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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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There's a very entertaining piece in the NY Times today that details Trump's attempted scam of two China billionaires and how he sued the hell out of them and how they screwed him in the end. The most hilarious part was how the bumpkin didn't know how to use chopsticks and couldn't eat the food. cheesy.gif

Mr. Worldwide global businessman statesman. laugh.png


Actually, the most hilarious part was that he sued and lost. Yet, he claims to have won...or come out ahead...or some sort of nonsense.

Again...totally misrepresenting what the [biased] article itself even had to admit.

First off, unlike a personal injury lawsuit or even criminal case, where there is usually only one preferred outcome for the parties involved, business litigation is undertaken for a variety of reasons, and a settlement (draw) or even a loss can be a positive outcome depending on the original purpose of the lawsuit In this case, Trump sued some partners in a real-estate deal for selling out the partnership's property at too cheap a price. He was trying to get even more money than the already large pot of lucre he already received for his share. So he had already WON...and was going for more. Trump had nothing to loose by suing his partners...even if he lost the he was no worse off than before (and could possibly be much better off)...get it yet!

As it is, Trump is still left as a partner in a very profitable real-estate trust that continues for another 20-30 years. So contrary to your erroneous report, Trump did very well in the deal.

I've been involved in global business litigation and doing business in Hong Kong and China for 30 years. I know the people involved. Trump was out of his depth then, and he is way out of his depth now.

Trump is a fraud, and a cheap one at that. He uses litigation the wrong way it was intended, and abuses litigation for the wrong reasons, adding to the litigation mess. No morals. His idea of the single phone call to Beijing is to tell them the US is defaulting and declaring bankruptcy essentially, another cheap parlor trick they won't fall for.

Cheap carnival tricks.

Yet here you are posting anonymously on a Thailand based internet forum while Trump is running for the Presidency of the United States.

Your interpretation of somebody being out of their depth seems somewhat skewed.

So when Trump starts bloviating on, say. string theory and some physicist located in Thailand says it's nonsense, you'll point out that Trump is running for President. So there!

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Maher had Scott (Dilbert) Addams on the other night. Interestingly, he is a trained hypnotist, and he reckons a lot of what Trump does appears to be based on techniques hypnotists use, although personally I reckon he might have done one of those "neurolinguistic programming" courses (although not at Trump University obviously).


His speech is certainly effected to a great degree, so it wouldn't surprise me.

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Maher had Scott (Dilbert) Addams on the other night. Interestingly, he is a trained hypnotist, and he reckons a lot of what Trump does appears to be based on techniques hypnotists use, although personally I reckon he might have done one of those "neurolinguistic programming" courses (although not at Trump University obviously).

Jeez. I'm losing the will to live.

Getting desperate now, Chicog.

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Maher had Scott (Dilbert) Addams on the other night. Interestingly, he is a trained hypnotist, and he reckons a lot of what Trump does appears to be based on techniques hypnotists use, although personally I reckon he might have done one of those "neurolinguistic programming" courses (although not at Trump University obviously).

Jeez. I'm losing the will to live.

Getting desperate now, Chicog.

Not at all.

Do you not find it strange that he can lie through his teeth and even when caught out, his supporters just ignore it?

Every speech is the same. Repeated words and phrases... Notably: "Believe me, Believe me".

Just watch any of his speeches.

I do believe there is method in his madness.

And it's interesting that a trained observer spots it too.

Remember this is a guy who weeks ago claimed "Donald Trump gave $1 million" to Vets. (Interesting use of the third person there if he wants things to stick in the minds of the gullible).

And now it's proven that he lied, he's lashing out at reporters blaming them for being nasty to him. Whiny little Bitch.

I'm just waiting for him to involve Article 44.


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It's all part of the spiel, Chicog. Obama did the same.

Nothing to be worried about and all part of playing the game.

Trump is doing it best this time and HRC will get torn up in the debates.

Come on, who wants lecherous Big Willy defiling young interns once again? Can you imagine the headlines this time next year?

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It's all part of the spiel, Chicog. Obama did the same.

Nothing to be worried about and all part of playing the game.

Trump is doing it best this time and HRC will get torn up in the debates.

