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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


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There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


Excellent article. Thanks for posting.

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There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


Wow! The prestigious western journalism magazine. It's a byword for journalistic integrity....nowhere at all. If you had read snopes.com the majority of it is devoted to a detailed and devastating debunking of the claims of this Jerry Zeifman character. Do you know how to access snopes.com? Here's one quote from Zeifman's 1995 book which contradicts what he wrote later:Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married. How gullible can you be? Apparently, very. http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp Oh, and it's not enough to click on the link. You actually have to read the text it links to. Try it sometime.

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There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


western journalism??? lol

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Nor do I know what Donald Trump had some ghostwriter write his senior thesis on. Nor how much he paid him. OK, I confess, I just made that up. The difference between you and my is that I acknowledge my fiction. As for Saul Alinsky, I looked him up on google. Here are rules #3 and #4 from his book Rules for Radicals. Rule #3:" Wherever possible, go outside the experience of the enemy; and Rule #4: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. " Trump must be a secret acolyte.

And some not so secret acolytes: "Adam Brandon, a spokesman for the conservative non-profit organization FreedomWorks, one of several groups involved in organizing Tea Party protests, says the group gives Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to its top leadership members. A shortened guide calledRules for Patriots is distributed to its entire network. In a January 2012 story that appeared in The Wall Street Journal, citing the organization's tactic of sending activists to town-hall meetings, Brandon explained, "his [Alinsky's] tactics when it comes to grass-roots organizing are incredibly effective."

By the way, I have a shameful fact about Hillary Clinton for you. But you've got to promise to tell no one. In 1964 she supported Barry Goldwater.

Most universities don't require a senior thesis. I doubt if Trump wrote one. It's not till you get to a PhD level that a thesis is required.

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There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


Wow! The prestigious western journalism magazine. It's a byword for journalistic integrity....nowhere at all. If you had read snopes.com the majority of it is devoted to a detailed and devastating debunking of the claims of this Jerry Zeifman character. Do you know how to access snopes.com? Here's one quote from Zeifman's 1995 book which contradicts what he wrote later:Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married. How gullible can you be? Apparently, very. http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp Oh, and it's not enough to click on the link. You actually have to read the text it links to. Try it sometime.

Snopes has zero credibility on political matters. They are die-hard Democrats.

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So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


Wow! The prestigious western journalism magazine. It's a byword for journalistic integrity....nowhere at all. If you had read snopes.com the majority of it is devoted to a detailed and devastating debunking of the claims of this Jerry Zeifman character. Do you know how to access snopes.com? Here's one quote from Zeifman's 1995 book which contradicts what he wrote later:Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married. How gullible can you be? Apparently, very. http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp Oh, and it's not enough to click on the link. You actually have to read the text it links to. Try it sometime.

Snopes has zero credibility on political matters. They are die-hard Democrats.

Not only that, Snopes actually uses independent verifiable facts. I've already cited a passage that Snopes.com quotes from Zeifman's 1995 book Then there's this link to a 1998 Scripps Howard article in which Zeifman is quoted as saying. "If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her." http://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/static/pdf/zeifman-20080404.pdf Clearly, Scripps Howard was in on the conspiracy.

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Donald Trump Won’t Self-Fund General-Election Campaign

Presumptive Republican nominee plans to create ‘world-class finance organization’ to back campaign

"Facing a prospective tab of more than $1 billion to finance a general-election run for the White House,

Donald Trump reversed course Wednesday and said he would actively raise money to ensure his campaign has the resources to compete with Hillary Clinton’s fundraising juggernaut."

"The new plan represents a shift for Mr. Trump, who has for months portrayed his Republican opponents as “puppets”,

for relying on super PACs and taking contributions from wealthy donors that he said came with strings attached." laugh.png

"Beginning to actively fundraise while a super PAC backing him also ramps up activity means the billionaire will no longer have that line of attack to use against his Democratic opponent.

The move is also likely to put off some Trump supporters, many of whom have said his reliance mostly on his own funds makes them trust him more than other politicians."clap2.gif


The great "Outsider" cheesy.gif Suckers!


