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Oat Transports' latest craze


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I'm wondering which lunatics idea it is.......at "the dreaded Oat Transport" ...to encourage their operators to drive around with "Hazard Warning" lights continuously flashing....

Does this twit ....and do these individuals....not appreciate that vehicles following them have no idea when, and which direction they are planning to change course to

Today I followed three of them on Beach Road weaving from lane to lane without a care in the world about the confusion they were causing

Surely the Police notice this latest dangerous craze.....and the misuse of hazard lights.......

Rant over ?

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The Thai's appear to use the lights to indicate they are going straight on. Actually it can be useful at non-prioritized cross roads - of which there are many!

However they also use them to indicate they know they are double parked. It's almost a stupid apology on their behalf.

I agree with the Op about these buses. It must be a 'man' thing or they are not quite sure what their next maneuver is going to be - likely scenario.!!

Also, I've seen them changing a tyre on the main highway 36 and not using the warning light. Bizzare.

What I really hate is when they flash their headlights at you when you are clearly waiting at a junction for them to pass.

They really love their lights until ti comes time to switch on headlights at dusk. Then it 'save the battery' time.

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Train road its a regular thing. Bus speeds up and puts on flashing hazard lights expecting impunity. They are driven by dirt bag brainless retards with IQs under 70...sorry i mean just a little more intelligent than a pick up driver. I am angry because of the 2 near death experiences i had this week.

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Pea brains of the highway,

Nothing new. and that's just the police !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheesy.gifgiggle.gifcheesy.gif

I do believe that most public service vehicle drivers, have no care for people

on there vehicles at any point in the day, its just a driving job to them.

money come , F- the rest bah.gif

Edited by onemorechang
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Train road its a regular thing. Bus speeds up and puts on flashing hazard lights expecting impunity. They are driven by dirt bag brainless retards with IQs under 70...sorry i mean just a little more intelligent than a pick up driver. I am angry because of the 2 near death experiences i had this week.

Easy.....I'm a Revo driver.........hope it wasn't me your talking about ???y

Then again......at our ages....every day is a "near death" experience. ?????

Edited by DD13
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A couple of weeks back, I was waiting for the right-turn signal at the Klang/Second junction and watched the OAT bus steaming up from Beach with the hazard flashers on. Not knowing if he was going to turn left onto Second or plow straight on up Klang, I waited even though I had the filter light by then. He went left and masterfully centered his empty bus over the white line, inching a bit left and bit right but blocking two lanes, hazard flashing all the way. My BP was up a bit by the time I managed to undertake him just past Soi 6, whereupon I eased over in front of him, turned my hazard flashers on and rolled to a slow stop, keeping a couple of meters from the right kerb like any good Thai parking job. I was a bit miffed that he didn't get confrontational and hit his airhorns and lights but I did note he had turned his bloody flashers off when I slowly pulled away.

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According to the video shown during the driving licence training , it is actually illegal to use the hazard warning lights while the vehicle is moving, just shows how many of them have been trained /paid any attention!

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According to the video shown during the driving licence training , it is actually illegal to use the hazard warning lights while the vehicle is moving, just shows how many of them have been trained /paid any attention!

Also, I think you will find it is also illegal to leave the engine running in an unattended vehicle. (It certainly is in the UK).

How many times have you seen pick-ups etc parked outside 7/11 or whatever with the engine running but no driver?. Must keep the air con going!

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A couple of weeks back, I was waiting for the right-turn signal at the Klang/Second junction and watched the OAT bus steaming up from Beach with the hazard flashers on. Not knowing if he was going to turn left onto Second or plow straight on up Klang, I waited even though I had the filter light by then. He went left and masterfully centered his empty bus over the white line, inching a bit left and bit right but blocking two lanes, hazard flashing all the way. My BP was up a bit by the time I managed to undertake him just past Soi 6, whereupon I eased over in front of him, turned my hazard flashers on and rolled to a slow stop, keeping a couple of meters from the right kerb like any good Thai parking job. I was a bit miffed that he didn't get confrontational and hit his airhorns and lights but I did note he had turned his bloody flashers off when I slowly pulled away.

I can understand your anger. I just wonder if he did it on purpose on the basis that - "If they don't know what I'm going to do they will let me through". Wouldn't surprise me, unless he had just left his hazard lights on after dropping of a group of Chinese while double parked on Beach Road.

In any event, a real pain in the backside.

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I think OA Transport is in direct competition with Pegas over which companies drivers can be the most hazardous to other traffic

It can really be fun at the Huai Yai intersection going North bound at Sukhumvit when OA Transport is the first in line to make a right and Pegas sneaks up into the left turn lane so that when the light changes 3 lanes of traffic go down to one because of the piggy bus drivers who always have to be first

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Its truly is bizarre that the slowest accelerating and braking, least maneuverable, worst visibility, and most dangerous vehicles on the road (tour busses) drive around with complete disregard for everyone else. I still don't know why they are in such a hurry. Is it really that important to get the Russian and Chinese from one crappy venue to another that quickly?

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Its truly is bizarre that the slowest accelerating and braking, least maneuverable, worst visibility, and most dangerous vehicles on the road (tour busses) drive around with complete disregard for everyone else. I still don't know why they are in such a hurry. Is it really that important to get the Russian and Chinese from one crappy venue to another that quickly?

Might is right. Size rules in the jungle.

The sooner they get there, the sooner they can sleep in the hammock in the luggage hold. Plus they need to get there ahead of their colleagues in order to prove their manliness.

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