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Israeli soldier suspended after shooting Palestinian attacker


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Israeli soldier suspended after shooting Palestinian attacker
By Catherine Hardy | With REUTERS


JERUSALEM: -- Israeli troops have shot dead two Palestinians after they attacked a soldier in the West Bank.

One soldier has been suspended from duty after video footage seemed to show him firing at one of the attackers as he lay on the ground.

Israeli military police have launched a criminal investigation.

The details
Human rights groups accuse Israeli forces of resorting too readily to gunfire to wound or kill attackers.

Soldier lightly wounded
Dead identified as Ramzi Al-Qasrawi and Abdel-Fattah Al-Sharif
Both were 21
City of 200,000
1000 Israeli settlers
Attack took place in area where Jewish settlers live with Palestinians

The lowdown since last October
This is the worst period of sustained violence in the West Bank and Jerusalem since the second Palestinian uprising ended a decade ago.

Israel occupied the West Bank and annexed East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war.

28 Israelis have died in street attacks since last October
2 US citizens have also been killed
190 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces
Israel says youths are being incited to violence by their leaders and on social media
Palestinian leaders say they are acting due to frustration over the lack of progress in creating an independent state
The UN, EU and US say Israel has a right to defend itself but have urged restraint in the use of force

What they are saying
“The Israeli Defence Force views this incident as a grave breach of IDF values, conduct and standards of military operations. A military investigation has commenced and the soldier involved has been detained.” – military spokesperson Lieutenant Peter Lerner.

Palestinian Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah says the video offers proof that Israeli soldiers _“carry out field executions of Palestinians” and called for international protection of Palestinian civilians.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-25
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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

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It's one incident. The Israeli government is taking appropriate action. Compare to the Palestinian side which refuses to condemn terrorist murders of innocent civilians in both the west bank and Israel. Indeed they incite them by promoting lies about Israeli intentions for the Temple Mount.

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It's one incident. The Israeli government is taking appropriate action. Compare to the Palestinian side which refuses to condemn terrorist murders of innocent civilians in both the west bank and Israel. Indeed they incite them by promoting lies about Israeli intentions for the Temple Mount.

Violence increased in Palestine and Israel because rumours went viral that all preparations to the 3rd Temple were ready. Which resulted in an uproar from the Palestinian side. It's not the other way around !

It's not a lie to see more 'red Heifers' in Israel than let's say 3 decades ago.

From the Temple Institute :




Edited by Thorgal
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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.
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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

Crap. A Palestinian terrorist attacks soldiers and hopes to kill them or seriously wound them with a knife - hoping he won't get shot as he's using a knife.

The soldiers have a right to protect themselves and use any force required. Or would you prefer them to bayonet these terrorists.

Terrorist murder people, often innocent defenseless people, in cold blood. Once you choose to become a terrorist you should expect to be treated as one.

The Israeli authorities act correctly and suspend the soldier whilst an investigation takes place. If this terrorist had murdered a soldier, or civilian, would the Palestinian authorities carried an investigation and arrested him on suspicion of murder?

All terrorists are cowards - will attack soft targets but don't like it when someone fights back. Regardless of their supposed "cause".

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

Hyperbole? I just want to engage in facts!

Sarit Michaeli, a spokeswoman for the Israeli rights organisation B'Tselem, said she thought that prosecution was unlikely, based on past experience. She said that for her, "the most shocking thing about the video, aside from the action of the soldiers, is the callous indifference of the soldiers and officers and members of security forces around him".

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

What a load of crock. Legal process? What legal process? So many incidents involving Israeli police or army killing Palestinians, either by accident or on purpose, have been swept under the carpet and the police officers or soldiers responsible got off scot-free.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

Hyperbole? I just want to engage in facts!

Sarit Michaeli, a spokeswoman for the Israeli rights organisation B'Tselem, said she thought that prosecution was unlikely, based on past experience. She said that for her, "the most shocking thing about the video, aside from the action of the soldiers, is the callous indifference of the soldiers and officers and members of security forces around him".

B'tSelem, follow the money spot the agenda. There may be a case to answer in this case, but the usual inflammatory and emotive manner they indulge in is not accidental.


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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

Hyperbole? I just want to engage in facts!

Sarit Michaeli, a spokeswoman for the Israeli rights organisation B'Tselem, said she thought that prosecution was unlikely, based on past experience. She said that for her, "the most shocking thing about the video, aside from the action of the soldiers, is the callous indifference of the soldiers and officers and members of security forces around him".

Nothing about the callous indifference of the terrorists I notice. Do-gooders are more of a danger than the terrorists as they give them encouragement and respectibility. I think the soldier should have broken the arms of the scum before shooting him. At least then he would have justified his suspension.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

What a load of crock. Legal process? What legal process? So many incidents involving Israeli police or army killing Palestinians, either by accident or on purpose, have been swept under the carpet and the police officers or soldiers responsible got off scot-free.

