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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Las Vegas oddsmakers are unmoved after the primary voting in Kentucky and Oregon.

This includes Trump's new and present Love Me Cause I'm Not Such A Bad Guy Tour, and Bernie's latest speechmaking and other antics.

Democratic Party Nominee

HRC has odds of 1-50 or the probability percentage of 98%.

Bernie Sanders has odds of 16-1 or the probability of 5.8%

Republican Party Nominee

Donald Trump has odds of 1-100 or the probability of 99%

To Be Elected Potus

HRC has odds of 1-3 which convert to the probability percentage of 75%.

Donald Trump has odds of 9-4 or the probability percentage of 30.7%

Winning Party, no names

Democratic Party per se has odds of 1-3 or the probability of 75%

Republican Party per se has odds of 9-4 or 30.7%

Independent has odds of 50-1 or 1.9%

(Whining Party = Republican Party)

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That's why you should vote Bernie.

And stop fixating on two losers. thumbsup.gif

Like many here...


Either way, the Wall Street Funded Bloviator is going to get slaughtered.

Some wise man once said: "it's perfectly normal to be a socialist when you are 20 but if you are still a socialist when you are 30 then you are retarded".

I wuz a Republican when I wuz 20 and a Democrat when I was 30.

That tired old trite and glib saying is, well, tripe. tongue.png

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Coming from a guy who is most likely paying into his Social Security and Medicare...

Those little hit and run one liners are all that poster ever has.


No idea what "social security" or "medicare" but i guess it's something you are familiar with.

Atleast my one liners are spot on unlike your posters from the 1930's.

Oh yeah, tripe.

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That's why you should vote Bernie.

And stop fixating on two losers. thumbsup.gif

Like many here...


Either way, the Wall Street Funded Bloviator is going to get slaughtered.

Some wise man once said: "it's perfectly normal to be a socialist when you are 20 but if you are still a socialist when you are 30 then you are retarded".

I wuz a Republican when I wuz 20 and a Democrat when I was 30.

That tired old trite and glib saying is, well, tripe. tongue.png

Says exactly everything about you clap2.gif

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Let’s review, shall we?

84% of non-white voters (African-American, Latino and Asian) would not vote for the Bloviator.

70% of women (53% of the electorate in 2012) detest the Bloviator.

67% of Americans say they cannot see themselves voting for the Bloviator. biggrin.png

From the Bloviator’s own party:

52% of Republicans say the Bloviator is wrong for the country.

67% of Republicans say they cannot vote for the Bloviator.

43% of Republicans say the Bloviator is harmful for the country.

27% of Republicans say the Bloviator is right for the country.

18% of Republicans say “He tells it like it is” clap2.gif


Less than 2% of voters under 30, would vote for the Bloviator.

These numbers are unprecedented. laugh.png

Lemmings, I'm here to tell ya: these primaries are nothing compared to how the Wall Street Funded, Backtracking Bloviator is going to get pummeled in the General Election.


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This is like the Hillary email server nonsense the Republicans are hanging their hats. Democrats don't need this. Trump is enough of a buffoon on his own.

This Trump University crap really happened, but I wouldn't think this would have much impact on the election. It will probably get continued and when Trump eventually loses, he'll declare victory and insult the plaintiffs, the usual.

By the time the Trump University case gets decided, Trump's name will have an asterisk beside with the final election results.

*Did not compete

The FBI is investigating Hillary because there is a serious crime involved. The FBI is not investigating Trump University. wai2.gif

Latest poll.

Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 45, Clinton 41

Trump +4

In 1996 GA voted for Bill Clinton over Bob Dole, 47-45.

Other than that however...

2004 Bush 58 Kerry 41

2008 McCain 52 Obama 47

2012 Romney 53 Obama 45

In 1968 GA voted for George Wallace.

Donald Trump leading the state polling in GA is a yawn. Doesn't change a thing. Nor does it save Trump or the R party.

Maybe so, but Ohio is a bit more interesting,

Since 1944, Ohioans have sided with the losing candidate only once – opting for Nixon over Kennedy in 1960.

Currently Trump leading the polls in Ohio 43 % to 39 %


Also only 1% difference in Pennsylvania, which went Democratic in last 8 elections

Also only 1 % in Florida as well..

