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Police shootout with Udon Thani drug dealers caught on camera


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puck me, reminds me of a time when i had to train once every 6 months to do a forced entry exercise, 2 rambos and 4 others waiting for lunch and some lager.

after the pro team showed us how to do it properly, we looked a lot like those bib, 2 rambos culling everything in sight and the rest realising back to normal next day.

rabble rabble

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Seen the drug squad in action in Surin the other night. I thought these guys did their job very well. Apprehended a couple of staff. Took them away for a while, guess for testing, then bought them back. They then laid in wait for what I suspect was the seller. Kept very low key at the restaurant tables then the dealer arrived. Swift and professional action. Handcuffed and taken away in moments. Was impressed.

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Ah yes all the TV heroes out in force again! You pack of losers ever been in a firefight? Ever had a gun pointed at you? Ever done anything in life that wasn't from behind the bulletproof safety of your keyboard?

The cops did their job. Adrenalin works in many different ways depending on the person and their previous experience in similar circumstances / situations. A bit like your home grown heroes who sh!t themselves , throw up, scream or cry the first time but later go on to be solid members of the armed / police force and true heroes. So the cops being a bit jumpy is a natural response if it is the first time or even more in the situation.

As for training, yes, just think of all those friendly fire incidents in your utopian homelands, you know the ones where your highly trained police force shoot a 10 year old holding up a toy car or plane and then get off because their highly trained eye "in the intense situation" saw it as a threat and they were SCARED for their safety.

In my opinion, good work by the RTP. Kudos!

Edited by Lopchan
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No One shot must have been using BLANKS. cheesy.gif

Keystone cops at their high point.clap2.gif

They were shooting out the tires on both sides quite clearly as they boxed the car in.

It was more than obvious to me on the first playing and confirmed on the second.

It's pretty good they didn't just drill the car's occupants just in case

with 16 rounds each, just to be safe.... Back in USA they do that too often.

So bravo to the Thai BiB for NOT causing unnecessary deaths,

just getting the job done

Edited by animatic
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Ah yes all the TV heroes out in force again! You pack of losers ever been in a firefight? Ever had a gun pointed at you? Ever done anything in life that wasn't from behind the bulletproof safety of your keyboard?

The cops did their job. Adrenalin works in many different ways depending on the person and their previous experience in similar circumstances / situations. A bit like your home grown heroes who sh!t themselves , throw up, scream or cry the first time but later go on to be solid members of the armed / police force and true heroes. So the cops being a bit jumpy is a natural response if it is the first time or even more in the situation.

As for training, yes, just think of all those friendly fire incidents in your utopian homelands, you know the ones where your highly trained police force shoot a 10 year old holding up a toy car or plane and then get off because their highly trained eye "in the intense situation" saw it as a threat and they were SCARED for their safety.

In my opinion, good work by the RTP. Kudos!

everyday, i walk amongst some truely evil people, insane they maybe, but dangerous they are.

i love being surrounded by disciplined professionals, i am old and full of aches, my staff at home, committed young operators.

good on the bib getting some crooks, but some on this forum are ex soldiers, police, prison officers, who know how things should be done.

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Ah yes all the TV heroes out in force again! You pack of losers ever been in a firefight? Ever had a gun pointed at you? Ever done anything in life that wasn't from behind the bulletproof safety of your keyboard?

The cops did their job. Adrenalin works in many different ways depending on the person and their previous experience in similar circumstances / situations. A bit like your home grown heroes who sh!t themselves , throw up, scream or cry the first time but later go on to be solid members of the armed / police force and true heroes. So the cops being a bit jumpy is a natural response if it is the first time or even more in the situation.

As for training, yes, just think of all those friendly fire incidents in your utopian homelands, you know the ones where your highly trained police force shoot a 10 year old holding up a toy car or plane and then get off because their highly trained eye "in the intense situation" saw it as a threat and they were SCARED for their safety.

In my opinion, good work by the RTP. Kudos!

Don't call me a loser as I have risked MY neck for folk I didn't know, but l am a poster here..sad.png

I'm not singling anyone out as a loser. Those who fit the mold know who they are, just as those like yourself and others who do not fit the description shouldn't be offended.

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Ah yes all the TV heroes out in force again! You pack of losers ever been in a firefight? Ever had a gun pointed at you? Ever done anything in life that wasn't from behind the bulletproof safety of your keyboard?

The cops did their job. Adrenalin works in many different ways depending on the person and their previous experience in similar circumstances / situations. A bit like your home grown heroes who sh!t themselves , throw up, scream or cry the first time but later go on to be solid members of the armed / police force and true heroes. So the cops being a bit jumpy is a natural response if it is the first time or even more in the situation.

As for training, yes, just think of all those friendly fire incidents in your utopian homelands, you know the ones where your highly trained police force shoot a 10 year old holding up a toy car or plane and then get off because their highly trained eye "in the intense situation" saw it as a threat and they were SCARED for their safety.

