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Soldier's shooting of Palestinian sets off uproar in Israel


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Much indignation from someone who wholeheartedly condones the murder of Israeli civilians. At least be honest and point out its not murder that bothers you, as long as you get to decide who the murder and the victim are.

That's fine. We have obvious cheer leading for Palestinian terrorists on these Israel threads. Whether the targets are IDF soldiers or civilians and tourists in Tel Aviv -- MAKES NO DIFFERENCE.

At least it's clear that nauseating pro-terrorist bias is there and intelligent readers can filter out the trash.

Uh, yeah it does. You could absolutely justify attacks on foreign occupying forces. Non-combatants/civilians no. But IDF should absolutely expect to be attacked when they set foot in the West Bank and Gaza.

"Whether the targets are IDF soldiers or civilians and tourists in Tel Aviv -- MAKES NO DIFFERENCE."

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video does not say you can get murdered on the ground lying unconscious though. But again, i dont get surprised if it says so as even affluent high ranking rabbis or politicians allegedly support such murders.

or it does not state the simple fact that 'if you steal someone elses land, that guys might create problems for you or even stab or shoot you' so video is based on lies basically and nothign but a poor propaganda that can only fool zionists but no one else.

Edited by Galactus
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I am amazed that someone so far over to the left in most of his views and postings on here can swing so far over to the right when Jews or Israel are mentioned. Seems there was some very effective conditioning at some stage.

Please comment on the TOPICS rather than Jew baiting personal attacks.
That's a really big chip, I would comment the same if the atrocities had been carried out by Christians, Hindus, Muslims......... And as vocally defended by one of their faith. Don't think being Jewish makes you special.
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Or maybe acts like this will turn people towards anti Semitism, you reap what you sow.


No need. Thai Visa has a large contingent of middle aged and elderly caucasian losers who would hate jews without any encouragement. The are typically poorly educated and failures in life, bereft of redeeming features who blame jews for their failings in life. It's been this way for ages.

I recall a kid from my scriptures class who did similar. He had a meltdown during a class discussion of the Gospel of Luke. He just lost it calling Luke a tool of the jews and other such inanities. The Vicar had attempted to calm him, but the kid became even more wacked out calling the Vicar a filthy jew. Didn't make sense, but the class erupted in laughter. He was eventually expelled from our school, and went on to screw up his life and squander a multi million dollar inheritance. He still scares those of us who knew him, so we try to avoid him. He was also a proponent of 9-11 bogus claims.



When I began publicly defending Israel and Jewish people in June of 2014, the most repulsive entities on earth began contacting me. I’d never in my life experienced such hate. Foaming, churning, thermonuclear hate. What I realized very quickly is that Jew-hate is a spectrum disorder. If you hate Jews, it’s axiomatic that you have a multitude of disastrous mental issues.

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I don't approve of calling Arabs camel jockeys. Unless of course their literal job is camel jockey.

Check out the interview and decide for yourselfbiggrin.png

That smiley face after such an overtly racist statement says more about you than anything else you have posted.

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Sorry, thread full..
Jingthing wrote
I don't believe you. So again, stop the personal attack trolling and stick with the TOPIC.
To add a rogue IDF solder who broke code hardly constitutes an atrocity.
He's going to face justice most likely and the charge will be either murder or manslaughter, not atrocity.
The man shouldn't have been shot dead after being down, we all agree, but he WAS attacking with a knife so he was asking to be a martyr.
An atrocity is more like what the husband of the Palestinian Teacher award did ... a mass murder terrorist attack on an Israeli bus.
You call for posters to stay on topic, then just 5 lines later in the very same post you try to deflect by raising an incident from 30 years ago.
Incredible chutzpah.
back to OP...
It's not just the arrested sadistic IDF perp who is being tried here, but Israel's justice system and the IDF code of ethics. If they fail due to pressure from the right wing ultranationalists, then Israel is transparently on a slippery slope to fascism, caving in to the loudest fanatical voices. The world is watching how Israel handles this.
Edited by dexterm
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twisting what?

i mean it is so funny to claim the video is fake. claiming something you dont believe.

it is totally real, accepted by officials and court.

i mean you sound like nothign to say to support this bloody murder so trying your chance by claiming this video is fake and maybe some believe that? no one is that stupid anymore!