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How Trump is instantly morphing into a general election candidate
"In his first 36 hours as the presumptive Republican nominee, Trump abandoned his self-funding pitch,
which has been intrinsic to his appeal to voters disenchanted with special interest politics and suggested he would moderate his views on two key domestic policy issues."
"Trump has even asked his supporters how they would feel about him accepting donations or the backing of a super PAC.
At some rallies, he's told supporters he feels "stupid" for refusing the money and asked them whether he should take the money.
Each time, the crowd's response was a loud and unmistakable, "No!"
"Still, Trump has portrayed his self-funding ability as integral to his campaign and his ability to govern on behalf of average Americans, not special interests.
And in August he even said he would be willing to spend $1 billion of his own money to finance a general election campaign." laugh.png I guess that makes him a liar. Again.
36 hours? That didn't take long.
And I wonder what those "two key domestic policy issues." might be? whistling.gif
Principles? Right. You've been had. cheesy.gif


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Donald Trump Offers Vague Vision for an Alternative Foreign Policy

"GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump strode from a domestic political campaign to the international stage Wednesday,

where he declared he would restore what he sees as America’s diminished standing in the world. But he offered no details on how he would do it." biggrin.png

"The lack of concrete details left many foreign-policy types scratching their heads. “The ‘America First’ theme is two-edged,” said Andrew Bacevich,

a retired Army colonel and military historian. “It will appeal to Trump’s base and to others disenchanted with recent U.S. foreign policy.

But given its 1930s provenance, the phrase will open him up to the charge of being an isolationist.”

"And Bacevich was being gentle. “It’s a crude, self-contradictory, blustering, historically ill-informed speech by a crude, self-contradictory, blustering, historically ill-informed guy,”

says Eliot Cohen, a former top official at the Pentagon and State Department during Republican administrations who has made clear he will not vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee."


Very succinctly put, Mr Cohen. thumbsup.gif


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Donald Trump Offers Vague Vision for an Alternative Foreign Policy

"GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump strode from a domestic political campaign to the international stage Wednesday,

where he declared he would restore what he sees as America’s diminished standing in the world. But he offered no details on how he would do it." biggrin.png

"The lack of concrete details left many foreign-policy types scratching their heads. “The ‘America First’ theme is two-edged,” said Andrew Bacevich,

a retired Army colonel and military historian. “It will appeal to Trump’s base and to others disenchanted with recent U.S. foreign policy.

But given its 1930s provenance, the phrase will open him up to the charge of being an isolationist.”

"And Bacevich was being gentle. “It’s a crude, self-contradictory, blustering, historically ill-informed speech by a crude, self-contradictory, blustering, historically ill-informed guy,”

says Eliot Cohen, a former top official at the Pentagon and State Department during Republican administrations who has made clear he will not vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee."


Very succinctly put, Mr Cohen. thumbsup.gif

Trump Policy from speech a couple of weeks ago. ... our allies are not paying their fair share, In NATO, for instance, only 4 of 28 other member countries besides America, are spending the minimum required 2 percent of GDP on defense. We have spent trillions of dollars over time on planes, missiles, ships, equipment, building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia.

Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.

We’re getting out of the nation-building business and instead focusing on creating stability in the world.

ISIS will be gone if I’m elected president. And they’ll be gone quickly. They will be gone very, very quickly.

In the Middle East our goals must be, and I mean must be, to defeat terrorists and promote regional stability, not radical change.


I can understand the above and so can most Americans.

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Donald Trump Offers Vague Vision for an Alternative Foreign Policy

"GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump strode from a domestic political campaign to the international stage Wednesday,

where he declared he would restore what he sees as Americas diminished standing in the world. But he offered no details on how he would do it." biggrin.png

"The lack of concrete details left many foreign-policy types scratching their heads. The America First theme is two-edged, said Andrew Bacevich,

a retired Army colonel and military historian. It will appeal to Trumps base and to others disenchanted with recent U.S. foreign policy.

But given its 1930s provenance, the phrase will open him up to the charge of being an isolationist.

"And Bacevich was being gentle. Its a crude, self-contradictory, blustering, historically ill-informed speech by a crude, self-contradictory, blustering, historically ill-informed guy,

says Eliot Cohen, a former top official at the Pentagon and State Department during Republican administrations who has made clear he will not vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee."


Very succinctly put, Mr Cohen. thumbsup.gif

Trump Policy from speech a couple of weeks ago. ... our allies are not paying their fair share, In NATO, for instance, only 4 of 28 other member countries besides America, are spending the minimum required 2 percent of GDP on defense. We have spent trillions of dollars over time on planes, missiles, ships, equipment, building up our military to provide a strong defense for Europe and Asia.

Iran cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon, cannot be allowed. Remember that, cannot be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.

Were getting out of the nation-building business and instead focusing on creating stability in the world.

ISIS will be gone if Im elected president. And theyll be gone quickly. They will be gone very, very quickly.

In the Middle East our goals must be, and I mean must be, to defeat terrorists and promote regional stability, not radical change.


I can understand the above and so can most Americans.

