland. He encourages his redneck fans to beat people up. People who like Trump, like divisiveness. They want to see the US polarized between different groups hating each other. 'Make America Hate Again' is a more realistic Trump motto.

I presume you have forgotten the so called Obama birther movement began with some of Hillary's supporters in 2008.

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Here we go (again): I know arguing with a Liberal is like playing chess with a pidgeon – but I cant help it – TRUMP IS SO GOOD.

Seeeing their fears and prejudices surface as abuse and ignorance is just great.

Trump may not win POTUS (HRC has ‘that’ card) – but he sure is gonna shake it up like Elvis !!!

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

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There are similarities on both sides, but one big difference is: Divisiveness. For example, when HRC ran against Obama for the Dem nomination in 2008, there was spirited talk about issues, for the most part.

Compare that to 2016, when Trump enters the stage (railing against everyone, right and left). From the get-go he's preaching polarity, divisiveness. Everything, in his view, is either wonderful or horrible, there is no middle ground. He would "be the best president ever." Obama is, and HRC would be "the worst presidents ever." Mexicans are rapists. Mexicans are wonderful people. 'Lying Ted' one minute, then "they're a wonderful family" the next. Trump breathes divisiveness. It's the hemoglobin in his blood. To Trump, anything that isn't polarizing or contentious is boring. He was threatening riots in Cleveland. He encourages his redneck fans to beat people up. People who like Trump, like divisiveness. They want to see the US polarized between different groups hating each other. 'Make America Hate Again' is a more realistic Trump motto.

I presume you have forgotten the so called Obama birther movement began with some of Hillary's supporters in 2008.

And the reason that fact is so obscure is because it never caught on with more than a few Democrats. Whereas anywhere from 20 to 60 percent of Republicans (depending on which poll you believe) still believe that Obama was not born in the USA and isn't a legitimate U.S. citizen. Does Donald Trump still subscribe to this belief? Maybe today he doesn't and tomorrow he will. Who knows? The guy should give an aerobics class in flip-flopping.

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Here we go (again): I know arguing with a Liberal is like playing chess with a pidgeon – but I cant help it – TRUMP IS SO GOOD.

Seeeing their fears and prejudices surface as abuse and ignorance is just great.

Trump may not win POTUS (HRC has ‘that’ card) – but he sure is gonna shake it up like Elvis !!!

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

I wouldn't argue with this person. Clearly she/he is a genius. " Its like showing a climate change scientist that although their conclusions are valid, the algorithym their climate model is based upon is not evidence based, but is actually more based on their own prejudicial opinions." There are about 25,000 climate change scientists out there and apparently none of them have cottoned on to this.

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There are similarities on both sides, but one big difference is: Divisiveness. For example, when HRC ran against Obama for the Dem nomination in 2008, there was spirited talk about issues, for the most part.

Compare that to 2016, when Trump enters the stage (railing against everyone, right and left). From the get-go he's preaching polarity, divisiveness. Everything, in his view, is either wonderful or horrible, there is no middle ground. He would "be the best president ever." Obama is, and HRC would be "the worst presidents ever." Mexicans are rapists. Mexicans are wonderful people. 'Lying Ted' one minute, then "they're a wonderful family" the next. Trump breathes divisiveness. It's the hemoglobin in his blood. To Trump, anything that isn't polarizing or contentious is boring. He was threatening riots in Cleveland. He encourages his redneck fans to beat people up. People who like Trump, like divisiveness. They want to see the US polarized between different groups hating each other. 'Make America Hate Again' is a more realistic Trump motto.

I presume you have forgotten the so called Obama birther movement began with some of Hillary's supporters in 2008.

And the reason that fact is so obscure is because it never caught on with more than a few Democrats. Whereas anywhere from 20 to 60 percent of Republicans (depending on which poll you believe) still believe that Obama was not born in the USA and isn't a legitimate U.S. citizen. Does Donald Trump still subscribe to this belief? Maybe today he doesn't and tomorrow he will. Who knows? The guy should give an aerobics class in flip-flopping.

Of course the Democrats didn't believe it. Remind me again, which party was Obama representing at the time?

The Democrats were too caught up with "hope and change" along with breaking the color barrier to believe anything that might have been detrimental to their Messiah.