What people see is, Israelis steal and sit on the land by burning houses and doing an ethnic cleansing and still these actions allegedly supported by bigot high ranking rabbis:


So of course with full support behind IDF soldiers even after a bloody alleged murder, sure Israeli soldiers, especially the young ones more prone to brainwashing, will continue commiting murders. Because it is supported as a righteous action by politicians and religious leaders alike, it becomes like a bragging right for IDF soldiers to kill a Palestinian.

What i see, this young murderer IDF guy just arrived there after receiving some calls from his ultranationalist zionist friends to come and kill an injured palestinian so he can brag about this to his friends and post in the Facebook like how he killed a Palestinian! And he receives handshakes and pats on his shoulders after his murder.

it looks like he is trying to pass some kind of test (by killing a wounded unconscious Palestinian like a coward!) to me, some kind of like Phi Kappa Psi fraternity test but a vicious, bloody and coward one.

and very clear, if he had explosive belt or guns, he blow or shoot all soldiers there in the first place instead of attacking them with a knife as stated by dexterm.

this is a clear example. of course there are many vicious killings by IDF soldiers but not all of them captured by a camera like this one.

Israel is losing its international support and most importantly support from US and its citizens who pays billions of dollars from their taxes to Israel.

Americans ask know: 'we support Israel for what? to let them murder unconsciousness people on the ground? to do an ethnic cleansing? burn homes and to let them steal land?'

one important thing though, the killer is just 19 years old so i cannot find the fault fully on him.

These guys receive constant brainwashing (and what i understand from some pro Zionist posters, brainwashing goes a life time though:) and they are too young to realize the consequences, it is like a game for this guy what i see from the video.

the ones that put the dog collar to this guy are the faulty ones, the ones that brainwash those young guys with racist and fascist thoughts and creating hatred.

Of course this dog needs to pay for his actions, young or old but due to this hatred war there, it is always young people pay the price and used as a tool at the end while their masters are living in US comfortably or in their nice houses in Israel away from trouble.

and sad thing is, only 30 percent of Israelis see this as wrong and 70 percent support this murderer according to recent polls!

Israel needs to stop their murders, occupation and oppression on the stolen land. They are losing all international support even from Jewish people.

In terms of propaganda war, palestinian strategy of attacking with knives only is winning(of course i hate loss of human life, Israeli or Palestinian)

Sorry no time or desire to read though the entire drivel

Did not bother after first line, so try reading again, but this time do not use google translate from Eng to Arabic and vice versa

well, i dont expect you to read anyway! i am sure there are some to read here. but i have a feeling like you read all otherwise you dont answer:)) be frank man!

and you know what, i always feel pity for the people living in denial and worse people trying to fool themselves. Because as a human being, you cannot actually fool yourself so i cannot imagine your inner self conflict within yourself. sad bc that creates psychosis.

and arabic? touch the Zionist and get labelled as Arab:) funny world. jewish people and arabs are mixed with each other, no? same gene pool, no? so if you are a jew or Israeli, you are actually an arab, dont forget your roots bro!



Edited by Galactus
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twisting what?

i mean it is so funny to claim the video is fake. claiming something you dont believe.

it is totally real, accepted by officials and court.

i mean you sound like nothign to say to support this bloody murder so trying your chance by claiming this video is fake and maybe some believe that? no one is that stupid anymore!

What people see is, Israelis steal and sit on the land by burning houses and doing an ethnic cleansing and still these actions allegedly supported by bigot high ranking rabbis:


So of course with full support behind IDF soldiers even after a bloody alleged murder, sure Israeli soldiers, especially the young ones more prone to brainwashing, will continue commiting murders. Because it is supported as a righteous action by politicians and religious leaders alike, it becomes like a bragging right for IDF soldiers to kill a Palestinian.

What i see, this young murderer IDF guy just arrived there after receiving some calls from his ultranationalist zionist friends to come and kill an injured palestinian so he can brag about this to his friends and post in the Facebook like how he killed a Palestinian! And he receives handshakes and pats on his shoulders after his murder.

it looks like he is trying to pass some kind of test (by killing a wounded unconscious Palestinian like a coward!) to me, some kind of like Phi Kappa Psi fraternity test but a vicious, bloody and coward one.

and very clear, if he had explosive belt or guns, he blow or shoot all soldiers there in the first place instead of attacking them with a knife as stated by dexterm.

this is a clear example. of course there are many vicious killings by IDF soldiers but not all of them captured by a camera like this one.