Will Certainly be an interesting election

Your post cites Quinnepiac in each instance of Ohio, PA, FL and the problem with that is that Quinnepiac is a Republican biased pollster.

Quinnepiac is like Rasmussen in that each pollster started out reputable then fell off a cliff into bias in favor of one party, in this instance the Republican party. Scott Rasmussen had to quit under severe criticism but his company continues unchanged. Q pollster organisation is on the exact same path. The bias is in their sample, in each case. Each pollster overloads the sample with the people they like and that agree with 'em.

Q for instance consistently shows Sanders and Trump tied nationally when virtually all the reputable pollsters show Sanders clobbering Trump in the general election campaign. CNN/ORC has on the other hand a consistent tilt toward the Democratic party in each election -- and everyone knows it. Most people however are unaware of lower profile pollsters such as Q and Rasmussen.

Quinnepiac and Rasmussen -- everyone is advised to keep in mind going forward that each is a Republican party biased pollster.

The Public Policy Poll organisation found a week earlier than the Quinnepiac poll that Clinton was leading Trump in Ohio, 45-42 so Clinton was up by 3 points. Moreover, It is more than unlikely that a 7-point swing occurred in one week in Ohio (or anywhere). Given that Public Policy was, despite its well known Democratic party origins, the most accurate pollster in the 2008 Potus election cycle, and remains reputable, the shadow of suspicion falls on Quinnepiac.

Quinnepiac and Rasmussen among a few other polling organisations need to be treated with Kentucky windage every time.

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The Truth About Donald Trump’s Angry White Men

"Now we are witnessing yet another iteration of the phenomenon with the Trump voter of 2016, a very, very angry white guy everyone supposedly ignored for years.

But the truth is that whether they are Reagan Democrats or Reagan Republicans or Heartland voters or Southern white males,

these citizens’ needs and desires are always at the forefront of media attention invirtually every election. And their concerns are always the same:

They believe they are personally getting screwed because immigrants and welfare queens and gays and feminists and foreigners are all taking what they aren’t entitled to,

and America is weaker and less significant because of it."

"This has been going on for almost 50 years. It’s been the backbone of conservative resentment and the Republican Party has exploited it every step of the way.

The press has been covering it for that long as well, over and over again putting these same people at the center of our elections as if they are the most important voters in the country,

who have suffered a tremendous indignity by having to put up with the likes of immigrants and African Americans and women getting any attention at all.

That’s certainly how these so-called Real Americans feel about it." clap2.gif


An excellent analysis. thumbsup.gif

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And how about Trump calling out Bubba for the Rapist he is?

Clinton Rape Accuser Juanita Broaddrick: NY Times Should Interview Bill’s Alleged Female Victims


This one's resonating big-time boys! thumbsup.gif

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Hillary is steadily losing ground to Trump. Trump is a strong finisher. Hillary has yet to make a case why anyone should vote for her. Hillary is a loser and will get clobbered in the general election.

President Trump.


Edited by NeverSure
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Some wise man once said that a picture paints a thousand words:


Dont be on the track when it arrives - it aint goinna stop smile.png

Trump's carriages are empty, it's loud, it blows a lot of smoke, and blasts its own horn non-stop.

Here's a direct quote from Trump, "I know words, I have the best words."

....a sentence with one syllable words, the longest being 5-letters, the word 'words.'

If Trump were a second grade teacher, he would lead by example: His kids would learn to be brash interrupting braggarts. They would learn that it's fine to play dirty because attaining the goal is all that matters. They would learn that anytime any kid said you weren't the greatest, you should run to the principal to get that kid expelled from school. Trump's kids would learn to eat lots of red meat (and when they grow up, they can go to Africa to shoot large vegetarian beasts).

You don't have enough money for plane trips and 5-star hotels in Africa? No problem, borrow the money. In fact, Trump would teach his kids that any time you need lots of money, just dress up nicely, go to a bank and borrow as much money as possible. Tell lies to get loans, it's fine, everybody does it. If the banks is unsure, bring your daddy along to co-sign. Oh, and don't worry about paying back loans. If the loan is very big, the bank will let you put off paying it back, maybe forever, ha ha ha.

