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Donald Trump’s campaign manager charged with battery


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Look at the video - there was no assault. Why should he admit guilt?

Her facial expression doesn't even change - which it would if she'd been hurt. She'd not even touched on her forearm where she claims to be bruised.

You really see an assault with hands, feet, fist & teeth there as she first reported? Or any assault at all?

In the US, grabbing someone can be deemed an assault. If I was a sidewalk huckster in NYC, and I grabbed your arm (and pulled) while you were walking by, you could slap assault charges on me. Trump's campaign manager is a big boy and he knows about such laws. Politics can be dirty sometimes. Trump goons can dish it out, but they lock arms like Mafia tough guys (with a long string of excuses/denials) when things get sticky.

You may be right... I just "hope" he can make a big win out of the insanity. For all his "bluster", he makes some good sense to me. Somebody needs to take down the "Elite" "Insiders" or the US will go the way of the Roman and every other fallen empire

Are you joking? Trump is about as 'inside' as a billionaire New Yorker can be. He's been wheeling dealing, contributing to all sorts of election campaigns, rubbing shoulders with every sort of Wall Street huckster since his daddy gave him 2.5 million $$'s when he got out of high school. He's as insider as a huckster can get. And yes, all empires fall eventually, and Trump, if he gets to the White House, will be a prime facilitator for the demise of America. That will have many Arabs, Chinese, Iranians and N.Koreans cheering, among others. They're probably now all hoping he'll get elected, particularly ISIS. Trump will be a godsend for swelling ISIS recruitment numbers. Indeed, Trump may convince many rich Arabs who would ordinarily stand on the sidelines and watch the M.East burn, to step up and donate big money to ISIS - when they see a NEW SATAN in the form of gold-plated Trump. I'm not hoping for that, I'm just saying Trump inspires hatred and retribution like no one since Saddam Hussein.

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Just picked this off the internet. Looks like the prosecution is all about politics and not about an assault.


Put on Florida Democratic Party's campaign-endorsing council
Published: 3 hours ago
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
I'm certain the liberals will attack the source so let's put an early stop to that nonsense.
Following is a link to the Palm Beach Post article in 2015 showing the prosecutor is, indeed, part of Hillary's election team.

Whenever I am looking for hard hitting political analysis I always dial up the Palm Beach Post.

Seriously Chuckd I think your extreme Right Wing ideology makes you lose touch with reality. Trumps campaign manager assaults a woman then him and Trump try to lie and cover it all up and excuse it. You have absolutely lost your mind if you think you can spin and lie your way out of this one your dreaming. There is only one way this will play out with the female electorate, none of it good. Coward sucker punching men, sure you can probably spin your way out of that one but beating up and assaulting women? Good luck with that one.

You don't need to be a brain scientist to work that one out.

Buddha give me strength.

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Trump just keeps cozying up to women. He's such a male Oprah Winfrey:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals.

I know he's trying to woo the Ted Cruz voters & Evangelical nutcase right, but he's sounding more Taliban than Teabag. tongue.png


It is getting harder to make the argument that he is not on the Democrat's payroll.

Every time he opens his mouth, he's pretty much guaranteeing a GOP leadership ambush at the convention. Even I am surprised at the neophyte level of sophistication and absolute crassness and lack of finesse of this guy.

The biggest "mistake by the lake" in Cleveland would be the GOP establishment allowing this guy to be the nominee and lose to Clinton by massive and historic margins.

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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

A typical response from the misogynistic Trumpeteers. All women are bitches to the Trump team. It isn't surprising why Trump and the Republicans have no support from women. The November election will finish the Republican party for good. It's no different for any of the other Republican candidates. They're all neanderthals.

I don't care about this incident. It seems like a minor kerfuffle to me, although the response speaks loads for where women stand with these guys.

What is so beautiful about all this is what it's done to expose Breitbart as in the tank for Trump. The accusations set off an internal battle within Breitbart. Many of Fields' colleagues wanted to support her. Several staffers, including an editor and Breitbart's PR manager as well as Fields herself, quit their jobs in protest of Breitbart's refusal to believe Fields. The publication and its editors told its reporters to stay quiet and then publishing a screed that cast doubt on Fields despite an eyewitness, pictures of her bruises, some video, and an audio account. Fields also faced considerable online harassment from Trump supporters. On Tuesday, those journalists were vindicated. The Trump staffer, Corey Lewandowski, now faces assault charges related to the incident. Video released by the Jupiter, Florida, police department appears to back the claim of Fields.

