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Clinton says she, not Trump, is the one to defeat IS group


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Why don't we let the federal government conclude those five active investigations into her actions before giving her a clean bill of health?

So why didn't you let those five active investigations complete before pronouncing her guilty?


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Why don't we let the federal government conclude those five active investigations into her actions before giving her a clean bill of health?

So why didn't you let those five active investigations complete before pronouncing her guilty?


And do you really believe if they do say there's no basis for criminal charges to be bought, that he's going to say she's been absolved and the question is settled?

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Where are Trump's tax statements for the past 3 years? He tells everyone how great he is at getting things done - yet he can't produce papers that are sitting in his desk or at his accountant's office. Cruz, Romney and Rubio produced theirs', ....where's Trump's?

If it were me, I wouldn't release them until I was ready to release them. It onlys impacts my run so I take the risk. They are only used by the opposition to extract bits and pieces and then fabricate a media story with those bits and pieces presented out of context to develop a false narrative. This is not just Trump but any candidate doing the same.

At the end of the day, I know Trump is wealthy and it doesn't bother me to know how wealthy or what charities he gave. All I care is that he operated within Obama's IRS guidelines. On this point, had he not, I'm sure Obama would have let the world know by now. laugh.png

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Where are Trump's tax statements for the past 3 years? He tells everyone how great he is at getting things done - yet he can't produce papers that are sitting in his desk or at his accountant's office. Cruz, Romney and Rubio produced theirs', ....where's Trump's?

If it were me, I wouldn't release them until I was ready to release them. It onlys impacts my run so I take the risk. They are only used by the opposition to extract bits and pieces and then fabricate a media story with those bits and pieces presented out of context to develop a false narrative. This is not just Trump but any candidate doing the same.

At the end of the day, I know Trump is wealthy and it doesn't bother me to know how wealthy or what charities he gave. All I care is that he operated within Obama's IRS guidelines. On this point, had he not, I'm sure Obama would have let the world know by now. laugh.png

There's an institution called the IRS which oversees taxes in the US. Obama doesn't run the IRS and doesn't interfere with its duties.

Trump has long been known ww for his persistent bullying tactic of harassing Obama to release his Birth Certificate. Even when Obama released it (which he didn't have to do), Trump started yelling louder, "We won't accept the short form. We want to see the long form!" Obama complied with that also, even though he didn't have to comply to a low-class bully. Asking to see The Donald's tax forms is just mirroring a modicum of Trump's own bullying tactic. Trump can dish out piles of horseshit, but he can't take even a tiny portion back.

He lies about many things, particularly over-inflating his worth. Releasing his tax statements would show he's not worth near as much as he shouts to everyone ("many many billions of dollars"). If nothing else, it might give some of his supporters a better idea of the measure of the man. Perhaps some of those considering voting for Trump can excuse 55 of his lies, but just maybe, the 56th lie is what makes them realize he's a habitual liar. I don't want a US president who lies as easily as he ties his shoes, .....do you?

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When will the real presidential. Candidates appear. It's not funny anymore. You guys are supposed to be electing not only a POTUS but a leader of the "Free World".

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Where are Trump's tax statements for the past 3 years? He tells everyone how great he is at getting things done - yet he can't produce papers that are sitting in his desk or at his accountant's office. Cruz, Romney and Rubio produced theirs', ....where's Trump's?

If it were me, I wouldn't release them until I was ready to release them. It onlys impacts my run so I take the risk. They are only used by the opposition to extract bits and pieces and then fabricate a media story with those bits and pieces presented out of context to develop a false narrative. This is not just Trump but any candidate doing the same.

At the end of the day, I know Trump is wealthy and it doesn't bother me to know how wealthy or what charities he gave. All I care is that he operated within Obama's IRS guidelines. On this point, had he not, I'm sure Obama would have let the world know by now. laugh.png

There's an institution called the IRS which oversees taxes in the US. Obama doesn't run the IRS and doesn't interfere with its duties.

Trump has long been known ww for his persistent bullying tactic of harassing Obama to release his Birth Certificate. Even when Obama released it (which he didn't have to do), Trump started yelling louder, "We won't accept the short form. We want to see the long form!" Obama complied with that also, even though he didn't have to comply to a low-class bully. Asking to see The Donald's tax forms is just mirroring a modicum of Trump's own bullying tactic. Trump can dish out piles of horseshit, but he can't take even a tiny portion back.