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Add that one to Quinnepiac and Rasmussen and it's worse than Quinnepiac but no worse than the wholly discredited and dismissed Rasmussen.

OAN is One America Network. It's a gang of rightwing numbers cookers. Every one of the mass of highly financed rightwing media played it up big, no MSM or credible media reported the OAN new old math.

We all know the kind of people who run OAN polling because they're the guys the algebra teacher in high school sent to the board to scrawl their problems so he could point out the errors in their woeful work. It's the old saying, figures don't lie but liars know how to figure, i.e., OAN.

Here instead is reality....

In a poll of Latino voters in general election battleground states (which included Nevada),impreMedia and Latino Decisions found that 80% of Latino voters said Trump’s statements about Mexicans and immigrants gave them a less favorable opinion of the GOP overall. This has been corroborated by Gallup’s monthly tracker and NBC polling, and reported by CNN in their headline “Latinos see Donald Trump as hurting GOP brand“and most recently by Political Science professor Lynn Vavreck writing for the New York Times Upshot who called him “damager-in-chief to the party reputation” among Latinos.


Donald Trump, confirmer in chief of the Republican party's demise in the year of our lord 2016. Thank you lord.

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This is like the Hillary email server nonsense the Republicans are hanging their hats. Democrats don't need this. Trump is enough of a buffoon on his own.

This Trump University crap really happened, but I wouldn't think this would have much impact on the election. It will probably get continued and when Trump eventually loses, he'll declare victory and insult the plaintiffs, the usual.

By the time the Trump University case gets decided, Trump's name will have an asterisk beside with the final election results.

*Did not compete

The FBI is investigating Hillary because there is a serious crime involved. The FBI is not investigating Trump University. wai2.gif

Latest poll.

Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 45, Clinton 41

Trump +4

In 1996 GA voted for Bill Clinton over Bob Dole, 47-45.

Other than that however...

2004 Bush 58 Kerry 41

2008 McCain 52 Obama 47

2012 Romney 53 Obama 45

In 1968 GA voted for George Wallace.

Donald Trump leading the state polling in GA is a yawn. Doesn't change a thing. Nor does it save Trump or the R party.

Maybe so, but Ohio is a bit more interesting,

Since 1944, Ohioans have sided with the losing candidate only once – opting for Nixon over Kennedy in 1960.

Currently Trump leading the polls in Ohio 43 % to 39 %


Also only 1% difference in Pennsylvania, which went Democratic in last 8 elections

Also only 1 % in Florida as well..

Will Certainly be an interesting election

Your post cites Quinnepiac in each instance of Ohio, PA, FL and the problem with that is that Quinnepiac is a Republican biased pollster.

Quinnepiac is like Rasmussen in that each pollster started out reputable then fell off a cliff into bias in favor of one party, in this instance the Republican party. Scott Rasmussen had to quit under severe criticism but his company continues unchanged. Q pollster organisation is on the exact same path. The bias is in their sample, in each case. Each pollster overloads the sample with the people they like and that agree with 'em.

Q for instance consistently shows Sanders and Trump tied nationally when virtually all the reputable pollsters show Sanders clobbering Trump in the general election campaign. CNN/ORC has on the other hand a consistent tilt toward the Democratic party in each election -- and everyone knows it. Most people however are unaware of lower profile pollsters such as Q and Rasmussen.

Quinnepiac and Rasmussen -- everyone is advised to keep in mind going forward that each is a Republican party biased pollster.

The Public Policy Poll organisation found a week earlier than the Quinnepiac poll that Clinton was leading Trump in Ohio, 45-42 so Clinton was up by 3 points. Moreover, It is more than unlikely that a 7-point swing occurred in one week in Ohio (or anywhere). Given that Public Policy was, despite its well known Democratic party origins, the most accurate pollster in the 2008 Potus election cycle, and remains reputable, the shadow of suspicion falls on Quinnepiac.

Quinnepiac and Rasmussen among a few other polling organisations need to be treated with Kentucky windage every time.

