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US primaries: Sanders challenges Clinton to debate on home turf


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He comes from a guy the Southern Poverty Law Center long ago identified as a "hate group."

Youse guyz over there like to try to throw the "hate group" tag back at 'em, I know. Nobody is more intense against the SPLC than are the extreme right reactionaries.

Others however need to know how hard core the people being quoted in the post are, especially in their hostility towards the the contemporary USA.

Their opposition to Bernie Sanders shows us how normal and ordinary this extraordinary guy running for Potus is. Bernie speaks to the American future, Mises and the Austrian School of Economics speak to the idyllic and always imaginary past.

An array of right-wing foundations and think tanks support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute, founded in 1982 by Llewellyn Rockwell Jr. and still headed by him, is a major center promoting libertarian political theory and the Austrian School of free market economics, pioneered by the late economist Ludwig von Mises.

It also promotes a type of Darwinian view of society in which elites are seen as natural and any intervention by the government on behalf of social justice is destructive. The institute seems nostalgic for the days when, "because of selective mating, marriage, and the laws of civil and genetic inheritance, positions of natural authority [were] likely to be passed on within a few noble families."

But the rule of these natural elites and intellectuals, writes institute scholar Hans-Hermann Hoppe, is being ruined by statist meddling such as "affirmative action and forced integration," which he said is "responsible for the almost complete destruction of private property rights, and the erosion of freedom of contract, association, and disassociation."


Here's a description of the home planet and the oxygen-deprived environment of Mises and of the Austrian School of Economics and its adherents..

Praxeology is the distinctive methodology of the Austrian school. The term was first applied to the Austrian method by Ludwig von Mises, who was not only the major architect and elaborator of this methodology but also the economist who most fully and successfully applied it to the construction of economic theory.1 While the praxeological method is, to say the least, out of fashion in contemporary economics—as well as in social science generally and in the philosophy of science—it was the basic method of the earlier Austrian school.


Mises and Austrian Institute writers also have promoted anti-immigrant views, positively reviewing Alien Nation.

The Austrian School of Economics, at the most extreme of the extreme right.

well. explained but with too many words, I think the ones on the far right have a problem with words, especially big ones and rely more on pictures

Could you please do it again but with pictures?.

Heh...let's explain it this way, eh?


Where ever did you get in your head I support Chavez or his movement in Venezuela, to include up to the present and since his death?

With the US recognition of Cuba and the failures of socialist governments in Venezuela and in other Latin American countries, such as Argentina to name one, the United States is taking the long awaited broom to the region. The sweeping out includes Russia and Beijing each of which had thought they were going to infest South America against the United States without opposition or without being countered and expelled.

Venezuela is currently reaping the whirlwind of its whacko socio-economic policies and the anti-US ferocity of Chavez and his fellow travellers.

It's a safe bet neither Bernie nor Donald Trump know any more about this than you know of my own views, values, beliefs.

Chavez and von Mises are at opposite ends of the spectrum of political economy but both of 'em are nuts. Neither is my guy but Mises is your guy. Good luck with that one too.

von Mises' Austrian School doesn't stand up to Keynes, but he looks an economic genius compared to the neo-Keynesians who hope the people who invoke Keynesian economics never actually read him.

Edited by lannarebirth
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One piece of hypocrisy I've noted from Sanders' supporters is this. On the one hand they rail against the superdelegate system. And they should. It's undemocratic. . But on the other hand Sanders has done much better than Clinton in the caucuses but much worse in primary voting. But the caucus system is also undemocratic and should be abolished. It favors those who have the leisure and/or the income to participate. Both should be abolished.

I wouldn't call it hypocrisy. You play the hand you're dealt. In my state that's a caucus. I agree a primary would be better, but not because of available income or leisure. After all, it was just an hour on a Saturday morming. But a primary would be better because caucuses have too many peculiar rules that can be twisted locally to benefit one candidate or another.

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Where ever did you get in your head I support Chavez or his movement in Venezuela, to include up to the present and since his death?

With the US recognition of Cuba and the failures of socialist governments in Venezuela and in other Latin American countries, such as Argentina to name one, the United States is taking the long awaited broom to the region. The sweeping out includes Russia and Beijing each of which had thought they were going to infest South America against the United States without opposition or without being countered and expelled.

Venezuela is currently reaping the whirlwind of its whacko socio-economic policies and the anti-US ferocity of Chavez and his fellow travellers.