Come on, who wants lecherous Big Willy defiling young interns once again? Can you imagine the headlines this time next year?

Being a retired Pattaya person I feel a kinship for Bill and see nothing wrong with cigars and/or interns. Too bad Bill can't run again. I believe he calls his wife "Hilly the Hun" correct me if I'm wrong but even though Bill may need some lessons in being courteous to his spouse I'd still hate to be on the receiving end of her tirades like he must have been for all these years. You have to wonder if Trump will bring up her foul mouth during the debates, "Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise." http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/hildabeast.asp

Just like he was impossible to stop him from the nomination because of his opponents the same thing may happen in the Presidential election. Look at the polarizing anti Trump posters on this forum as an example. It is not that Trump is so good but his opponents and supporters are so bad.

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It's all part of the spiel, Chicog. Obama did the same.

Nothing to be worried about and all part of playing the game.

Trump is doing it best this time and HRC will get torn up in the debates.

Come on, who wants lecherous Big Willy defiling young interns once again? Can you imagine the headlines this time next year?

Being a retired Pattaya person I feel a kinship for Bill and see nothing wrong with cigars and/or interns. Too bad Bill can't run again. I believe he calls his wife "Hilly the Hun" correct me if I'm wrong but even though Bill may need some lessons in being courteous to his spouse I'd still hate to be on the receiving end of her tirades like he must have been for all these years. You have to wonder if Trump will bring up her foul mouth during the debates, "Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise." http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/hildabeast.asp

The thing about snopes.com is that it actually helps to read the article before you cite the in support of what you claim. In this case, serious doubt was cast on the validity of this statement by the author of the article himself about what is called "Troopergate"

'm sure you remember that during the Senate Whitewater hearings, the troopers made fools of themselves with improbable claims about the circumstances of Vincent Foster's death. One of the two troopers who went on the record with me, Larry Patterson, helped promote the infamous Clinton Chronicles, a crackpot video accusing [bill Clinton] of drug running and murder.

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It's all part of the spiel, Chicog. Obama did the same.

Nothing to be worried about and all part of playing the game.

Trump is doing it best this time and HRC will get torn up in the debates.

Come on, who wants lecherous Big Willy defiling young interns once again? Can you imagine the headlines this time next year?

And this is how some people make their choices about the future of the country. Are you sure you're not a fictional character?

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It's all part of the spiel, Chicog. Obama did the same.

Nothing to be worried about and all part of playing the game.

Trump is doing it best this time and HRC will get torn up in the debates.

Come on, who wants lecherous Big Willy defiling young interns once again? Can you imagine the headlines this time next year?

Being a retired Pattaya person I feel a kinship for Bill and see nothing wrong with cigars and/or interns. Too bad Bill can't run again. I believe he calls his wife "Hilly the Hun" correct me if I'm wrong but even though Bill may need some lessons in being courteous to his spouse I'd still hate to be on the receiving end of her tirades like he must have been for all these years. You have to wonder if Trump will bring up her foul mouth during the debates, "Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise." http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/hildabeast.asp

The thing about snopes.com is that it actually helps to read the article before you cite the in support of what you claim. In this case, serious doubt was cast on the validity of this statement by the author of the article himself about what is called "Troopergate"

'm sure you remember that during the Senate Whitewater hearings, the troopers made fools of themselves with improbable claims about the circumstances of Vincent Foster's death. One of the two troopers who went on the record with me, Larry Patterson, helped promote the infamous Clinton Chronicles, a crackpot video accusing [bill Clinton] of drug running and murder.

Fair enough. I looked further.

"Where is the G-damn f***ing flag? I want the G-damn f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise."

(From the book Inside The White House by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 - Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day, 1991.)

"You sold out, you mother f***er! You sold out!"

(From the book Inside by Joseph Califano, p. 213 - Hillary yelling at Democrat lawyer.)

' off! It's enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.'

(From the book American Evita by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning.")

"You f***ing idiot."

(From the book Crossfire p. 84 - Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)


Is it too late to stop the Trump machine? Wait for the debates to ask that question.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

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It's all part of the spiel, Chicog. Obama did the same.

Nothing to be worried about and all part of playing the game.

Trump is doing it best this time and HRC will get torn up in the debates.

