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I believe Saddam, this maniac, if left alone would be a threat to the world sooner or later. Looking at his past behaviours. Isn't that simple logic?

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I believe Saddam, this maniac, if left alone would be a threat to the world sooner or later. Looking at his past behaviours. Isn't that simple logic?

No objections that this bastard is gone, albeit, give him a fair trial and, as it seems it will be in his own country.

But to reply to your question, no war is really fair. For reasons best known to GWB himself, he attacked, invaded and occupied Iraq. This is the illegal part. IMHO no country should have the right to do this for whatever reason. If it is done with the support of the UN (I hear the complaints) it's a different story. From guys like Hans Blix, we know that Saddam was no threat anymore, but Bush wanted his war.

Today we know all the reasons given by Bush incl. WMD have been lies.

Putin said it: "You cannot bring freedom on the wings of warplanes", Bush tried it and put his own people into a mess which quickly can become his own quagmire.

Thaksin? He just follows the opprtunistics. First he tried to support Bush and than found out that these guys are shooting.

On a positive note, or am I cynical? Bush might go down in history as the great uniter. He managed already to bring the shits and the sunnys closer.

but Bush wanted his war.

meemiathai, I said it already, 'For reasons best known to GWB himself'.

Boon Mee, apologies, but neither Clinton nor 9/11 forced Bush to attack Iraq.

Afghanistan, Taliban, Al Qaida cannot be connected to Baghdad. After 9/11 my support (whatever it's worth) went for Bush against these guys but subsequently he lost all credibility by his ranting 'War War' War'.

I, for sure, do not know his reasons in Iraq, father? oil? glory? Certainly, I do not believe in his 'freedom-democracy-rantings'.

By and by it comes out, hearings, CIA-statements. Bush was the guy who asked for evidence to give him a reason for attacking Iraq.

Ooops, are we in the bear pit? Somehow, I should bring a lateral entry to 'Thailand'. Otherwise we come into US-politics where I try to stay out of it.


Afghanistan, Taliban, Al Qaida cannot be connected to Baghdad. After 9/11 my support (whatever it's worth) went for Bush against these guys but subsequently he lost all credibility by his ranting 'War War' War'.

O yes it can! Just some of the "teasers" have begun to emerge from the "Oil for Terror" program and one of them is showing a solid financial tie from Saddam to Al Quada. Wait and see...if there's not a cover-up :o


I think that a lot of opponents to the war have missed the key points.

1.Iraq had a very long history of refusing and hampering the weapons inspectors. Do you really think that if they gave them free access that the US would have invaded? If you dont want an Armored Division at your door, then dont stop the weapons inspectors

2. The US was only doing what the UN did not have the will to do. How many violations are needed before somebody does something?

3. If you havent noticed, the US didnt invade Iraq to colonize it. We're not their for fun, or oil.

4. Significant ties have turned up. Multiple training camps for terrorists. In fact just the other night on ABC was a documentary about an ODA that found a terrorist training facility that specialized in making bombs for international travel. Do you really think that they would have equipment for defeating aircraft passanger detection gear if it wasnt used for international terrorism?

5. Abu Abas

I could go on and on.. there is no shortage of information.. heck, in the first days of the war, we found medium range missles that were prohibited after the first gulf war. Under the first set of agreements, that alone was enough for the US to take action.

War sucks, and trust me, no one really enjoys being sent to Iraq. But its better to find on their streets than our own. If the middle east would clean its own house, then the US wouldnt be forced to do it for them.

Speaking of war, I havent heard anything of the letter-Thai embassy in Sweeden situation. Has anyone else?

I am only afraid the greatest statesman of all, our very own Thaksin, does not have the guts to follow Zapatero and the Spanish people's example.

No worries, mate...heard this morning Thailand is taking their troops out... :o

Taksin is pulling out the troops because US senators are giving him an earful over slack action on human rights in Burma. He has big business in Burma, so it's his way of saying, "Screw you mates! Business is business."

Sounds as if you know our CEO well. :D

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

Yes, it's a real fair fight when one side is supplied with a billion dollars a year of US tax payers' money and the other side is thrown scraps of bread.

More silly ass, ignorant B.S. Do not forget that the Arabs have all that oil money and 100 times the population of Israel.

On top of that, Israel kicked their butts initially with no help from anyone, including America.

They are heroes.

The Arabs are cowardly dogs who send their women and children to slaughter defenceless civilians because they are frightened of real soldiers. :D

I am only afraid the greatest statesman of all, our very own Thaksin, does not have the guts to follow Zapatero and the Spanish people's example.

No worries, mate...heard this morning Thailand is taking their troops out... :o

Taksin is pulling out the troops because US senators are giving him an earful over slack action on human rights in Burma. He has big business in Burma, so it's his way of saying, "Screw you mates! Business is business."

