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Train bus crash kills two, injures over 30


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There's a very high possibility that the bus driver couldn't see the train coming.

Unfortunately, had he been very focused on the two cars crossing the railway.

There's no sign that the train driver even tried to hit the brakes. A useless loss of lives. RIP and a speedy recovery for the injured ones.

He also couldn't hear the horn blasts from the train because his stereo/TV was too loud, so totally innocent.

As trains weigh many tons, and have very long stopping distances, perhaps they should be the ones to give way at level crossings. This would prevent injury and death to the blind and deaf morons that can't negotiate a level crossing safely, the idiots that drive on to crossings while the road beyond is blocked, and the chancers who reckon they can make it across in time.

No. similar to general boating rules, right or wrong, the more maneuverable craft is supposed to give way. The tracks are pretty big clues that their might be a train coming at some point. Pretty much no excuse for being on the tracks in a functioning vehicle and still getting hit by a train

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There is a crisis in the quality of drivers that are licensed to transport the public in this country. They really need to make it much more difficult to get a license. They need drug testing on a random cycle, safety checks, and a cap on hours per day in the drivers seat.

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although the driver has obviously made an error - I doubt if he could see the train - the passengers did though1 you can see the reversing lights come on just before impact.. why were the warning lights own the crossing not working? Why was the train not slowing down before a faulty crossing with no barriers.

tome this is a series of factors that have come together to bring about this tragedy.

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it seems that rather than look intelligently at the videos, many TV members can't wait to engage in the blame game.

firstly it is disrespectful to those who were injured, lost their lives or are bereaved, secondly it is the most asinine way of analysing a collision.

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Accidents don't just happen, they are caused by human or mechanical failure.

This incident is completely due to driver error. OK, lights and barriers would have helped, but as an advanced driver and ex driving instructor, I know that if you cannot see, because of sun, fog or anything else, you stop. The driver of this bus should never have entered the crossing if the sun was blinding him.

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BKK-Nam Tok.

Isn't that the special tourist train that runs to the River Kwai (Death Bridge and beyond) only on weekends?

One of my favorite tourist excursions.

Let me fix that for you......One of my favorite tourist executions...

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My very simple advise to stop this shit.....Bus companies KNOW about unmanned crossings..........Incredibly dangerous places...

Tour buses have a CREW........Crew member gets out........Looks left and right.......Even has a stick to plant on the rails to feel/hear a train.........HE/SHE tells driver it is OK to cross.....So simple....

Cannot krab, assistant sleeping in his bed. Better invest in more lights on the bus and airbrush so the train can see bus coming.

Did the train horn by the way?

Trains sounding the horn must be the norm, judging by the BKK to Chiang Mai train.

The horn was blasted at every crossing, and it seemed never-ending!

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My company used this bus company before, they are actually located in the area. They went to pick up passengers this was just the start of the journey. So to say they don't know the area or some other excuse is not valid.

The incident is completely avoidable, bus driver drove onto the tracks without looking out for trains, in this incident by the time he saw the train, he could not react quick enough. Its understandable that the angle he was turning, he could not see the train coming from the other side at all but still not excusable. On all buses there are bus assistants, the bus assistant also failed at his/her job.

On the news they said the system was actually installed, but not yet operational was suppose to start in the coming weeks.

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My very simple advise to stop this shit.....Bus companies KNOW about unmanned crossings..........Incredibly dangerous places...

Tour buses have a CREW........Crew member gets out........Looks left and right.......Even has a stick to plant on the rails to feel/hear a train.........HE/SHE tells driver it is OK to cross.....So simple....

555! nice 1 mr Am but what youre suggesting involves common sense. an easier version might consist of the driver asking the crew to look up from her candy crush game and just check if the line is clear..... but even that is a big ask as i know from 1st hand experience when asking the gf to check the road when my van is in a blindspot at junctions...
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Are there any speed restrictions on the train?

It seemed to be approaching at a hell of a rate for an unguarded crossing!

RIP the dead and get well soon the injured.

Maybe the bus driver was listening to Dylan's Slow Train Coming on his iPod?

R.I.P. the two innocent passengers

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it seems that rather than look intelligently at the videos, many TV members can't wait to engage in the blame game.

firstly it is disrespectful to those who were injured, lost their lives or are bereaved, secondly it is the most asinine way of analysing a collision.

if you were to actually spend time driving on the roads here you would be able to apportion the blame in most accidents without even seeing a video. theyre so predictable you wouldnt be able to get good odds betting on them. i usually see 5-10 crash worthy incidents every time i drive to town.
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it seems that rather than look intelligently at the videos, many TV members can't wait to engage in the blame game.

firstly it is disrespectful to those who were injured, lost their lives or are bereaved, secondly it is the most asinine way of analysing a collision.