Easy to say. Not to easy to do.

I wonder for example his plan for beating ISIS very quickly is?

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Trump’s business is insanely profitable. According to that Businessweek story, the Trump Organization brought in about $605 million in revenue last year, and managed to clear somewhere between $275 and $325 million in profit. That’s a phenomenally high profit margin (which, of course, is a key sign of the health of a business). Trump’s approximately 50 percent margin means his company is more profitable than Pfizer, Gazprom, and Hyundai – all the most profitable companies in their respective industries. Trump’s company even has higher margins than Apple. Who knew? It turns out Steve Jobs was only “fair-to-middling” at running a business.


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Yeah, I saw the robotic Bloviator read that speech from the teleprompters.

"Acknowledging the gravity of Wednesday’s speech—and the danger it could derail any chance Trump has to capture the White House—he relied on a teleprompter."

“If you’re running for President,” he has said, “you shouldn’t be allowed to use a teleprompter.” clap2.gif

"But apparently if you’re a serious candidate—as Trump now most assuredly is—you’re free to ignore your own glib advice, when it comes to audio-visual aids as well as untenable foreign-policy pronouncements."


Along with his current flip-flops, another pile of BS the lemmings will ignore. thumbsup.gif Whatta flake...


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Yeah, I saw the robotic Bloviator read that speech from the teleprompters.

"Acknowledging the gravity of Wednesday’s speech—and the danger it could derail any chance Trump has to capture the White House—he relied on a teleprompter."

“If you’re running for President,” he has said, “you shouldn’t be allowed to use a teleprompter.” clap2.gif

"But apparently if you’re a serious candidate—as Trump now most assuredly is—you’re free to ignore your own glib advice, when it comes to audio-visual aids as well as untenable foreign-policy pronouncements."


Along with his current flip-flops, another pile of BS the lemmings will ignore. thumbsup.gif Whatta flake...

Content is less important because it read from a teleprompter than from memory? Did I get that right? All the people who use teleprompters are to be called names and not believed?

Why not discuss the content of the speech rather than how it was delivered?

Lincoln read the Gettysburg Address from a piece of paper - is it less valuable?

I care what Trump says not if he reads it or not or if he contradicts himself on teleprompters.

I don't trust Hillary because of what she had done and said not how she said it. I know about her history in Arkansas with the Rose Law firm and her performance as Secretary of State. She is not a likeable person but I don't trust her because she is not likeable rather because of what she has done.

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Snopes has zero credibility on political matters. They are die-hard Democrats.

Funniest crack of the day for sure!


But spot-on accurate, man! smile.png

Whatever you may believe about scopes.com they provided hard evidence from an independent source that proves this guy is lying about HRC.

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Snopes is a good, objective source.

Negative on that Jing - it's been caught out many times veering hard left on many topics.

Read & weep, buddy! smile.png


Wow! I did just read it. Did you? It completely exonerates snopes.com of any liberal bias in its reporting. Wow again!

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Yeah, I saw the robotic Bloviator read that speech from the teleprompters.

"Acknowledging the gravity of Wednesday’s speech—and the danger it could derail any chance Trump has to capture the White House—he relied on a teleprompter."

“If you’re running for President,” he has said, “you shouldn’t be allowed to use a teleprompter.” clap2.gif

"But apparently if you’re a serious candidate—as Trump now most assuredly is—you’re free to ignore your own glib advice, when it comes to audio-visual aids as well as untenable foreign-policy pronouncements."


Along with his current flip-flops, another pile of BS the lemmings will ignore. thumbsup.gif Whatta flake...

Content is less important because it read from a teleprompter than from memory? Did I get that right? All the people who use teleprompters are to be called names and not believed?

Why not discuss the content of the speech rather than how it was delivered?

Lincoln read the Gettysburg Address from a piece of paper - is it less valuable?

I care what Trump says not if he reads it or not or if he contradicts himself on teleprompters.

I don't trust Hillary because of what she had done and said not how she said it. I know about her history in Arkansas with the Rose Law firm and her performance as Secretary of State. She is not a likeable person but I don't trust her because she is not likeable rather because of what she has done.

Do you care if he contradicts himself on taxes? On minimum wage? What flip-flop would Trump have to pull to make him lose your support?

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4 Signs From The Last 24 Hours That Trump Suckered Conservatives

“Yes, you conservatives who keep waiting for Donald Trump to turn into Ronald Reagan, who hope to unify behind him,

thinking that he’ll surround himself with good people and that they will guide him to all the best decisions.

Yes, you conservatives who bought into the Trumpian nonsense that he would blow up the system and change things in politics.