In my opinion, good work by the RTP. Kudos!

Don't call me a loser as I have risked MY neck for folk I didn't know, but l am a poster here..sad.png

only those who walk amongst the extremely dangerous understand, improvised weapons made from the most mundane daily items, evil intent, only hopefully communication skills to difuse the situation.

thai country coppers can be jumpy, with good cause, any semi border region can still be a little bit wild west.

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They caught the bad guys didnt they? I don't see what the problem is.

Job well done I say

I agree. I think unless a person is in this situation themselves they have no right to comment in the way some posters are. The police clearly couldn't be certain the drug dealers had guns or not so were putting their own lives in danger. Must be very difficult to think clearly and perfectly under those conditions. I think the police did a great job of capturing the low life drug dealers with the evidence, cars etc and no one was hurt. Brilliant. Well done Thai police. More of this action required to bring down all the drug dealers please.

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Let me say this: I am an expert on theses drug related matters so listen up...lol

All this for 216 pills...hmmm...real professional...not

Now here is what they should have done.

Watch and wait ....and eventually send in undercover officer(s) to purchase their merchandise so it does not get into the hands of the users ( I know, I know the police will or could sell them on the side...but lets assume they are honest enough and do not )....then build up a relationship with the dealers and learn far more about their operations and who is who and how far up the chain it goes and eventually take down the highest level operator that they can...

In other words if their undercover operations reveals it is compromising or exposing some influential and or powerful individuals then let it go at that ...but gather damaging evidence that can have the top guy on the run...as in surprise ..surprise...and he is forced to make a move while the information on that individual is supplied in a manner that the top guy thinks it is his own people ..an insider...ratting out on him and forcing him to play his hand.

Mostly undercover police work, some spy work and counter spy work and some espionage all mixed together and let it all blow up in the drug dealers faces and have them turning on one another...like the rats that they are.

Just my thoughts on alternative ways and means of dealing with scum bag drug dealers...lol


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Sure glad they didn't run into any real gunfighters, bye, bye, bye. Who trains these guys, keystone cop movies? Before the "what do you know?" crowd starts, I was well trained by Uncle Sam's Misguided Children long before I attended and graduated New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy as a certified/commisioned law enforcement officer. The training never stopped years after. Years of professional big game guiding certainly added a bit. Damned fortunate they didn't shoot each other or innocent bystanders, damned fortunate. Yes, a classic in how NOT to do.

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Damn, I was late, the what do you know growd was already here. Oh yea, yes I've been in a firefight, more than one thank you very much, had a weapon pointed at my head from 6 inches away and fired, I was unarmed, I won(wasn't pretty and nothing to be proud of). Pucker factor, very damned high. You can talk the talk, can you walk the walk? I have never fought from behind a keyboard. I'm not an expert, I'm damned good, still damned good and I'm still alive. Those cops were fools. Maybe Buddha takes care of fools, little children and drunks...lol. Somebody sure has taken care of me, tick tock.

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Just watched the video hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha idiot brigade springs to mind.

Did you see the clown who broke the window? What a clever chap !! He kept his unprotected back firmly up against the other window,obviously it was bullet proof glass, dummy

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Let me say this: I am an expert on theses drug related matters so listen up...lol

All this for 216 pills...hmmm...real professional...not

Now here is what they should have done.

Watch and wait ....and eventually send in undercover officer(s) to purchase their merchandise so it does not get into the hands of the users ( I know, I know the police will or could sell them on the side...but lets assume they are honest enough and do not )....then build up a relationship with the dealers and learn far more about their operations and who is who and how far up the chain it goes and eventually take down the highest level operator that they can...

In other words if their undercover operations reveals it is compromising or exposing some influential and or powerful individuals then let it go at that ...but gather damaging evidence that can have the top guy on the run...as in surprise ..surprise...and he is forced to make a move while the information on that individual is supplied in a manner that the top guy thinks it is his own people ..an insider...ratting out on him and forcing him to play his hand.

Mostly undercover police work, some spy work and counter spy work and some espionage all mixed together and let it all blow up in the drug dealers faces and have them turning on one another...like the rats that they are.

Just my thoughts on alternative ways and means of dealing with scum bag drug dealers...lol


H0w do you know they have not done this already?

Not you, but so many keyboard warriors on here. Do this, do that, don't do that. I expect they would shit themselves and faint the first sign of violence. There are many far worse displays of gun handling from other nations. When bullets are flying it takes a braver man than me, (and probably 99.9999% of this forum) hats of to the police, even if TVF experts can pick holes in the gun work from watching to much CSI and playing video games.

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Hey smutcake, read my posts. You know nothing have done nothing. I expect you would shit yourself. What the hell do you know about professional work? There are actually people on this board that can not only talk the talk but have already walked the walk. Signed, shot at and missed, shit on and hit. That has to be the most un-professional "work" I have ever seen and yea, things never go according to plan, but................ ?

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