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Changin' attitudes?


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If I was a Thai hooker, I don't imagine it would be me who chose the men rather than vice versa.

If you were a Thai hooker, I bet tourism and the expat population would be reduced significantly

You haven't seen me in my miniskirt.

Not that I know of anyway - what street corner?

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A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

Well then, you are not a fool.

For many Thai it is near 6 years pay.

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A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

Well then, you are not a fool.

For many Thai it is near 6 years pay.

I know several oil/mining/military workers who get more than that a month.

I was given more than twice that as a leaving bonus from my last employer.

Edited by BritManToo
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A friend of mine yesterday said "If a Thai girls takes you for US$20,000 and that is all you have, your a fool but if you are a multi-millionaire it is only a lesson". We have too many of these fools showing up each week in Thailand.

I don't think $20k can be considered a lot.

Well then, you are not a fool.

For many Thai it is near 6 years pay.

I know several oil/mining/military workers who get more than that a month.

I was given more than twice that as a leaving bonus from my last employer.


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Plenty of scummy farang around taking advantage of Thai women.

Plenty of scummy Thai women taking advantage of foreign men too.

But rather less Thais calling other Thais scum, I think.

Well your first point gets mentioned plenty of time on TVF........but essentially u r 100% correct sir.

Still, it always amazes me how stupid westerners actually are. They lob up with all the real odds stacked against them, bed down with the worst of the worst then moan when they get bit.

Some of them do it again and again. For example, I know of one pathetic farang who lets just say is a morbidly obese 50 something year old grub with an absolute vile character. This guy is a plain outright nasty individual. He works away somewhere back in his crao dark dingy, cold and wet country in his 9-5 job as a salesman until he scrapes away enough money to afford an airfare to Thailand with some accomodation in seedyville tourist zone, soi drop kick.

After squeezing his XXXXXXL sized backside into the plane seat and back out again he arrives and moves as fast as his chubby little legs will allow so he can start trawling sois looking for any buzzard that might have low enough standards to goto bed with him. He's well versed in the process and eventually hooks up with some slapper, who he makes his new companion and of course she's a lucky girl afterall she gets to share all her time over the preceding weeks with this fat sweating vile nasty individual.

During the forts hip old blubberguts actually forgets it's a financial relationship and of course like any business transaction the workforce likes to move on when the funds dry up.

At this point enraged, old blubberboy releases a tirade of abuse onto everyone and anyone before retreating to his taxpayer sponsored dark mouldy and dingy abode back in crapsville. Still extremely dissatisfied with his "lost love' and the few thousand euros he's lost he immediately jumps on the Internet and starts spewing vile around the world via forums, blogs and possibly even other modes of online cheap & nasty jargon.

So tell me, who's scamming who here?

Anyway, old blubberguts soon gets busy in his mundane job, working 9-5, feeding his fat multilevelled chin with takeaway, madly saving his pennies for his next Thailand adventure where he will do it all over again. Naturally he spends his downtime, spewing more bile across the World Wide Web and using his modified bottom buddy to manipulate his genitals which are otherwise unreachable.

Let's face it, old blubberguts is scaming himself and there's thousand of these stupid individuals turning up each week......sure they're not as all bad as blubberguts, but they vary by degree, that's all.

The Thais figured out what was going on, long, long, long ago.

Thais certainly did figure it out, yet thousands of buffalo still roll off their planes daily, wads of cash at the ready, believing that the females that are prepared to be with them are honestly interested in them.

Take your pal blubberguts for example. He probably rocks up to his favourite girly bar in Soi Sloppyseconds and feels like a famous film star with all the attention from the working girls. He eventually waddles out with a young doe-eyed twenty-something, complete with train-tracks on her teeth and the ubiquitous trampstamp(s). The poor sap believes that she likes him and probably thinks he is helping some poor girl and her family with his largesse. (Talking of your pal blubberguts' largeass, isn't it a good job that the bargirls don't charge by the kilogram??)

For a short time (or should it be short-time?) he imagines he is Prince Charming, although to the rest of the world he is more akin to Kung <deleted> Panda. Soon he is wedging himself back into the plane to fly home, having promised his tirak that he will come back for her as soon as he can, although she must understand that he's a very important and busy man (in his own little world).

She, on the other hand, is filled with relief as the nausea abates and nips round to the arrivals hall.... NEXT!

It's the pity the airlines don't charge by the kilogram, that would of course be perfect.

Old blubberguts wouldn't even get to Thailand cos he couldn't afford the FREIGHT CHARGES 555555

People like him shouldn't be allowed to fly.....serious safety issue having someone that large on an aircraft, if he fell over during flight or ran down the isle quickly the aircraft could pitch up and enter an aerodynamic stall, the pilots would lose control and everyone would be killed.

Danger I say, danger !

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