Meanwhile, Breitbart staffers were fed up.That Friday, Breitbart spokesperson Kurt Bardella resigned and called out the company for lying. He also said that its coverage had purposefully favored Trump.The next Monday, Fields resigned. Ben Shapiro, and editor-at-large for Breitbart, also left. That same day, two other staffers resigned — national security correspondent Jordan Schachtel and editor Jarret Stepman.
Not that Breitbart ever had ANY journalistic standards anyway, its true colors have shown brightly as nothing but a source for "party-line Trump propaganda."
It's all good. The Republicans are blowing up their party. Don't blame the Democrats for any of this. This is all wingnut stuff. I can't wait for the Republican convention. I foresee a cluster eff of epic proportions.
Everyone looks bad here. Breitbart looks ridiculous. Trump looks like a jerk. Even Ann Coulter was taken back by the viciousness that the Trumpetts went after Breitbart people, their former allies! When Ann Coulter is ashamed of something...
I'm loving every minute of this election. Expect to see more crazy incidents as the jackals turn on each other. It's a beautiful thing to behold.
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Any and all Trump supporters, <deleted>. Trump brings nothing to the table, no experience in government, reality show host (gee Jerry Springer up next for the GOP?), questionable businessman, complete and utter, crass, pompous, jerk of a human being.

So you Trump follower geniuses, after all the women bail on voting for your guy, all the minorities, most intelligent people (yes, chuckd's judge, surprise huh) who is going to remain to vote for the pompous pompadour? No one, slaughter in November, should be fun.

BTW- one big Trump supporter line is that he is not part of the political "establishment". Well his right hand man Corey Lewandowski is, the last four years he has been with the Koch Brothers Super PAC.

So you can throw that BS out the window too.

Down with Trump and his followers.

Edited by CharlieH
insulting remark removed.
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Change doesn't necessarily mean better. Donald is the world's premier salesman, so he constantly says things that will get people riled up. It gets him free publicity, and he can claim everyone who is angry (at DC insiders or migrants) is on his side of the issues. Yet, doing things differently doesn't necessarily mean they will be better. You'll notice Trump doesn't articulate on policy statements. Instead, he'll make sweeping crowd-pleasing vague statements, with lots of repeats. Every sentence is lavished with superlatives (greatest/worst, wonderful/awful, huge/stupid), and then his minions are left to fill in the spaces.

In contrast, thinking people know that all those issues are many-faceted. There is no silver-bullet cure for any of them (though Trump supporters can't fathom that). Trump supporters are like people who have just been dumped by a lover and/or can never make a romance work. They pine away the hours hoping their knight in white armor comes galloping along to make everything right. Along comes Trump who promises them "You will be so happy with me!" (an actual quote from Trump, after his NH win), and the minions lap it up while pumping their fists in the air.

Note: Trump probably said the exact same words ("you will be so happy with me") to his first couple of wives. Look how long those flings lasted. Well, that line seems to work for him, when he wants to F' someone.

I think you are correct... about most of this. It is cause to remind me that Trump is the best bad option (IMO), not the best choice. I cannot say I have liked a president in my adult life so perhaps my bar is fantasy.

Oh your bar is fantasy, arj, and you've got a lot of delusional company here. thumbsup.gif

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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

What! Fox news trolling to show Trump protesters in a bad light. Tell me it isn't so. They wouldn't do anything like that, surely. lol

Trump Campaign manager gets charged with battery and Trump gets caught out trying to cover it up and what is Fox News strategy? "Hey look over there" lol

Something seriously wrong with Trump and Republican supporters.

More power to the protesters.

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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

What! Fox news trolling to show Trump protesters in a bad light. Tell me it isn't so. They wouldn't do anything like that, surely. lol

Trump Campaign manager gets charged with battery and Trump gets caught out trying to cover it up and what is Fox News strategy? "Hey look over there" lol

Something seriously wrong with Trump and Republican supporters.

More power to the protesters.