Anybody familiar with US politics would not expect the Democrats to go along with it. You seem surprised.

But the fact remains...the birther movement started with some Hillary supporters.

End of story.

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Name the one and greatest accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.

Check above, that nonsense has already been dealt with.

I got a better one, name ANY accomplishment since the Republicans have controlled Congress.

And trying to eliminate health insurance for 20,000,000 Americans 50 times can't be counted as an accomplishment.

It must give every Republican the vapors knowing their party is going up flames and Hillary Clinton has a lock on the Presidency. Som nom na

"Madame President" Get use to it. smile.png

you think she will be sitting at the same desk that her husband Bill sat at (Oval Office)?

Monica is sure going to be disappointed, under that desk.

Anyways, she has probably been put on the retired list.

That chair will never have the same....je ne sais crois...about it.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Here we go (again): I know arguing with a Liberal is like playing chess with a pidgeon – but I cant help it – TRUMP IS SO GOOD.

Seeeing their fears and prejudices surface as abuse and ignorance is just great.

Trump may not win POTUS (HRC has ‘that’ card) – but he sure is gonna shake it up like Elvis !!!

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

I wouldn't argue with this person. Clearly she/he is a genius. " Its like showing a climate change scientist that although their conclusions are valid, the algorithym their climate model is based upon is not evidence based, but is actually more based on their own prejudicial opinions." There are about 25,000 climate change scientists out there and apparently none of them have cottoned on to this.

Compared to yourself, many people are a genius. How could you possibly think that there are 25,000 climate change scientists OR that it was I that refuted their models as presumptive OR that I was claiming that it was myself. Do some research - get informed - see things as they really are. Have you noticed how 'quiet' the climate change 'industry' has been lately??? Ever since their models were exposed as not being based on actual evidence, but on their predictions. And I am not saying they are totally wrong - but they claimed their models to be accurate and correct, when in fact they were being presumptive and predictive (and overly negative). When this was challenged, they initially attacked the skeptics as 'climate change deniers'. And therein lies the issue with Trump - those that oppose him equate ALL support for him as if we are all the rabid rednecks who deny climate change is happenning. It was normal common sense people like myself who just refused to accept that the climate models and their outcomes were factual - and the last 2 years have started to show their claims were wildly exaggerated (and they have since toned them down and thereby lost credibility).

Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

No I am not a genius - and have the IQ tests to prove I dont make Mensa. And I am not always right. But I try to always be informed and I try to avoid being ignorant.

Dont want to debate/argue me? Thats OK - this is fun - having a slow week. But wanna debate 'The Wall' ?? How about 'NAFTA' - Illegal Immigrants - China?

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There are similarities on both sides, but one big difference is: Divisiveness. For example, when HRC ran against Obama for the Dem nomination in 2008, there was spirited talk about issues, for the most part.

Compare that to 2016, when Trump enters the stage (railing against everyone, right and left). From the get-go he's preaching polarity, divisiveness. Everything, in his view, is either wonderful or horrible, there is no middle ground. He would "be the best president ever." Obama is, and HRC would be "the worst presidents ever." Mexicans are rapists. Mexicans are wonderful people. 'Lying Ted' one minute, then "they're a wonderful family" the next. Trump breathes divisiveness. It's the hemoglobin in his blood. To Trump, anything that isn't polarizing or contentious is boring. He was threatening riots in Cleveland. He encourages his redneck fans to beat people up. People who like Trump, like divisiveness. They want to see the US polarized between different groups hating each other. 'Make America Hate Again' is a more realistic Trump motto.

I presume you have forgotten the so called Obama birther movement began with some of Hillary's supporters in 2008.

And the reason that fact is so obscure is because it never caught on with more than a few Democrats. Whereas anywhere from 20 to 60 percent of Republicans (depending on which poll you believe) still believe that Obama was not born in the USA and isn't a legitimate U.S. citizen. Does Donald Trump still subscribe to this belief? Maybe today he doesn't and tomorrow he will. Who knows? The guy should give an aerobics class in flip-flopping.

Of course the Democrats didn't believe it. Remind me again, which party was Obama representing at the time?

The Democrats were too caught up with "hope and change" along with breaking the color barrier to believe anything that might have been detrimental to their Messiah.

