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IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed


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Don't forget that Syria is a roque state, like Iran and N Korea befor Bush cancelled the last one.

The refuse amoung other thinks to be ruled by the geo political elites. Why you think also that Poetin is backing these states?

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Simplistic exaggeration, not much different than the wacko European in today's letter section of a prominent Bangkok english language paper who blamed the USA and Israel. The man being flogged knew what he was doing. He intentionally broke the laws despite being warned not to.

This is the way these muslims live and who are we to dictate to them? TVF has an elderly German agent provocateur who loathes Israel and jews and idolizes the Kingdom of Saud. He would accuse you of hateful rhetoric and of being a pawn of the evil zionists and USA for your statement. The Saudis are opposed to ISIL and to all the radicals attacking the west at this time. The reality is that these terrorists received their funds and easy access along with support from idiotic westerners who espoused their empty blowhard social justice positions. The current head of the UK labour party sees these peoples are freedom fighters, as torch bearers of justice. It's turds like him who are the problem. And yet many in TVF agree with his views.

I would simply add that it is the Saudis and GCC who are trying to rid Syria of ISIS, what happens to Saudi Wahhabism when the smoke clears is a question for another day.

Actually, as Sunni, they are more interested in ridding Syria of the Shi'a Alawites, but don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

Edited by Chicog
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since quite some time a handful of European countries are bombing the living sh@t out of IS in Syria and Iraq and people wonder why IS fighters are/will attack Europe? gimme a break! whistling.gif


Point me in the direction of the last bombing run in Morocco.

Belgium is such a hub of worldwide intervention, killing millions with indiscrimate bombing and rogue troops creating havoc everywhere.

Time to open your eyes.

Soft targets are the operative word, for a group that have publically stated their aims and goals.

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since quite some time a handful of European countries are bombing the living sh@t out of IS in Syria and Iraq and people wonder why IS fighters are/will attack Europe? gimme a break! whistling.gif


Point me in the direction of the last bombing run in Morocco.

Belgium is such a hub of worldwide intervention, killing millions with indiscrimate bombing and rogue troops creating havoc everywhere.

Time to open your eyes.

Soft targets are the operative word, for a group that have publically stated their aims and goals.

last time i checked the topic of this thread

IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed

did neither refer to Morocco nor to Belgium but to Europe in general.

my comment refers to the topic of this thread simply stating facts without any endorsement.

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If ISIS was trying to drive a wedge between legal Muslim nationals and Muslim communities residing in Western countries and create an environment of suspicion and authorities targeting those communities and making them feel isolated and set upon and possibly even disliked. Also if ISIS wanted to disrupt the Muslims who are fleeing for their very lives and make it almost impossible for them to seek sanctuary and safety here is the headline I would come up with:

"IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed"

It would make it so much easier to recruit home grown terrorists to attack the countries they were born and live in.

You are correct. Few people address this stark reality. Besides all the immediate damage and terror the additiona less obvious target is the already existing muslim populations. This is a basic tenet of insurgency warfare- strike, cause the government to over bear in response, oppress in the search for bad guys, and to restrict liberties to achieve their goals. This typical response by governments is the only response really- find the bad guys, stop the terror. However, with less assimilated populations it alienates and may drive people into the arms of the very threat they ask government to protect them from. In this manner DAESH most certainly plans on recruiting locally. It is 100% certain DAESH has calculated the very observation you note above. Terrorism as a tool of war is not nearly magnified without the secondary blowback of sending locals to the terrorists.

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Simplistic exaggeration, not much different than the wacko European in today's letter section of a prominent Bangkok english language paper who blamed the USA and Israel. The man being flogged knew what he was doing. He intentionally broke the laws despite being warned not to.

This is the way these muslims live and who are we to dictate to them? TVF has an elderly German agent provocateur who loathes Israel and jews and idolizes the Kingdom of Saud. He would accuse you of hateful rhetoric and of being a pawn of the evil zionists and USA for your statement. The Saudis are opposed to ISIL and to all the radicals attacking the west at this time. The reality is that these terrorists received their funds and easy access along with support from idiotic westerners who espoused their empty blowhard social justice positions. The current head of the UK labour party sees these peoples are freedom fighters, as torch bearers of justice. It's turds like him who are the problem. And yet many in TVF agree with his views.

This documentary certainly doesn't look like a " simplistic exaggeration "

Saudi Arabia Uncovered, by ITV, the UK


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Look, how can anyone say Donald Trump is wrong, he's a blessing in disguise.

Keep the Muslims out and go through those currently residing, with a fine tooth comb.

Isn't Trump playing right into the strategy of ISIS? It is ISIS intention to slaughter every man, woman and child that will not yield to their 7th century religious ideology. The very last thing they want to happen for the people fleeing for their very lives from this murderous tyranny is a good Samaritan to provide them sanctuary. The only thing ISIS wants from the West and non Muslims is more bombs and dead civilian men, women and children of their enemies, who their only intent is to destroy, to witness.

Even better for ISIS is for Trump to totally and utterly alienate and isolate the US Muslim population within US borders. Totally disenfranchise them from their communities and encourage an environment of fear and mistrust. Flag each and every Muslim citizen as a terrorist. Raid their homes and spy on them for no other reason than their religion. If I were ISIS I couldn't script Trump's announcements any better. His actions are PRECISELY! what I would want him to say and do.

'can anyone say Trump is wrong'? Absolutely he is inadvertently playing right into the strategy of ISIS.

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This is where Europe can take a leave from China

Be bloody brutal and kill the ISIS bombers at night , rip into their doors and kill the entire families with no mistakes

You will get a few mistakes but it scares the living daylight out of the terrorists that granny can be shot in the head because you want to tinkle with bombs or searching about it on the Internet

There will be people who will disagree with this and give the human rights speech but these ISIS guys don't have any rights

You give them a solid thud in the stomach where it hurts and something to worry about if they decide to join up

Alternatively you can be like the Japanese and have almost zero immigration and almost having zero Muslim places of worship etc ...that's also highly effective.

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This is where Europe can take a leave from China

Be bloody brutal and kill the ISIS bombers at night , rip into their doors and kill the entire families with no mistakes

You will get a few mistakes but it scares the living daylight out of the terrorists that granny can be shot in the head because you want to tinkle with bombs or searching about it on the Internet

There will be people who will disagree with this and give the human rights speech but these ISIS guys don't have any rights

You give them a solid thud in the stomach where it hurts and something to worry about if they decide to join up

Alternatively you can be like the Japanese and have almost zero immigration and almost having zero Muslim places of worship etc ...that's also highly effective.

No one could accuse me of being PC but what you are suggesting is just plain wrong in so many ways. Democracies don't do things like that for good reasons, it isn't who we are. There are other ways, immediate deportation for trouble making Muslim preachers, the mandatory death sentence for acts of terrorism, put an end to private schools for Muslims, deportation for dual citizenship holders who don't respect our values and and and.

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Be bloody brutal and kill the ISIS bombers at night...

but use due diligence and set priorities. IS fighters who are listed in the 'yellow pages' as having families should be on top your hit list, especially those with grannies coffee1.gif

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