Megyn Kelly is getting serious payback for his "blood coming from ... wherever" crap.


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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

What! Fox news trolling to show Trump protesters in a bad light. Tell me it isn't so. They wouldn't do anything like that, surely. lol

Trump Campaign manager gets charged with battery and Trump gets caught out trying to cover it up and what is Fox News strategy? "Hey look over there" lol

Something seriously wrong with Trump and Republican supporters.

More power to the protesters.

LOL...you were the guy holding the "Union" sign up?

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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

What! Fox news trolling to show Trump protesters in a bad light. Tell me it isn't so. They wouldn't do anything like that, surely. lol

Trump Campaign manager gets charged with battery and Trump gets caught out trying to cover it up and what is Fox News strategy? "Hey look over there" lol

Something seriously wrong with Trump and Republican supporters.

More power to the protesters.

Megyn Kelly is getting serious payback for his "blood coming from ... wherever" crap.


What's really going to be entertaining now is watching every female reporter going after him in questions & interviews and him losing it even further.

I wonder if those lady reporters will then ask him if he is on the rag? laugh.png

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Presuming you liberals have actually watched the video, did any of you really see this happening?

In her own words...

"Trump acknowledged the question, but before he could answer I was jolted backwards. Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken."

"Campaign managers aren’t supposed to try to forcefully throw reporters to the ground, no matter the circumstance."


Yeah, I didn't see it either. I'm a senior citizen by quite a bit and would have no trouble throwing her to the ground.

She's nothing but a publicity hound. No wonder she can't hold a job.

Oh, by the way, the prosecuting attorney is refusing to answer any questions about his connection with the Clinton campaign.

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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

Trumps got the misogynist vote sewed up!rolleyes.gif

Perhaps ... But that doesn't mean an assault took place

Watched the video about 5 times and couldn't see any assault

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I know most TV members detest Fox News, but since most TV members also detest Trump....I had to post this Fox News Segment....which really captures the moronic/crybaby/lowlife mentality of anti trump protesters.


Don't blame Fox News....as these are really the people that are protesting, and trying to instigate Trump "Violence" at his ralleys. I suppose for the purpose of drawing negative media attention.

They should stay home, and collect government handouts, while they are still available. These people will soon be working...lol.

What! Fox news trolling to show Trump protesters in a bad light. Tell me it isn't so. They wouldn't do anything like that, surely. lol

Trump Campaign manager gets charged with battery and Trump gets caught out trying to cover it up and what is Fox News strategy? "Hey look over there" lol

Something seriously wrong with Trump and Republican supporters.

More power to the protesters.

LOL...you were the guy holding the "Union" sign up?

lol I think our Union Delegate had, had a few under his belt.

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Presuming you liberals have actually watched the video, did any of you really see this happening?

In her own words...

"Trump acknowledged the question, but before he could answer I was jolted backwards. Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken."

"Campaign managers aren’t supposed to try to forcefully throw reporters to the ground, no matter the circumstance."


Yeah, I didn't see it either. I'm a senior citizen by quite a bit and would have no trouble throwing her to the ground.

She's nothing but a publicity hound. No wonder she can't hold a job.

Oh, by the way, the prosecuting attorney is refusing to answer any questions about his connection with the Clinton campaign.

You angling for a vacant Campaign Manager gig Chuckd. lmao

You would fit in well mate. Send your resume to Trump.

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Yes, Trump fans, I'm sure that this is all a left wing plot who have now infiltrated the courts and the police, which have for so long been the strong arm of liberal bias... wait... wait... that's not right...

Or maybe someone just committed a crime? I see no point in this video where she touched Trump. I do see where she was yanked away, however. Also, this woman works for Breitbart, one of the farthest right wing news organizations that are around (not including neo-conservative blogs/sites). I hardly think this was a trump assassination job when they write puff pieces for Trump all the time.

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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

Trumps got the misogynist vote sewed up!rolleyes.gif
Perhaps ... But that doesn't mean an assault took place

Watched the video about 5 times and couldn't see any assault

The right has to watch it 12 times.

...yet, even then......

Trump is hollering she touched him, which everyone on the right sees no matter what. Reckon Trump is being self-restrained and above the fray by not filing his own charge...as he hollers each day and flaps his arms against the writer and in defense of his fellow wild radical Lewandowski.