Whether you look intelligently at the videos, or stupidly, this accident should never have happened if it weren't for the driver and his assistant

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I think it is unlikely the driver saw the train...however it is far more likely that the train driver saw the bus.......so one would like to be sure that the train was braking at the time. Presumably the line is known to the driver as well? ....and that there are barrier-less crossings?

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In the second bit of footage it shows people driving/riding by and not bothering to stop to give assistance.

Life is cheap in the Land of Smiles.

they probably U turned and went back to stand there gawking and uploading selfies to farcebook....my gf is showing the bodies to me now
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it seems that rather than look intelligently at the videos, many TV members can't wait to engage in the blame game.

firstly it is disrespectful to those who were injured, lost their lives or are bereaved, secondly it is the most asinine way of analysing a collision.

if you were to actually spend time driving on the roads here you would be able to apportion the blame in most accidents without even seeing a video. theyre so predictable you wouldnt be able to get good odds betting on them. i usually see 5-10 crash worthy incidents every time i drive to town.

If you think driving experience is down to it bear two things in mind - the bus driver was probably quite experienced....it beggars belief how many expats drive on the roads of Thailand and learn absolutely nothing.so does that put him in the same category as you? It would appear you are in the blame game which would indicate you know absolutely nothing about analysing videos or collisions.

Secondly I probably have more experience of driving in Thailand than most TV members - the difference being that I take and intelligent, analytical view of road safety, regardless of what country I'm driving in.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Totally the bus drivers fault... I doubt he even looked... And lost his gamble that a train might be coming... If he couldn't see he should not have risked his passengers lives... A total idiot...!

Darwin rules

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No flashing lights at the crossing. No drop down gates. Okayyyy, but you telling me the bus drive can't see that big <deleted> train coming at him???? Sorry, but I seriously hope the bus driver was one of those who were killed.

I'm just wondering, at that time in the morning and from the CCTV it looked like he was possibly looking into the sun. I know of a few crossings exactly like that in the early morning late afternoon. Sad RIP

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My very simple advise to stop this shit.....Bus companies KNOW about unmanned crossings..........Incredibly dangerous places...

Tour buses have a CREW........Crew member gets out........Looks left and right.......Even has a stick to plant on the rails to feel/hear a train.........HE/SHE tells driver it is OK to cross.....So simple....

You'll receive the "Wurlitzer Prize 2016."



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I think it is unlikely the driver saw the train...however it is far more likely that the train driver saw the bus.......so one would like to be sure that the train was braking at the time. Presumably the line is known to the driver as well? ....and that there are barrier-less crossings?

It sounds like you prefer to blame the train driver. I am sure he enjoyed every second of the experience - wondering if he would be killed in the approaching collision as he knew the train could not stop in the time available. I am sure he will enjoy reliving the experience in his dreams for the rest of his life.

Or maybe you feel that trains in Thailand should maintain a safe stopping speed of say, 4 kph, so that even the complete morons would be able to dash in front of the train any time they feel.?

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it seems that rather than look intelligently at the videos, many TV members can't wait to engage in the blame game.

firstly it is disrespectful to those who were injured, lost their lives or are bereaved, secondly it is the most asinine way of analysing a collision.

if you were to actually spend time driving on the roads here you would be able to apportion the blame in most accidents without even seeing a video. theyre so predictable you wouldnt be able to get good odds betting on them. i usually see 5-10 crash worthy incidents every time i drive to town.

If you think driving experience is down to it bear two things in mind - the bus driver was probably quite experienced....it beggars belief how many expats drive on the roads of Thailand and learn absolutely nothing.so does that put him in the same category as you? It would appear you are in the blame game which would indicate you know absolutely nothing about analysing videos or collisions.

Secondly I probably have more experience of driving in Thailand than most TV members - the difference being that I take and intelligent, analytical view of road safety, regardless of what country I'm driving in.

Sounds like your vast experience of driving in Thailand has taught you that Thais cannot be blamed for such extreme stupidity as shown in this incident. Even if they are putting 50 innocent lives in mortal danger by their reckless actions, Thais can do no wrong and Farangs have no right to criticise.because as we all know, accidents happen in other countries too.

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