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Jonathan Greig and Buth Reaksmeykongkea

Five men and one woman were sent to the Kampong Thom Provincial Court yesterday after being arrested on charges of fraud on Friday night for allegedly disguising themselves as NGO workers and attempting to extort $3,000 from villagers in Kampong Svay district, according to local police.

Brigadier General Chou Saman, chief of the Kampong Thom Provincial Police, said the six suspects, 36-year-olds Sman Sulkiphi and Lah Matly, 30-year-old Yoeu Rofa, 41-year-old Sos Roseth, 27-year-old Lah Rorya and 19-year-old Chea Navy, were charged with fraud under articles 377 and 378 of the Penal Code and have now been sent to provincial prison.

Major Nhem Chhunly, chief of the Stung Sen Town Police, said that on Friday morning the six suspects disguised themselves as NGO workers and rode motorbikes to the homes of two villagers in Kampong Svay District and Stung Sen town.

read more; http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22979/six-arrested-for-ngo-scam/


NGO members, or just dressed as NGO members, same same, just a little different.

2% goes to the cause versus 0%. whistling.gif

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