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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

Actually I found a more 'reasoned' site - try here : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-determine-the-scientific-consensus-on-global-warming/

Did you actually read the article you link to? Oddly enough it was from reading that article that I found the link to skepticalscience.com in the first place. I don't know what you mean by it being "more reasoned", though. Skeptical Science offers detailed and damning rebuttals. The Scientific American article is more general.. It supports what I've been saying and offers no support at all for what you contend.. Truly bizarrre

DETAIL 2: 97% of a number of climate papers stated that "humans contributed to global warming" - the lie was that 97% of (all) Scientists believe humans caused global warming.

"Doran and Zimmerman (2009)surveyed Earth scientists, and found that of the 77 scientists responding to their survey who are actively publishing climate science research, 75 (97.4%) agreed that "human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures."

"In our survey, among scientists who expressed a position on AGW in their abstract, 98.4% endorsed the consensus. This is greater than 97% consensus of peer-reviewed papers because endorsement papers had more authors than rejection papers, on average. Thus there is a 97.1% consensus in the peer-reviewed literature, and a 98.4% consensus amongst scientists researching climate change.


This survey referred to was a massive one examining 12,000 abstracts. You can read about the protocol they followed on the site.

Is this clear enough for you?

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Do you want to know how the climate change disater world-ending thing happenned? How it became accepted as fact?? A group of Scientists examined over 4000 reports on climate change and found 97 percent of the papers stated that man played a role in global warming. That statement quickly got boiled down in the popular media: "97 percent of scientists believe climate change is caused by humans". Obama tweeted the 97 percent consensus claims. John Oliver did a segment on it that went viral on the Internet. That is how ignorance spreads - misinformation from the mainstream media designed to get headlines - which is then believed by the ignorant and the undecided and the uninformed.

Trump is cutting through the mainstream media soundbites (lies) - the people are hearing the truth about his message - and many like it. Trump is saying a lot of common sense things - that is why people are supporting him. Sure - there are rednecks in there too - but the left has its nutters too (like the booers at Maggies funeral) - we both have them.

Actually I found a more 'reasoned' site - try here : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-determine-the-scientific-consensus-on-global-warming/

Did you actually read the article you link to? Oddly enough it was from reading that article that I found the link to skepticalscience.com in the first place. I don't know what you mean by it being "more reasoned", though. Skeptical Science offers detailed and damning rebuttals. The Scientific American article is more general.. It supports what I've been saying and offers no support at all for what you contend.. Truly bizarrre

OMG - I should have realised - I am 'debating' a Liberal after all (rhetoric first - substance last - details ignored).

OK - see above - I have edited my (admittedly verbose) reply on this point - read slowly carefully smile.png

THE POINT: The mainstream media is portraying lies/falsehoods about Trump, but many people are seeing through their lies and are 'hearing' what Trump truly says.

EXAMPLE OF MEDIA LIE - "Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished" (see my earlier post detailing the facts).

ANALOGY (look it up): The 'lie' that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is caused by humans; is the sametype of lie that Trump said women getting abortions should be punished.

DETAIL 1: Trump said those words - but that is not the truth of the matter - he was answering a rhetorical question (that a seasoned politician would not have answered).

DETAIL 2: 97% of a number of climate papers stated that "humans contributed to global warming" - the lie was that 97% of (all) Scientists believe humans caused global warming.

Was that too complex for you. If it was, then please dont bother me with any further replies.

Any intelligent Liberals out there want to debate/argue the real issues?? Or shall we just continue to throw insults at each other biggrin.png

How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


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OK then - lets all throw more rhetoric at each other.


PS - see my earlier point regarding Trump using the left-wing media against itself - he is winning by not playing it straight - not playing it their way.

Not fair? Hell yes !!! But it is a winning strategy - the media cannot hang anything on him - the academics are already claiming 'foul' in thgeir thought bubbles - and they all mean nothing.

The people are not listening to Trump - he is saying the simple things right - EG: Amercia First - bring back the jobs - no illegal immigrants - security issues addressed front on (no PC glossing over the next bombing).

