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Goat Roper

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For Tony Blair's speech to the Labour Party Conference see the following


If you read the speech you will clearly see that the suggestion you make that the 'they' refers to Muslims is incorrect.

This was October 2001 and the speech is directed at terrorists and specifically the Taliban and Bin Laden.

Come on now Stocky, most folks knew what he meant. :o

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mbkudu, you call it a very sad, ignorant post.(no problem)

But yet, you weren't able to answer my questions.

You said

Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA.
merely making statements like that can't change people's mind. I need FACTS or at least thorough explanation.

I(perhaps we) judge what/who is wrong nowadays by information from the media.

Most I can see is how the Muslims are giving a hard time to the rest of the world instead of what you have mentioned.

Call it prejudice or what, I do actually quite despise religion(superstition, a better word). I hate it when the freedom of what to think is right or wrong is being oppressed. I guess that a person from an Islamic country has no choice but to become a Muslim? And look at the ridiculous rules we sometimes see on the media set by this religion! See how they treat women!

But perhaps I should say I hate this religion intead of the Muslims. :o


You should read Sontaya's post. It is the fanatical Muslims, Jews and fanatical Christians that are dragging everyday people into all this. I don't care for religion my self; I believe that it divides people. I think it is also a smoke screen to do more underhanded things like steal land and resources. The word you chose,

'Hate' is a very ugly word to blanket people with. I am thinking that maybe you did not mean it, but merely used it in the heat of the argument. I hope so for your sake.

The situation with the Palistinians and the Israelis is very serious. It is NOT

a religious war. There hundreds of Christian Palistinians that are tortured and killed all the time. Have you ever taken out an atlas and looked at a map of Israel.

Within it is a very small speck of land; this land is Palistine. They are not asking for much. Just land to have homes, raise their children and grow food. Very fundamental desires. If America continues to support their extermination, America will always live in fear of attack. It is also very tragic that Jewish people have to be pulled into this as well. There are many that desparately want peace with the Palitinians but their government is too blind to find it.

We are on a slippery slope here folks, Let us all lighten up some.

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For Tony Blair's speech to the Labour Party Conference see the following


If you read the speech you will clearly see that the suggestion you make that the 'they' refers to Muslims is  incorrect. 

This was October 2001 and the speech is directed at terrorists and specifically the Taliban and Bin Laden.

Come on now Stocky, most folks knew what he meant. :o

Sorry, but I missed the editorial comment in the Mississippi Swamp Observer :D

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For Tony Blair's speech to the Labour Party Conference see the following


If you read the speech you will clearly see that the suggestion you make that the 'they' refers to Muslims is  incorrect. 

This was October 2001 and the speech is directed at terrorists and specifically the Taliban and Bin Laden.

Come on now Stocky, most folks knew what he meant. :D

Sorry, but I missed the editorial comment in the Mississippi Swamp Observer :D

You just hate to admit what/who Mr. Blair was taking about, so you now attack others, my goodness. :D Why do you find that so difficult to admit and who in hale are you trying to protect? :o

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mbkudu, you call it a very sad, ignorant post.(no problem)

But yet, you weren't able to answer my questions.

You said

Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA.
merely making statements like that can't change people's mind. I need FACTS or at least thorough explanation.

I(perhaps we) judge what/who is wrong nowadays by information from the media.

Most I can see is how the Muslims are giving a hard time to the rest of the world instead of what you have mentioned.

Call it prejudice or what, I do actually quite despise religion(superstition, a better word). I hate it when the freedom of what to think is right or wrong is being oppressed. I guess that a person from an Islamic country has no choice but to become a Muslim? And look at the ridiculous rules we sometimes see on the media set by this religion! See how they treat women!

But perhaps I should say I hate this religion intead of the Muslims. :o


You should read Sontaya's post. It is the fanatical Muslims, Jews and fanatical Christians that are dragging everyday people into all this. I don't care for religion my self; I believe that it divides people. I think it is also a smoke screen to do more underhanded things like steal land and resources. The word you chose,

'Hate' is a very ugly word to blanket people with. I am thinking that maybe you did not mean it, but merely used it in the heat of the argument. I hope so for your sake.

The situation with the Palistinians and the Israelis is very serious. It is NOT

a religious war. There hundreds of Christian Palistinians that are tortured and killed all the time. Have you ever taken out an atlas and looked at a map of Israel.

Within it is a very small speck of land; this land is Palistine. They are not asking for much. Just land to have homes, raise their children and grow food. Very fundamental desires. If America continues to support their extermination, America will always live in fear of attack. It is also very tragic that Jewish people have to be pulled into this as well. There are many that desparately want peace with the Palitinians but their government is too blind to find it.