Israel is losing its international support and most importantly support from US and its citizens who pays billions of dollars from their taxes to Israel.

Americans ask know: 'we support Israel for what? to let them murder unconsciousness people on the ground? to do an ethnic cleansing? burn homes and to let them steal land?'

one important thing though, the killer is just 19 years old so i cannot find the fault fully on him.

These guys receive constant brainwashing (and what i understand from some pro Zionist posters, brainwashing goes a life time though:) and they are too young to realize the consequences, it is like a game for this guy what i see from the video.

the ones that put the dog collar to this guy are the faulty ones, the ones that brainwash those young guys with racist and fascist thoughts and creating hatred.

Of course this dog needs to pay for his actions, young or old but due to this hatred war there, it is always young people pay the price and used as a tool at the end while their masters are living in US comfortably or in their nice houses in Israel away from trouble.

and sad thing is, only 30 percent of Israelis see this as wrong and 70 percent support this murderer according to recent polls!

Israel needs to stop their murders, occupation and oppression on the stolen land. They are losing all international support even from Jewish people.

In terms of propaganda war, palestinian strategy of attacking with knives only is winning(of course i hate loss of human life, Israeli or Palestinian)

Sorry no time or desire to read though the entire drivel

Did not bother after first line, so try reading again, but this time do not use google translate from Eng to Arabic and vice versa

well, i dont expect you to read anyway! i am sure there are some to read here. but i have a feeling like you read all otherwise you dont answer:)) be frank man!

and you know what, i always feel pity for the people living in denial and worse people trying to fool themselves. Because as a human being, you cannot actually fool yourself so i cannot imagine your inner self conflict within yourself. sad bc that creates psychosis.

and arabic? touch the Zionist and get labelled as Arab:) funny world. jewish people and arabs are mixed with each other, no? same gene pool, no? so if you are a jew or Israeli, you are actually an arab, dont forget your roots bro!



I thank you for your pity, and love your knowledge of history, that would mean you are jewish?, or are you better than that,being persian?not that it makes much difference to endless rubbish being posted

So for the laughs,post some links of arabs being charged or investigated for the murder or assault on Jewswhistling.gif

Then post links to armed conflicts where on occasion soldiers did not go crazy

Once you post those links and provide balanced view, then we can have a civil discussion.

PS, Just one more request, post for me a link where arabs apologized or at least acknowledged fake video's they had produced on endless occasions.

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twisting what?

i mean it is so funny to claim the video is fake. claiming something you dont believe.

it is totally real, accepted by officials and court.

i mean you sound like nothign to say to support this bloody murder so trying your chance by claiming this video is fake and maybe some believe that? no one is that stupid anymore!

What people see is, Israelis steal and sit on the land by burning houses and doing an ethnic cleansing and still these actions allegedly supported by bigot high ranking rabbis:


So of course with full support behind IDF soldiers even after a bloody alleged murder, sure Israeli soldiers, especially the young ones more prone to brainwashing, will continue commiting murders. Because it is supported as a righteous action by politicians and religious leaders alike, it becomes like a bragging right for IDF soldiers to kill a Palestinian.

What i see, this young murderer IDF guy just arrived there after receiving some calls from his ultranationalist zionist friends to come and kill an injured palestinian so he can brag about this to his friends and post in the Facebook like how he killed a Palestinian! And he receives handshakes and pats on his shoulders after his murder.

it looks like he is trying to pass some kind of test (by killing a wounded unconscious Palestinian like a coward!) to me, some kind of like Phi Kappa Psi fraternity test but a vicious, bloody and coward one.

and very clear, if he had explosive belt or guns, he blow or shoot all soldiers there in the first place instead of attacking them with a knife as stated by dexterm.

this is a clear example. of course there are many vicious killings by IDF soldiers but not all of them captured by a camera like this one.

Israel is losing its international support and most importantly support from US and its citizens who pays billions of dollars from their taxes to Israel.

Americans ask know: 'we support Israel for what? to let them murder unconsciousness people on the ground? to do an ethnic cleansing? burn homes and to let them steal land?'

one important thing though, the killer is just 19 years old so i cannot find the fault fully on him.