Come on, who wants lecherous Big Willy defiling young interns once again? Can you imagine the headlines this time next year?

Being a retired Pattaya person I feel a kinship for Bill and see nothing wrong with cigars and/or interns. Too bad Bill can't run again. I believe he calls his wife "Hilly the Hun" correct me if I'm wrong but even though Bill may need some lessons in being courteous to his spouse I'd still hate to be on the receiving end of her tirades like he must have been for all these years. You have to wonder if Trump will bring up her foul mouth during the debates, "Where is the G-damn f**king flag? I want the G-damn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise." http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/hildabeast.asp

The thing about snopes.com is that it actually helps to read the article before you cite the in support of what you claim. In this case, serious doubt was cast on the validity of this statement by the author of the article himself about what is called "Troopergate"

'm sure you remember that during the Senate Whitewater hearings, the troopers made fools of themselves with improbable claims about the circumstances of Vincent Foster's death. One of the two troopers who went on the record with me, Larry Patterson, helped promote the infamous Clinton Chronicles, a crackpot video accusing [bill Clinton] of drug running and murder.

Fair enough. I looked further.

"Where is the G-damn f***ing flag? I want the G-damn f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise."

(From the book Inside The White House by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 - Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day, 1991.)

"You sold out, you mother f***er! You sold out!"

(From the book Inside by Joseph Califano, p. 213 - Hillary yelling at Democrat lawyer.)

' off! It's enough that I have to see you ****-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.'

(From the book American Evita by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good Morning.")

"You f***ing idiot."

(From the book Crossfire p. 84 - Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)


Is it too late to stop the Trump machine? Wait for the debates to ask that question.

Most of these quotes I believe were taken from the so-called Troopergate troopers. . A suspect bunch indeed. And I believe we get where Christopher Anderson is coming from by the title of his book: American Evita And calling Joseph Califano a lawyer is about as useful a way of identifying who he was as calling Lincoln a lawyer. You should look him up in Wikipedia. And she told him off when she was a college student and he was a very powerful guy. That took guts. In a man that is usually considered admirable, but somehow, for some people, when women stand up to powerful men, not so much.

And I can't believe you're citing the same quote from David Brock who now says it's suspect. Just because Ronald Kessler lifted it from Brock, that doesn't sanitize it.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

Did a news outlet say, "The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire, Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press."

Or did you? As it's not clear from the above post.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

Did a news outlet say, "The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire, Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press."

Or did you? As it's not clear from the above post.

It's perfectly clear to anyone who knows what quotation marks signify.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

Did a news outlet say, "The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire, Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press."

Or did you? As it's not clear from the above post.

It's perfectly clear to anyone who knows what quotation marks signify.

So, who said it? The poster or a news outlet. Since it's in bold and I don't think posters are supposed to use that much bold I assume it is a quote and he didn't know how to properly identify it. Plus I can't imagine a poster would be that rude or be allowed to be that rude on here.

Edited by Scotwight
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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

Did a news outlet say, "The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire, Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press."

Or did you? As it's not clear from the above post.

It's perfectly clear to anyone who knows what quotation marks signify.

So, who said it? The poster or a news outlet. Since it's in bold and I don't think posters are supposed to use that much bold I assume it is a quote and he didn't know how to properly identify it. Plus I can't imagine a poster would be that rude or be allowed to be that rude on here.

Actually, it's a fair question. I read it too hastily.

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@Post 2955

All facts bubba. thumbsup.gif

And easily referenced if one is so inclined...

Dunning Kruger

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude and evaluate their own ability accurately.

I assume you are talking about yourself.

You wrote "The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire, Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press." ?

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Well, looky here! The Bloviator's about face: Now, getting all warm and fuzzy with the "sleazy", "dishonest" "lowlifes" of the American Press:

Trump heaps praise on (the bosses of) the media

"In the midst of a war against the press, Trump had nothing but kind words to say about media executives in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter."

"On Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, The New York Post and Wall Street Journal: "Rupert is a tremendous guy. I think Rupert

[who for several years lived in the Trump building on 59th and Park Avenue in Manhattan] is one of the people I really respect and like. And I think Rupert respects what I've done."

