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Anti-Trump protesters clash with police at Utah rally


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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

It is a perfect example of people exercising their Democratic right to publicly protest. The Right Wing always denies people their rights if it doesn't coincide with their political ideology. If Trump can't handle the heat he should have stayed out of the kitchen.

I've no problem with your statement, as long as you provide concrete examples. So, sources?

And no idiocy like, "Clinton and Sanders supporters defend themselves against Trump supporters attempting to defend themselves against the loony left who aggressively attempts to close down his rally." Make the victims the guilty. BS. It's one thing to protest, and I support anyone's right to do so; it's another all together to intimidate Trump supporters in order to shut down their rally or stop them from attending. And Independent voters can tell the difference. You're not going to sway the Right; You're not going to sway the Left. You can only sway the middle, and Trump opponents are doing the work for him.

Connada this is what the left do not (or choose to not understand)

The left try to silence the right when they do not agree with something that someone on the right believes. This is eradicating freedom of speech which is against the US constitution

When someone on the right disagrees with the left, the right does not (in my experience) try to silence the left and take to the streets rioting and trying to stop them believing that. What I see is the right basically stating why the lefts ideologies are wrong and damaging.

In the UK, when a right wing group have a demonstration against immigration or the fact that muslim gangs are grooming young girls and the govt is doing nothing about it, you can be damn sure there will be a counter demo by the scruffy left with their dirty clothes and matted dreadlocks, many of whom have not seen any shower gel for a long time.

When the left take to the streets in a demo against the tories or pro immigration, you don't see the right coming out in a counter demonstration.

I think this speaks volumes between the mind set of right wing and left wing supporters. The left wing are always portraying the right as vicious thick idiots who have nothing better to do than fight or cause trouble? Seems to me that the tables have turned.

To all the lefties - your arguments against the right are now very aged, tedious and boring. So, using the mass intelligence you have over the stupid dummies from the right to bring something new to the table. If not, carry on spouting your rants that are now, so transparent.

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Given that the republican hierarchy are trying their best to scupper Trump do you think that Trump should have run as an independant? It appears that there are a large number of republican voters that disagree with most of his "policies" (certainly all the republicans that I know) so maybe he shouldn't be representing them at all. Surely if Trump is the saviour of the US then people would vote for him as an independent or do the republicans not have their own agenda?

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Kevin Spacey is best known for playing President Frank Underwood in House of Cards.

But is anyone watching his excellent series "Race to the White House"….true stories of the different contests and all the dirty tricks candidates played …at the rate he will have to do a quick episode on how dirty the establishment republicans are playing now.

The timing of these protests leaves no doubt what "gentlemen" they all are under that smooth veneer….calling Mr Trump names when they are rotten to the core.

If they fail with these protests, I can only imagine what the next move will be (damned of Im going to write it here in black and white but you can work it out)

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Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

Its indisputable that the actions of the left in shutting down debate, blocking people access to free association, and using civil disobedience tools (meant to redress to government) against fellow citizens are the same type/actions that happened during the civil rights debate/movement (circa 60s). During these days the entire power of the Federal Government was brought to bear upon those blocking others from free speech, public gathering, etc. Under the cover of "protesting" people were in actuality depriving others of basic rights. READ: Parties inserting themselves between law abiding citizens and the Constitution. Government sided on the side of the Constitution and used the power of state to break up the violent "protests."

The recipe is different but the ingredients are the same: Opposing parties, free speech, breaking law, Rights, Impairing Rights, Association, Denying Association, and the resources of the Fed to combat lawlessness. So, lets see what Obama & Company do. Wanna guess? Nothing. This militant proxy army is a socialist movement that is also national. It is a national socialist movement. They're greatest projection to date is calling Trump supporters Nazis. Those protesting Trump in large part represent the very thing people are sick of. It will not end well for all.

Subjective thought: "But then we knew this would happen, didn't we? How can it be so true that so many of us, sans crystal ball, knew that 2016 would pretty much look like this- race, violence, protests, economic disaster foreign disasters, fomenting agitators, silent Federal Law Enforcement? Many of us knew this would happen. Its not because we are prophets, its because the Progressive movement in America is in actuality a slow motion coup de etat and Trump is upsetting the Progressive (READ INCREMENTAL) plans."

Yea, no matter what it takes, all stops are out, the agenda must continue in order to lock in place the injuries already inflicted. No price is too much to pay; no scheme or conniving too base; the Progressive Torch must be passed.