It's a safe bet neither Bernie nor Donald Trump know any more about this than you know of my own views, values, beliefs.

Chavez and von Mises are at opposite ends of the spectrum of political economy but both of 'em are nuts. Neither is my guy but Mises is your guy. Good luck with that one too.

von Mises' Austrian School doesn't stand up to Keynes, but he looks an economic genius compared to the neo-Keynesians who hope the people who invoke Keynesian economics never actually read him.

Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics he founded doesn't stand up to anyone.

For one thing they're gold bugs. Moreover, they want to destroy the US Dollar as the global reserve currency and as the dominant currency of trade. Destroy the USA.

It's also easy to see they don't care much for democracy either.

I can't imagine anyone in his right mind who thinks that quoting Ludwig von Mises puts him ahead in the game. The farthest of the far out right reveal their actual mind and purposes in using the rightist von Mises as their reference point in political economy. (Did someone just drop an armband?)

They both hate Keynes and his adherents too.

Edited by Publicus
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Where ever did you get in your head I support Chavez or his movement in Venezuela, to include up to the present and since his death?

With the US recognition of Cuba and the failures of socialist governments in Venezuela and in other Latin American countries, such as Argentina to name one, the United States is taking the long awaited broom to the region. The sweeping out includes Russia and Beijing each of which had thought they were going to infest South America against the United States without opposition or without being countered and expelled.

Venezuela is currently reaping the whirlwind of its whacko socio-economic policies and the anti-US ferocity of Chavez and his fellow travellers.

It's a safe bet neither Bernie nor Donald Trump know any more about this than you know of my own views, values, beliefs.

Chavez and von Mises are at opposite ends of the spectrum of political economy but both of 'em are nuts. Neither is my guy but Mises is your guy. Good luck with that one too.

von Mises' Austrian School doesn't stand up to Keynes, but he looks an economic genius compared to the neo-Keynesians who hope the people who invoke Keynesian economics never actually read him.

Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics he founded doesn't stand up to anyone.

For one thing they're gold bugs. Moreover, they want to destroy the US Dollar as the global reserve currency and as the dominant currency of trade. Destroy the USA.

It's also easy to see they don't care much for democracy either.

I can't imagine anyone in his right mind who thinks that quoting Ludwig von Mises puts him ahead in the game. The farthest of the far out right reveal their actual mind and purposes in using the rightist von Mises as their reference point in political economy. (Did someone just drop an armband?)

They both hate Keynes and his adherents too.

I don't much fancy gold bugs but I can take a liking to them sooner than I can someone who wants to tell me how come negative interest rates are so good for me. I mean, that's just an indefensible viewpoint unless you are so utterly sophisticated as to be a functioning idiot.

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The poster Boon Mee introduced von Mises to the thread.

The poster Boon Mee was using the most extreme rightist economist to criticise the democrat/Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders.

Then the poster Boon Mee wildly and erroneously attempted to associate Chavez and socialism in Venezuela with this poster and my views. So I pointed out his post was a complete failure due to ignorance.

The poster lannarebirth inserted Keynes and "neo" Keynesians in negative terms.

Unlike Senator Sanders, the Mises Institute and the Austrian School of political economy it advocates live in the 19th century. So do its adherents.

HRC opposes a gold standard. I dunno about Bernie or Trump....or Cruz or Kasich. It anyway is not discussed in mainstream discourse because the gold standard the Mises Institute and its adherents advocate is loonybird stuff designed to destroy the United States dollar and the USA itself.

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The poster Boon Mee introduced von Mises to the thread.

The poster Boon Mee was using the most extreme rightist economist to criticise the democrat/Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders.

Then the poster Boon Mee wildly and erroneously attempted to associate Chavez and socialism in Venezuela with this poster and my views. So I pointed out his post was a complete failure due to ignorance.

The poster lannarebirth inserted Keynes and "neo" Keynesians in negative terms.

Unlike Senator Sanders, the Mises Institute and the Austrian School of political economy it advocates live in the 19th century. So do its adherents.

HRC opposes a gold standard. I dunno about Bernie or Trump....or Cruz or Kasich. It anyway is not discussed in mainstream discourse because the gold standard the Mises Institute and its adherents advocate is loonybird stuff designed to destroy the United States dollar and the USA itself.

No I didn't, but no matter. I know you Communications majors are more interested in having control of the message than the facts. Carry on.

