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Greatest show on Earth: The 2016 US presidential campaign


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Greatest show on Earth: The 2016 presidential campaign

NEW YORK (AP) — Jon Casey has no confidence in his NCAA bracket picks this year.

The 28-year-old technician from Scranton, Pennsylvania, spends hours absorbed in delegate counts and debate strategy instead of his usual winter evening routine of watching college basketball. For Casey and tens of thousands of other Americans now, the presidential campaign is their preferred form of entertainment.

Debates routinely surpass the most popular prime-time shows in audience size. The most-watched cable network for eight of the past nine weeks has been either Fox News Channel or CNN rather than perennials ESPN and HBO. The news stations air countdown clocks until the next debate, town hall or poll closing — anything to let viewers know that more politics is on the way.

"It's almost like a big chess game," said Casey, who works for a sports-oriented web site. "One candidate has to make a move and the other candidates have to make counter-moves."

Casey usually watches CNN, although he'll switch to MSNBC or Fox for more action. Lisamarie Vana, a symphony violinist who lives north of Dallas, rarely strays from Fox.

"I am addicted, absolutely addicted," said Vana, who has fallen hard for Donald Trump. She's even cooled on Fox's Megyn Kelly, a former favorite, given Kelly's feud with her political hero.

Until this year, Vana, 45, never followed politics closely. Too dry, she said. Now, "I feel like I've become a better human being by watching history unfold in real time," she said.

Top CNN executive Jeff Zucker looks at ratings numbers on his smartphone and calls them "crazy." Sometimes they double the network's projections; CNN's two highest-rated primary nights ever came within the past two months. Like a ski resort dependent on big snowstorms, CNN's fortunes rise and fall with news cycles. The snow has been piled high all season.

At an investors conference earlier this month, CBS chief executive Leslie Moonves noted that with all the attention paid to politics, and an anticipated advertising haul, "this is going to be a very good year for us."

When it's not a debate or primary night, the news networks keep momentum going with their own events, like town hall meetings. After a Fox debate planned for Monday was cancelled, CNN moved in by packaging five separate interviews with the remaining candidates to spread over its prime-time lineup.

So far this year, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC together average 5.7 million viewers in prime time on weekdays, the Nielsen company said. Longtime leader Fox is on top, but CNN's year-to-year growth of 181 percent beat everyone. Last year at this time, the three networks were drawing an average of 3.4 million viewers each night.

"I've covered three presidential elections and three mid-terms for three networks, and I've never seen anything like this level of engagement," said S.E. Cupp, one of CNN's regular analysts for political nights.

On an airplane recently, a man sat next to her and remarked that he can't turn CNN off. Cupp thanked him, but he wasn't necessarily happy: he told her that it's made him less productive at work.

Trump is most often cited as the driving force for the attention, and his unorthodox campaign dominates coverage. Taking a longer view, NBC's "Meet the Press" moderator Chuck Todd noted that ratings were also strong in 2008 when no incumbent ran. Presidential campaigns are now part of celebrity culture, and two of the best known political celebrities — Trump and Hillary Clinton — are the most likely nominees, he said.

Social media also draws people in. Trump's Twitter feed is a seemingly endless loop of insults and news.

"The pundits are no longer the only ones being heard," said Catherine Conger, a teacher from Greenville, S.C. who started a Twitter account just to follow the campaign. "It has become this interactive game all of a sudden. It's almost like a video game."

Conger said she's much more apt to tune in to PBS' "NewsHour" than "The Big Bang Theory" this year.

"It's like watching a train wreck," she said. "You can't turn away from it."

Even something that would normally define dull — a transcript of Trump's interview with The Washington Post editorial board this week — was a heavily trafficked item online.

"For better or worse, Donald Trump makes it entertaining," said Carl Szanton, a systems analyst from Denver.

Szanton said he's hardly had time for anything else on television the past few months. He appreciates being able to tune in to a news network for 20 minutes at a time and be filled in on what's going on, but he's not always watching for enlightenment.

"The debates, for me, are just so entertaining," Szanton said. "I watch them for pure entertainment. It's not like I'm going to learn anything new about the candidates. I'm wondering, 'Is somebody going to mess up, is somebody going to say something stupid? Is there going to be an awkward moment?'

When Trump made an anatomical reference during one debate, Szanton turned to his girlfriend and said, "Did he just say what I thought he said?"

He did. That rock 'em-sock 'em debate on March 3 was the most-watched show on TV that week with 16.8 million viewers. And it's been that way since the start: The first GOP debate in August 2015 drew 24 million people, about the same viewership as highly anticipated late-season NFL games.

The campaign is heading toward what is traditionally a lull period: when the likely nominees become apparent and before the party conventions. It's not clear when, or if, that lull will come this year — the best of all possible news for television networks following the campaign minute-by-minute.

"There's no end in sight," Cupp said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-24

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I find it extremely depressing that in a country of 300 million the people believe that this monkey show of candidates are the best available, most of the top runners are in their 70’s connected to GS (goldman with a sack) for pitys sake.