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I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Any where they like. The Constitution doesn't restrict a person to any place to peaceably assemble and protest does it? Outside the Supreme Court if they want to. Just all part of a healthy Democracy. If you are protesting Trump and his blow-hard racism best place to do that and send a clear message to him and his sycophants would be, let me think, oh yeah a Trump rally. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out, surely.

Congratulations, you just shot yourself in the foot in only eight words.

"Outside the Supreme Court if they want to."

Now tell us what would happen if they tried 'INSIDE the Supreme Court. cheesy.gif

Edit in: Do they have such things as "rocket surgeons" in Australia?

The Supreme Court? Sure if you feel strong enough on an issue being heard. Judge will clear the court though. Not really necessary to disrupt a Case being heard. On the steps of the Court will usually get you good News coverage.

I wouldn't compare a rally by a racist blow-hard inciting violence like Trump surrounded by his adoring sycophants with the Supreme Court.

Yes tons of rocket surgeons in Australia . They are everywhere. Knee deep in rocket surgeons.

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The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

Allow me to lower your own level of ignorance on this matter...

The Republican party was created to fight the Democrats who supported slavery.

The Democrats created the KKK.

The Democrats created segregation/Jim Crow laws.

The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Democrats have done all in their power over the past 50 years to keep blacks down, in a perpetual state of poverty keeping them reliant on gov't handouts to ensure they always vote Democrat.

Every major US city with a large, poor black inner-city population has been run by Democrats for decades. Democrats who have enriched themselves while doing nothing for their communities.

At their core, the Democrat party is the party of slavery and racism.

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The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

Allow me to lower your own level of ignorance on this matter...

The Republican party was created to fight the Democrats who supported slavery.

The Democrats created the KKK.

The Democrats created segregation/Jim Crow laws.

The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Democrats have done all in their power over the past 50 years to keep blacks down, in a perpetual state of poverty keeping them reliant on gov't handouts to ensure they always vote Democrat.

Every major US city with a large, poor black inner-city population has been run by Democrats for decades. Democrats who have enriched themselves while doing nothing for their communities.

Thanks for straightening him out with some FACTS. IMO, his posts are some of the most ignorant, partisan ones on the forum. Try writing something positive for a change, Sarge, and cut down on the constant name calling. What a waste of space.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

Allow me to lower your own level of ignorance on this matter...

The Republican party was created to fight the Democrats who supported slavery.

The Democrats created the KKK.

The Democrats created segregation/Jim Crow laws.

The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Democrats have done all in their power over the past 50 years to keep blacks down, in a perpetual state of poverty keeping them reliant on gov't handouts to ensure they always vote Democrat.

Every major US city with a large, poor black inner-city population has been run by Democrats for decades. Democrats who have enriched themselves while doing nothing for their communities.

At their core, the Democrat party is the party of slavery and racism.

Next time try to keep facts from fiction.
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The level of ignorance by the right wing strongly suggests an inability to learn. And yes, the right is racist, racist to the core. Longing for the 1800's before the War Between the States.

Allow me to lower your own level of ignorance on this matter...

The Republican party was created to fight the Democrats who supported slavery.

The Democrats created the KKK.

The Democrats created segregation/Jim Crow laws.

The Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Democrats have done all in their power over the past 50 years to keep blacks down, in a perpetual state of poverty keeping them reliant on gov't handouts to ensure they always vote Democrat.

Every major US city with a large, poor black inner-city population has been run by Democrats for decades. Democrats who have enriched themselves while doing nothing for their communities.

At their core, the Democrat party is the party of slavery and racism.

Next time try to keep facts from fiction.

Can you please tell us which statements are fiction and why?

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The world of Oil and Gas needs Trump to win. First getting Muslims out of America will certainly fuel racial , anti American hatred in the places such as Saudi whose own stability is on a knife edge. Iran will be encouraged to have a pop at their arch rivals Saudi in the chaos. Further refugees and hidden IS fanatics will flood the Turkey border who in itself is possibly approaching civil war and all will accuse Trump/America of causing it . Of course Trump won't put up with the same a*se licking to the Arabs that Obama does so he will launch indiscriminate strikes on all of them.

The upshot will be an increase in oil prices, possibly. The only moderating factor will be if the America establishment have enough courage or support to commit Trump to an asylum sooner rather than later.

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It seems to me that when the good Sarge made a point that republicans wished they were back in the 1800s prior to the Civil War he generated the need for a look back, a review and a bit of historical perspective.

And his comments that started this discussion concerning the right as "racist to the core" are correct, perfectly fine and not a slur?