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Why does Bernie Sanders hate charities? Seems to possess a rather totalitarian attitude in this posters opinion. blink.png

''I don't believe in charities,'' said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ''fundamental concepts on which charities are based'' and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, sho uld take over responsibilit y for social programs.


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An excerpt from the flaccid attack piece with Sander's picture:

"Only free exchange can coordinate entrepreneurs ....that satisfy consumer needs and wants."

What do Republicans know of 'free exchange' in the marketplace? Rich Republicans are among the first to start screaming for Federal and State hand-outs whenever one of their corporations or banks or money-manipulating schemes starts unraveling. Republicans can talk about 'free exchange' or 'open markets' or 'level playing field' but their actions (and receiving hundreds of billions of taxpayer hand-outs) show the opposite.

Just one of many examples: a slew of the biggest banks, most of which are run by right-wingers, were given tens of billions of dollars by the Feds (actually by a small cadre of Goldman Sach's executives hand picked by GW Bush). They gave tens of billions, not just to the ailing banks, BUT ALSO TO BANKS WHICH DIDN'T NEED OR WANT HAND-OUTS! Of course all the banks took the money shoveled onto their laps. But it gets better: The banks got the money for a very low interest, but they were directed to loan the same money out (average 6 times) FOR HIGH INTEREST. So the right-wing controlled banks got taxpayer money with they didn't deserve or need, and used it to make a heap of money off American consumers. That's worse than socialism!!!! that's the government directly padding the income of select large bankers' personal wealth.

If Socialism is Bernie at the door of the very rich, asking for some trickle down money for the struggling masses, then Republican economic policy is like a wall of mud covering an entire village.

Trusting Republicans with economic policy is like trusting a Republican taking money at a church gathering (a $1 per ticket raffle for a cake), and when no one's looking, the Republican slips out the side door with all the raffle money.

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton voted FOR the Troubled Asset Relief Program (bank bailout). When did they join the Republican party?

TARP actually made money, unlike any program that is being proposed by the two Democrats now. All they want to do is spend.

Don't let a few facts get in the way of one of your rants.

TARP was a creation of the Goldman Sachs multi-millionaire execs which Bush Jr. appointed to deal with the meltdown at Wall Street. The same GS execs who were up to their eyeballs in creating the problem. I like Obama, but I think one of his failings was to not only vote for TARP, but to keep the same GS sheisters in charge when Obama took office. HRC voted for TARP, as did most Democrats. Again, though I like HRC overall, I think that was a mistake. America had gone through 2 years of plummeting housing prices, and then it looked like Wall Street was going to crumble, so all the Republicans, and most of the Democrats felt they had to kowtow to the demands of GS execs appointed by Bush. To his credit, Sanders didn't vote for TARP. He was among the few politicians who had the vision and courage to allow failing (and badly managed) corporation to fail. AIC (the world's largest insurance corp) would have failed also, which would have sent ripples around the world. Ford and/or GMC would have crumbled also, but new and better-run companies would have cropped up like mushrooms after the first good rain.

Washington insiders had a chance to let the free market function, but chickened-out and instead shoveled hundreds of billions of dollars to their corporate buddies who were already multi-millionaires. That's one of the prime appeals of Sanders. He wouldn't kiss corporate bosses' butts. He would let the markets compete fairly: A business is either successful on its merits, or fails because it's badly run (or its products/services are shit or overpriced). Republicans can't fathom that. At the first sign of trouble for a large corporation, Republicans go charging to Washington, screaming for tens of billions of dollars of immediate bail-outs.

I will happily admit old Bernie has lit a fire under some of the more radical students in college and has gotten them involved in at least the protest side of things. Do you really believe they will still be so fired up when Bernie is sent to the showers by the bought and paid for super delegates?

They're going to moan and cry and return to their safe zones, never to be bothered again by all those micro aggressions.

I hardly know where to begin with your usual anti-Republican rant and massive overload of misinformation on TARP.

In the first place, Bush did not and could not submit a bill in Congress nor could he vote on it. Only Congress can submit legislation and vote on it. The President can propose legislation but his powers stop at the front door of the Capitol building. During the last two years of his Presidency both Houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats. You're going to have a hard time pinning TARP on the Republicans.

Now on to those baddies at Goldman Sachs. Yes, GS did benefit from TARP to the tune of $10 Billion. Bet you didn't know they repaid $11.42 Billion to the government for a net profit to the taxpayer of $1.42 Billion. You need to find another corporation to vent your spleen on. GS ain't it.