He lies about many things, particularly over-inflating his worth. Releasing his tax statements would show he's not worth near as much as he shouts to everyone ("many many billions of dollars"). If nothing else, it might give some of his supporters a better idea of the measure of the man. Perhaps some of those considering voting for Trump can excuse 55 of his lies, but just maybe, the 56th lie is what makes them realize he's a habitual liar. I don't want a US president who lies as easily as he ties his shoes, .....do you?

As President, Obama is Commander of all Executive Agencies whether the IRS, DOJ, DoD, DHS, etc.

"I don't want a US president who lies as easily as he ties his shoes, .....do you? ".......So we have Trumps potential for this versus Hillary being the known quantity in that regard?

Trump is the only one who will be helped or hurt by this so it's his risk and I have no issue with it. I personally don't think he will be the nominee ultimately so I will continue to watch this circus for it's surreal, entertainment quality.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Where are Trump's tax statements for the past 3 years? He tells everyone how great he is at getting things done - yet he can't produce papers that are sitting in his desk or at his accountant's office. Cruz, Romney and Rubio produced theirs', ....where's Trump's?

As opposed to Clinton who produced tax statements that were found to be false, having excluded many foreign donors to her Clinton Foundation.

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Where are Trump's tax statements for the past 3 years? He tells everyone how great he is at getting things done - yet he can't produce papers that are sitting in his desk or at his accountant's office. Cruz, Romney and Rubio produced theirs', ....where's Trump's?

As opposed to Clinton who produced tax statements that were found to be false, having excluded many foreign donors to her Clinton Foundation.

Well, at least she released some paper. Trump hasn't. He's the loudest bully in the room, shouting at everyone (except his praisers) what they should do. He needs to take a bit of his own medicine.

P.S. if Clinton had false data on her statements, Right Wingers would be frantically jumping up and down like meth-freaks at a Burning Man Festival. Because Right-Wingers aren't screaming as if HRC released N-bomb launch codes to PLA top brass, is indicative there was no smoking gun.

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HRC will be elected in November by the biggest margin in history, finishing off the Republican party forever and here are some examples of why:

As if a chick, even an old one, can get any job done in between nails and hair

Someone actually wrote this in 2016. I can't image a single self respecting woman will vote for Trump. These are his people.

Like she defeated terrorists attacking the US Bengazi mission! She was Secretary of State and did nothing.

Benghazi again! When all else fails refer back to Benghazi, even though there is nothing there that HRC could have done anything different... Maybe try and appeal Obamacare a couple of hundred more times. Republican are a one trick pony without a trick.

Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

Holy mackerel! The logic of that post is breathtaking. This is pure wingnut thinking at its essence. It's a very long shot but let's elect a madman because he's the only shot we have.

Ye gods

What a crock of bull! Clinton will do nothing different than the past ... Hell she is only a servant to the "Masters" and will do whatever they wish!

Huh? This is a favorite Republican meme, HRC and her "Masters."


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Whether its passively acting as the 'face' of the United States President or actively courting war in Libya against the recommendations of the entire military, Clinton created DAESH; she is complicit. There is no wiggle room. She helped create a terrorist army to achieve her neocon ambitions. It was to the State Department that the orders for hundreds of Toyota Hiluxs were routed. It was through the State Department that weapons were routed to DAESH. HRC is a maternal parent of ISIS. It was through State Department and its non governmental oversight email/communication system that the entire creation of Frankenstein was birthed and nurtured. Clinton was the proxy/cut-out by which Obama circumvented congress and waged war by proxy.



Oh really? coffee1.gif

Links to not one, but TWO wingnut sources with some Frankenstein reference, accompanied by an incomprehensible Hillary waged war by proxy nonsense .

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Syrian army with a help of the Russians liberated Palmyra which was occupied by ISIS and gained control over a huge desert surrounding it. US and British media did not say a word about it. Looks like Assad and Putin will defeat ISIS faster than US-lead coalition. clap2.gif

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Whether its passively acting as the 'face' of the United States President or actively courting war in Libya against the recommendations of the entire military, Clinton created DAESH; she is complicit. There is no wiggle room. She helped create a terrorist army to achieve her neocon ambitions. It was to the State Department that the orders for hundreds of Toyota Hiluxs were routed. It was through the State Department that weapons were routed to DAESH. HRC is a maternal parent of ISIS. It was through State Department and its non governmental oversight email/communication system that the entire creation of Frankenstein was birthed and nurtured. Clinton was the proxy/cut-out by which Obama circumvented congress and waged war by proxy.



Oh really? coffee1.gif

Links to not one, but TWO wingnut sources with some Frankenstein reference, accompanied by an incomprehensible Hillary waged war by proxy nonsense .

