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Video: Runaway 18 wheel truck smashes into cars after brakes fail


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Video: Runaway 18 wheel truck smashes into cars after brakes fail
Thaivisa News

Run for your lives- it's a runaway truck!

PRACHINBURI:-- All is reasonably quiet on a Prachinburi country road Monday when the unexpected happens in a viral video shared on Facebook.

An 18 wheel truck coming down the hill suffers expected brake failure and that is the end for several pick-ups, another 18 wheeler with trailer and a police motorcycle all left scattered over the Kabinburi-Korat road.

The poster of the video says they are lucky to be uninjured. Nine others were not so lucky but there were no deaths. The driver of the vehicle at fault Thongsa Wanseub, 52, had to be extricated from the crushed cab of his truck which was laden with sugar.

Passersby and other road users ran for their lives as the careering truck barrelled down the hill called Khao SanJao Phot Phu Thon. Initial police investigation indicates brake failure as the likely cause of the accident.

Credit: Toy Apclub. Starts from 2 minutes.

-- 2016-03-31
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An 18 wheel truck coming down the hill suffers expected brake failure due to the inherent inability of the local population to understand what maintenance is and what it's important and that is the end for several pick-ups, another 18 wheeler with trailer and a police motorcycle all left scattered over the Kabinburi-Korat road.

There. I fixed it for you.


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Just the other day,there was an article,of how Haulage companies

could overload their trucks if they received permission from

Land dept.going down hill,if you have been trained,you do not

use your brakes excessively,but use low gears and the engine,

to slow you down to a manageable speed.not the case here I think.

regards Worgeordie

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guess the trucks in thailand with air brakes don't have a parking brake button

on the dash board,pull the button and all the air brakes lock up

even school bus's in the states has the parking brake button

you can't move the truck until the button is pushed back in

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I've driven this road many times. On the steep section down to Kabinburi there are 2 lanes down and one up but of course with trucks crawling up at 10kph everyone is overtaking going up too, crossing the double yellow lines to do so, and not just where you can see what is coming either. The vehicles parked on the hill in front of the big truck will not have helped. I suggest he lost control when he came round the bend, saw the stationary trucks and tried to swerve round them because his speed was too high. I doubt brake failure was the cause, more driving too fast to cope with an unexpected blockage in front. He has just passed an emergency gravel trap which he could have used if his brakes had really failed.

I wonder what happened to the black pick up overtaking like an idiot before the incident. maybe he reaped his due reward.

Many accidents on this road including a big bus accident involving school children a few years back which first led to the call for the double deckers to be taken off the road, or at least stability tested. Difficult to widen it as it separates 2 national parks where the animals are supposed to be able to cross between them in order for the Dong Payayen complex to retain its world heritage status. In fact there are supposed to be animal bridges by now. In a Western country there would be a tunnel through the mountain, but i don't think they like the idea of road tunnels here, and with the construction and driving records I can see why that might be a problem.

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Already can't wait to see this guy in prison or heavily fined really soon, just so we got something to compare to the chick and the mercedes dude news that we are hearing so much about right now....you know, "justice" and all Oo

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I've driven this road many times. On the steep section down to Kabinburi there are 2 lanes down and one up but of course with trucks crawling up at 10kph everyone is overtaking going up too, crossing the double yellow lines to do so, and not just where you can see what is coming either. The vehicles parked on the hill in front of the big truck will not have helped. I suggest he lost control when he came round the bend, saw the stationary trucks and tried to swerve round them because his speed was too high. I doubt brake failure was the cause, more driving too fast to cope with an unexpected blockage in front. He has just passed an emergency gravel trap which he could have used if his brakes had really failed.

I wonder what happened to the black pick up overtaking like an idiot before the incident. maybe he reaped his due reward.

Many accidents on this road including a big bus accident involving school children a few years back which first led to the call for the double deckers to be taken off the road, or at least stability tested. Difficult to widen it as it separates 2 national parks where the animals are supposed to be able to cross between them in order for the Dong Payayen complex to retain its world heritage status. In fact there are supposed to be animal bridges by now. In a Western country there would be a tunnel through the mountain, but i don't think they like the idea of road tunnels here, and with the construction and driving records I can see why that might be a problem.

does it sound bad if I wished the black pick up was on of the cars that was hit? sick of impatient drivers cutting by driving on the opposite lane...they do get what they deserve

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guess the trucks in thailand with air brakes don't have a parking brake button

on the dash board,pull the button and all the air brakes lock up

even school bus's in the states has the parking brake button

you can't move the truck until the button is pushed back in

Don't forget that Panic button only works 100% IF All the Brakes are adjusted/Maintained,,We always had to check the adjustment of the brakes before going down the mountain ranges in Australia thumbsup.gif

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The work ethics of the people working on cars, and the lack of any responsibility (checking,

maintaining the truck) by the driver and company they belong to results in many unnecessary

and some deadly accidents ....

Again the zero accountability comes in to play ...

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Not long to wait now until 12th April and the midnight prayer after which Thainess "driving while smiling" will become reality. Not forgetting the Thainess driving stickers and the training and encouragement of classic(sic) Thai driving values.

Another problem fixed. Perhaps we could have more midnight prayers for other law and order problems besetting the Country.

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if you study this video, how can ANYONE, scooters, motorcycles, cars, pick ups, vans, big trucks expect to be able to get through this total STUPIDITY on the part of every driver in this video. EVERYONE contributes to the total chaos going on here.

The jackknifed truck going down hill had to slam on his brakes to dodge cars in his lane that are passing other cars that are stopped astride the double solid line taking up two lanes, including a lane in the opposite direction, while passing a truck on the LEFT. Cars that are passing going up hill on a blind curve! Too bad it was not raining and at night and throw a bus and railroad crossing in the mix.

guaranteed if you went to this exact spot today you would see the same total chaos going on.

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