Its way over due for the AmeriKan people to FINALLY WAKE UP to whats really going on…you are all being taken for FOOLS by a certain group of elites (just as is also happening in EU, UK,CA,AU ETC)

Its about time people started to take back their Countrys and wiped these parasites by whatever means required thumbsup.gif there are not even 3000 worldwidebah.gif

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Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

Edited by ezzra
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One has to wonder if voters are deciding on candidates more on celebrity appeal than on how competent a public servant they may be. Of course, this is not entirely new especially when it was realized that JFK did better on TV during the debate than on the radio due to the differences between how the two candidates appeared on the TV screen.

Yet, it seems that modern broadcasting, with its innovations like reality TV and biased pundits, has not only intensified the celebrity status of candidates but turned them into reality TV drama characters that you can root for or to heckle and boo. The sober analysis of a candidate's competency, past record, policy positions, etc. play a supporting role, or even less so for some. Like I have noted in past posts, it's starting to make the movie Network to appear more realistic.

This can help explain phenomena like Trump and Hillary Clinton. Trump probably appears to some like that self-confident antihero that comes into town to actually do something to save the people from the evil threats, real or perceived. They don't care about his flaws as long as he is taking action, or promises to do so, to deal with those threats.

In fact, I wonder if some of his non-p.c. statements actually endear him more to some of his supporters. "Hey," they say, "he's a tough guy who takes action and that's how some of these guys act and talk. Haven't you watched Hollywood movies?"

Hillary, to me, is like a candidate in a high school election. You vote for someone because they seem like one of the "cool kids." Even though it is obvious that she'll say anything to get elected, and owes her allegiance to big money and her political machine's allies, her supporters ignore the obvious and still dismiss any criticisms as over-inflated, just a minor imperfection, etc. People will overlook the flaws of their friends and especially any of the "cool kids" that they admire. One's comforting fantasy can be more important than the harshness of reality.

Of course, Hillary wouldn't be caught dead with many of her supporters unless she's busy pandering for their vote. She has her well-connected and rich friends instead. Her daughter is married into a family dealing with hedge funds and Chelsea is friends of Ivanka Trump. What kind of social circle was she traveling within to have met them? I read that Hillary's been to those very secret and hushed-up Bilderberg meetings of the very rich and powerful. I bet she never said at any of those meetings, "But what about the working people? How do they fit into our plans?"

Yes, like the OP stated, it's become a great show.

Edited by helpisgood
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I find it extremely depressing that in a country of 300 million the people believe that this monkey show of candidates are the best available, most of the top runners are in their 70’s connected to GS (goldman with a sack) for pitys sake.

Its way over due for the AmeriKan people to FINALLY WAKE UP to whats really going on…you are all being taken for FOOLS by a certain group of elites (just as is also happening in EU, UK,CA,AU ETC)

Its about time people started to take back their Countrys and wiped these parasites by whatever means required thumbsup.gif there are not even 3000 worldwidebah.gif

Yes, it's definitely contentious, and it shows some of the dark underbelly of Americans' ways of thinking. As messy as it looks, at least it's out there for all to see.

It's hell's bells better than most countries, many of which have no democracy (China, N.Korea, Syria) and/or simply appoint the son of the prior dictator.

Trump is gaining 90% of the headlines now because he's so outlandish. But the majority of American's are turned off by him, and that will become evident November 8.

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I find it extremely depressing that in a country of 300 million the people believe that this monkey show of candidates are the best available, most of the top runners are in their 70’s connected to GS (goldman with a sack) for pitys sake.

Its way over due for the AmeriKan people to FINALLY WAKE UP to whats really going on…you are all being taken for FOOLS by a certain group of elites (just as is also happening in EU, UK,CA,AU ETC)

Its about time people started to take back their Countrys and wiped these parasites by whatever means required thumbsup.gif there are not even 3000 worldwidebah.gif

Very well said terryp, its good to know that someone else is capable of connecting the dots,your post is abreath of fresh air. After reading all the regurgitated lies and deceptions of the MSM that most people read and take as gospel. That they take this political theatre seriously, cheer and clap at the meaningless rhetoric of these "contenders" who are mere charlatan puppets of the deep state, dangerous narcissistic psychos are the types of people that the braindead are encouraging to rule them.....the mind truly boggles at what is at stake here, according to William Engdhal Y/T interview, the world as we know it, will change to an unrecognizable level when the derivative's stashed at the Deutchebank are revealed shortly, Thats it! Trillions in debt about to be disclosed by this summer. I'm glad that I'm 70, sounds selfish....but I don't fancy the future. Regards, JD

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Wow! It is a great refreshment to read all the thoughts of all the folks who do not have one dime (pince) bet in this and has nothing to gain nor loose, voice their authoritarian opinions on the politics in the United States... Whoo! What relief...

Edited by metisdead
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Wow! It is a great refreshment to read all the thoughts of all the folks who do not have one dime (pince) bet in this and has nothing to gain nor loose, voice their authoritarian opinions on the politics in the United States... Whoo! What relief...