Here a similar other one filmed in Jerusalem:


Quote from link :

"Border Police commander Deputy Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai praised the officers: "You acted with bravery and I salute you. I am proud of your professionalism. The speed of your response and its accuracy are what ended this terror attack within seconds."

Edited by Thorgal
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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

Crap. A Palestinian terrorist attacks soldiers and hopes to kill them or seriously wound them with a knife - hoping he won't get shot as he's using a knife.

The soldiers have a right to protect themselves and use any force required. Or would you prefer them to bayonet these terrorists.

Terrorist murder people, often innocent defenseless people, in cold blood. Once you choose to become a terrorist you should expect to be treated as one.

The Israeli authorities act correctly and suspend the soldier whilst an investigation takes place. If this terrorist had murdered a soldier, or civilian, would the Palestinian authorities carried an investigation and arrested him on suspicion of murder?

All terrorists are cowards - will attack soft targets but don't like it when someone fights back. Regardless of their supposed "cause".

The only coward I can see in the OP is the Israeli soldier armed to the teeth executing an injured Palestinian who was absolutely no threat to him. Cold blooded murder.

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What is even more disturbing than the cold blooded murder of an unarmed man, is the blase attitude of the other soldiers and bystanders. Business as usual.

What on earth possessed the sadistic IDF soldier to think he could simply execute an unarmed man. Of course, we all know the answer. It's the culture of impunity that exists in the IDF that Breaking the Silence exposed. He knows he will get away with it. A slap on the wrist maybe, or perhaps not even that. In previous cases the IDF perp has been promoted and even compensated for time spent under investigation.

The famous ex Israeli General turned peace activist, Matti Peled, warned after the 67 war that

" holding on to the West Bank and the people who lived in it was contrary to Israel’s long-term strategy. Popular resistance to the occupation was sure to arise, and Israel’s army would be used to quell that resistance, with disastrous and demoralizing results. It would turn the Jewish state into an increasingly brutal occupying power and eventually into a bi-national state. This was nothing short of prophetic as today we live this exact reality."

He was absolutely spot on. The illegal occupation is brutalizing Israeli society and destroying Israel's moral fiber.

Edited by dexterm
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It's one incident. The Israeli government is taking appropriate action. Compare to the Palestinian side which refuses to condemn terrorist murders of innocent civilians in both the west bank and Israel. Indeed they incite them by promoting lies about Israeli intentions for the Temple Mount.

No lies at all.....today's news

Palestinians denied entry to Aqsa during Israeli Purim visits


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Granted, rather a propaganda bonus point for the Israel demonization agenda, but rest assured the IDF is investigating this incident very seriously and the dead terrorist was indeed a terrorist with murderous intentions. The IDF soldier who shot the terrorist after he was down may indeed have thought the terrorist was wearing a bomb jacket and still moving could detonate. Let the soldier be judged fairly and leave it at that, but again the dead terrorist was asking to be a martyr by going after armed soldiers with murderous intent.

Tip to terrorists: STOP IT!

Edited by Jingthing
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Granted, rather a propaganda bonus point for the Israel demonization agenda, but rest assured the IDF is investigating this incident very seriously and the dead terrorist was indeed a terrorist with murderous intentions. The IDF soldier who shot the terrorist after he was down may indeed have thought the terrorist was wearing a bomb jacket and still moving could detonate. Let the soldier be judged fairly and leave it at that, but again the dead terrorist was asking to be a martyr by going after armed soldiers with murderous intent.

Tip to terrorists: STOP IT!

From the clip the victim's waistline looks pretty thin and suicide bombless to me.I suspect this is a pro form IDF lawyer defense. Of course, any defense will do to perpetuate the Israel- is- never- at- fault narrative.
It would do your credibility much good if you admitted for once or at least remained silent and tried not to defend the war crime, that perhaps ...just perhaps... the sadistic pyschopathic IDF soldier was exactly that.
I think the indifferent business-as-usual attitude of his fellow soldiers and onlookers needs a bit more explaining.
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They have already determined that the soldier acted completely alone and was not ordered.

It appears to be in conflict with IDF ethics standards.

Wounded terrorists are regularly given medical treatment by Israel.

However, the shooting IDF soldier does have a defense POV and it deserves to be heard.

There is other evidence that a medic shouted that the wounded terrorist may have an explosive device.

That wasn't an order to shoot him but it gives a better idea of the reality of the situation and how the soldier could have made this mistake.

Bottom line, get real folks, the terrorist went out that day to try to kill Israelis and he knew there was an excellent chance he'd end up dead and get another martyr "hero" funeral.

A related topic -- why don't Palestinian leaders CONDEMN this kind of violence whether against IDF soldiers or against civilians in the West Bank or Israel? Instead, they celebrate and INCITE more violence.

Edited by Jingthing
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They have already determined that the soldier acted completely alone and was not ordered.

Have "they"?

How interesting that "they" have made this determination.

"They" certainly have an impeccable reputation, don't "they"?