Don't disagree with you on the above points

Although whether 1 point or 3 point difference... That basically means within margin of error on both

Maybe Hillary wins and maybe Trump wins.. Still too much time and too close for any to claim with any certainty

That perhaps is more my point

This is not a runaway for either candidate at this stage

Although if you look at the trends in the polling data over the last 6 months that has to be disturbing to Hillary side and should be to the DNC

Hillary's popularity and support with voters has been constantly decreasing

While Bernie and Trump both consistently increasing

I guess many are hoping once Bernie is 'put in his place' that will change , but very well may not

If she can not do something to change that .. She will not come out victorious

Although if DNC backed Bernie, he is trending up and up... The more people hear and know him the more they want to support him

But so long as people on the Democratic side refuse to accept Hillary's weaknesses and accept what voters are showing them.. Perhaps the Dems Deserve to loose this one.

Maybe that would knock some sense into the DNC

They have a great candidate in Bernie that will fight for everything in the democratic platform ... But seems they don't want that..

Shakes my belief in the Democratic Party ... Doubt whether they really believe in what they say they do ... Or just want big corporate money that the Clintons can get them

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Who Are Trump's Supporters?

"In terms of demographics, Trump’s supporters are a bit older, less educated and earn less than the average Republican. Slightly over half are women.

About half are between 45 and 64 years of age, with another 34 percent over 65 years old and less than 2 percent younger than 30."

One half of his voters have a high school education or less, compared to 19 percent with a college or post-graduate degree." biggrin.png


'murica... laugh.png

Do you have any breaking news a little more current than September 9, 2015?

Allow moi...

Congressman Chris Steward R-Utah said Trump's statements sounded like those of Benito Mussolini. The former B-1 bomber pilot took a pretty firm stand on it.

One can of course note the date....

POSTED 7:38 PM, MARCH 14, 2016

The Mussolini-like statement: "...that he will order military members to target civilians, particularly the wives and children of terrorists. Well, we don't do that," Stewart said.

Stewart said the statement undercuts America's strength, which lies as much in moral authority as in firepower.

"That's the only way we can lead, and it's the only way we can be the example that we've been for more than 200 years from now," Stewart said.

The dictionary defines fascism as a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.


Three out of four for Trump is pretty definitive according the the FoxNews 13 Salt Lake City broadcaster who went to the dictionary on this one. The bottom line is that, as in 1964 when a large number of Republicans fled Sen. Barry Goldwater as the party's nominee, a large number of Republicans have already said they can't vote for Trump for Trump to be Potus.

Mike Murphy is a Republican party advisor on national security policy and he has been one for a long time. He dismisses any possibility of voting for or supporting Donald Trump for Potus.....

GOP Consultant: Trump has a chimpanzee level of understanding of national security policy

May 18, 2016

Murphy: He fails my commander-in-chief test. I think he is a stunning ignoramus on foreign policy issues and national security, which are the issues I care most about. And he’s said one stupid, reckless thing after another, and he’s shown absolutely no temperament to try to learn the things that he doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know just about everything. …The guy has a chimpanzee-level understanding of national security policy.


So kindly let me know if I can be of further assistance in my eager willingness to promote the enlightenment of all rightwhingers and of anyone who might also be self-confined to their own political menagerie.

Edited by Publicus
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The Truth About Donald Trump’s Angry White Men

"Now we are witnessing yet another iteration of the phenomenon with the Trump voter of 2016, a very, very angry white guy everyone supposedly ignored for years.


Sorry Charlie - wishful thinking.

"Rand Survey: Nearly 10 Percent of Donald Trump Primary Voters Backed Obama in 2012"


Don't forget, Trump has already pulled a record number of primary voters and it ain't over yet.

President Trump.

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It is usual for a rightwing sponsored poll to have an obvious catch that negates its validity. This one is no exception.

The Fox sponsored poll states...

One reason for Trump’s showing is there is parity on party unity, as 83 percent of Democrats back Clinton and 82 percent of Republicans support Trump.

This is a false predicate.

Party unity is important and Democrats are way ahead of their usual lesser level of party unity. More important however is the number of Democrats versus the number of Republicans.

That is, 82 percent of say, 100 voters is a greater number than is 83 percent of 89 voters. The bottom line is that the Republican candidate for Potus remains screwed based on the raw numbers of Democrats versus the raw number of Republicans.