Edited by seedy
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As others have observed, the Republican Party is not necessarily an organisation that promotes racism, but those who are racist find a natural fit within the Party. I think this is more than apparent so I will leave you to answer your own question.

Identifying people by racial characteristics is racism but not necessarily bad. Stereotyping people on the bases of those characteristics is racist but this kind of racism is learned behaviour, not genetic. Maintaining institutions and systems that actively disadvantage people on the basis of those characteristics is racism and is vile, inequitable and a damage to any society. Obama did not turn white on January 20, 2009 even though the White Racists in America thought that by accepting him, then he had to accept white culture. Those Whites cannot understand why he became a platform for Blacks and other minorities and oppressed to voice their demand for equity and inclusion. Such voices are branded thugs, are executed by law enforcement with impunity and are now excoriated for their exercise of free speech now stopping a blow hard Candidate blowing off a brain fart every few minutes and so having his 'free speech' denied.

When will American White Righters do some honest self reflection? Calling someone a racist does not need to be taken as a slur, but as constructive criticism.

Edited by seedy
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Left winghers, democrats, socialists etc etc are the biggest hypocrites of the human race! They believe in freedom of speech, unless they disagree with you!! cheesy.gif

Right wing folk generally say it how it is, wear their hearts on their sleeves and pull no punches, lefties don't like that. So instead they feel the need to riot at every opportunity to silence the Republican (not to mention play the race card in every argument)

Trump is coming, the lefties are worried, really worried, which is why these demonstrations are taking place.

Rothschild and Rockerfeller run the US of A anyway, if not the world. Everyone else is just a puppet

There were probably Republicans protesting Trump as well. Republicans don't like him much either. They are trying their best to get rid of him too.

Yes they are indeed. Trump has upset the self serving privileged establishment of both party's and that is a great danger for democracy. They may plot and collude as some in the GOP even prefer Hillary to Trump because he's an outsider. This is a power play by the political establishment telling the great unwashed what is best for them because their power is being challenged. That will involve rigging and changing the rules. A vote for Trump is a protest vote against corruption that is destroying the future of the USA, but that vote could become denied. Like it or not that is a move towards totalitarianism. Don't be surprised if they see fit to assassinate Trump and then blame it on some Mexican and all the loopy left will jump for joy that democracy has been preserved!

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Great to see the decent American People standing up to this racist, incite-full blow-hard Trump and his adoring sycophants.

Love the banner 'Lets build a wall around Trump' - 'and make him pay for it' very funny.

Decent American people? Here is some of the scum that attended the New York City Trump protest. Activists with the Spartacist League – a hard line, Communist, Trotskyite group.

The Spartacist League, modeled on a Marxist group from 1910s Germany, is known for its defense of the North American Man/Boy Love Association – a pedophile group which campaigns for the abolition of sexual age of consent laws. In 2005, it published in its magazine “Worker’s Vanguard”: NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.


Jesus wept. Protesters against Trump are NAMBLA members now. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Complete with a Breitbart link, perfect!

Holy mackerel, are you people ever delusional. clap2.gif

Here we have a racist, corrupt, Mussolini wannabe, with no political skills or experience and the wingnut lemmings are in lock step over the cliff with him.

All I can say is: Go Trump.

HRC is a slam dunk. (NCAA tourney reference whistling.gif )

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The world of Oil and Gas needs Trump to win. First getting Muslims out of America will certainly fuel racial , anti American hatred in the places such as Saudi whose own stability is on a knife edge. Iran will be encouraged to have a pop at their arch rivals Saudi in the chaos. Further refugees and hidden IS fanatics will flood the Turkey border who in itself is possibly approaching civil war and all will accuse Trump/America of causing it . Of course Trump won't put up with the same a*se licking to the Arabs that Obama does so he will launch indiscriminate strikes on all of them.

The upshot will be an increase in oil prices, possibly. The only moderating factor will be if the America establishment have enough courage or support to commit Trump to an asylum sooner rather than later.

Too much hysterical projection. No President elect has ever or been able to carry out much of what they've promised pre election. But it makes everyone hugely excited.

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Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

Its indisputable that the actions of the left in shutting down debate, blocking people access to free association, and using civil disobedience tools (meant to redress to government) against fellow citizens are the same type/actions that happened during the civil rights debate/movement (circa 60s). During these days the entire power of the Federal Government was brought to bear upon those blocking others from free speech, public gathering, etc. Under the cover of "protesting" people were in actuality depriving others of basic rights. READ: Parties inserting themselves between law abiding citizens and the Constitution. Government sided on the side of the Constitution and used the power of state to break up the violent "protests."