Anybody familiar with US politics would not expect the Democrats to go along with it. You seem surprised.

But the fact remains...the birther movement started with some Hillary supporters.

End of story.

But only Republicans were gullible enough to believe it en masse. End of Story.

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Trump fans don't mind (or don't want to see) any of Trump's many failings: He could take a dump on stage and they'd all cheer.

Did you see the encounter between a Trump fan and Cruz, after Cruz announced his withdrawal? Cruz tried engaging the Trump fan in dialogue with some softball questions. All the fan could do was call out insults. He couldn't answer any of the questions. It's like many of Trump's die-hard fans: Their minds are closed, but their mouths are shouting. Trump the Divider is marshaling Rednecks coast to coast. Mussolini would smile.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

And let's note, once again, that a right winger has completely blanked out on the fact that Trump just did 2 huge flipflops. Thanks for providing another instance of non-acknowledgment.

Sorry, I missed Donald's alleged flip flop. I was too wrapped up last week in Hillary's flip flop in West Virginia.


Hillary Clinton’s coal flip-flop could prove costly in general election
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s pitch to voters in Appalachia fell flat this week, and she is in real danger of losing the West Virginia primary to Sen. Bernard Sanders next week — but analysts say the former first lady has deeper problems in coal country that could spill into the general election.
Mrs. Clinton has shifted positions on coal over the past eight years, moving from high praise for clean-coal technology and the fuel’s role in U.S. energy production in 2008 to guaranteeing miners will be out of work and coal mines shut down if she is elected to the White House in November. Although she has tried to distance herself from those inflammatory statements and salvage her campaign in the pro-coal territory of West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere, political analysts say there is little Mrs. Clinton can do to repair the damage.
Uh...no acknowledgement required.
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And let's note, once again, that a right winger has completely blanked out on the fact that Trump just did 2 huge flipflops. Thanks for providing another instance of non-acknowledgment.

There's plenty of that going around in all camps.

I watched a few YT vids yesterday demonstrating the very conduct and mental state you are condemning, coming from a mixed mob of leering, jeering Bernie/Hillary supporters and pure Anti-Trumpers.

Fair to say though, one can find other vids that make Hillary supporters look like clueless dolts. Same for Bernie. Same same Trump. The internet will serve up whatever you want to feed a bias.

Broad brushing all Trump supporters as "red necks" (as a slur), and associating with communism, though, is the same kind of behavior. It's not accurate. It's mean spirited krap, intended to polarize, divide, and keep closed minds closed.

It's part of the same problem and in no way elevated you above those you intended to criticize.

And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

Sorry, I missed Donald's alleged flip flop. I was too wrapped up last week in Hillary's flip flop in West Virginia.


Hillary Clinton’s coal flip-flop could prove costly in general election
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s pitch to voters in Appalachia fell flat this week, and she is in real danger of losing the West Virginia primary to Sen. Bernard Sanders next week — but analysts say the former first lady has deeper problems in coal country that could spill into the general election.
Mrs. Clinton has shifted positions on coal over the past eight years, moving from high praise for clean-coal technology and the fuel’s role in U.S. energy production in 2008 to guaranteeing miners will be out of work and coal mines shut down if she is elected to the White House in November. Although she has tried to distance herself from those inflammatory statements and salvage her campaign in the pro-coal territory of West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere, political analysts say there is little Mrs. Clinton can do to repair the damage.
Uh...no acknowledgement required.

Very small beer compared to Trump's huge flip flop. Or should I call it belly flop?

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Here we go (again): I know arguing with a Liberal is like playing chess with a pidgeon – but I cant help it – TRUMP IS SO GOOD.

Seeeing their fears and prejudices surface as abuse and ignorance is just great.

Trump may not win POTUS (HRC has ‘that’ card) – but he sure is gonna shake it up like Elvis !!!

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

I wouldn't argue with this person. Clearly she/he is a genius. " Its like showing a climate change scientist that although their conclusions are valid, the algorithym their climate model is based upon is not evidence based, but is actually more based on their own prejudicial opinions." There are about 25,000 climate change scientists out there and apparently none of them have cottoned on to this.