We are on a slippery slope here folks, Let us all lighten up some.

Stocky, do you have the skills to read this thread? If so cut us all some slack!!! :D

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You just hate to admit what/who Mr. Blair was taking about, so you now attack others, my goodness. Why do you find that so difficult to admit and who in hale are you trying to protect?

I'm sorry if I caused offence, but you're the one who's being obtuse. I heard his speech three years ago and having now reread it, I do not see the inference you are making. The information is there for others to judge. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I'm certainly not defending the likes of Bin Laden, but to tar every Muslim with the same brush is wrong. I've worked with Muslims, I've lived in an Islamic country and I have Muslim friends and they do not agree with the likes of Bin Laden and they condemn atrocities like 9-11.

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Seems to me that religion is not a good basis for administration of the state. Especially if it clearly oppresses half of it's own population along the way.

Fine have a religion and leave everyone else alone. That goes for all relgions, all states, all peoples. We are all human.

Humans find self fulfillment through their leisure. Freedom is an essential part of leisure. People must be free to pursue their goals and dreams. No-one has the right to harm others along the way though.

Try and work that out !! :o

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Seems to me that religion is not a good basis for administration of the state. Especially if it clearly oppresses half of it's own population along the way.

Fine have a religion and leave everyone else alone. That goes for all relgions, all states, all peoples. We are all human.

Humans find self fulfillment through their leisure. Freedom is an essential part of leisure. People must be free to pursue their goals and dreams. No-one has the right to harm others along the way though.

Try and work that out !!  :o

You can sign me up for that....... :D

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You just hate to admit what/who Mr. Blair was taking about, so you now attack others, my goodness. Why do you find that so difficult to admit and who in hale are you trying to protect?

I'm sorry if I caused offence, but you're the one who's being obtuse.

Now there you go again Stocky,

Using the word obtuse, now I know exactly what kind of individual you are, you are the kind that hangs around a bar drinking all day and just can't keep his mouth shut until someone sends him to the ugly farm for a couple weeks.

Didn't you understand what I said!!??, STAND DOWN!!! Enough is enough!

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I agree with the message from Captain John Maniscalco 100%!

What are your(YOU MUSLIMS) grievances?

Give us the facts that justify your acts! Any Muslims on this forum?

Please enlighten me how you have been mistreated.

Until then, I still hate YOU!

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else. I certainly do not agree with what happened on 9-11; violence is never an answer. Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA. This has all happened long before 9-11. Saudi Arabia is perhaps one of the most oppressive and is a friendly ally to the USA; money talks.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I don't think Adolf Hitler , Stalin or Pol Pot were muslim either...it's just the stinking mongrel coming out in the human race!

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The Bear Pit is now a seperate entity. Go on over to www.bearpit.net for a good time! :D

Thanks for the pointer Boonmee. I thought for a minute that our sand pit had been concreted over and a Walmart had been put up in its place. :o Trouble is, have very little time these days to join the bears, so controvrsial posts are probably better off staying up 'ere for the moment.

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This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

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I agree with the message from Captain John Maniscalco 100%!

What are your(YOU MUSLIMS) grievances?

Give us the facts that justify your acts! Any Muslims on this forum?

Please enlighten me how you have been mistreated.

Until then, I still hate YOU!

This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else. I certainly do not agree with what happened on 9-11; violence is never an answer. Muslims in the Middle East, Thailand, and the Philipines just to name a few have been continuously pececuted by oppressive governments often supported by the USA. This has all happened long before 9-11. Saudi Arabia is perhaps one of the most oppressive and is a friendly ally to the USA; money talks.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

Yes I suppose it is a sad situation but the illumination we see here in this terrain where we find ourselves is indeed interesting.

I wonder how the population in Spain feels about the Muslims or the "non-muslim group Al-Qaeda, surley they have an opinion on these folks.

Latest from the war front in Spain:

Folding up like a cheap lawn chair, presenting a bare butt and crying "please be gentle, Islamofascists" have brought all kinds of benefits to the Spanish.

MADRID, Spain (CNN) -- The body of a Spanish police officer who was killed in a raid on suspected Islamic terrorists was removed from its tomb Sunday night, dragged across a cemetery, doused with gasoline and burned, a Spanish police official told CNN.

But, but, they were supposed to STOP doing that now that kind of stuff we've flown the white flag from the government buildings!"

Ever heard about the dangers of reinforcing negative behavior by rewarding it?

Police do not know who committed the crime, and an investigation is under way.

"We're sure it was a gang of cross-dressing paraplegic Eskimo, because the Religion of Peace (my ass) would NEVER, EVER do such a thing!"

