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PM receives US Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights


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Why don't these foreign dips ask stuff like "Why is your country so corrupt and anti foreign"? "Why are your police so corrupt and incompetent"? "Why do you make it almost impossible for a foreigner to do business here while Thais do as they please abroad?" "Why do you throw people in prison for 15 years for merely expressing an opinion?"

But these meetings are all a waste of time, all smiles and handshakes and nothing else..Life of a diplomat while the dog on the ground suffers relentlessly day by day

Those questions are asked. Just not in public. LOL

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Why don't these foreign dips ask stuff like "Why is your country so corrupt and anti foreign"? "Why are your police so corrupt and incompetent"? "Why do you make it almost impossible for a foreigner to do business here while Thais do as they please abroad?" "Why do you throw people in prison for 15 years for merely expressing an opinion?"

But these meetings are all a waste of time, all smiles and handshakes and nothing else..Life of a diplomat while the dog on the ground suffers relentlessly day by day

Both Nations have interests , so the illusion of ""all is well"" is only very lightly scratched on the surface , ever so lightly to appease the ""do good people"" ( who expect some questions raised)

While the family style photo appeases the Thai masses to a degree.

Behind the scenes perhaps some threats on sanctions if say no progress is made .

Who knows ?

But the softly , softly approach is for now the mode.

A change of President might produce a different situation .

Politics in the region and Nations like China .

South East Asian sea claims

The Thai/ Sino relationship.

Arrests etc.

What might spike some significant changes over night with this Government will be killing civilians .

But until some civilians are brave enough to place themselves in harms way little will change.

Asked by a Thai ( a smart Alec Student on plane ) how I would fix the cycle of coups and politic divide.

I answered outlaw the junior ranks moving against the people .

Allow gun ownership similar to America for non offenders .

An armed Thai populace?

That's a scary thought.

But it amused the Bangkok elite student into thinking his safe haven may one day be under siege .

That's all it takes .


Fifty containers full of guns 400,000 guns .

And you have a major change in the Thai system.

The current government can for now pose comfortably in smug believe they are safe

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Yingluck got POTUS, Prayuth gets some under secretary of some obscure post. :P

Asked why he didn't meet with the president, Prayuth replied, ''He called and asked if he could meet me, but unfortunately I was too busy to see him that day.'' :D

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For the avoidance of any doubt - given the dishonest press release from the Thai side - here is a reliable account of what transpired at the meeting.


The opinion given on the significance of elections seems now very widely held, ie that given the rigging of the constitution and other manoeuvering by the unelected Junta and its stooge agencies, any poll is unlikely to have any legitimacy or acceptance internationally.

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Well the elections will eventually be held , ......then after even that .....another year or two before the international community say or do much .

By then ( 2020? ) the whole box and dice of "" returning Happiness to the people"" will be no more than unrepresentative swill and the status Quo of military control entrenched .

The fact they have managed to get away thus far with all they have done and continue to do without sanctions is amazing.

But that's sadly the world we live in.

People can rot in jail for no good reason and the people behind it still get invites to events .

People need to write congressmen in the US and complain now.

This whole show is a sham

Edited by Plutojames88
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