A loose Canon that will sink the ship - or a nasty Cat who will get rid of the ship's rats ?? I for one hope he gets a go at being POTUS - there are just too many rats nowadays and no-one is actually doing anything. They all get elected saying and doing the right things, but they all end up doing little/nothing - lets give a go to someone who is saying the wrong things but wants to do the right things. Time to bring in the Trump !!!

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The weird world of Trump contradictions. I think he's a nutcase. What probably keeps most people from seeing that is that he's rich.


That should be required reading for anyone, right, left or middle, who wants to get an idea about who Trump is.

It's not easy to read through. Ok, as pure entertainment, it's ok, but to think he could be in a top position of political power (even if there's just a 7% possibility), is spooky. Jeb Bush put it nicely, in a soft measured voice, Jeb said Trump needs therapy. It's no joke. If I was well off and needed valuable dogs walked around the block, I seriously doubt I would trust Trump to do it. He might sell the dogs, and then come back with a made-up story to justify it, while wrangling a way to keep the money - and then go and yell that I don't deserve to have dogs in the first place."

I remember hearing a story, long ago, about a couple who went on a vacation. Just before leaving, the found a guy to stay for free in their house, to keep an eye on things. The only rules were: please keep it tidy and feed the cat. When the couple came back, half the furniture was gone, the remaining furniture was broken, and the cat was found hanging dead from a string hanging from the ceiling. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was that guy who was entrusted with taking care of the house and cat.

The guy is serious bat shit, .....sorry, Trump fans, but that's as nice as I can put it.

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The weird world of Trump contradictions. I think he's a nutcase. What probably keeps most people from seeing that is that he's rich.


That should be required reading for anyone, right, left or middle, who wants to get an idea about who Trump is.

It's not easy to read through. Ok, as pure entertainment, it's ok, but to think he could be in a top position of political power (even if there's just a 7% possibility), is spooky. Jeb Bush put it nicely, in a soft measured voice, Jeb said Trump needs therapy. It's no joke. If I was well off and needed valuable dogs walked around the block, I seriously doubt I would trust Trump to do it. He might sell the dogs, and then come back with a made-up story to justify it, while wrangling a way to keep the money - and then go and yell that I don't deserve to have dogs in the first place."

I remember hearing a story, long ago, about a couple who went on a vacation. Just before leaving, the found a guy to stay for free in their house, to keep an eye on things. The only rules were: please keep it tidy and feed the cat. When the couple came back, half the furniture was gone, the remaining furniture was broken, and the cat was found hanging dead from a string hanging from the ceiling. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was that guy who was entrusted with taking care of the house and cat.

The guy is serious bat shit, .....sorry, Trump fans, but that's as nice as I can put it.

WOW - Trump is the sort of person that steals dogs and kills cats - WWWWTF ???

I will see you Liberal nutters later - maybe in November - hopefully after HRC's 'woman' card is Trumped by the Joker !!!!

Beam me up Scotty - there is no intelligent life down here.

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Here we go (again): I know arguing with a Liberal is like playing chess with a pidgeon – but I cant help it – TRUMP IS SO GOOD.

Seeeing their fears and prejudices surface as abuse and ignorance is just great.

Trump may not win POTUS (HRC has ‘that’ card) – but he sure is gonna shake it up like Elvis !!!

English your second language?

Born there – taught it well. Too complicated for you to follow?

'Make America Hate Again'

Atypical LIberal comment. Anyone who speaks out about the downsides of their ideologies and doesn’t agree with them is a hater.

Maybe he/she listened to too many Sarah Palin speeches

Never heard one – saw a few sound bites. She seemed to be in the right direction, but without the intelligence or class of Trump (*or common sense).

lol! I notice you ignored 8 years of calling obama a commie muslim!!

Another atypical inhuman Liberal comment. Calling someone a commie muslim, is nothing like referring to them a a despotic fascist dictator that killed many people (Hitler next?).

What are they so worried about?? Why are Liberals so dead against Trump?? I will tell you why “they protesth a little too much” as the Bard would say.