The recipe is different but the ingredients are the same: Opposing parties, free speech, breaking law, Rights, Impairing Rights, Association, Denying Association, and the resources of the Fed to combat lawlessness. So, lets see what Obama & Company do. Wanna guess? Nothing. This militant proxy army is a socialist movement that is also national. It is a national socialist movement. They're greatest projection to date is calling Trump supporters Nazis. Those protesting Trump in large part represent the very thing people are sick of. It will not end well for all.

Subjective thought: "But then we knew this would happen, didn't we? How can it be so true that so many of us, sans crystal ball, knew that 2016 would pretty much look like this- race, violence, protests, economic disaster foreign disasters, fomenting agitators, silent Federal Law Enforcement? Many of us knew this would happen. Its not because we are prophets, its because the Progressive movement in America is in actuality a slow motion coup de etat and Trump is upsetting the Progressive (READ INCREMENTAL) plans."

Yea, no matter what it takes, all stops are out, the agenda must continue in order to lock in place the injuries already inflicted. No price is too much to pay; no scheme or conniving too base; the Progressive Torch must be passed.

arj is quoting himself! Finally someone who understands him.

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Great to see the decent American People standing up to this racist, incite-full blow-hard Trump and his adoring sycophants.

Love the banner 'Lets build a wall around Trump' - 'and make him pay for it' very funny.

Decent American people? Here is some of the scum that attended the New York City Trump protest. Activists with the Spartacist League – a hard line, Communist, Trotskyite group.

The Spartacist League, modeled on a Marxist group from 1910s Germany, is known for its defense of the North American Man/Boy Love Association – a pedophile group which campaigns for the abolition of sexual age of consent laws. In 2005, it published in its magazine “Worker’s Vanguard”: NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.


Jesus wept. Protesters against Trump are NAMBLA members now. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Complete with a Breitbart link, perfect!

Holy mackerel, are you people ever delusional. clap2.gif

Here we have a racist, corrupt, Mussolini wannabe, with no political skills or experience and the wingnut lemmings are in lock step over the cliff with him.

All I can say is: Go Trump.

HRC is a slam dunk. (NCAA tourney reference whistling.gif )

Thanks for the morning laugh. The truth never changes. Deny it all you want but it remains the truth.

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I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Any where they like. The Constitution doesn't restrict a person to any place to peaceably assemble and protest does it? Outside the Supreme Court if they want to. Just all part of a healthy Democracy. If you are protesting Trump and his blow-hard racism best place to do that and send a clear message to him and his sycophants would be, let me think, oh yeah a Trump rally. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out, surely.

Congratulations, you just shot yourself in the foot in only eight words.

"Outside the Supreme Court if they want to."

Now tell us what would happen if they tried 'INSIDE the Supreme Court. cheesy.gif

Edit in: Do they have such things as "rocket surgeons" in Australia?

The Supreme Court? Sure if you feel strong enough on an issue being heard. Judge will clear the court though. Not really necessary to disrupt a Case being heard. On the steps of the Court will usually get you good News coverage.

I wouldn't compare a rally by a racist blow-hard inciting violence like Trump surrounded by his adoring sycophants with the Supreme Court.

Yes tons of rocket surgeons in Australia . They are everywhere. Knee deep in rocket surgeons.

You need to put that gun in the deep hole you have been digging.

The protesters would need to have a photo ID to get inside the Supreme Court chambers.

Wouldn't want any of them to feel disenfranchised so best to just keep them in their safe zones and not let them out into the cold, cruel world.

Are you a rocket surgeon?

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14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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I agree with it. The protesters right to peaceably assemble and protest is protected under the Constitution. Did I miss something? Looks pretty clear cut to me.

Any where they like. The Constitution doesn't restrict a person to any place to peaceably assemble and protest does it? Outside the Supreme Court if they want to. Just all part of a healthy Democracy. If you are protesting Trump and his blow-hard racism best place to do that and send a clear message to him and his sycophants would be, let me think, oh yeah a Trump rally. You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to work that out, surely.

The Supreme Court? Sure if you feel strong enough on an issue being heard. Judge will clear the court though. Not really necessary to disrupt a Case being heard. On the steps of the Court will usually get you good News coverage.

I wouldn't compare a rally by a racist blow-hard inciting violence like Trump surrounded by his adoring sycophants with the Supreme Court.

Yes tons of rocket surgeons in Australia . They are everywhere. Knee deep in rocket surgeons.

You need to put that gun in the deep hole you have been digging.