As follows.....

April 7, 2016

Obama became the first Democrat since FDR to win two national majorities. In the latest Pew numbers, self-identifying Democrats out-number self-identifying Republicans 48-39 percent (counting leaners), which has created a “Blue Wall”, in the phrase of journalist Ron Brownstein, of 242 electoral votes that went for the Democratic nominee in six of the past six elections. The GOP has an overall popularity of minus 21 percentage points—37 percent favorable to 58 percent unfavorable. In 2014 and 2015, self-described conservatives fell from 37 to 33 percent and self-described liberals rose from 23 to 27 percent.


The Fox sponsored poll is patently skewed. It is based on a nice neat even number (party loyalty). The reality is in the raw numbers. The raw numbers of Democrats nationally is considerably greater than are the raw numbers of Republicans.

Count 'em and weep.

Edited by Publicus
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That's why you should vote Bernie.

And stop fixating on two losers. thumbsup.gif

Like many here...


Either way, the Wall Street Funded Bloviator is going to get slaughtered.

Some wise man once said: "it's perfectly normal to be a socialist when you are 20 but if you are still a socialist when you are 30 then you are retarded".

I wuz a Republican when I wuz 20 and a Democrat when I was 30.

That tired old trite and glib saying is, well, tripe. tongue.png

Says exactly everything about you clap2.gif

The kid has been on both sides of the aisle and considerably so over four decades.

Republicans are mean and Democrats are soft.

No mature choice is perfect and this poster made his own choice long ago thx.

Carry on.

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For those who claim that Trump has no 'credentials' to be a successful POTUS - meaning he is not a politician - then there are two examples from history they need to learn about.

Number 1 of course is Reagan - although he did have some experience - who had a very different life than most POTUS before him.

Number 2 would be Ludwig Erhard - Germany. Look him up,

Both of them were laughed at and ridiculed, just like Trump, and all the experts said they should not be given the job. And when they were both given the job, the same experts said their policies were wrong and would cause economic disaster. By any impartial measure Reagan was an extremely successful POTUS - he won the cold war for a start. And that he laid the groundwork for the economic recovery that later Bush and Clinton was able to enjoy, is often overlooked (much like Maggie in UK).

But putting aside the Left Vs Right that inevitably follows such claims about Reagan and Maggie, Erhard was an outstanding success and drove Germany's success that it still enjoys today - is unchallenged by any credible critic. That he had nil political experience (or allegiance) meant he was able to see things with an open common sense mind. What was so obviosuly wrong to so many experts, later became the envy of the economic world. In essence Erhard declared that regulations and rules from above should be abolished and replaced with a free and open market. The flow on from this approach to 'managing' a country was staggering economic and social wealth. Admittedly it was easier for Erhard to do things after WW2 (than Reagan or Maggie) but the net effects also came a lot quicker. This is the best example example of how Erhard went against the grain (remember it is the 1940s):

U.S. General Lucius D. Clay (Military Governer): “Herr Erhard, my advisers tell me what you have done is a terrible mistake. What do you say to that?”

Erhard: “Herr General, pay no attention to them! My advisers tell me the same thing.”

President Trump cometh !!

Edited by BB24
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There is plenty of time to stop trump from being president, and he MUST be stopped.

Unless you want the USA to turn to FASCISM.

This is how fascism comes to America

This phenomenon has arisen in other democratic and quasi-democratic countries over the past century, and it has generally been called “fascism.” Fascist movements, too, had no coherent ideology, no clear set of prescriptions for what ailed society. “National socialism” was a bundle of contradictions, united chiefly by what, and who, it opposed; fascism in Italy was anti-liberal, anti-democratic, anti-Marxist, anti-capitalist and anti-clerical. Successful fascism was not about policies but about the strongman, the leader (Il Duce, Der Fuhrer), in whom could be entrusted the fate of the nation. Whatever the problem, he could fix it. Whatever the threat, internal or external, he could vanquish it, and it was unnecessary for him to explain how. Today, there is Putinism, which also has nothing to do with belief or policy but is about the tough man who singlehandedly defends his people against all threats, foreign and domestic.


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