Because deep down inside they know he is going to take way their 'toys' and force them to be accountable/productive – no more hand outs/ups.

What’s the difference between a Conservative and a Liberal? You take a Conservative and then you remove all sense of reason and accountability.

Conservatives are the reasonable ones? Thanks for straightening that out for us. I thought conservatives were gun toting, low-info, tin foil hat wearing racists and completely out of their minds with hatred. See...you're doing god's work, spreading the gospel of Trump. wai.gif

It's going to be tons of ongoing fun as Trump tries to remold himself into a human being. Crimminey...he can't even get Paul Ryan in his corner. Republicans are screwed. Som nom na

You would think having the likes of David Duke, Sarah Palin, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Ann Coulter lining up FOR you and the Bushes, Paul Ryan and even Glenn Beck AGAINST you is going to give some "normal" Republicans pause. Forget about independents, minorities and women, he never had a prayer with them.

On second thought, there are no "normal" Republicans. The wingnut right is now the base and that friends...is really sad.

Love her or hate her, Hillary Clinton is not Donald Trump. That makes her a slam dunk for the Presidency.

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WOW - Trump is the sort of person that steals dogs and kills cats - WWWWTF ???

I will see you Liberal nutters later - maybe in November - hopefully after HRC's 'woman' card is Trumped by the Joker !!!!

Beam me up Scotty - there is no intelligent life down here.

I'll see what I can do, but I think that's against the forum rules.

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"Addicting Info started as a resource to discredit all the lies and propaganda that the right-wing spreads. "


Your source tends to be a little over enthusiastic in their list of her accomplishments.

Or perhaps it does what it says and simply discredits all the lies and propaganda that the right wing spreads - which is essentially 99% of their output.

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The weird world of Trump contradictions. I think he's a nutcase. What probably keeps most people from seeing that is that he's rich.


That's the thing, nobody cares what a politicians says anymore as they're all full of crap, so Trump can say anything he wants. Net is full of people bellowing this or that, of exactly zero consqeuence. It's what you DO that matters. We haven't seen Trump do anything yet, so hard to say what will actually happen once he gets elected. The only thing that's clear is PC is dead.

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The weird world of Trump contradictions. I think he's a nutcase. What probably keeps most people from seeing that is that he's rich.


That's the thing, nobody cares what a politicians says anymore as they're all full of crap, so Trump can say anything he wants. Net is full of people bellowing this or that, of exactly zero consqeuence. It's what you DO that matters. We haven't seen Trump do anything yet, so hard to say what will actually happen once he gets elected. The only thing that's clear is PC is dead.

we've seen him DO lots of vile stuff

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The weird world of Trump contradictions. I think he's a nutcase. What probably keeps most people from seeing that is that he's rich.


That's the thing, nobody cares what a politicians says anymore as they're all full of crap, so Trump can say anything he wants. Net is full of people bellowing this or that, of exactly zero consqeuence. It's what you DO that matters. We haven't seen Trump do anything yet, so hard to say what will actually happen once he gets elected. The only thing that's clear is PC is dead.

we've seen him DO lots of vile stuff

Well I'm not American so please enumerate, all I've seen is him bankrolling building a bunch of buildings, go through a number of pretty women and have a reality TV show. Pretty benign.

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Well I'm not American so please enumerate, all I've seen is him bankrolling building a bunch of buildings, go through a number of pretty women and have a reality TV show. Pretty benign.

One small correction. Trump doesn't "bankroll" buildings. People that do pay Trump to put his name on the building. He runs a licensing business based on his notoriety from his 14 years on a reality TV show.


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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


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Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

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That's the thing, nobody cares what a politicians says anymore as they're all full of crap, so Trump can say anything he wants. Net is full of people bellowing this or that, of exactly zero consqeuence. It's what you DO that matters. We haven't seen Trump do anything yet, so hard to say what will actually happen once he gets elected. The only thing that's clear is PC is dead.

we've seen him DO lots of vile stuff

No "we" have not. I notice you don't link or mention anything because there is nothing to link or mention.