You might want to try General Motors and Chrysler.

General Motors received TARP funds in the amount of $50.744,648,329 and still owe the taxpayers $11,401,677,128. Those are Billions with a "B".

Chrysler received $10,748,284,222 and have an outstanding balance of $1,212,849,005 remaining to be paid. Again Billions with a "B".

Did some banks fail to repay the bailout. Sure they did, but if all government programs were run the same way TARP was, the individual taxpayers would be much happier and wealthier.

TARP disbursed $619 Billion and made, to date, a net profit of $69 Billion...and Obama dispatched about half of the total.

Obamacare should be so profitable.

Are there REALLY some knuckle draggers out there (still) that don't know TARP made a profit? That's in addition to doing what it was intended to do which was to save a huge amount of American jobs?



What about the knuckledraggers who voted against the tarp bills. In 2008 the majority of house republicans did just that. In 2009 it was a majority of both Senate and House Republicans who voted against it.

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Bernie Sanders Praising Communists...

Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts. smile.png

If you ignore the bias Fox Business right wing 'love in' commentary Bernie makes some good observations of Socialist and even Communist ideologies. It is all in getting the balance right and the execution of policies. Such old clips that demonstrate Bernie has been ahead of his time ideologically for a very long time.

Instead of having Right Wing propagandist 'noddies' fawning over each other in total agreement why not get Bernie on air and have a discussion and a debate on policies. Oh yeah right, sorry forgot much easier just to spew Right Wing propaganda.

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Why does Bernie Sanders hate charities? Seems to possess a rather totalitarian attitude in this posters opinion. blink.png

''I don't believe in charities,'' said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ''fundamental concepts on which charities are based'' and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, sho uld take over responsibilit y for social programs.


Absolutely correct. I totally agree with Bernie on this issue. If a government is doing its job properly there should be absolutely no need for people to beg for charity. A liveable wage, worker representation, fair distribution of wealth, the wealthy elite 1%'ers and Corporate America paying their fair share of tax, publicly funded higher education tuition, affordable health care, affordable pharmaceuticals. Once you have these policies in place there is little to no need whatsover for people to have to beg for charity.

Well done Bernie. Making the bleedin obvious, bleedin obvious.

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Why does Bernie Sanders hate charities? Seems to possess a rather totalitarian attitude in this posters opinion. blink.png

''I don't believe in charities,'' said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ''fundamental concepts on which charities are based'' and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, sho uld take over responsibilit y for social programs.


Hard day at the office for Boon Mee.

Two posts

24 words written

A cut and paste

One video

One link

The brain cell must be exhausted.....

Looking forward to tomorrow's 'words of wisdom meme' from your favourite white supremisist economist....

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The poster Boon Mee introduced von Mises to the thread.

The poster Boon Mee was using the most extreme rightist economist to criticise the democrat/Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders.

Then the poster Boon Mee wildly and erroneously attempted to associate Chavez and socialism in Venezuela with this poster and my views. So I pointed out his post was a complete failure due to ignorance.

The poster lannarebirth inserted Keynes and "neo" Keynesians in negative terms.

Unlike Senator Sanders, the Mises Institute and the Austrian School of political economy it advocates live in the 19th century. So do its adherents.

HRC opposes a gold standard. I dunno about Bernie or Trump....or Cruz or Kasich. It anyway is not discussed in mainstream discourse because the gold standard the Mises Institute and its adherents advocate is loonybird stuff designed to destroy the United States dollar and the USA itself.

No I didn't, but no matter. I know you Communications majors are more interested in having control of the message than the facts. Carry on.

One's focus on one's own post is fully understandable. It's plaintiff nature can readily obtain a certain presumptive innocence, no posters excluded.

Your post introduced Keynes and "neo-Keynesians" to the thread.

You are welcome here to elaborate on John Maynard, all neo-Keynesians, Bernie Sanders and anyone else that might be related to the topic.

Your post that, paraphrasing, neo-Keyensians would recognise the error of their ways if only they would read Keynes is a statement that can catch the eye. Which is why this poster made a reply. And now another reply.

Your serve...

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Why does Bernie Sanders hate charities? Seems to possess a rather totalitarian attitude in this posters opinion. blink.png

''I don't believe in charities,'' said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ''fundamental concepts on which charities are based'' and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, sho uld take over responsibilit y for social programs.