"They" would never lie, would "they"?

Oh, wait. You were referring to the vile, noxious and duplicitous IDF?


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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

I think you mean cold blooded murder by an Israel Nazi Soldier!!! Completly SS Totenkopf Comando style!!!

It is unbelievable but the USA and Israel have the rights to murder everyone in the world without a court rule. If a palestine gone crazy because Israel stole their water and charge they more as 4 times so much as Israelians must pay for it him is a terrorist. Israleis can destruy schools, kill old innocent people, kids, women, ... everything is wonderful. Shit on the palestine terrorist!!! But why they do it? . Just google for it and you want to learn a big lesson!!! ISRAELIS are the new bread of the Nazis. Nothing other!!! Otherwise they never threat other people like this! And charge a much more higher payment for palestines as for Israelis!!!

If ISRAEL threat people harder as animals ....




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The Kangaroo court of the Israel hating obsessives is well underway here, before all the evidence has even been presented. Here is a video that corroborates the soldiers version of events.


Not that facts are of any interest to some of our esteemed members.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

What a load of crock. Legal process? What legal process? So many incidents involving Israeli police or army killing Palestinians, either by accident or on purpose, have been swept under the carpet and the police officers or soldiers responsible got off scot-free.

had the roles been reversed the only investigation the Palestinian authority would have carried out would be to find a road to name in honor of the accused and to agree on what multiple of the average Palestinian wage he or his surviving relatives would get, all courtesy of the EU taxpayer of course. Edited by Steely Dan
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They have already determined that the soldier acted completely alone and was not ordered.

It appears to be in conflict with IDF ethics standards.

Wounded terrorists are regularly given medical treatment by Israel.

However, the shooting IDF soldier does have a defense POV and it deserves to be heard.

There is other evidence that a medic shouted that the wounded terrorist may have an explosive device.

That wasn't an order to shoot him but it gives a better idea of the reality of the situation and how the soldier could have made this mistake.

Bottom line, get real folks, the terrorist went out that day to try to kill Israelis and he knew there was an excellent chance he'd end up dead and get another martyr "hero" funeral.

A related topic -- why don't Palestinian leaders CONDEMN this kind of violence whether against IDF soldiers or against civilians in the West Bank or Israel? Instead, they celebrate and INCITE more violence.

Because there is nothing to condemn in resisting IDF soldiers who are occupying your land and trespassing Zionist colonists who are stealing it.

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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.

You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

What a load of crock. Legal process? What legal process? So many incidents involving Israeli police or army killing Palestinians, either by accident or on purpose, have been swept under the carpet and the police officers or soldiers responsible got off scot-free.

had the roles been reversed the only investigation the Palestinian authority would have carried out would be to find a road to name in honor of the accused and to agree on what multiple of the average Palestinian wage he or his surviving relatives would get, all courtesy of the EU taxpayer of course.
Yeah but the Israel demonization agenda doesn't care about the ethics of the Palestinian side. In fact it usually bleeds into cheerleading for terrorists.

This is one case. It does appear the IDF ethics code was not followed. The soldier should be judged based on the details of the case. Israel demonizers won't be satisfied with any punishment as they have a hate agenda that doesn't accept even the existence of Israel.

So right now they can have a propaganda dance and trash the entirety of Israel over one ethics breach and spread dirty lies that the IDF doesn't take their ethics code seriously. Perfection in conflict zones ... forget about it.

Edited by Jingthing
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Cold blooded murder by an IDF terrorist. His lawyer claims he was fearful the assailant had a bomb strapped to his belt, how pathetic. Looks like business as usual for the IDF, the bystanders hardly bat an eyelid.
You could swap the word Israel for the US or UK and the legal process would be the same, except you won't but just want to engage in hyperbole.

What a load of crock. Legal process? What legal process? So many incidents involving Israeli police or army killing Palestinians, either by accident or on purpose, have been swept under the carpet and the police officers or soldiers responsible got off scot-free.
had the roles been reversed the only investigation the Palestinian authority would have carried out would be to find a road to name in honor of the accused and to agree on what multiple of the average Palestinian wage he or his surviving relatives would get, all courtesy of the EU taxpayer of course.
Yeah but the Israel demonization agenda doesn't care about the ethics of the Palestinian side. In fact it usually bleeds into cheerleading for terrorists.

This is one case. It does appear the IDF ethics code was not followed. The soldier should be judged based on the details of the case. Israel demonizers won't be satisfied with any punishment as they have a hate agenda that doesn't accept even the existence of Israel.

So right now they can have a propaganda dance and trash the entirety of Israel over one ethics breach and spread dirty lies that the IDF doesn't take their ethics code seriously. Perfection in conflict zones ... forget about it.

Indeed they wear their unabashed sympathy for terrorists as if it were a badge of honor, then piously condemn the entire IDF for the actions of one soldier acting alone. All of course prior to all evidence being gathered, presented and considered.
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