"Trump was asked to rate the three top cable news chiefs, CNN president Jeff Zucker, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, and NBC News Group chairman Andy Lack:

"That's an unfair question," Trump said. "I know Jeff very well. I know Roger very well. And, less well, but I think Andy has done a very good job."


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Well, looky here! The Bloviator's about face: Now, getting all warm and fuzzy with the "sleazy", "dishonest" "lowlifes" of the American Press:

Trump heaps praise on (the bosses of) the media

"In the midst of a war against the press, Trump had nothing but kind words to say about media executives in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter."

"On Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, The New York Post and Wall Street Journal: "Rupert is a tremendous guy. I think Rupert

[who for several years lived in the Trump building on 59th and Park Avenue in Manhattan] is one of the people I really respect and like. And I think Rupert respects what I've done."

"Trump was asked to rate the three top cable news chiefs, CNN president Jeff Zucker, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, and NBC News Group chairman Andy Lack:

"That's an unfair question," Trump said. "I know Jeff very well. I know Roger very well. And, less well, but I think Andy has done a very good job."


The question he was asked, "Trump was asked to rate the three top cable news chiefs, CNN president Jeff Zucker, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, and NBC News Group chairman Andy Lack: "That's an unfair question," Trump said. "I know Jeff very well. I know Roger very well. And, less well, but I think Andy has done a very good job."

So what else would he say? You ( Dunning–Kruger effect) took his remarks out of context in a lame attempt to make him look bad . Trump was simply answering a direct question with a direct answer.

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McConnell: Trump needs to be more 'boring'

"Count Mitch McConnell as one Republican supporting Donald Trump who would like to see a more scripted, less "inflammatory" candidate for the general election.

I’d like to see a more thoughtful Trump," the Senate majority leader remarked during an interview on CNBC's "Squawk Box" in which he criticized the presumptive nominee,

for "inflammatory rhetoric" toward Hispanics"

"While acknowledging that he supports Trump on the issue of immigration, for example, McConnell suggested Wednesday to Trump,

that toning down his words will be fundamental in helping Republicans reclaim the White House along with the House and Senate."

"The one office we’ve had trouble winning is the most important office. And I do think that Trump’s rather inflammatory remarks about Hispanics for example is a mistake.

I think it needs to be reversed, This is not the America it was in 1980 when Reagan got elected. 84 percent of Americans were white. This November, it’ll be 70." laugh.png

The ignorant, divisive rhetoric that comes out of the Bloviator's mouth is already boring.
The guy is the definition of a tedious Bore.
But, I hear his new masters, the RNC, are working hard trying to "educate" him: clap2.gif
GOP leaders describe unity as the education of Donald Trump
"Top Republicans suggested on Sunday that Donald Trump needs more public policy schooling, particularly on foreign affairs,
to earn the confidence of a fractured party and show he's ready to take on likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton."

"I think he's going to need to learn. He's going to need to understand really completely ... how complex this world is,"

said Trump's top Senate ally and top foreign policy adviser, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala."

"To Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., Trump "is a work in progress,"

more so than most candidates. "Usually you know a lot more about a candidate because they've run for other things. They've cast votes. They've done things." cheesy.gif


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Is it too late to stop the Donald trump machine ?

We now have a third party. Rep Gary Johnson is running on the libertarian party ticket. He is already polling at 10%. This will differently have an impact on Trump and should stop him. Now along with this we need someone to also stop Hillary.

Does anyone know if it would be too late if Bernie does not get the nomination if he could run under the Green Party ticket ?

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Is it too late to stop the Donald trump machine ?

We now have a third party. Rep Gary Johnson is running on the libertarian party ticket. He is already polling at 10%. This will differently have an impact on Trump and should stop him. Now along with this we need someone to also stop Hillary.

Does anyone know if it would be too late if Bernie does not get the nomination if he could run under the Green Party ticket ?

Yes too late.
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Is it too late to stop the Donald trump machine ?

We now have a third party. Rep Gary Johnson is running on the libertarian party ticket. He is already polling at 10%. This will differently have an impact on Trump and should stop him. Now along with this we need someone to also stop Hillary.

Does anyone know if it would be too late if Bernie does not get the nomination if he could run under the Green Party ticket ?