I can picture right-wingnuts huddling around, with glossy framed portraits of Cruz and Trump hanging nearby (Trump's photo framed in gold-painted plywood embedded with rhinestones) - trying to pin all sorts of awful things on Hillary: Zika, ebola, gangsta rap, the Sex Pistols, ....anything that could besmirch her image. They ought to rename their disintegrating party, The Desperado Party.

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Maybe, maybe not. Got a link?

I guess that link is hiding out with the links that support your BS tale of Trump bankruptcies saving businesses, you know, like Trump Airline, Trump University, Trump Steaks and that golf course in Scotland that featured on "You've Been Trumped".

The lover of big corporates rebranding to be the anti-Wall street iconoclast. What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process. Nothing of course for the work force - you know, those jobs that are being hyped as the buzz word of this election cycle. Nothing for the retired who get their pension funds raided in the restructuring. All these blue collar white angry men cheering for the guy who represents the very thing that is destroying them. All of this cheered on by gold bugs and debt hawks and anti-fiat currency nuts who still believe in Reagan-era trickle down voodoo.

Oh well.

" What is more Wall street than filing Chapter 11 and feeding all the snouts at the trough including the lawyers, financiers, management consultants and not forgetting the guy that controls the capital who is massively enriched by the process."

I can think of one that should be included with all those feeding at the trough.

Anybody being paid $225,000 by Wall Street for a half hour speech.

This tired old attack. You upset because nobody wants to pay you to give speeches about your area of expertise? I guess people aren't interested in how to get cozy with Asian Generals. I have a friend who happens to be a right wing Texan from Houston who started his career in Thailand as an arms dealer in the 80's. I've heard his stories and I don't think they are very marketable. So sorry about that Charles. Maybe a speech on the Back Woods of Loei might be of interest.

On the issue of your attack, it makes no sense to me because Trump probably makes the same amount of money every time he goes for a piss. But I don't see the fanboys and anti-Clintonistas having a go at him for this. And I'm told he has a gold plated toilet seat. But Clinton, who spoke as a private citizen is accused of being bought by Wall Street.

How much does Baby Bush get for his rare appearances in public. Too afraid of being arrested and being renditioned to the ICC in the Hague, so that's why he rarely appears I guess. Are Clinton's fees out of line with others of her status, experience and knowledge? I don't think so. How much does Trump charge for his appearances? What is his fee for the few minutes he appeared on The Apprentice. He would have raked in millions. A person will charge as much as the market can bear for their services. It is called good business sense. I though this was the feature you lot so loved about Trump.

Everything is relative. In preparing the project that I am working on in Afghanistan, I interviewed one lawyer who started negotiations at $900 an hour. This is standard charge out rates for those calling themselves 'senior' lawyers now. I got him down to less than half that but it still took more than 40% of the budget so I dropped him and took a different direction. Should I accuse him of being immoral? Of being bought by special interests?

I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise. They offered $100. I did it for free (they made me sign a waiver) and I got a nice letter from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary on Wednesday. Would you like to buy it for $100? Its from a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary after all.

So on the issue of the amount of money involved, you are on a hiding to nothing, particularly when the comparison is with such a venal money grubber like Trump.

On the issue of Clinton's political capture by Wall Street and her 'snout being in the trough', I do not believe she would have been involved in any proceedings related to Trump or anyone else's Chapter 11. So your draw a fallacious comparison. I would accept an argument of influence peddling were she not a private citizen when giving the speech.

Can you find some other line of attack? The whole Wall Street speech thing is pretty lame, particularly when politicians of both sides do plenty of sleazy things when leaving office. Remember Jack Abramoff.

"I was invited by the US State Department to give a speech to a group of State Department officials from the region a couple of weeks ago in my area of expertise."

Yeah, sure. And what area of expertise would that be?

There are any number of ways to attack the scandal ridden Clinton machine.

Why don't we let the federal government conclude those five active investigations into her actions before giving her a clean bill of health?

October Surprise izzit? Guilty until proved innocent.

The rightwhingers and the superpatriot right wingers and IG's of the intelligence bureaucracy hoping maybe for the classic Potus election year October Surprise.

The only October Surprise coming in this election year is the skeleton of the Republican party and all the rest of the wingenuts. Which is absolutely no surprise.

No political party such as the Republican party has, in the chaos, anarchy and disarray, won a national general election for the office of Potus. Youse guyz over there to include the cloak and dagger superpatriot right wingers just may be hoping against desperate and a dead end hope to pull this one off.

They won't. They're not going to get what they want because the only things they have in their hands are their wants.

Edited by Publicus
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