In the last 24 hours Trump has indeed pivoted – directly against all of his supposedly conservative positions.”

Here are four examples:

Trump Embraces A Higher Minimum Wage.

Back in November, he said, “Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high."

Trump Won’t Be Self-Funding. (That big lie has actually been going on since the beginning) thumbsup.gif

Trump Hires A Former Goldman Sachs Fundraiser Who Managed Money For George Soros. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Trump Bashes His Own Tax Plan.

"Remember that tax plan Trump touted as supremely conservative? Yeah, that’s out the window now.

Today, asked on CNBC how he could propose tax breaks for high earners, Trump simply dumped his plan. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that.”


Pissing in the wind...

Edited by iReason
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Wow! The prestigious western journalism magazine. It's a byword for journalistic integrity....nowhere at all. If you had read snopes.com the majority of it is devoted to a detailed and devastating debunking of the claims of this Jerry Zeifman character. Do you know how to access snopes.com? Here's one quote from Zeifman's 1995 book which contradicts what he wrote later:Hillary was twenty-seven when the impeachment inquiry staff was disbanded. The next morning she took a train down to Little Rock, Arkansas. She moved in with Bill Clinton and they eventually married. How gullible can you be? Apparently, very. http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp Oh, and it's not enough to click on the link. You actually have to read the text it links to. Try it sometime.

Since it is becoming obvious you cannot access Google, here it is.


Snopes has zero credibility on political matters. They are die-hard Democrats.

Apparently Boon Mee disagrees with you. Here's a link to a site he recommended. http://blog.skepticallibertarian.com/2013/04/27/snopes-liberal-bias-and-trusting-the-internet/

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Yeah, I saw the robotic Bloviator read that speech from the teleprompters.

"Acknowledging the gravity of Wednesday’s speech—and the danger it could derail any chance Trump has to capture the White House—he relied on a teleprompter."

“If you’re running for President,” he has said, “you shouldn’t be allowed to use a teleprompter.” clap2.gif

"But apparently if you’re a serious candidate—as Trump now most assuredly is—you’re free to ignore your own glib advice, when it comes to audio-visual aids as well as untenable foreign-policy pronouncements."


Along with his current flip-flops, another pile of BS the lemmings will ignore. thumbsup.gif Whatta flake...

Content is less important because it read from a teleprompter than from memory? Did I get that right? All the people who use teleprompters are to be called names and not believed?

Why not discuss the content of the speech rather than how it was delivered?

Lincoln read the Gettysburg Address from a piece of paper - is it less valuable?

I care what Trump says not if he reads it or not or if he contradicts himself on teleprompters.

I don't trust Hillary because of what she had done and said not how she said it. I know about her history in Arkansas with the Rose Law firm and her performance as Secretary of State. She is not a likeable person but I don't trust her because she is not likeable rather because of what she has done.

Do you care if he contradicts himself on taxes? On minimum wage? What flip-flop would Trump have to pull to make him lose your support?

Clinton recently claimed that the U.S. “didn’t lose a single person in Libya” when she was secretary of state.


People change over time. Stay recent and we can discuss.

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The hilarious part is, what fired up the attention of all the lemmings, is slowly, er, rapidly disappearing.

Very soon, what will you have to worship from the "outsider"?


He's "evolving", he's "changing" (at 69 years old). facepalm.gif

Fact is, the Bloviator is not "changing over time", he's deparately flip-flopping daily.


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4 Signs From The Last 24 Hours That Trump Suckered Conservatives

“Yes, you conservatives who keep waiting for Donald Trump to turn into Ronald Reagan, who hope to unify behind him,

thinking that he’ll surround himself with good people and that they will guide him to all the best decisions.

Yes, you conservatives who bought into the Trumpian nonsense that he would blow up the system and change things in politics.

In the last 24 hours Trump has indeed pivoted – directly against all of his supposedly conservative positions.”

Here are four examples:

Trump Embraces A Higher Minimum Wage.

Back in November, he said, “Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high, everything is too high."

Trump Won’t Be Self-Funding. (That big lie has actually been going on since the beginning) thumbsup.gif

Trump Hires A Former Goldman Sachs Fundraiser Who Managed Money For George Soros. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Trump Bashes His Own Tax Plan.

"Remember that tax plan Trump touted as supremely conservative? Yeah, that’s out the window now.

Today, asked on CNBC how he could propose tax breaks for high earners, Trump simply dumped his plan. “I am not necessarily a huge fan of that.”


Pissing in the wind...

Trump being funded is fine.

He can find funding from people that agree with his ideals, not people that want favors

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