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Khmer Times/Cheang Sokha

Defense Minister General Tea Banh has reportedly claimed that Cambodia is considering allowing visitors from Thailand direct access to Preah Vihear temple, despite the entrance being shut down since 2008 after violent border clashes between the two neighbors’ militaries. According to the Bangkok Post, Gen. Banh said after a meeting of the General Border Committee with Thai Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwon that the two governments were already in talks to reopen access from the Thai border.

But the Cambodian minister did not give a timeframe on the conclusion of negotiations on the issue. Gen. Prawit said a chance for tourists from Thailand to travel to the temple from the Thai side was now possible due to warmer relations between the two countries. The gate, which was previously open for tourists mostly from the Thai side to visit the 11th century temple of Preah Vihear, was shut down following a spate of armed clashes between the two countries in 2008, after UNESCO listed the temple as a World Heritage Site in July that year.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/23205/thailand-plans-preah-vihear-reopening/


Time for the PAD to start protesting again then. Although .....no .....wait a minute. What was exceedingly important in yesterdays politics is now apparently irrelevant.

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