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Can Farang Ever Be Thai?

Singha Challenge

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Thank's for your quick answer, the reason i asked was because you seem very in tune with the Thai people, culture, way of life etc and tend to send out a kind of Thai-like aura when you post. :o

So, who votes for JD to enter? prove that farangs can be like Thais?

I'll leave that to the Mods and the reborn banned guys :D Since you are both far closer to the events than I am :D

Edited by jdinasia
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Can Farang Ever Be Thai?

What's your answer then JD?

if you are a naturalized Thai citizen .... (thanks Noodles/Lacoste)

Thank's for your quick answer, the reason i asked was because you seem very in tune with the Thai people, culture, way of life etc and tend to send out a kind of Thai-like aura when you post. :D

BTW who is Noodles Lacoste? :D

Noodles and Lacoste were members who were banned for harassing another member. The same fate awaits anyone else who tries the same trick.

Yeah, they were trying to be decent, a very wrong thing to do on this forum sometimes :o

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Just to get this thread back on topic.

I sat down yesterday next to two farang men and their mum.

The men would have been in their mid 40's and the mum at least her 60's. The two men spoke in fluent, effortless Thai to each other and also spoke to their mum in Thai, who replied to them in a crisp English accent.

You'll never notice them as they look like you, and when you talk to them they'll probably sound like you, but there are a fair few european families who have been in thailand for a generation or two, and they blend into which ever world they choose to.

So yes, a farang can be Thai.

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Not very likely that you will see any"FARANG" that will be considered THAI, except the guy I saw on tele today. Most cannot adapt to this type of existance much likely the culture. It has to be a very dedicated induvidual to fill this thought. You can PRETEND to be but it is very seldom that you will find ANY farang that can do it ROI percent.

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Not very likely that you will see any"FARANG" that will be considered THAI, except the guy I saw on tele today. Most cannot adapt to this type of existance much likely the culture. It has to be a very dedicated induvidual to fill this thought. You can PRETEND to be but it is very seldom that you will find ANY farang that can do it ROI percent.

There is at least one individual that now considers himself Thai, If asked they will claim to people 'they come from' Thailand. :o

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Just to name a few…..why farang can't ever be a Thai

-Farangs don’t enjoy having to waste their precious time waiting for folks who turn up half an hour late every time.

-Farangs got used to saying “good-bye I have to go now” to people and not just walk off halfway through a conversation.

-Farangs can’t live with their mother all their life.

-Farangs don’t like to share during meals….what mine is mine!

-Farangs usually don’t ask their unmarried Farang lady friend “And why aren’t you married?”

-Farangs have no need to feel embarrassed about saying “sorry” when made mistakes.

-When make a mistake say ‘sorry’, Farangs don’t give a darned about who is older than who etc..

-Farangs don’t swim with all their clothes on


-Farangs don’t like to be nicknamed like …..Porn, Jum, Golf, Bowling, Benz, Orange juice, Ped(duck), Kob(toad), or Dum(black/stupid)...

Looks like you're having a whale of a time here, Miss Boop. :o

Keep enjoying yourself. Have you ever considered getting into cross-cultural consulting? I hear there's good money to be made in that field for level-headed :D and ambitious ladies such as yourself. :D

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Thailand’s funniest cross-cultural game show, the Singha Taste of Thailand Challenge, hits the road again this November and December .................

:D John@KSR

How will the ban on advertising affect this little soiree? OK the girls outfits would pass but will they still be able to call it "The Singha Taste etc etc" and what about the display at the back of the stage?

In answer to the question : No. :o

Even if someone reads, writes and speaks fluent Thai, has been granted Thai citizenship and has lived their whole life in Thailand they will always be a farang. Thailand is not a multi-ethnic society. Officially you might be recognised as a Thai citizen but it will still be "Hey you farang....".

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Can farang ever truly behave like Thais?

In the game show sense, absolutely yes I should imagine.

Provided they wear totally ridiculous costumes, have a mental age of five and are grossly effeminate to the point of making the most staunch of the gender-challenged feel uncomfortable, then they should be able to blend in quite successfully on the average Thai game show.

Having that Larry Grayson 'je ne sais quoi' factor (never mind that he's dead, as that might be a plus) could well swing it... :o

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Farang dont cut you in line at the bank and start digging deep into their nose, pull out a booger and fling it across the room.

(least Ive never seen a farang do this yet)

Yeh I agree…Do get used to Thais ‘jumping the queue’!, they can wait 3 years for the first kiss from their boyfriends, but having to wait just 30 seconds in a queue at 7-11 is just unbearable.

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Farang dont cut you in line at the bank and start digging deep into their nose, pull out a booger and fling it across the room.

(least Ive never seen a farang do this yet)

Yeh I agree…Do get used to Thais ‘jumping the queue’!, they can wait 3 years for the first kiss from their boyfriends, but having to wait just 30 seconds in a queue at 7-11 is just unbearable.

I'm not convinced over this 3 year business. :o

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Thailand’s funniest cross-cultural game show, the Singha Taste of Thailand Challenge, hits the road again this November and December .................

:D John@KSR

How will the ban on advertising affect this little soiree? OK the girls outfits would pass but will they still be able to call it "The Singha Taste etc etc" and what about the display at the back of the stage?

In answer to the question : No. :o

Boon Rawd, the sponsors, also produce Singha soda and Singha water ... :D

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