Whats a pince ?...but how are these folks any different from American folks who feel obligated have to voice an authoritarian opinion or even stick their noses into the politics, affairs in other countries which has nothing to do them in the first place

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Wow! It is a great refreshment to read all the thoughts of all the folks who do not have one dime (pince) bet in this and has nothing to gain nor loose, voice their authoritarian opinions on the politics in the United States... Whoo! What relief...

Whats a pince ?...but how are these folks any different from American folks who feel obligated have to voice an authoritarian opinion or even stick their noses into the politics, affairs in other countries which has nothing to do them in the first place

No one is saying that the USA ought to be “sticking their nosies” into any other countries’ affairs, politics, or otherwise. Where did you read that? You see, if you and other like you were paying attention to what is REALLY happening in the USA, you would know that the majority do not agree with that!

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I find it extremely depressing that in a country of 300 million the people believe that this monkey show of candidates are the best available, most of the top runners are in their 70’s connected to GS (goldman with a sack) for pitys sake.

Its way over due for the AmeriKan people to FINALLY WAKE UP to whats really going on…you are all being taken for FOOLS by a certain group of elites (just as is also happening in EU, UK,CA,AU ETC)

Its about time people started to take back their Countrys and wiped these parasites by whatever means required thumbsup.gif there are not even 3000 worldwidebah.gif

Yep, let's go on the barricades.

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I find it extremely depressing that in a country of 300 million the people believe that this monkey show of candidates are the best available, most of the top runners are in their 70’s connected to GS (goldman with a sack) for pitys sake.

Its way over due for the AmeriKan people to FINALLY WAKE UP to whats really going on…you are all being taken for FOOLS by a certain group of elites (just as is also happening in EU, UK,CA,AU ETC)

Its about time people started to take back their Countrys and wiped these parasites by whatever means required thumbsup.gif there are not even 3000 worldwidebah.gif

Yep, let's go on the barricades !! Slogan: "I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK ".

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It is certainly entertaining in an odd voyeuristic way and although there is no possibility of it happening you cannot help wondering what would happen if Trump actually won the presidency. After he builds the wall and bans all Muslims from going to the US what next? Given that the rest of the world would quickly distance themselves from the Trump administration and the dollar would fall through the floor how would Donald improve the lives of the American people? Which country would he want to attack first and who does he think would back him if he did?

I think you would end up barricaded in your own country and the paranoia would increase even more.

Still it ain't going to happen and you are actually going to end up with the first female president. Unfortunately she isn't really up to the job. Strap yourselves in boys, it's going to be a rough ride!

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There is nothing entertaining about the election, nothing, nada, zip, zero. There is absolutely nothing entertaining about the Donald, that religious right wing wacko Cruz or the entire right wing batshit crazy Republican party. Dangerous to the US, dangerous to the world. Hillary, the neocon/neoliberal bought and sold tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters, isn't but a small step up from them. The lessor of 2 evils, but only by an extremely narrow margin. I'm damned tired of voting for the "lessor of two evils". If something doesn't happen to get Bernie the nomination, the entire world is going to be in for a rough ride, and the US will continue it's slide downhill into a 2nd world police state. Batten down the hatches, rough, very rough seas ahead for the US and the world.

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It is certainly entertaining in an odd voyeuristic way and although there is no possibility of it happening you cannot help wondering what would happen if Trump actually won the presidency. After he builds the wall and bans all Muslims from going to the US what next? Given that the rest of the world would quickly distance themselves from the Trump administration and the dollar would fall through the floor how would Donald improve the lives of the American people? Which country would he want to attack first and who does he think would back him if he did?

I think you would end up barricaded in your own country and the paranoia would increase even more.

Still it ain't going to happen and you are actually going to end up with the first female president. Unfortunately she isn't really up to the job. Strap yourselves in boys, it's going to be a rough ride!

Even if Trump were elected president none of that stuff is going to happen. The question isn't how dangerous is it doing those things. The question is, is even saying you would do those things dangerous.

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Yes, Trump has turned American politics into a reality show with candidates acting outrageously to get as much attention as they can.

This has encouraged the mentally feeble who are actually entertained by reality shows and publications like The National Inquirer and Star to pay attention for the first time ever.

This is not a good thing.

If people like this determine the outcome of the next election..

The entire world is in for a world of hurt.

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There is nothing entertaining about the election, nothing, nada, zip, zero. There is absolutely nothing entertaining about the Donald, that religious right wing wacko Cruz or the entire right wing batshit crazy Republican party. Dangerous to the US, dangerous to the world. Hillary, the neocon/neoliberal bought and sold tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters, isn't but a small step up from them. The lessor of 2 evils, but only by an extremely narrow margin. I'm damned tired of voting for the "lessor of two evils". If something doesn't happen to get Bernie the nomination, the entire world is going to be in for a rough ride, and the US will continue it's slide downhill into a 2nd world police state. Batten down the hatches, rough, very rough seas ahead for the US and the world.

Come on Sarge. Have you listened to any of HRC's stump speeches? Ok, you don't have to like her, but she's not so bad. I like Bernie, but HRC at the helm will be ok, except for those who are determined to hate her (I'm not saying sgtsabai is one of those, but there are many on this forum who demonize her to the 10th degree).

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