Wonder what Zapatero will promise to surrender THIS time. :o

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Yeah, sounds like the bear climbed up from the pit.

IMHO Aznar knew very well that sending troops to Iraq and thus supporting an illegal war, was against the will of the absolute majority in the country.

Like a schoolboy, he tried to cover up and blame the Basques for the Madrid-bombing. Plain stupid he did this in the hot phase of the elections and got kicked out.

I really do not think we can call the Spanish cowards for standing up to Aznar and his puppy-master. Wish the same would happen to Tony the lapdog.

I am only afraid the greatest statesman of all, our very own Thaksin, does not have the guts to follow Zapatero and the Spanish people's example.

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I am only afraid the greatest statesman of all, our very own Thaksin, does not have the guts to follow Zapatero and the Spanish people's example.

No worries, mate...heard this morning Thailand is taking their troops out... :o

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Yeah, sounds like the bear climbed up from the pit.

IMHO Aznar knew very well that sending troops to Iraq and thus supporting an illegal war, was against the will of the absolute majority in the country.

Like a schoolboy, he tried to cover up and blame the Basques for the Madrid-bombing. Plain stupid he did this in the hot phase of the elections and got kicked out.

Is the war illegal?

Saddam was warned numerous times about breaking UN resolutions, but he continued to do so. He just got what was coming to him.

If it were not for France, Germany and Russia covering their one asses for financial shenanigans with Iraq, the UN would have voted to join the coalition in Iraq, as did Aznar. Why should America have to wait to go to war until it could strike a deal with these countries concerning their criminal behavior?

As far as Spain goes, at first everybody thought that the Basques did the bombing. They certainly have the track record. Who can say that, during the elections, Aznar didn't believe it also?

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Yes Boon Mee, there are rumours that the greatest of all wants to withdraw, but for the wrong reasons. Too dangerous. This is nonsense in my eyes. If he wants to support GWB he should stand behind him, or he pulls out and says, it was a mistake.

("Thaksin Shinawatra, also said on Tuesday that he would order a withdrawal if the situation in Iraq becomes too dangerous." BBC-News 20/4/04)

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Yes Boon Mee, there are rumours that the greatest of all wants to withdraw, but for the wrong reasons. Too dangerous. This is nonsense in my eyes. If he wants to support GWB he should stand behind him, or he pulls out and says, it was a mistake.

("Thaksin Shinawatra, also said on Tuesday that he would order a withdrawal if the situation in Iraq becomes too dangerous." BBC-News 20/4/04)

The way I heard it on the news this a.m. was that it's a "done deal" that Thailand is pulling out so...we'll see. :o

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Is the war illegal? ....

Georgie-Porgie, yes I believe so and did so since this thing started. I fully support the campaign in Afghanistan, Iraq is another story.

Support by Germany, France, Russia?

Schroeder stumbled into his own opposition and won the elections for being against the Iraq-war.

France? Honestly, I believe whatever comes from US-side will be opposed. This time Chirac did the right thing.

Russia? Sorry I cannot comment, I have not been to Moscow for over 2 years.

As far as Spain goes, at first everybody thought that the Basques did the bombing.

Not sure everybody. First time I heard Aznar gave instructions to blame the basques I had a good laugh. Same night did some search in the press (right, left, up or down) my understanding was, nobody believed him.

To keep this Thailand related: Thaksin, our leader supports Bush, I d o not see much opposition in LOS, but I hear his whisper, out! In another post I commented on this.

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This is a very sad, ignorant post that does not belong anywhere here or anywhere else.

I won't even go into how the USA is supporting Israel in their quest to exterminate the Palistinians. The picture is much bigger than what you see on TV Sir!

I think that yours is the sad, ignorant post Sir. If Israel wanted the Palestinians -and all the rest of Arabs- dead. They would be.

Israel has kicked their cowardly asses over and over again. They outnumber little Israel 100 times, but they are not men. No wonder they have to send their woman out wrapped in bombs.

They are chichen-sh1t scum who sink to terrorism, instead of fighting their tiny enemy fairly.

Israel's problem is too much democracy and too much humanity, not too little, and, you Sir, are a fool for pretending otherwise! :o

Yes, it's a real fair fight when one side is supplied with a billion dollars a year of US tax payers' money and the other side is thrown scraps of bread.

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I am only afraid the greatest statesman of all, our very own Thaksin, does not have the guts to follow Zapatero and the Spanish people's example.

No worries, mate...heard this morning Thailand is taking their troops out... :o

Taksin is pulling out the troops because US senators are giving him an earful over slack action on human rights in Burma. He has big business in Burma, so it's his way of saying, "Screw you mates! Business is business."

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