It's central to reiterate police are tired of the Trump rally violence by Trump supporters promoted by Trump's wild rhetoric and that police do not look forward to the Republican National Riot and Convention in Cleveland. Perhaps worse, whatever follows it the rest of the campaign.

The tradition peaceful non violent civil disobedience inherent to politically competing voices is one thing, the thuggery of violent responses is quiet another matter. So the latter needs to be checked by the rule of law.

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I'm a Brit and simply follow the US nominations process out of interest. Have no idea who would be best President for the US as there are so many factors of which I'm unaware.

However, the first thing that occurred to me on this 'incident' is that the dirty tricks departments are in full flow. (Bit like our UK referendum).

Some years ago a guy - who was deputy Prime Minister - punched a heckler right in the face. John Prescott was his name.

All I see now is shrieking women on Fox News condemning the Trump aide assault, as though it was the end of the world. Earlier in this thread someone talked about '5 minutes of fame' for the unfortunate victim. Think there's some truth in that.

I will watch with interest to see how the dark forces in Washington try and manipulate to Republican Convention to keep Trump out.

As I said, I know not if he is the right guy for President, but when there were about 17 potential nominees I guess he had to be outrageous to ensure he stayed in the race against the likes of Jeb Bush etc.

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The beauty of this kerfuffle is the interaction between Trump, Fox and Breitbart. The old gang ain't what it used to be, eh?

Note how the wingnuts are trying to drag HRC and the "liberal media" into this. No, this is all right wing insanity. Som nom na.

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This is a


What is seen in the video above is not a battery, neither is it assault, but it is a joke that charges have been filed and warrants raised and issued.

But why even the need to file charges, when you can just lock the guy up? Hold him in Guantanamo and then after a decade without being charged fly him home in a rickety plane with a suicide pilot, problem solved, right? Edited by Gulfsailor
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This is a


What is seen in the video above is not a battery, neither is it assault, but it is a joke that charges have been filed and warrants raised and issued.

But why even the need to file charges, when you can just lock the guy up? Hold him in Guantanamo and then after a decade without being charged fly him home in a rickety plane with a suicide pilot, problem solved, right?

Sure. If you deem him to be a terrorist, that works for me.

However, I do not think that even the most ardent Hilary supporter would deem Lewandowski to be a terrorist.

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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

Trumps got the misogynist vote sewed up!rolleyes.gif

Perhaps ... But that doesn't mean an assault took place

Watched the video about 5 times and couldn't see any assault

Visual evidence is immaterial in politically driven instances like this. You must be able to place yourself in the victims mind at the time of the incident to understand the emotional toll

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Trump's campaign is like Thailand - .....getting publicity for all the wrong reasons.

And some of the news is being created by those outside the campaign

I wouldn't call the campaign manager "outside the campaign".....

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Trump's campaign is like Thailand - .....getting publicity for all the wrong reasons.

And some of the news is being created by those outside the campaign

I wouldn't call the campaign manager "outside the campaign".....

I wouldn't either

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Another bitch wanting to make a name for herself. I am so tired of these bitchs.. They just make creat incidents to test their feminine political power in this new sick world.

C'mon. Is that comment really necessary? Women are not bitches. If this was a male, you would have said he had balls, and what a tough hombre etc.

I believe the charge is idiotic and this is a bogus event. It does not however merit anyone being called a bitch. Thank you.

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The beauty of this kerfuffle is the interaction between Trump, Fox and Breitbart. The old gang ain't what it used to be, eh?

Note how the wingnuts are trying to drag HRC and the "liberal media" into this. No, this is all right wing insanity. Som nom na.

I believe this goes far beyond right wing insanity. There is a core group of people I consider a threat to the USA, a homegrown 5th column who act and do as they please without any respect for the US Constitution or the rule of law. These people all seem to share some very dangerous positions and to be collectively insane. I don't know if Cruz and Trump quite grasp how dangerous they are and that they shouldn't pander to them. It wasn't too long ago that these wackos were accusing Bush and the illuminati of 9-11, alleging the moon landings were fake, that Ruby Ridge and the Waco debacle were plots by the the US federal government etc. Some of these wackos also believe that aliens visit them in their trailer parks and probe their anuses.

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