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Brussels Zaventem airport rocked by two explosions


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How the hell did they smuggle bombs inside an airport. If this happened in Thailand all barstool investigators here would be mocking the Thai police and calling Thailand a 3rd world country. I guess Thailand is much safer than Europe.

The majority of airports around the world are soft targets prior to check-in and security.

Generally, the departure areas are largely unrestricted and unchecked as passengers queue to check-in.

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AN EXPLOSION has been heard at a Metro station in Brussels close to EU institutions.

PUBLISHED: 08:26, Tue, Mar 22, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:34, Tue, Mar 22, 2016

BELGIANS are reporting an explosion heard at the station this morning, shortly after two blasts were heard at in the departure hall of Brussels airport on Tuesday morning.

Social media showed pictures of smoke rising from the departure hall where all windows had been shattered by the blast. Passengers were seen running away down a slipway from the departure lounge.

Eleven people are feared dead while many more are injured.

All Metro stations in Brussels have been closed.


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West has been aiding and supporting terrorist organizations for years, for them terrorism is not a threat until it comes back to strike them..

They have supported PKK and DHKPC in Turkey, Jihadi groups in Syria, Hamas in West Bank.....

People have to learn one thing, if someone blows themselves up for whatever they are a terrorist... If they kill government troops they are terrorist.

When this shh it happens in middle east Europe calls them freedom fighters, when its done on western soil its suddenly terrorism.

Edited by seedy
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"Another blast was reported by local media at a Metro station at Maelbeek in the city, close to European Union buildings. Unconfirmed reports suggested another blast at Schuman station."

From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/belgium/12200780/Brussels-airport-explosions-Reports-of-two-blasts-as-smoke-rises-from-terminal-building.html

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Time to take our homelands back............This shit will never stop all the time WE bend over.......

i'm sure the native americans think the same thing ... coffee1.gif

All the Americas, whether north or south have European influx. Australia, New Zealand, you name it, just to live a life........This lot are killing for one reason only, which I do not have to post..

the muslims in my quarter, yes i live surrounded by them, live a life too, working, feeding children, eating and sh*tting just like u and me. they mean no harm. there's a serious problem with radical pyscho muslims, true, but out of 22% of the world population, muslims (1,5 billion), how many blow themselves up in airports ? coffee1.gif

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And it was just the other day the Dailymail ran a report that the UK authorities were making contingency preparations for dealing with up to 10 simultaneous terrorist attacks, but of course that would be scaremongering.

P.s Europe is infested, they need urgently to implement Trump's immigration policy, pending mass deportations.

You don't get it do you? The people blowing themselves aren't the refugees. I wouldn't be surprised if they have EU passports. The only way your plan would work is if you revoke every muslims EU passport.,

The terrorists who carried out the Paris attacks were EU citizens.

Edited by ChimeIn
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This would appear to be yet another well planned terrorist attack.

The Politicians should be held accountable for their "open door policies" which have allowed these fanatics into Europe.

Those who dared voice concern where labeled as being "wacist" but it seems the concern was well placed.


small correction !

Edited by sunnyjim5
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Abdeslam planned to 'restart something' in Brussels – Belgian Foreign Minister

Certainly an interesting comment that would seem to link Muslim extremists to these attacks as it would seem the comments were based upon the information given by Abdsalem. There now has to be a serious action taken to clean up and the sanitizing of Molenbeek which is a prominent enclave of jihadist Muslims in Belgium. Likewise similar Muslim ghetto's have to be destroyed along with the rats therein

This is war and the worst kind of warfare, guerrilla terrorism the enemy is not known and the targets are innocent to be used as terror currency so as these Muslim animals can achieve their evil ends.

The sad part is that there are many decent Muslims who are now going to suffer because of their rabid brethren. Again innocent victims are the currency of terrorism.

Edited by shunter
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How the hell did they smuggle bombs inside an airport. If this happened in Thailand all barstool investigators here would be mocking the Thai police and calling Thailand a 3rd world country. I guess Thailand is much safer than Europe.

It is trust me. I am a belgian citizen and the main reason i decided to move to Thailand is because it is much safer compared to Brussels. You dont want to live in Brussels, the "capital of europe" at the moment. So much tension, frustration and hate. Its very sad but we all know why it came so far. :( Edited by wherma22
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Hornets nest. Sadam predicted this before his death.

As bad as he was...you can see what happens when harsh controls are taken away.

All the radicals are out of the hive....it's going to get tough.

Middle east is a hellhole, you need strong and authoritarian rulers in this region or you'll have maniacs running around. Democracy is very overrated.