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Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

One only has to look at the absence of factual posts here and the incessant back and forth name calling to realize the level of political discourse in the world. Of course nothing new. Chicago was named the windy city (referred to all the speeches and bs) because of the Republican convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln in 1860.

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This is a link which I thought I had loaded yesterday, but I see now it didn't get included, so I'll try again:

title of the 2 page article: The Man Who Beat Donald Trump

It's a must-read. Marvin Roffman figuratively grappled with Trump. Trump threw every ugly thing he had at Roffman, ....but Trump lost, and lost big.

Among other things, it tells, in first hand accounts, what a ruthless conniver Trump can be when he gets his ego bruised. It also articulates how bad Trump can be at his self-described best quality: business acumen.

an excerpt: "Roffman’s warnings about Trump and the Taj began to become reality. It was even worse than he had predicted. Accounting problems and malfunctioning slot machines marred the hyped launch of the Taj. In late April, the Journal reported on Trump’s financial squeeze. Forbes followed in May, downgrading by more than a billion dollars its estimate of Trump’s net worth. By June, Trump started missing loan payments and negotiating with his lenders for more lenient terms. His casinos were on their way to losing a combined $173 million for the year—$120 million of that was red ink from the Taj—and Trump owed $69.5 million to 253 subcontractors who had helped build the Taj. Trump was more than $3 billion in debt—owing $933 million to Citibank, according to the AP."

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Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

Not sure about the "Goofy Warren" accolade. Maybe Trump is trying various 5 yr old name-calling labels on each prominent person who is not a fan, to see which one sticks. I heard he called Elizabeth Warren, THE INDIAN, because prior, Ms Warren mentioned she had some Native American heritage. Boy, Trump sure knows how to stick his shoe into the shit, doesn't he. Now he's offending Native Americans. Who will be next? Inuits? Africans? Oh he already touched on Africans with his browbeating of Obama being Kenyan. Argentinians? Fijians?

Trump thinks he's so superior to everyone else. He's even said "I've got a great memory. I really do." Yet, when asked which foot had a bone spur (to enable him to dodge the draft 5 times) ...he said he couldn't remember.

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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Obama got dinged for 1 lie. Pollitifacts examined 77 statements from Trump and found he had lied 76 times. He is far in advance of any other politician including Hillary and Obama in his lying percentage. He's the all time champ. And that was just in 2015.

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That's the thing, nobody cares what a politicians says anymore as they're all full of crap, so Trump can say anything he wants. Net is full of people bellowing this or that, of exactly zero consqeuence. It's what you DO that matters. We haven't seen Trump do anything yet, so hard to say what will actually happen once he gets elected. The only thing that's clear is PC is dead.

we've seen him DO lots of vile stuff

No "we" have not. I notice you don't link or mention anything because there is nothing to link or mention.

Here's one. A financial analyst called out Trump on his Atlantic City Fiasco. Trump denied there was a problem and threatened to sue if the guy wasn't fired. So the company fired him. Of course, it turned out the financial analyst was completely correct.

He tried to use the power of eminent domain to have an old lady's house torn down in Atlantic city to make way for a parking lot.

He routinely screws contractors out of what he owes them. Or rather, he used to. Most won't do business with him anymore. At least not in New York where his practices have become well known.

To get a zoning variance and be allowed to build a building he promised to open spaces in a luxury building of his to the public. Naturally he reneged on his promise.

When a group of lawyers successfully stopped Trump from unlawfully evicting tenants, he brought a racketeering case against them. The court threw out his case.

He also offered to put homeless people in his Central Park South building to drive tenants out. When the city offered to put in Polish refugees, Trump declined.

There's lots more. You can search for yourself.

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we've seen him DO lots of vile stuff

No "we" have not. I notice you don't link or mention anything because there is nothing to link or mention.

Here's one. A financial analyst called out Trump on his Atlantic City Fiasco. Trump denied there was a problem and threatened to sue if the guy wasn't fired. So the company fired him. Of course, it turned out the financial analyst was completely correct.

He tried to use the power of eminent domain to have an old lady's house torn down in Atlantic city to make way for a parking lot.