Absolutely correct. I totally agree with Bernie on this issue. If a government is doing its job properly there should be absolutely no need for people to beg for charity. A liveable wage, worker representation, fair distribution of wealth, the wealthy elite 1%'ers and Corporate America paying their fair share of tax, publicly funded higher education tuition, affordable health care, affordable pharmaceuticals. Once you have these policies in place there is little to no need whatsover for people to have to beg for charity.

Well done Bernie. Making the bleedin obvious, bleedin obvious.

Not long ago a friend reacted to something I did by calling me a Socialist. I corrected him by telling him that I am NOT a Socialist because I made a personal choice to do what I did where as a Socialist demands the gov't force people to do it. BIG difference.

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Yes indeed. The 9 most terrifying words in the English language:

"We're from the government and we're here to help"

In many cases in the past... Would agree that would be the case.. But not always and does not need to always be the case

Wouldn't it be grand to actually have a gov. By the people and FOR the people

Maybe we will never get there , but does not mean that all should give up hope forever and accept a gov by the politicians FOR the politicians

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Yes indeed. The 9 most terrifying words in the English language:

"We're from the government and we're here to help"

That is a standard and traditional conservative political mantra so that is fine as far as it goes. It is a fundamental precept and a long held principle of conservatives so it can be rationally and reasonably argued.

Coming from the fringe right however, it is anarchy and nihilism. It is reactionary, it is radical, it indicates a slash and burn mentality across the board. It presents the real probability of a major disturbance to society and to political order.

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Yes indeed. The 9 most terrifying words in the English language:

"We're from the government and we're here to help"

An appraisal of Reagan's impact: "In fact, the number of free-market achievements by the administration are so few that they can be counted on one hand—with fingers left over" https://mises.org/library/sad-legacy-ronald-reagan-0

This from your kind of people right?

Or has Ronnie's beatification washed away all memory of his actual contribution to the destruction of the American economy and working man.

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Sanders is winning Wisconsin... and he will win a lot of delegates ... but Hillary and the status quo Democrat machine will get a bunch of Super Delegates and negate all those roused up peoples' vote for Sanders... Democrat does not equal Democracy ,,,,

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I fail to see what about HALF of the posts on this thread have to do with Sanders and his challenge to Clinton or vice versa... Leftists bashing conservatives who mainly exist in the Republican Party and Leftist bashing all Conservatives with a deliberate pejorative of Right Winger... has nothing to do with Sanders a Leftist who has fell off into Socialism. Democrats will decide the future of Sanders and Hillary in their primary campaigns - I fail to see what hashing and trashing the opponents who are dealing with another primary all together has to do with Sanders and Clinton in their primary...

So we have 12 pages of posts and only a small percentage has anything to do with Sanders and his Challenge to Clinton ... Amazing ...

Twelve pages lead by the Wall Papering Expert discussing another topic far removed from Sanders and Clinton...

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It's still going to be a near impossible task but the win in Wisconsin by Bernie is very meaningful .. As cut the lead a small bit on pledged delegates

Also help ls to create momentum into Nee York Primary

At the end of the day is going to be a long hard road but only way to have any real chance to chip away at the super delegates is for Bernie to end up with a lead in pledged delegates by the end of the primary process

As if not, it leaves the DNC the excuse that even if super delegates voted in the same % as pledged delegates... Would still be a win for Clinton.. So 'non Issue'

Also who really believes any of the super delegates would switch unless they know that by switching , they backed the winning

Switch to Bernie but Clintons still gets nomination? Political suicide for them.. DNC will be funding their opponent next election for sure

The original purpose was to try and crush Sanders and make all believe she was so far ahead in the delegate count to bring all democrats to her...

That failed.. So above will be the next likely position..

So every win and pledged delegate is important

Edited by CWMcMurray
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How cool is this....

The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


"I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

Edited by CWMcMurray
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How cool is this....

The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


"I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

Bloomberg Media, a strong supporter of the Clinton campaign tried to throw shade on Bernie's April 15th trip to the Vatican. Vatican hierarchy quickly shut them down.


What, you may ask, will Hillary Clinton be doing on the day Bernie flies off to give his speech in Vatican City? She will be doing her damnedest to lay out in stark relief the differences between her's and the Sanders campaign.


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How cool is this....

The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


"I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

Bloomberg Media, a strong supporter of the Clinton campaign tried to throw shade on Bernie's April 15th trip to the Vatican. Vatican hierarchy quickly shut them down.