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sad day for Belgium indeed and sad day for humanity:(

reports say 2 other explosions at metro stations plus gunshots. looks similar liek what happened in Paris.

hopefully, no or less victims:(

Patience for citizens of Belgium and condolences for the families of the victims of terrorism.

so it looks like terrorism is everywhere on earth and belgium is known as supporting terrorist groups for a long time.

recently, they have allowed PKK, who bombed the turkish capital two weeks ago resulting on 35 deaths!, to open some tents for propaganda! like nothing happened in turkey or like they dont care what happened there!

so, now i am sure they can see how it is like to get bombed. of course this is the fault of politicians and not the citizens. and again innocent citizens pay the price:(

Yesterday it was turkey and today it is belgium tomorrow who knows where.

this is what you get at the end, support terrorism and get bombed.

so now, which one is safer? Middle east or Europe? At least they know how to handle terrorism with decades of experience around Middle east but Europe? no experience hence such attacks.

Europe turn to be a middle eastern country!

Edited by Galactus
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Hornets nest. Sadam predicted this before his death.

As bad as he was...you can see what happens when harsh controls are taken away.

All the radicals are out of the hive....it's going to get tough.

And the west was warned prior to his removal what would eventuate.

Messy business in the Middle East since Adam was a boy and the west jammed their c*ck in a hornets nest & surprise surprise it's been stung.

This will NEVER end, never. Plug one hole and Allahs army of evil will open another. There's no point being one step behind these creeps, you need to move in front of them.

Authorities around the world can do their job but the people need to protect themselves. It's well past the time where one needs to switch on, who's standing next to you and what are they doing. Switch on.

At this point in time, my thoughts are with the victims and their families. What a waste of life !

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Explosions rock Brussels airport, subway; at least 13 dead
LORNE COOK, Associated Press
JOHN-THOR DAHLBURG, Associated Press

BRUSSELS (AP) — Explosions rocked the Brussels airport and the subway system Tuesday, killing at least 13 people and injuring many others just days after the main suspect in the November Paris attacks was arrested in the city, police said.

Witnesses described the ceiling caving in and blood everywhere after two explosions in the departure hall at the Brussels airport. All flights were canceled, arriving planes and trains were diverted and Belgium's terror alert level was raised to maximum. Authorities told people in Brussels to stay where they were, bringing the city to a standstill. Security was also tightened at all Paris airports.

European security officials have been braced for a major attack for weeks, and warned that Islamic State was actively preparing. The arrest of Salah Abdeslam in Brussels last week heightened those fears, as investigators said many people involved in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks that killed 130 people were still on the loose. After Abdeslam was arrested, Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders said authorities learned he had created a new network around him and had access to several weapons, though there was no immediate indication that he or the Islamic State group had any involvement in Tuesday's attacks.

Belgian media reported 13 people were killed at the airport. It was not clear whether any died in the metro explosion. Zach Mouzoun, who arrived on a flight from Geneva about 10 minutes before the first blast, told BFM television that the second, louder explosion brought down ceilings and ruptured pipes, mixing water with blood from victims.

"It was atrocious. The ceilings collapsed," he said. "There was blood everywhere, injured people, bags everywhere."

"We were walking in the debris. It was a war scene," he said.

Near the entrance to the Maelbeek subway station, not far from the headquarters of the European Union, rescue workers set up a makeshift treatment center in a local pub. Dazed and shocked morning travelers streamed from the metro entrances as police tried to set up a security cordon.

"The Metro was leaving Maelbeek station for Schuman when there was a really loud explosion," said Alexandre Brans, 32, wiping blood from his face. "It was panic everywhere. There were a lot of people in the Metro."

Francoise Ledune, a spokeswoman for the Brussels Metro, said on BFM television that there appeared to have been just one explosion, in a car that was stopped at Maelbeek.

First responders ran through the street outside with two people on stretchers, their clothes badly torn.

The explosions at the airport hit at the middle of the busiest time there. Smoke was seen billowing out of the terminal.

Amateur video shown on France's i-Tele television showed passengers including a child running with a backpack dashing out of the terminal in different directions as they tugged luggage, Another image showed a security officer patrolling inside a hall with blown-out paneling and what appeared to be ceiling insulation covering the floor.

"I knew it was an explosion because I've been around explosions before," said Denise Brandt, an American woman interviewed by Sky television.

"I felt the explosion, the way it feels through your body. And we just looked at each other and I said 'Let's go this way.' It was over there. There was just this instinct to get away from it. Then we saw people running, crying, toward us. So I knew we were going in the right direction and away from it. "

With three runways in the shape of a "Z," the airport connects Europe's capital to 226 destinations around the world and handled nearly 23.5 million passengers in 2015.

Passengers were led onto the tarmac and the crisis center urged people not to come to the airport.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-22

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