The protesters would need to have a photo ID to get inside the Supreme Court chambers.

Wouldn't want any of them to feel disenfranchised so best to just keep them in their safe zones and not let them out into the cold, cruel world.

Are you a rocket surgeon?

I must admit it does make me laugh when Right Wingers get all excited over a few people waving placards. They make it sound like the world is about to end. What escapes them is it is a result of their candidate Trump being a blow-hard racist and attacking religious groups and ethnic minorities and they hit the streets and give the slightest push back and Republicans lose their minds. It is in stark contrast to the BLM protesters that crashed Bernie's rally. Bernie was very respectful and his team attempted to negotiate some mic time for them to be heard. No threats about the 'good o'l days when people were taken out on stretchers' or 'i'd like to punch them in the face' or 'take their jackets and throw them out in the cold' or whining the incident will lead the news and not Trump diatribe. Chuckd it is all about being respectful of people.

Trump simply is not Presidential material. He cannot run an election campaign without inciting riots in the streets. If he can't run a simple Candidate campaign he is simply not qualified to run the Nation. It is that simple.

No I am not a rocket surgeon. Why do you need one?

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Obama did not turn white on January 20, 2009 even though the White Racists in America thought that by accepting him, then he had to accept white culture. Those Whites cannot understand why he became a platform for Blacks and other minorities and oppressed to voice their demand for equity and inclusion

So in your opinion the situation for blacks has improved over the past 7 years under Obama?

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It is in stark contrast to the BLM protesters that crashed Bernie's rally. Bernie was very respectful and his team attempted to negotiate some mic time for them to be heard.

No Bernie didn't. He took the coward's way out and exited the stage as fast as he could. It was also the smart thing to do but not very good optics. Contrast that with Trump turning and moving toward the guy who tried to jump on stage behind him last week.

Americans (as well as many other nationalities) would overwhelmingly choose the candidate who faced potential danger coming at him from behind over the candidate who fled at the first sight of a female protester.

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I must admit it does make me laugh when Right Wingers get all excited over a few people waving placards.

The snag is that it is never, ever just 'a few people waving placards'. What a feeble-minded way of looking at things.

These people seem to be continually unable to 'protest' without becoming violent. The Left always like to portray themselves as 'peaceful protesters' yet from these anti Trump thugs through to the hooligans who infest and smash up London every Mayday they are far more violent when their 'ideals' are opposed than even the Nazis they so claim to revile. They seem to be able to justify their hideous actions as they are so convinced they are 'in the right' yet are utterly unable to accept opposing viewpoints rather like the Nazis were....

Politics is indeed made up of fine lines.

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It is in stark contrast to the BLM protesters that crashed Bernie's rally. Bernie was very respectful and his team attempted to negotiate some mic time for them to be heard.

No Bernie didn't. He took the coward's way out and exited the stage as fast as he could. It was also the smart thing to do but not very good optics. Contrast that with Trump turning and moving toward the guy who tried to jump on stage behind him last week.

Americans (as well as many other nationalities) would overwhelmingly choose the candidate who faced potential danger coming at him from behind over the candidate who fled at the first sight of a female protester.

Why on earth would you beat up on two girls. Now that would be cowardly. What is it with Right Wingers and first response always being violence? Got a problem 'beat someone up' seems to be their mantra. I was trying to understand what they were protesting about. It wasn't all that big a deal. The only criticism I would make is the spokesperson got into a protracted negotiation with them that was going no where, then Bernie tried to intercede for them but the girls just wanted to scream. When you have a 'situation' a Nation really needs a Leader with a cool head not a macho blaggard hot head that causes more problems than they solve.

Again this just shows how Trump is unfit to be even considered for the Presidency. If things hit the fan you don't need an old bloke going all macho best let the Secret Service expedite the situation. The last thing they need in such a situation where fractions of s second count is a tired old man shadow boxing making out he's tough. Good grief, give me strength.

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It is in stark contrast to the BLM protesters that crashed Bernie's rally. Bernie was very respectful and his team attempted to negotiate some mic time for them to be heard.

No Bernie didn't. He took the coward's way out and exited the stage as fast as he could. It was also the smart thing to do but not very good optics. Contrast that with Trump turning and moving toward the guy who tried to jump on stage behind him last week.

Americans (as well as many other nationalities) would overwhelmingly choose the candidate who faced potential danger coming at him from behind over the candidate who fled at the first sight of a female protester.

Gimme a break. The only reason he ducked and turned is that he didn't know where he should run. Very indecisive. Americans and other nationalities don't like this.

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