What, you may ask, will Hillary Clinton be doing on the day Bernie flies off to give his speech in Vatican City? She will be doing her damnedest to lay out in stark relief the differences between her's and the Sanders campaign.


And by difference you mean while Bernie is talking about social justice... She is fund raising with corporate elites with 350 k per plate dinner?

So illustrating her position on money in politics

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How cool is this....

The Pope has invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican... Is this for real?


Not Cruz.. The bible thumper... But Bernie due to his secular beliefs in social justice


"I am delighted to have been invited by the Vatican to a meeting on restoring social justice and environmental sustainability to the world economy. Pope Francis has made clear that we must overcome 'the globalization of indifference' in order to reduce economic inequalities, stop financial corruption and protect the natural environment. That is our challenge in the United States and in the world."

... Cruz must be foaming at the mouth ...

This has got to help him continue to build momentum going into New York

The Pope feels The Bern... How about you New York?

Bloomberg Media, a strong supporter of the Clinton campaign tried to throw shade on Bernie's April 15th trip to the Vatican. Vatican hierarchy quickly shut them down.


What, you may ask, will Hillary Clinton be doing on the day Bernie flies off to give his speech in Vatican City? She will be doing her damnedest to lay out in stark relief the differences between her's and the Sanders campaign.


And by difference you mean while Bernie is talking about social justice... She is fund raising with corporate elites with 350 k per plate dinner?

So illustrating her position on money in politics

You have distilled it down to its essence. thumbsup.gif

Edited by lannarebirth
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The Pope? Why?

No votes there Bernie. Anti abortion, homophobes and anti gay rights Catholics are staunch Republican voters. Pointless trying to convert those across to progressive thinking. Just isn't going to happen Bernie.

Bernie has the 'perfect storm' at the moment he needs to capitalise on that. The 'Panama Papers' tax evasion, 'Corporate Inversion' Tax Dodgers, '$360K Celebrity bribery fund-raisers' he needs to be loading all this crap up into a big cannon and letting fire. A non stop assault.

There is over $1B of Koch Bros. money coming online being invested to protect the wealthy 1%'ers, Corporate Greed, Fossil Fuel polluters, Big Pharma etc etc etc so Bernie doesn't have a moment to spare on converting Republican Catholics.

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The Pope? Why?

No votes there Bernie. Anti abortion, homophobes and anti gay rights Catholics are staunch Republican voters. Pointless trying to convert those across to progressive thinking. Just isn't going to happen Bernie.

Bernie has the 'perfect storm' at the moment he needs to capitalise on that. The 'Panama Papers' tax evasion, 'Corporate Inversion' Tax Dodgers, '$360K Celebrity bribery fund-raisers' he needs to be loading all this crap up into a big cannon and letting fire. A non stop assault.

There is over $1B of Koch Bros. money coming online being invested to protect the wealthy 1%'ers, Corporate Greed, Fossil Fuel polluters, Big Pharma etc etc etc so Bernie doesn't have a moment to spare on converting Republican Catholics.

White Catholics are 18% of the electorate. What religion do you think most Hispanics are? Even if it were a calculated political move, which I think it only partially is, it makes sense. It's go big or go home time for Bernie.

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The Pope? Why?

No votes there Bernie. Anti abortion, homophobes and anti gay rights Catholics are staunch Republican voters. Pointless trying to convert those across to progressive thinking. Just isn't going to happen Bernie.

Bernie has the 'perfect storm' at the moment he needs to capitalise on that. The 'Panama Papers' tax evasion, 'Corporate Inversion' Tax Dodgers, '$360K Celebrity bribery fund-raisers' he needs to be loading all this crap up into a big cannon and letting fire. A non stop assault.

There is over $1B of Koch Bros. money coming online being invested to protect the wealthy 1%'ers, Corporate Greed, Fossil Fuel polluters, Big Pharma etc etc etc so Bernie doesn't have a moment to spare on converting Republican Catholics.

Most Catholics subscribe to the social justice aspect of the churches teaching over the fire and brimstone elements favoured by evangelicals and the loony right...to the extent that many evangelicals don't even think Catholics are real christians (we hear a similar line here on TV from our keyboard warriors with another one of the abrahamic faiths....but I digress).

It makes perfect sense for Bernie to suck up to the pope, as it will resonate with most catholics regardless of ethnicity. However it is as about as far as bernie will go to get any type of religious vote me thinks.

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