Sounds as if you know our CEO well. :D

It doesn't take a genious to see what's going on. Thailand has a well established track recordduring time of war for being very tactical and shrewd. Can you blame them? The main reason why countries like Nicaraugua, Honduras, Spain, Thailand

and Poland, to name a few are pulling out is because they were promised money to fight a war that is not theirs, and they are quickly seeing that the US has no intentions of reimbursing them anytime soon, if at all. Heck, there are Philipino

WWII veterans who fought alongside US GIs who are still waiting for back pay!

Why should they sacrifice their citizens for nothing?

More silly ass, ignorant B.S. Do not forget that the Arabs have all that oil money and 100 times the population of Israel.

On top of that, Israel kicked their butts initially with no help from anyone, including America.

They are heroes.

The Arabs are cowardly dogs who send their women and children to slaughter defenceless civilians because they are frightened of real soldiers. :o

I could not agree more. I feel like standing up and saluting.

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

Yes, it's a real fair fight when one side is supplied with a billion dollars a year of US tax payers' money and the other side is thrown scraps of bread.

More silly ass, ignorant B.S. Do not forget that the Arabs have all that oil money and 100 times the population of Israel.

On top of that, Israel kicked their butts initially with no help from anyone, including America.

They are heroes.

The Arabs are cowardly dogs who send their women and children to slaughter defenceless civilians because they are frightened of real soldiers. :D

You are absolutely correct GP, I worked in Israel about one year and have a reasonable knowledge of the Israelis, They have a saying there ,"Never Again" and they mean it. If one has ever dealt with any of the military folks there you will learn very quickly it will take more than a few women and children laoded with bombs to take this nation down. As you may know everyone in Israel was/is a soldier for life and they mean what they say, with or without support from the US et al they will continue to do as they are doing.

Is the war illegal?

Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so

Israel holds the world record for breaking UN resolutions. What should be done ?


Is the war illegal?

Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so

Israel holds the world record for breaking UN resolutions. What should be done ?

I think your question is moot at this point, here is where we find ourselves and we must make do with what we have, too late to turn back.


Is the war illegal?

Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so

Israel holds the world record for breaking UN resolutions. What should be done ?

I think your question is moot at this point, here is where we find ourselves and we must make do with what we have, too late to turn back.

Very true, silly question. :o


Is the war illegal?

Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so

Israel holds the world record for breaking UN resolutions. What should be done ?

I think your question is moot at this point, here is where we find ourselves and we must make do with what we have, too late to turn back.

Very true, silly question. :D

Georgie-Porgie, as usual you evade the obstacle. What a hopeless case. :o

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

Yes, it's a real fair fight when one side is supplied with a billion dollars a year of US tax payers' money and the other side is thrown scraps of bread.

More silly ass, ignorant B.S. Do not forget that the Arabs have all that oil money and 100 times the population of Israel.

On top of that, Israel kicked their butts initially with no help from anyone, including America.

They are heroes.

The Arabs are cowardly dogs who send their women and children to slaughter defenceless civilians because they are frightened of real soldiers. :D

You are absolutely correct GP, I worked in Israel about one year and have a reasonable knowledge of the Israelis, They have a saying there ,"Never Again" and they mean it. If one has ever dealt with any of the military folks there you will learn very quickly it will take more than a few women and children laoded with bombs to take this nation down. As you may know everyone in Israel was/is a soldier for life and they mean what they say, with or without support from the US et al they will continue to do as they are doing.

I blame Moses - if he had got his act together and turned right out of Sinai instead of left, the Jews would have had all the oil and the Arabs could have watched the orange trees :D


You know when it comes to politics, religion etc. I'm usually pretty moderate but when it comes to Terrorism i'm very much against it and all who practice it for WHATEVER reason.

The majority of the Muslim people are I believe not involved with terrorism but the leadership is completely to blame. If the leadership doesn't stop this practice of promoting violence they should be taken out...simply put....A price should be put on the head of any Muslim cleric who doesn't practice the true Muslim belief of Peace! It's ok to tell people to they should come to church and such but tell them to hate and kill?!? No way! thats not being a Cleric. you cross the line to fanatic at that point.

Take the death threats home to the cleric and see how fast they stop the Violence.

Leave the Muslim people alone and go after the true threat... the damned Clerics.

Flame ON!


You know when it comes to politics, religion etc. I'm usually pretty moderate but when it comes to Terrorism i'm very much against it and all who practice it for WHATEVER reason.

The majority of the Muslim people are I believe not involved with terrorism but the leadership is completely to blame. If the leadership doesn't stop this practice of promoting violence they should be taken out...simply put....A price should be put on the head of any Muslim cleric who doesn't practice the true Muslim belief of Peace! It's ok to tell people to they should come to church and such but tell them to hate and kill?!? No way! thats not being a Cleric. you cross the line to fanatic at that point.

Take the death threats home to the cleric and see how fast they stop the Violence.

Leave the Muslim people alone and go after the true threat... the damned Clerics.