Stone the crows.

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Remember the 1992 presidential candidates-Bill Clinton,Ross Perot and George W......Billyboy got the upperhand with......"It's about the economy stupid"

Trump addressed the so called 'women don't like me' (media polls) early on in his campaign....That is now not the major talking point....+1 TRUMP!!!

So in actual fact with his focus on the economy......It could be said,he is out-Clinton-ING the Clinton's!!!!

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Now we’re talking. This is outstanding. Very encouraging news.

This pimple, this blight on the American Political landscape, the Bloviator, the crass amateur, would be crushed by Sen. Sanders. (49.8 to 39.4) laugh.png

US election 2016: Hillary Clinton could lose Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders

A big win in the 7 June California primary could hand Mr Sanders hundreds more delegates, which would call into question Ms Clinton's candidacy

"Mr Sanders will be looking to the state to boost his campaign with news of a further 1.5 million people registering to vote since January this year.

The latest statistics from the Institute of California will be encouraging to Mr Sanders as a big win in the 7 June California primary, where the candidates are,

currently virtually deadlocked, could hand him hundreds more delegates. Mr Sanders currently has 1,501 pledged delegates to Ms Clinton's 1,769."

"The influx of additional registrants a 218 per cent increase compared with the same period in 2012,

is likely to include large numbers of young voters and could make this scenario a reality."


HuffPost Model

Our model of the polls suggests Sanders is very likely leading. (In >99% of simulations, Sanders led Trump.)


There's a very good chance that the chicken Bloviator won't be able to cheese out on debating Sen. Sanders this time. thumbsup.gif

It would be glorious to watch the buffoon trying his inane, ignorant, deflecting tactics with Sen. Sanders.

Dead meat.

Edited by iReason
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My "agenda" is opposing the most dangerous American political movement in my lifetime ... the trump fascist movement. No mystery about it.

And you're going to do that from where...oh yeah, from behind a keyboard in Thailand. I'm sure the Hillary campaign is glad you're on the team ?

Come on, don't be so harsh against a 69K posts poster.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

I see that you have studied your Goebbels very well.

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National Press Club president blasts Trump

“Donald Trump misunderstands — or, more likely, simply opposes — the role a free press plays in a democratic society,”

Burr said in response to Trump's remark that journalists should be “ashamed of themselves” for digging into his fundraising efforts on behalf of veterans groups."

“Reporters are supposed to hold public figures accountable. Any American political candidate who attacks the press for doing its job is campaigning in the wrong country.

In the United States, under our Constitution, a free press is a check on politicians of all parties,” Burr said.

"The Manhattan billionaire raised alarms in February for warning that if he were elected president, he would work to “open up” libel laws to make it easier for public officials to sue media outlets.

His campaign has repeatedly denied credentials to news outlets, including POLITICO, whose coverage it deems too critical."


The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, Mafia Associated, RNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Draft Dodging, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed billionaire,

Bloviator would love to unleash his Mussolini tactics upon the Free Press.

Ain't gonna happen Bubba.

In fact much more on your sordid dealings to come. thumbsup.gif

Dunning Kruger

The irony is, if you substituted the DNC, for RNC, you could just as easily have been describing Hillary.

As to Mr. Trump unleashing his tactics, he has been for months, and the MSM is too stupid to realize, they are being played like fiddle.

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Bill Gates has long set an example of the model of philanthropy of the extremely rich. His "giving pledge" reads like a "who's who" of generous billionaires who've made so much money, they are giving some back to society. There is one notable missing person: Trump.

But there's one prominent wealthy guy who has not signed the pledge: Donald Trump.

Melinda and Bill Gates were asked about Trump by Re/Code's Walt Mossberg at its Code conference taking place this week in Southern California.

Melinda confirmed that Trump has not signed the pledge and Gates quipped:

"Donald hasn't been known for his philanthropy. He's been known for other things."

As we saw earlier this week, Trump had to be shamed by the hounding press to make good on his fake promise to give donations to veterans.

This is a guy who brags about being worth a staggering $10 billion, and is asking for voters' support in the ultimate public service job.

Sham. Fraud. Swindler. Fake. Con Man. Grifter. Tight ass. Nasty.


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