These guys receive constant brainwashing (and what i understand from some pro Zionist posters, brainwashing goes a life time though:) and they are too young to realize the consequences, it is like a game for this guy what i see from the video.

the ones that put the dog collar to this guy are the faulty ones, the ones that brainwash those young guys with racist and fascist thoughts and creating hatred.

Of course this dog needs to pay for his actions, young or old but due to this hatred war there, it is always young people pay the price and used as a tool at the end while their masters are living in US comfortably or in their nice houses in Israel away from trouble.

and sad thing is, only 30 percent of Israelis see this as wrong and 70 percent support this murderer according to recent polls!

Israel needs to stop their murders, occupation and oppression on the stolen land. They are losing all international support even from Jewish people.

In terms of propaganda war, palestinian strategy of attacking with knives only is winning(of course i hate loss of human life, Israeli or Palestinian)

Sorry no time or desire to read though the entire drivel

Did not bother after first line, so try reading again, but this time do not use google translate from Eng to Arabic and vice versa

well, i dont expect you to read anyway! i am sure there are some to read here. but i have a feeling like you read all otherwise you dont answer:)) be frank man!

and you know what, i always feel pity for the people living in denial and worse people trying to fool themselves. Because as a human being, you cannot actually fool yourself so i cannot imagine your inner self conflict within yourself. sad bc that creates psychosis.

and arabic? touch the Zionist and get labelled as Arab:) funny world. jewish people and arabs are mixed with each other, no? same gene pool, no? so if you are a jew or Israeli, you are actually an arab, dont forget your roots bro!



I thank you for your pity, and love your knowledge of history, that would mean you are jewish?, or are you better than that,being persian?not that it makes much difference to endless rubbish being posted

So for the laughs,post some links of arabs being charged or investigated for the murder or assault on Jewswhistling.gif

Then post links to armed conflicts where on occasion soldiers did not go crazy

Once you post those links and provide balanced view, then we can have a civil discussion.

PS, Just one more request, post for me a link where arabs apologized or at least acknowledged fake video's they had produced on endless occasions.

man, what can i say to you. life is yours and if you would like to live in denial that is all up to you.

and call me arab, jew, persian, it does not matter and this will not change the fact that an IDF dog murdered an unconsciousness guy on the ground allegedly.

again and again, this is not an armed conflict or war. where in the world there was/is a war with one side attacking with knives and other side with full army with all kinds of powerful US guns and phosphorus bombs?

this is simply called oppression, occupation, murder and land stealing by Isreal and resistance by Palestinians for their stolen land and Israeli oppression. as simple as that.

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I don't approve of calling Arabs camel jockeys. Unless of course their literal job is camel jockey.

Majority of camels in Palestine are owned by Bedouins. Most farmers in Hebron region are doing agricultural farming. You will see donkeys, cows, goats and sheeps in this particular region.

Camels for consumption originate from the Sinai and Negev region. Here again those camels are traded by Bedouins.

Camel races are restricted in Occupied West Bank, although races are continued in Occupied Gaza, but very limited.

Both victims of OP weren't Bedouins but were identified as young Muslim Arabs. Neither has it been reported that they were camel racers.

Last year, an IDF soldier was sentenced to 4 months of prison for shooting a camel close to Jericho. His IDF friend received 2 months for filming the sad event. Here again, like in OP, excessive force was used...


If similar events wouldn't be filmed, we would never really understand what really happens over there. Moreover, it reminds me the identical excessive force used in any other colonial occupation which one day or the other will end up...and the reaction is predictable :

Edited by Thorgal
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That's a really big chip, I would comment the same if the atrocities had been carried out by Christians, Hindus, Muslims......... And as vocally defended by one of their faith. Don't think being Jewish makes you special.

It did for Jesus. He ended up being crucified.

The Romans certainly thought the jews were special enough to destroy them and expel them from their lands, creating a Roman possession called Palestine in an attempt to ethnically cleanse the group who resisted the rule of Rome.

it did for the jews of Europe over the centuries. They seemed to be slaughtered every so often. Mind you, Protestants were also slaughtered at the start of their movement. The Church of Rome did call early Protestants a scourge as vile as Jews. (No pope has ever apologized for that.)