Compared to yourself, many people are a genius. How could you possibly think that there are 25,000 climate change scientists OR that it was I that refuted their models as presumptive OR that I was claiming that it was myself. Do some research - get informed - see things as they really are. Have you noticed how 'quiet' the climate change 'industry' has been lately??? Ever since their models were exposed as not being based on actual evidence, but on their predictions. And I am not saying they are totally wrong - but they claimed their models to be accurate and correct, when in fact they were being presumptive and predictive (and overly negative). When this was challenged, they initially attacked the skeptics as 'climate change deniers'. And therein lies the issue with Trump - those that oppose him equate ALL support for him as if we are all the rabid rednecks who deny climate change is happenning. It was normal common sense people like myself who just refused to accept that the climate models and their outcomes were factual - and the last 2 years have started to show their claims were wildly exaggerated (and they have since toned them down and thereby lost credibility).

Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

No I am not a genius - and have the IQ tests to prove I dont make Mensa. And I am not always right. But I try to always be informed and I try to avoid being ignorant.

Dont want to debate/argue me? Thats OK - this is fun - having a slow week. But wanna debate 'The Wall' ?? How about 'NAFTA' - Illegal Immigrants - China?

Here is the definitive site that refutes the deniers of the 97 percent claim. http://www.skepticalscience.com/97-percent-consensus-robust.htm

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Not sure what the original question has to do with Trump. If he was able to take $1M and build a $$$multi-billion real estate empire, then my hats off to him.

Back to the original question. Aside from being elected Senator because NYer's were still in love with her husband and becoming SoS because Obama owed her husband a favor, what would you say Hillary's single biggest accomplishment is?

This seems to be an ongoing conservative entertainment industry theme, apparently started by Carly Fiorina during a republican debate last September. You all remember Carlyle don't you...

Small list in no particular order.


Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue.

She played a leading role in the development of State Childrens Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.

She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.

Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).

She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it Gulf War Syndrome.

At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.

She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.

Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clintons successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).

Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.

Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners Loan Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.

Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.

Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.

It's rather bad form to lift something from the internet and quote it word for word without providing attribution to the original author.

Permit me to help out: http://addictinginfo.org/2015/04/13/heres-a-list-of-hillary-clintons-accomplishments-so-quit-saying-she-doesnt-have-any/

Now about your source:

"Addicting Info started as a resource to discredit all the lies and propaganda that the right-wing spreads. "


Your source tends to be a little over enthusiastic in their list of her accomplishments.

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And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

Sorry, I missed Donald's alleged flip flop. I was too wrapped up last week in Hillary's flip flop in West Virginia.


Hillary Clinton’s coal flip-flop could prove costly in general election
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s pitch to voters in Appalachia fell flat this week, and she is in real danger of losing the West Virginia primary to Sen. Bernard Sanders next week — but analysts say the former first lady has deeper problems in coal country that could spill into the general election.
Mrs. Clinton has shifted positions on coal over the past eight years, moving from high praise for clean-coal technology and the fuel’s role in U.S. energy production in 2008 to guaranteeing miners will be out of work and coal mines shut down if she is elected to the White House in November. Although she has tried to distance herself from those inflammatory statements and salvage her campaign in the pro-coal territory of West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere, political analysts say there is little Mrs. Clinton can do to repair the damage.
Uh...no acknowledgement required.

Very small beer compared to Trump's huge flip flop. Or should I call it belly flop?

That very small beer will insure that West Virginia stays firmly on the Red side of the board.

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Here we go (again): I know arguing with a Liberal is like playing chess with a pidgeon – but I cant help it – TRUMP IS SO GOOD.

Seeeing their fears and prejudices surface as abuse and ignorance is just great.

Trump may not win POTUS (HRC has ‘that’ card) – but he sure is gonna shake it up like Elvis !!!

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

I wouldn't argue with this person. Clearly she/he is a genius. " Its like showing a climate change scientist that although their conclusions are valid, the algorithym their climate model is based upon is not evidence based, but is actually more based on their own prejudicial opinions." There are about 25,000 climate change scientists out there and apparently none of them have cottoned on to this.