Flame ON!


yep, put me down for some of that.


Reading here a lot about Arabs and Jews, and asking myself, what this all has to do with the Thaivisa-Forum as a topic....

I am not religious, and my overall impression is, that any religion (maybe with the exception of Buddhism) makes any serious discussion about any subject more difficult - this is especially true with Islam...

If you like to be a Muslim, it is ok for me, but do not try to make me also a Muslim...

So let me do my life in a non-Muslim country like in Europe, or Japan or Thailand or whereever in my way I like -

and you please continue your life where Islam is existing as a state power - Iran, Saudi Arabia or such countries....

About terrorists, who are a danger for people who want to live in peace, they are for me not great heros of Islam (or any other religion), but simply said ordinary criminals and should be considered as such.



Can someone please explain what the terrorists in the south of Thailand expect to gain by hacking Buddhist monks to pieces and blowing up and burning school children. :o


the activities per se don't mean nothin'...the perpetrators are just some dumb kids...the objective is to destabilize the southern provinces and that is part of an overall fundamentalist strategy to further the idea of an autonomous Islamist region in the southern provinces. The dumb locals don't know what they're doing...they are cannon fodder in what has been described as 'low intensity warfare'. It is clear that Thaksin doesn't know how to proceed as the objective is to eradicate 'terrorism' and not to address basic issues.

Plus he is limited in what he can do as I am sure that US security services already have a presence in the region and will be soon directing the show...

Can someone please explain what the terrorists in the south of Thailand expect to gain by hacking Buddhist monks to pieces and blowing up and burning school children. :o

There was always unrest in the South of Thailand, which I am visiting since over 25 years.....When I was visiting it the first time in 1972, there was still a curfew during night-time, and trains operated only during daytime, they stopped at the nearest train station, guarded by police and military if they could not arrive on time at their final destination (mostly Hadyai....)

Buses, trucks and other cars were guarded by Thai military and could pass certain areas only by moving as convoy. Hadyai, Songkhla or Sungai Kolok were cities like in a WildWest film.

Compared to the past, everything now is rather peaceful.

The borderline was changed after WWII favoring Thailand.....however many radical groups (Muslims, communists and whoever) gave up fightings during the last years....accepting the present situation.

Some small remaining radical fighter groups did not give up. They are dreaming of their own Muslim State, but nobody helps them.

Malaysia (despite strongly influenced by Islam) is not willing to co-operate and prefers good relationship with Thailand.

They only way they see success in their primitive thinking is to disturb and to interrupt public services..... like schools, railway stations, police stations but also attacking the Buddhist religion...monks, temples.....

Believe me, most people in South Thailand do not want to have anything to do with all these radical Islamic groups.....

And there are not only Muslims living in the South, there are a lot of Chinese people, also Thais, some Indians....

For the huge majority of Muslims in South Thailand such militant activists are surely not religious freedom fighters, but ordinary criminals.....

Their thinking has nothing to do with the Koran anymore....

Also I have to say, that the Thai Muslim people are not aggressive and do not hate foreigners. They are not fanatic in their religious believe....



Israel and the Palestians . Hmmm, kids throwing rocks at tanks (it's not hard to work out who the underdog is) Palestian houses being bulldozed so Israelies (alot of them seem to have American accents) can built thier settlements. Sure, suicide bombings are horrific . But, if the talking Bush is serious about stability in the Middle East he should start with Palestine, not Iraq . What about Saudi, a hotbed for breeding terriosts and an extremely corrupt goverment/ royal family ?I don't have exact numbers but beleive most of the hijackers in 9/11 where Saudies . Could it be that money is more important than logic? Will be glad to see the back of Bush and Rumsfeld


I blame Moses - if he had got his act together and turned right out of Sinai instead of left, the Jews would have had all the oil and the Arabs could have watched the orange trees

There weren't any Orange trees 'till the Israelis got there... :o

What about Saudi, a hotbed for breeding terriosts and an extremely corrupt goverment/ royal family ?I don't have exact numbers but beleive most of the hijackers in 9/11 where Saudies.

All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass) :D:D:D:o Comments???

anyobe that supports Israel against the Arab world and US policy in support thereof IS NOT A PERSON THAT WANTS TO LIVE IN PEACE.

Your opinion and utter ignorant Bullsh1t! :o

Marshy Posted on Sun 2004-04-25, 03:07:35
tutsiwarrior,Sat 2004-04-24, 14:20:19

What about Saudi, a hotbed for breeding terriosts and an extremely corrupt goverment/ royal family ?I don't have exact numbers but beleive most of the hijackers in 9/11 where Saudies.

All one has to do is -------To remember the pictures in the news on 9-11 of the 10s of thousands of muslims screaming ,hollering and dancing in the streets with joy when the towers came down and so many died. (Moderates my Ass)    Comments??? 

Much more realistic!

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