Jews were also special enough in the middle east that approx 1 million were expelled from their counties of origin. Despite the revisionist history that was previously offered in TVF to cover up the ethnic cleansing, the UN has admitted that it recorded 600,000+ jewish arab refugees. Egypt gave its jew population 24-72 hours to leave or be slaughtered. Iraq and Syria didn't do that. They just slaughtered whatever jews were available. This is why there is such a latent hatred for arabs within the Israeli sephardic community. They lost everything and it drives them batty that they keep hearing about poor deprived arabs when no one has ever addressed what they went through.

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The whole case should be sub judice, neither the press nor politicians should be pre-judging the issue. The likes of B'tSelem and Haaretz are so loony left they may as well be batting for the other side. Nobody has yet seen fit to mention that the terrorist was wearing a thick coat on a hot day. Also Palestinian terrorists often attempt a 'double tap' readying themselves to explode at the point medical teams arrive.


..So is a Jew with a kippah in the background. Max temperature in Hebron today 15C. You'd be wearing a coat too.

"Additional videos published by B'Tselem on Sunday show the soldiers a short time after the attack, looking at ease and walking around near Sharif's body. At one point one of the soldiers can even be seen tying his shoelaces near the body."


Whereas the IDF psychopath who arrived late at the scene claims he thought his life was in danger...the standard IDF pretext for literally getting away with murder.

I can see the whitewash has begun. The usual Israeli propaganda tactics to call black white. They are well practised. They have been running the same hoax for almost 100 years now.

The videos have gone viral. The world is watching this time, and observers can see through their lies.

The videos always go viral, the Israel haters see to that. I wish the left wing Israelis would just grow a pair and say f$&k you to the world, as was Israel's attitude in the past. I suspect the world attitude to Palestinian terror is rapidly changing as terrorist attacks in Europe cause people to realize they are in the same boat as Israel.

Whilst you esteemed members froth over the death of one would be terrorist the world buries hundreds of dead innocent victims, your myopia is indeed pathetic.

precisely..Israel got away with ethnic cleansing twice before, and the OP is part of a 3rd wave.

You are only mystified because Israel doesn't seem to be able to murder with impugnity again this time. That's because the whole world is watching now via the international and social media. Smartphones may prove more deadly to the racist supremacist regime of Zionism than AK47s.

You attempt to conflate two totally different conflicts. In Europe the barbaric terrorists are ISIS trying to defend their warped fanatical interpretion of Islam. In Israel the barbaric terrorists are the ultranationlist Zionists trying to defend their warped fanatical interpretion of Judaism.

Totally different? Really?? Not even a little similar? Myopia indeed. There is a much bigger picture here. One that is not "totally " black and white. Im talking about a soldier who may have committed a crime for which punish,end is justified. And btw, Too bad the whole world wasn't watching for the last 2000+ years. Then maybe there would be a better understanding f the bagel picture. Remember - not black and white!!

Unless you're anti Semitic, in which case, ignore my post

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That's a really big chip, I would comment the same if the atrocities had been carried out by Christians, Hindus, Muslims......... And as vocally defended by one of their faith. Don't think being Jewish makes you special.

It did for Jesus. He ended up being crucified.

The Romans certainly thought the jews were special enough to destroy them and expel them from their lands, creating a Roman possession called Palestine in an attempt to ethnically cleanse the group who resisted the rule of Rome.

it did for the jews of Europe over the centuries. They seemed to be slaughtered every so often. Mind you, Protestants were also slaughtered at the start of their movement. The Church of Rome did call early Protestants a scourge as vile as Jews. (No pope has ever apologized for that.)

Jews were also special enough in the middle east that approx 1 million were expelled from their counties of origin. Despite the revisionist history that was previously offered in TVF to cover up the ethnic cleansing, the UN has admitted that it recorded 600,000+ jewish arab refugees. Egypt gave its jew population 24-72 hours to leave or be slaughtered. Iraq and Syria didn't do that. They just slaughtered whatever jews were available. This is why there is such a latent hatred for arabs within the Israeli sephardic community. They lost everything and it drives them batty that they keep hearing about poor deprived arabs when no one has ever addressed what they went through.

What is the statute of limitations on apologists??????? Personally the British PM apologising for slavery over 200 years ago it pathetic, todays population weren't involved so what's to apologise for. I do agree with you that it is this attitude that's a driving force in Israel but the inability to move on is a sign of immaturity to me.

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