Compared to yourself, many people are a genius. How could you possibly think that there are 25,000 climate change scientists OR that it was I that refuted their models as presumptive OR that I was claiming that it was myself. Do some research - get informed - see things as they really are. Have you noticed how 'quiet' the climate change 'industry' has been lately??? Ever since their models were exposed as not being based on actual evidence, but on their predictions. And I am not saying they are totally wrong - but they claimed their models to be accurate and correct, when in fact they were being presumptive and predictive (and overly negative). When this was challenged, they initially attacked the skeptics as 'climate change deniers'. And therein lies the issue with Trump - those that oppose him equate ALL support for him as if we are all the rabid rednecks who deny climate change is happenning. It was normal common sense people like myself who just refused to accept that the climate models and their outcomes were factual - and the last 2 years have started to show their claims were wildly exaggerated (and they have since toned them down and thereby lost credibility).

Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

No I am not a genius - and have the IQ tests to prove I dont make Mensa. And I am not always right. But I try to always be informed and I try to avoid being ignorant.

Dont want to debate/argue me? Thats OK - this is fun - having a slow week. But wanna debate 'The Wall' ?? How about 'NAFTA' - Illegal Immigrants - China?

Here is the definitive site that refutes the deniers of the 97 percent claim. http://www.skepticalscience.com/97-percent-consensus-robust.htm

Actually I found a more 'reasoned' site - try here : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-determine-the-scientific-consensus-on-global-warming/

(and try not to show your ignorance)

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And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

Sorry, I missed Donald's alleged flip flop. I was too wrapped up last week in Hillary's flip flop in West Virginia.


Hillary Clinton’s coal flip-flop could prove costly in general election
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s pitch to voters in Appalachia fell flat this week, and she is in real danger of losing the West Virginia primary to Sen. Bernard Sanders next week — but analysts say the former first lady has deeper problems in coal country that could spill into the general election.
Mrs. Clinton has shifted positions on coal over the past eight years, moving from high praise for clean-coal technology and the fuel’s role in U.S. energy production in 2008 to guaranteeing miners will be out of work and coal mines shut down if she is elected to the White House in November. Although she has tried to distance herself from those inflammatory statements and salvage her campaign in the pro-coal territory of West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere, political analysts say there is little Mrs. Clinton can do to repair the damage.
Uh...no acknowledgement required.

Very small beer compared to Trump's huge flip flop. Or should I call it belly flop?

That very small beer will insure that West Virginia stays firmly on the Red side of the board.

Wow. Mighty West Virgina with 5 electoral votes. You really want to start comparing who's most likely got the most electoral votes locked up?

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And let's not forget the completely unnecessary reference to Mussolini.

It's a liberal knee jerk reaction. They can't help themselves.

Sorry, I missed Donald's alleged flip flop. I was too wrapped up last week in Hillary's flip flop in West Virginia.


Hillary Clinton’s coal flip-flop could prove costly in general election
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s pitch to voters in Appalachia fell flat this week, and she is in real danger of losing the West Virginia primary to Sen. Bernard Sanders next week — but analysts say the former first lady has deeper problems in coal country that could spill into the general election.
Mrs. Clinton has shifted positions on coal over the past eight years, moving from high praise for clean-coal technology and the fuel’s role in U.S. energy production in 2008 to guaranteeing miners will be out of work and coal mines shut down if she is elected to the White House in November. Although she has tried to distance herself from those inflammatory statements and salvage her campaign in the pro-coal territory of West Virginia, Kentucky and elsewhere, political analysts say there is little Mrs. Clinton can do to repair the damage.
Uh...no acknowledgement required.

Very small beer compared to Trump's huge flip flop. Or should I call it belly flop?

That very small beer will insure that West Virginia stays firmly on the Red side of the board.

Wow. Mighty West Virgina with 5 electoral votes. You really want to start comparing who's most likely got the most electoral votes locked up?

Naw. Let's wait and see if the Democratic nominee gets indicted first.

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I wouldn't argue with this person. Clearly she/he is a genius. " Its like showing a climate change scientist that although their conclusions are valid, the algorithym their climate model is based upon is not evidence based, but is actually more based on their own prejudicial opinions." There are about 25,000 climate change scientists out there and apparently none of them have cottoned on to this.