He routinely screws contractors out of what he owes them. Or rather, he used to. Most won't do business with him anymore. At least not in New York where his practices have become well known.

To get a zoning variance and be allowed to build a building he promised to open spaces in a luxury building of his to the public. Naturally he reneged on his promise.

When a group of lawyers successfully stopped Trump from unlawfully evicting tenants, he brought a racketeering case against them. The court threw out his case.

He also offered to put homeless people in his Central Park South building to drive tenants out. When the city offered to put in Polish refugees, Trump declined.

There's lots more. You can search for yourself.

I'll just take one. Individuals don't bring racketeering charges the cops do. Try linking your claims. You are slinging mud with no facts. He has no problem doing business in NYC. I assume you have never been to NYC. Leave it for people who know what they are talking about. Or. You made 7 slanderous charges with no links. Typical. whistling.gif

The useless name calling in this thread is absurd. Trump or anti Trump I don't care but most are arguing with all the intellectual ability of an Anuban class.

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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

Trump wins again!!!

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we've seen him DO lots of vile stuff

No "we" have not. I notice you don't link or mention anything because there is nothing to link or mention.

Here's one. A financial analyst called out Trump on his Atlantic City Fiasco. Trump denied there was a problem and threatened to sue if the guy wasn't fired. So the company fired him. Of course, it turned out the financial analyst was completely correct.

He tried to use the power of eminent domain to have an old lady's house torn down in Atlantic city to make way for a parking lot.

He routinely screws contractors out of what he owes them. Or rather, he used to. Most won't do business with him anymore. At least not in New York where his practices have become well known.

To get a zoning variance and be allowed to build a building he promised to open spaces in a luxury building of his to the public. Naturally he reneged on his promise.

When a group of lawyers successfully stopped Trump from unlawfully evicting tenants, he brought a racketeering case against them. The court threw out his case.

He also offered to put homeless people in his Central Park South building to drive tenants out. When the city offered to put in Polish refugees, Trump declined.

There's lots more. You can search for yourself.

I'll just take one. Individuals don't bring racketeering charges the cops do. Try linking your claims. You are slinging mud with no facts. He has no problem doing business in NYC. I assume you have never been to NYC. Leave it for people who know what they are talking about. Or. You made 7 slanderous charges with no links. Typical. whistling.gif

The useless name calling in this thread is absurd. Trump or anti Trump I don't care but most are arguing with all the intellectual ability of an Anuban class.

Actually the cops don't. The District Attorney or similar agent does in criminal cases. But this was a civil suit in Federal Court. Here's an excerpt.

"Mr. Trump brought his own action against Mr. Rozenholc, a federal racketeering suit that sought $105 million in damages and found its way to The New York Post before it was filed."


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I'll just take one. Individuals don't bring racketeering charges the cops do. Try linking your claims. You are slinging mud with no facts. He has no problem doing business in NYC. I assume you have never been to NYC. Leave it for people who know what they are talking about. Or. You made 7 slanderous charges with no links. Typical. whistling.gif

The useless name calling in this thread is absurd. Trump or anti Trump I don't care but most are arguing with all the intellectual ability of an Anuban class.

Actually the cops don't. The District Attorney or similar agent does in criminal cases. But this was a civil suit in Federal Court. Here's an excerpt.

"Mr. Trump brought his own action against Mr. Rozenholc, a federal racketeering suit that sought $105 million in damages and found its way to The New York Post before it was filed."


So is accusing someone of slinging mud when they are in fact correct, slinging mud?


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Trump hasn't been elected president and hopefully NEVER will be, but I guess even getting the R nomination you can call him a BLACK SWAN. Interesting that an actual Trumpeter Swan is all white ... coffee1.gif

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That's it. I gazed into my crystal ball this morning, and here's what I saw: Ann Coulter will be his VP pick.

I'm hopeful that will be true, as it will be fun watching them both crash and burn (figuratively speaking).

Wishful thinking. Probably Carson or Rubio each will bring votes. Hillary is toast. I said it when Trump announced he is running . Watch and learn... Hillary will crash and burn.

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