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

Compared to yourself, many people are a genius. How could you possibly think that there are 25,000 climate change scientists OR that it was I that refuted their models as presumptive OR that I was claiming that it was myself. Do some research - get informed - see things as they really are. Have you noticed how 'quiet' the climate change 'industry' has been lately??? Ever since their models were exposed as not being based on actual evidence, but on their predictions. And I am not saying they are totally wrong - but they claimed their models to be accurate and correct, when in fact they were being presumptive and predictive (and overly negative). When this was challenged, they initially attacked the skeptics as 'climate change deniers'. And therein lies the issue with Trump - those that oppose him equate ALL support for him as if we are all the rabid rednecks who deny climate change is happenning. It was normal common sense people like myself who just refused to accept that the climate models and their outcomes were factual - and the last 2 years have started to show their claims were wildly exaggerated (and they have since toned them down and thereby lost credibility).

Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

No I am not a genius - and have the IQ tests to prove I dont make Mensa. And I am not always right. But I try to always be informed and I try to avoid being ignorant.

Dont want to debate/argue me? Thats OK - this is fun - having a slow week. But wanna debate 'The Wall' ?? How about 'NAFTA' - Illegal Immigrants - China?

Here is the definitive site that refutes the deniers of the 97 percent claim. http://www.skepticalscience.com/97-percent-consensus-robust.htm

Actually I found a more 'reasoned' site - try here : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-determine-the-scientific-consensus-on-global-warming/

(and try not to show your ignorance)

Did you actually read the article you link to? Oddly enough it was from reading that article that I found the link to skepticalscience.com in the first place. I don't know what you mean by it being "more reasoned", though. Skeptical Science offers detailed and damning rebuttals. The Scientific American article is more general.. It supports what I've been saying and offers no support at all for what you contend.. Truly bizarrre

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Not sure what the original question has to do with Trump. If he was able to take $1M and build a $$$multi-billion real estate empire, then my hats off to him.

Back to the original question. Aside from being elected Senator because NYer's were still in love with her husband and becoming SoS because Obama owed her husband a favor, what would you say Hillary's single biggest accomplishment is?

This seems to be an ongoing conservative entertainment industry theme, apparently started by Carly Fiorina during a republican debate last September. You all remember Carlyle don't you...

Small list in no particular order.


Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue.

She played a leading role in the development of State Childrens Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.

She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.

Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).

She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it Gulf War Syndrome.

At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.

She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.

Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clintons successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).

Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.

Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners Loan Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.

Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.

Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.

Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.

It's rather bad form to lift something from the internet and quote it word for word without providing attribution to the original author.

Permit me to help out: http://addictinginfo.org/2015/04/13/heres-a-list-of-hillary-clintons-accomplishments-so-quit-saying-she-doesnt-have-any/

Now about your source:

"Addicting Info started as a resource to discredit all the lies and propaganda that the right-wing spreads. "


Your source tends to be a little over enthusiastic in their list of her accomplishments.

Was a bit late and I was being lazy...should have added the attribute. Thanks for doing so.

That is your entire rebuttal? "A bit over enthusiastic" ? Rather typical.?


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Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

Actually I found a more 'reasoned' site - try here : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-determine-the-scientific-consensus-on-global-warming/

Did you actually read the article you link to? Oddly enough it was from reading that article that I found the link to skepticalscience.com in the first place. I don't know what you mean by it being "more reasoned", though. Skeptical Science offers detailed and damning rebuttals. The Scientific American article is more general.. It supports what I've been saying and offers no support at all for what you contend.. Truly bizarrre

OMG - I should have realised - I am 'debating' a Liberal after all (rhetoric first - substance last - details ignored).

OK - see above - I have edited my (admittedly verbose) reply on this point - read slowly carefully :)

THE POINT: The mainstream media is portraying lies/falsehoods about Trump, but many people are seeing through their lies and are 'hearing' what Trump truly says.

EXAMPLE OF MEDIA LIE - "Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished" (see my earlier post detailing the facts).

ANALOGY (look it up): The 'lie' that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is caused by humans; is the sametype of lie that Trump said women getting abortions should be punished.

DETAIL 1: Trump said those words - but that is not the truth of the matter - he was answering a rhetorical question (that a seasoned politician would not have answered).

DETAIL 2: 97% of a number of climate papers stated that "humans contributed to global warming" - the lie was that 97% of (all) Scientists believe humans caused global warming.

Was that too complex for you. If it was, then please dont bother me with any further replies.

Any intelligent Liberals out there want to debate/argue the real issues?? Or shall we just continue to throw insults at each other biggrin.png

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